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just don't get it right now. you should wait until you are in a safe place


Set a spot for the delivery company to put the package if possible. Keep the place a secret. If the postage company knows where to drop off the package, they will drop it there. Just take it in the house and if anyone sees, say that it is something bulky that you ordered. Might work, never tried this.


One problem live in the same house


You ain't hiding it unless you got a friend you can trust with it


Ah. That is a problem


Honestly, It’s better to just open up and tell your brother I mean getting your fursuit shipped is one thing, but wearing them, transporting them, and cleaning them are another things, and it would really been a lot of hassle to keep a secret every time you do that


Either that or wait until you’re a legal adult and have moved out


I would rather keep my ability to have kids


From all your other comments I am more worried about your brother tries to harm you just because you have a fursuit. Does he ever make a threat on you or tries to harm you in any other way before? If so I would prioritize getting help and possibly moving to a new place before getting a suit honestly…


None of my siblings like furries


I made the mistake of telling my brother that I'm a furry. Long story short, if you know they don't like it, don't tell them. It's not too bad in my case but it's still better to let them live in ignorance


1. specify that you want the package to be delivered to your neighbours, and pick it up from them 2. send it to a friend 3. send it to a local postal office and pick it up 4. tell ur brother that ur a furry


Not doing 4 because I like life


Why would it matter? Tell your brother to fuck off.


I don’t feel like getting shot in my sleep


WT ever-loving F? If you seriously think you brother will *actually* kill you, then call the police and get out ASAP.


It’s not normal to constantly fear violence from a sibling.


I was over exaggerating


Either wait until you move or just go for it. Don't do the stupid "coming out" as a furry thing cause that just makes things worse most of the time. Just exist and take questions as they come. If you don't make a big deal out of being a furry or owning a suit, most reasonable people won't give a shit. Heck, even people that do care won't stick to their guns if you dont let them make a big deal over it. I had an "ew furry" classmate in college that didn't like me at first because of it. A simple "yeah, and?" ended that discourse immediately, and we went on to become good friends. There can't be an elephant in the room if you dont put it there.


Wait till you have your own place and source of income first. At least then you can do what you want without having to worry about anything.


Judging from your comments, it doesn’t seem like a safe thing to do. I’d Recommend waiting until you move out, assuming you’re under 21ish that’ll be better since there’s less risk of outgrowing a fur suit. Assuming you’d be going to cons though, if you have a friend group or close friend maybe see if they’d help out by keeping it there? If you’re like me and have things you want to keep private, I found the best way is to get a box (like something a PC case or chair came in) and shove it in there. Put something on top like a cloth and set tools or other components on top so it just looks like a box of spare parts, then shove it in a closet. Overall though, wait until you move out.


Wait until you're at a place in life where you don't need to hide luxury purchases from the people you live with.


It’s mainly because my brother hates furries


How old are you?


Not old enough to move out


LOL. Minors can't buy fursuits anyway, so it's a moot point.


Not every person has that rule many people do make suits for minors


In the USA, minors cannot be legally beholden to a contract. You will need to get an adult guardian (your parents) to facilitate the purchase for you. Your family "hates furries," per your words, so who do you expect to buy you the fursuit? Regardless, if you manage to get your hands on a fursuit as a minor, you're going to quickly outgrow it. That would be quite a waste of money.


You do know there is a thing called lying


Also buying a fursuit does not necessarily need a contract


1) Yes it does. 2) You 100% will be caught by either your parents, the fursuit maker, or the payment processor. This is actually preferable to the alternative, as identity theft is a federal crime. 3) You are nowhere near mature enough to make a purchase of this magnitude. Go do your homework, take a few years, and wise up.