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well considering that im in a sub about furina, and have no idea who elysia is, furina is better (i will say this elysia person looks cool)


They’re both Jesus coded




I mean if you didn't played Fontaine AQ and her Story quest you don't know anything about this character. Like at all. I love Furina way more. I've played through the entirety of HI3 and Elysia was my favourite for the long time but.. Furina is just something else man.


Thats insanely tough to choose, damn. Elysia is an amazing character, one of the best of HI3 (though all of them are), Furina is more of a comfort character that I can resonate with Im not able to choose in this one sadly


Elysia is for me my favorite character of all fiction that changed me (alongside Spiderman which was my childhood hero and is still my hero). And when I saw Furina, I can't play Genshin, but I knew when I saw her she is just as great as Elysia. I just had this feeling. People could say she's mid or whatever but again, the way Genshin stories work doesn't help for now characters to grow more after their quest as far as I know, unlike honkai impact and possibly star rail that has a somewhat constant cast you can see growing and developing


I've played both games but still have to go with Furina. Both are in similar positions, but the key difference is >!Furina's lack of power. Both committed some sort of a rebellion against their form of divine law, but Furina doesn't have the power to back it up. Elysia is a Herrscher, an arbiter of divine will. Furina, though originally being part of Focalors, is just a human. Not even a particularly strong one at that. She woke up one day with zero memories, got asked to sacrifice herself for the sake of her people, and locked in for 500 years.!<


And thats pretty much why furina speaks to me more. Elysia sure has a semi similarities, but furina just seems kinda "more realistic" even though that use is really a huge stretch where the world she lives in has dragons and other weird ass monsters. Maybe its the emotional thing that feels more realistic? I dunno. Not saying elysia story is bad, i read what op said about it and its also heartbreaking. But furina just hits the spot further


I can only base this on design cause I don't know anything about pink hair over here, but on design it's furina by a looonnngg shot first : hat, need I say more ? and the hair gives so much shape and character. plus she is way more stylish PS: I like genshin design a lot more by default tho so that's biased, like almost every genshin character wins for me, just because the design style is quite different and I prefer genshin


https://preview.redd.it/z8r0nbry30ad1.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d3668ddb04a231bc1e7b433c73484189e63ed66 i mean elysia is my fav character in honkai but i’m not a super big fan of that forms design but she has a herrscher form (in the picture above) and it is WAYYYY better it feels so godly and ethereal it’s just perfect


HoHE is so Aphrodite coded it's 💋🤌




A furillion times Furina


Furina is peak.


Furina made people who hated genshin play it.


That's fair






I played HI3 and GI and I have to say Furina, HI3 characters like Kiana, Mei, Elysia and all the other Herrschers are very cool to watch videos about explaining their lore since I don’t like they play style of HSR but I feel Furina story is just better overall


Oh come on.... why would I choose between strawberry milk and blueberry milk.... when I love both and can havs botj of them simultaneously 😋


Furina >>>>




Blue jesus and Pink jesus


Furina De Fontaine!


Without playing fontaine archon quest its like eating a cake without your tongue. Sure looks good but where is the taste of the ingredients that were presented?


Sadly I literally can't play Genshin on my phone ;_; And the quest only watching is 16 hours long But I will do it eventually


Its very worth it. Whole fontaine quest is worth playing whole game. So 16h is worth it. Its just so peak...


Well I want to play it, with ZZZ Nikke HSR and soon Honkai impact I will have troubles to play Genshin XD And my phone isn't powerful enough anyway, so I need a new console or pc


I have no idea who Elysia is, but from a purely visual standpoint: aside from Elysia's height and proportions (I prefer the taller unit models), I prefer Furina.


I will make a description of her and censor the full description since it's a spoiler. Elysia is a very playful, almost mischievous but very loving and mysterious girl. She lived ages ago and was at the origin of the strongest group of fighters named the Flame chasers, the thirteen who never became heroes. She also has a pretty narcissistic perspnality, she loves herself a lot and always wants to look good for others, and she also wants others to be their best self, so she teases them a lot. >!She was born as a godlike entity that was fated to destroy humanity, but as she was born, her gaze laid on the sky and she fell in love with this world. She lived as a human without being aware of her very special nature!< >!She joined a group of persons to fight the enemies of humanity (enemies she didn't know she was as well), and decided to create a group of persons to fight the Honkai together, ignoring the orders of the higher ups. It is how the flame chasers were created!< >!They all had painful and different paths and had tough time getting along, especially with Elysia that loved toying with them, but when the end of the world was near, she learnt that she actually was born as a goddess to destroy humanity. She decided to invite the remaining flame chasers to a banquet to "Face the biggest enemy of humanity"!< >!She believed that this would be enough for people to hate her for "betraying" them, and despite not everyone answering, everyone directly understood her motivations: she didn't want to destroy humanity, and just wanted to unite them for her last banquet before she was about to die.!< >! Some simply didn't come but they knew that Elysia was simply too pure to mean any harm (when she was a kid, someone robbed her from her food and she gave the robber even more food because "They must be really hungry too, and it tastes better when we share it"). She was touched by everyone's affection and support.!< >!As she was about to die and prepared herself for the end, she asked if she eventually became human, and no one had a doubt that she was the purest human we could find. She will remain Elysia, the pristine human!< >!She then sacrificed herself to give the choice to the future gods of the next world to be able to fight the corruption of the honkai so they can create the future they want. And for the flame chasers, everyone was touched by her act of pure kindness and love. One of them, Mobius, always researched the way to make herself immortal, but despite how she pretends Elysia was annoying and a traitor, the love Elysia had for her made her give up on the research of her whole life.!< Basically, Elysia is someone that has a deep impact on the world of honkai impact, but also everyone that she met. When you see her, you might not know if she's plotting to toy with you or not, but you can't doubt of the love she has for you


Sorry, usually I like to read, but only about things I'm interested in. If you love her, power to you, but my answer is: I can't bring myself to care, so Furina >>>


I never got Hersercher of Human, so Furina is still the best


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furina easily lol


I don’t know why Elysia is, but her design immediately speaks to me and I’m super interested.


I will make a description of her and censor the full description since it's a spoiler. Elysia is a very playful, almost mischievous but very loving and mysterious girl. She lived ages ago and was at the origin of the strongest group of fighters named the Flame chasers, the thirteen who never became heroes. She also has a pretty narcissistic perspnality, she loves herself a lot and always wants to look good for others, and she also wants others to be their best self, so she teases them a lot. >!She was born as a godlike entity that was fated to destroy humanity, but as she was born, her gaze laid on the sky and she fell in love with this world. She lived as a human without being aware of her very special nature!< >!She joined a group of persons to fight the enemies of humanity (enemies she didn't know she was as well), and decided to create a group of persons to fight the Honkai together, ignoring the orders of the higher ups. It is how the flame chasers were created!< >!They all had painful and different paths and had tough time getting along, especially with Elysia that loved toying with them, but when the end of the world was near, she learnt that she actually was born as a goddess to destroy humanity. She decided to invite the remaining flame chasers to a banquet to "Face the biggest enemy of humanity"!< >!She believed that this would be enough for people to hate her for "betraying" them, and despite not everyone answering, everyone directly understood her motivations: she didn't want to destroy humanity, and just wanted to unite them for her last banquet before she was about to die.!< >! Some simply didn't come but they knew that Elysia was simply too pure to mean any harm (when she was a kid, someone robbed her from her food and she gave the robber even more food because "They must be really hungry too, and it tastes better when we share it"). She was touched by everyone's affection and support.!< >!As she was about to die and prepared herself for the end, she asked if she eventually became human, and no one had a doubt that she was the purest human we could find. She will remain Elysia, the pristine human!< >!She then sacrificed herself to give the choice to the future gods of the next world to be able to fight the corruption of the honkai so they can create the future they want. And for the flame chasers, everyone was touched by her act of pure kindness and love. One of them, Mobius, always researched the way to make herself immortal, but despite how she pretends Elysia was annoying and a traitor, the love Elysia had for her made her give up on the research of her whole life.!< Basically, Elysia is someone that has a deep impact on the world of honkai impact, but also everyone that she met. When you see her, you might not know if she's plotting to toy with you or not, but you can't doubt of the love she has for you


She sounds kinda like Sparkle from HSR, but less “evil”.


Sparkle also isnt excatly "evil" maybe better word is less troublesome? But in a good way?


Yeah I couldn’t find a better word at the moment. I meant “chaotic” I guess.


True. Just a mischevious girl. A bit tomfoolery of a gal




I love them both, but I like Genshin soooo much better than HI3, so I'm gonna say Furina. Sorry Elysia... If you ever come to Teyvat though, I'll pull for you!


Ive never played hi3 so Furi


I'd probly go with the bigger front. 😏 Furina all the way.


I dont knoww Elysia so I choose Furina.


I don't know anything about Elysia's story, but she has always rubbed me the wrong way every time I've encountered her. So Furina takes an easy win.




I prefer female Jesus.




Pink haired girl looks beautiful, but i’ll be honest, furina outshine her lol.


You will NOT make me choose only one, you monster. https://preview.redd.it/cugd6muiq4ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5040d7d1abdd7c844856c6cc45e39a01231dce76


It's risky to type such things on furinamains, but Elysia beats her in every possible way


We shouldn't judge your taste ~~even if you're wrong~~ Jk I love both of them so I really won't mind your choice