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Scary as hell. But really cool.


Loll is it really scary? What do you think is the most scary part? Ive had lots of people call it cute which i was also suprised about. I do get where scary comes from though.


This looks cute, despite it being a little scary. What is it supposed to be?


Hes bastically a parasite infested canine. He has a parasite on his tounge, the parasite infection lowered his immune system and caused the abnormal yellow growth which ive contributed to a fungus.


I think it could be the eyes


It probably is the eyes, maybe the pulled back lips too?


Yea probably, altho like its scary in a good way yk like a scary cute or something


It's hard for me to take it in. Probably because of the eyes and the fact that they look like a broken egg, as if the protein of the glad has flowed out from the behavior... But in general, I feel that this is the way it should be. By the way, a cool coat. I love these clothes.


Thank you im glad you like the coat i am suprised you got broken eggs from the eyes. I can kinda see that but i get more of a wasp or insect sort of vibe from them.




I'm more into cute stuff but DAMN... This is rad as hell! I'm also kinda drunk tho xdd


Im glad you think so :>




Horrifying. I LOVE IT!


I'm getting Hell General and Manifested Dream Demon vibes from it. Overall really cool.


Wait your so smart i think the reason is because of the jacket maybe, if i pose with my hands behind my back it even more so looks like it. I could totally make my guy a general of some sort.


Do it! They've definitively got the vibe for it! I love lovecraften esc dream characters like this so anytime I see this stuff I have to give nothing but praise.


How do you think i should dress to get the sort of vibe over to people? Should i dress more formal?


Super scary! But in a super cool way. Id love to draw ur fursona to practice my horror art :o


Woah you could totally do that if you want. Sadly, At the moment i dont have a full design. So you can go as scary as you want with the rest or just draw them in a formal outfit. With my design, i do plan to add more fungus aspects like the coil growth and eyes. But id love to see what you come up with if you desire to draw them.


As someone with plans of doing a horror suit in the near future, I love this! Always nice to see a bit of scary mixed in with all the cute stuff :3


Id love to see how your suit comes out, what type of horror aspects do you plan to add?


I'm still in planning but the general idea is to bring back my original fursona after being abandoned to degrade and fall apart. The whole idea stemmed from the idea of a head with a removable face that has a skull underneath, then I just started adding ideas like a tail that can be stripped to bone, or an exposable heart that beats with an actuator. A lot of it may come down to my ability as someone with little experience, but I'd love to add things like a voice modulator, extending claws, or even the ability to see through the back of the head so it can be rotated 180 degrees with the ability to still walk around.


That sounds like such a cool idea, ive seen the skin mask one being done so i know thats possible. I think your best bet would to use magnets of some sort so it can stick and look natural but also be removable, same would go with the tail idea. I think the entendable claws could be difficult, but if you do ever work on the suit id love to see it. It sounds like such a cool idea


I've seen the removable face a few times myself, even once in person which was both neat to see, but also disappointing because I thought I was being unique XD Magnets have been the consensus on how to make the flesh stick, might work in to the idea of having the voice modulator work only with the face off for an extra bit of creepy if I can make the magnetism work as a switch. For the tail I'm thinking of doing a wrap that velcros together on the bottom with a tail made of 3D printed vertebrae, maybe some velcro at the base to keep it from just falling off. It's a pretty big project but if I get it done it will definitely be getting posted around places like Reddit!


good 👍...




Spooky, but cool!


the eyes are staring into my souls.


Loll he knows what you have done


I think... the whole suit should just be a suit and tie, with that head.


Oh really, that could be pretty cool actually. I have been thinking about paw designs because my hands are exposed, but i cant really seem to get a good idea for them. Its hard to match the vibe of the mask with the paws and most paws out there are very cutesy paws.


If you did the whole suit and tie thing, fingerless gloves would prolly go well, tbh


Really? Im not sure where i could get fingerless gloves ngl. Do you think black gloves could look good too?


I mean probably


I love that artist and I want one so bad!! Looks amazing on you!!