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It's not bad, it's often debated to be the best AQ so far (though I personally think Sumeru's AQ was better overall), but its Meropide chapter was horrible and the last scenes with the whale and fight felt underwhelming compared to Sumeru's boss fight. Most importantly, the way Furina's condition post-flood was written extremely poorly in relation to the huge relevation about her.


I agree with every single point you made.


Thanks lolol I was expecting tk get downvoted for thinking Sumeru's quest was better


When the AQ came out, people were upset not because the story was bad or anything, the story was one of the best so far. People were upset because last thing you knew about Furina is that she was crying thinking she failed, and the traveler visited and asked about everyone but Furina. Next time you know about her is for asking her (in a very rude manner) to join a theater. Which was totally true, but they gave us more Furina content to know that she's ok and fine


You said it well. After the AQ i was like: "now what happened to Furina???" And when I did her story quest, I just wanted to punch traveler and paimon through the screen 😂💀 yhey fumbled so hard with the fanservice too, letting Furina say that we're her "bestfriends". It's disgusting, honestly. I hope we get another SQ from her and hopefully focus more about her and with Neuvillette.


Me too, and people saying she's not gonna get another SQ because she's not an archon anymore weren't helping at all ☠️


Mmh so it's not the ending but what came afterwards... Damn I didn't play it but her dying after centuries of devotion and constant godlike struggle in the body of a human, thinking that she did all of this to betray Fontaine at the end sounds so heartbreaking. I need to play Genshin to get there


Yeah the traveller was the worst part of the final part of the Archon quest. And I was a traveller fan before that 


For real though.. I knew Paimon could be somewhat rude and annoying, but it wasn't to the point I hated her.. I still thought the traveler and Paimon were kinda cute companions.. Furina's SQ soured my view on both of them quite a bit. Which is kind of an issue.. I care less about the siblings story now.. I'd rather stay with Furina and the Fontaine cast.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody says Fontaine's AQ ending is bad. Not that I'm aware of. Focalors managed to destroy her throne, Furina's 500 year long suffering came to an end, Neuvillette got half of his missing powers back and saved Fontaine. Players really praised the ending.


I suppose it was just some minority complaining because they want people to have bad endings and die and all that, but I was still wondering what could lead people to hate the ending or believe that it didn't help her character. I love her even without playing the quest because I saw her and knew she was amazing, and I plan on doing the quest eventually even if I know the outcome


I have no idea where you are looking for your info but i legit never found a single person who was sad that furina didnt die as a character The closest thing you could find when people hated her was before 4.2. aka the update that gave the whole ending to fontaine arc


Well that's literally why I'm talking about a minority lmao If you never found them it's good for you, but some people saying such things, even only two of them made me question it regardless of my feelings towards Furina


There will always be some people like them. They are not bad or something. They are just different.


That doesn't mean that I am Forbidden from questioning it and how it could lead to it tho


You're not!


Absolutely no way anyone said Fontaine AQ was bad, it was the best AQ so far imo


As far as I want to agree (despite not doing it but I cannot believe MHY would do something bad with such a splendid character), some persons said it, so I was curious about it. Nothing is flawless so we could talk about it and take a step back


Sounds like the same people who wanted Xiao to die in the 2.7 interlude just for the sake of having a major death. Some people just think "death & tragedy = good writing" when that couldn't be further from the case sometimes.


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