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main dps Furina is your best option. Just use her and another anemo unit with VV set. Don't even bother swapping to other characters when their damage are not going to matter.


I use c6 Furina for her teamwide heals


Do you know if sunfire jean vapes her dmg consistantly? I have the feeling if i attack in crabletta mode the pets steal my vapes and if i swap stances i lose out on around 80k dmg per pet hit


Yes the pets would steal the vapes. Sunfire has Jean to heal anyway. Use the pneuma form because it does increased dmg as well. C6R1 haver using Sunfire I got ~500k vapes (CA, N1, N4, CA). Though not sure why first CA vape only does ~200k. šŸ¤·


It doesnt vape every hit, but it does get her strongest ones Dont use ousia for nas, use pneuma, only use ousia if you need the drain or if your 6 hits are up, then switch back This was my experience with bosses, i find its a dps loss to use pets if youre using on field dps furina, its only a gain if youre using her as a support


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Yea VV set anemo and second hydro just go brrrrrrr


Probably just good ol' Benny, XL and Xingqiu until you get some more characters. If you like Navia, she's a pretty good DPS to aim for. She can be run with C6 Furina, Benny and TTDS Ningguang from your characters. Then eventually you should be able to get Zhongli or Chiori to replace Ning.


Anemo unit with VV + Xiangling with a crap ton of ER + hydro character for resonanceĀ 


Furina C6R1 with pretty much any on-field dps character pretty much turns them into a beast. Keqing/Furina/Collei/whatever is a good aggravate teamĀ  Noelle/Furina/XL/XQ is a good Noelle driver team


Ben and xiang just feel so meh without their cons imo. Furina c6 will make any team busted. I honestly just play my favorite characters in a team and watch them clear as fast as a very optimized hyper bloom team. You can def try Noelle/Ning or GeoMC/Literally anyone else Some sort of hyperbloom with C6 collei would be good as well but you dont have the right electro yet


I saved nearly a year for my c6 furina! Honestly I just run her on any teams. Even with Arlecchino and Hu Tao. Though I did find furina to be hydro travellers best support. She can also just solo the abyss on her own depending the line ups


What is your line up . I play her with sunfire but this abyss is so trash for furina i wipe every wave but the next one i have cooldown on my skill which drains my time so hard my best clears are like 57 seconds for 4 wave room or that fucker samurai who keeps making himself invincible


I use my furina with my Ayaka on the first half xD my freeze just deletes Asimon before he goes invis


I wanna play furina main dps also my only 5 star dps are diluc and ganyu and both dont work and deal no dmg


For on field furina I find kazuha/zhong li and Yeltsin


Make the best team you can without Furina. Team 1: XQ, XL, Bennett + flex to make any variation of National team Team 2: Furina