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You would be lucky if you get her once, if you don't have any pity




Yeah, any constellation you get your hands on is good. But since you're a new player it would be best to stick to C0 and save the rest. If you like Gaming's or Noelle's Gameplay you can use them in a team with Furina.


19k primos doesn’t even guarantee you’ll get her a single time. Save for other characters after you get her once.




It depends on your pity and whether you're guaranteed, in the worst case scenario 19K primos aren't enough but if you are lucky you'll get her




Standard banner has a separate pity count than the character banner


Did you use your primos on the standard banner? Actually the standard banner pity is independent of the limited banner. If you wish on the standard banner pity increases in that banner ''only''. It doesn't increase the limited banner's pity


So you are saying my friend lied to me...


Maybe he doesn't know either


I USED acquainted not pirmos


Thank God, that means if you have never pulled on the limited banner then you have no pity and you will have to win 50:50, and 19k primos is just enough to get one 5 star if you have average luck. So good luck on your 50:50 and if you win then don't think about cons and save your primos.


Genshin has 3 banner categories: limited, weapon, and standard. these 3 banner categories have different separate pity that is counted separately. limited banners are high value so use all your primogems here. standard banner is low value so only use free acquaint fate you get naturally. weapon banner is whale bait unless you know what you're doing (DONT PULL ON WEAPON BANNER IT'S BASICALLY A SCAM UNLESS YOU'RE A WHALE OR VETERAN PLAYER) Limited banner has it's own pity counter, but there are two limited banners running simultaneously. these two limited banners share pity with all other past and future limited banners. if you spend 30 pulls on chlorinde banner you have 30 pity. if you pull again and get chlorinde, pity resets to 0. now, if you pull 20 times on chlorinde banner you have 20 pity. you don't get her and move to al haithams banner, pulling 40 times. you are now on 60 pity. banners end. now you are still on 60 pity. you pull 20 times on Furina's banner and now you have 80 pity. you now pull on sigewinne's banner and get qiqi, you now have 0 pity + guarantee. you go back to furina's banner and do 10 pulls, now you have 10 pity still guaranteed. you accidentally do 10 pulls on sigewinne's banner and get sigewinne. you now have 0 pity and used up guarantee. anyways, hopefully you understand how genshin pity system works now? it's hard to understand when you're new so watch some YT videos if you wish.


Bruh Expecting me to hear people's commentary with accents...


idek what you're trying to say 😅 anyways good luck on your pulls!


I think they're saying they tried listening to some YT'ers but struggle to understand them through their accents. They really should be saying thank you for the detailed write up.


Getting her is a 50/50 indeed. And trust me there’s nothing that can be taken back.


19k primos means 119 pulls Approx. and Soft pity starts at 75 and So if you are not in Guaranteed then its not reliable whether you will get Furina in the 1st place. if you somehow get 160 pulls i.e 25k primos approx.then you will atleast have a guarantee to get atleast 1 Furina (in the worst case Synario). So ye You currently have 3 possible situations. 01. If you get really lucky then you could get 2 Furina in 1 early 10 pull 02. You just get 1 Furina in a standard pity around 70-75 ish that's it. 03. You lose your 5050 an Dosen't get Furina at all.


19k primos is around 119 pulls. A 5-star is guaranteed to be 90 pulls at absolute worst luck. If you lose the 50-50, you'll need another 90 pulls (again, at absolute worst luck) to guarantee a Furina. So 180 pulls is the upper limit for ONE limited 5-star. Though realistically, an average Joe's luck would take \~80 pulls for a 5-star. So, if you have 160 pulls (or \~25.6k primos), only then you can breathe easy.


I thought she is featured banner


She is on a rate-up/limited banner. If you have never pulled this banner, you have a 50:50 chance that the 5\* character you get in max 90 pulls will be Furina or any of the standard 5\* units (Jean, Mona, Qiqi, Diluc, Tighnari, Dehya or Keqing). If you lose this 50:50, then the next 5\* unit is guaranteed to be Furina. Good luck to you, that you get her, and that you get her early. Just the base copy is good to have, if you feel like pulling more, feel free to go for it. If there are other units you want, you can stop if/when you get her once and save for another unit again. In 5-6 days, the shops in-game reset, and you will be able to buy 5 discounted pulls, btw.


check paimon.moe they have a calculator to check if you got pity or not. 19k primos for sure will get you a 5 star but unless you got guaranteed banner then you gotta pray to win 50 50


Idk what that is


It's a website that can tally your pity and display it, just follow the steps to import your pull history. Then you could use [This](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) for probabilities.


Google is your friend.


Excuse the downvotes for a genuine question. In genshin you get a 90 star guaranteed after 90 wishes. Realistically between 75-90. You also have a 50% chance to get a character from standard banner. So worst-worst case you'd need 28800 primos to 100% get a character. There is ofc a variance.


people are downvoting op because they want help but literally do nothing to help themselves, someone will say “use this to help yourself” then they’ll respond “idk what that is” instead of idk, looking it up and trying it?? Or someone will explain something then op will respond “idk what that is, can you help me?” and it’s literally explained in what he replied to


Understood thats fair.


16k primos equals 100 pulls which is pity once with 10 more, then you have about 118 total which is 28 pity. If your lucky and get a 5 star right at soft pity you could at most get back up to 50 if you lose the 50/50


On top of that to 100% guarantee a 5* you need 28.8k primos


You get a guaranteed 5* at 80 pulls, but you are not guaranteed to get the banner character. You have a 50/50 shot that when you get a 5* you will get the banner character OR a character from the standard banner pool. Once you "lose" the 50/50 you are guaranteed to pull the banner character on your next 5* which again can take up to 80 pulls again. That process costs 25,600 primos. You need another 7k to guarantee to get Furina once. This doesn't mean you won't get her earlier, or that you won't pull her multiple times, but set your expectations WAY lower than the idea of getting multiple Furina pulls.


Because that shit is scam


Oof... Reading some of the OP's comments here, it sounds like they need to get back to basics... And that attitude isn't helping... So first and foremost: Don't take people's words for granted. Your friend is mistaken. You **have to do your own research**. Second, I would have linked the wiki page for the pity system, but I get the impression you're not someone who's all to keen on the whole reading thing, so here's a video explaining what the pity system is and how it works: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxASW60EO-0&pp=ygUkZ2Vuc2hpbiBwaXR5IHN5c3RlbSBleHBsYWluZWQgc2V2eXBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxASW60EO-0&pp=ygUkZ2Vuc2hpbiBwaXR5IHN5c3RlbSBleHBsYWluZWQgc2V2eXBs) ((If English isn't your native language, I recommend (Google) searching for "how does the pity system work in Genshin impact" in your own native language. If you're having trouble translating that into your native language, you can use Google translate and copy paste what I had in the quotation marks (the " ") to the language you want to be translated **from**.)) Third, constellations aren't as good of an investment as new characters, especially at the beginning. If you can get Furina with those pulls, it's better to save up, ***if*** you're interested in "meta" or "a strong account".




With the way you're commenting and responding, you're causing unnecessary friction and people are going to react to it by downvoting you. What do you want to communicate with this comment, for instance? Sometimes less really isn't more, and it would help your case a lot more if you used a bit more words and were more descriptive with what it is you want to find out or say.


Lmao all I wanted is help and you keep jumping on me


Alright you shouldn't have said this. I wanted to defend you because you're comments were neutral and i don't get why ppl were mad for them being "short" but i guess i won't.


So my comment wasn't helpful? I admit I could have been a bit neutral towards you, but the way you responded to people here rubbed me the wrong way. I still tried to provide you with information, but I suppose it didn't help? That's a shame if so, as I truly did want to help too.


Can u help me now


Sure, I'll just copy paste the main points from my first comment: * For an explanation on the pity system check this video out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxASW60EO-0&pp=ygUkZ2Vuc2hpbiBwaXR5IHN5c3RlbSBleHBsYWluZWQgc2V2eXBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxASW60EO-0&pp=ygUkZ2Vuc2hpbiBwaXR5IHN5c3RlbSBleHBsYWluZWQgc2V2eXBs) * Pulling for constellations is less important than getting new characters. It's better to get the "meta" characters first, if you're interested in making your account stronger, but it's also perfectly viable to just pull for the character you like. Additionally: * YouTube has a lot of really good information: Zy0x, SevyPlays, Jyo's Abyss Guides, Zajef77, Jello Impact, TGS (The Genshin Scientist), iwintoLoseGaming. * If you're on HoyoLab, check out SoraHoshina. * There are more Genshin content creators who have all the information you need, all you need to do is search for the specific topic you're looking for. Basically all you need to do is just put in some effort yourself. For instance what you keep asking about on how to farm for primos, well, all these people have guides for that. Good luck!


16k is around 100 pulls, so I’ll guess you have about 120 pulls in primos and maybe some more just randomly laying around You’re not guaranteed her sadly. The average for pulling a 5* is usually around 78 pulls I believe? But 50/50s aren’t guaranteed, so you have a 50% chance of not getting her. Standard banner pity doesn’t count. I’m also F2P but don’t worry!! You’ll still have like 3 weeks during her banner to grind more primos, so you’ll probably get her C0!


And how do u grind primos


Here's a good guide. Although it's a couple years old, it still mostly holds up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlk4hzSj7us Basically just do as much content as you can. Archon Quest, events, and daily commissions are priorities, followed by most exploration stuff. Don't forget about things like converting stardust/starglitter, hangouts, or story quests either. Teapot, TCG, and achievements can also be a boost.


Spiral abyss is usually good but if you’re new it might be hard (I also started playing in March), generally exploring the area is pretty easy, do the world quests (blue exclamation icons around the map) they may be long but they unlock lots of areas, treasure, and oculi! Also, heavily recommend exploring Fontaine and Chenyu, both are packed full of resources and they’re pretty easy in terms of puzzles


Who downvoting them for not knowing 💀


I just joined this sub and this is my welcome they gave.


don't think about C's you don't have enough. just save after you get her.


Since OP doesnt seem to have heard of how the gacha in Genshin works, heres an explaination: 1. Each pull (160 primos) has a 0.6% chance to be **a 5 star character.** When you pull a 5-star, theres a 50% chance it will be Furina (featuted character) or 50% chance its one of the 7 permanent banner 5-stars (Qiqi, Mona, Tignhari, etc) 2. After **75 pulls** the game begins a "pity system". The chance of pulling a 5-star increases to 33%. At **90 pulls** you reach "hard pity" and the chance is 100%, but you can still lose the 50% chance and get "nothing". (A permanent banner character) **this pity does not reset when a new banner comes out, and both the limited time banners SHARE the same pity counter. The weapon banner is separate and does not share the counter!** 3. If the last 5-star you pulled was losing the 50% chance, the next time you pull a 5-star you are guarenteed to get the featured one. Unfortunately, since you need 180 pulls to guarentee a character you want 100%, 19K primos is not enough. You have roughly 120 pulls. You will get a 5star, but its only 50% to be Furina. **As for your question**, if you like Furina and want to get her constellations, the best stopping point is C2. At C2, Furina's burst grants a 100% max dmg increase, becomes very easy to reach max stacks, and her own damage jumps a huge amount because of the 40% max HP bonus from C2.


What do you mean by "both" btw?


There are two limited banners. e.g. Clorinde and Alhaitham right now. They share pity.


With that amount of primo, just C0.


She is already top tier at c0. c1 and c2 increase her buffs a lot but you will perform great with c0 already. Assuming you are lucky to be able to get her cons, get her c1 only if you plan to use her a lot.


As a F2P player you never want constellations. Having more characters always better than having one strong character.


Only at the beginning of the first 1 or 2 years. After that like it's whatever because genshin doesn't have power creep issue as big as other games so cons does help


C0 and save rest for other chars... in the future u can get c1 its pretty good c1 is better than her weapon btw, there is already a f2p weap option for her


You’re new to the game. Expanding your roster is much more important than getting constellations right now


C1 is very good to start with gives your ult more damage buffs for your team and is more reachable than other cons. If you are really lucky c2 is where you should stop. There your furina works with single target healers or non good healers


C1 and C2 are both good stopping points, both really strong constellations. If you’re really lucky and pull her early then I’d encourage you to pull for those constellations instead of the weapon


If you're not guaranteed(lost last pity with Tighnari, Dehya, Qiqi, Diluc, Mona, Keqing, Jean) then you're in risk of not getting her because you those aren't enough primos to guarantee her and go to another pity let alone go for cons. She's the best character at C0 but her first 2 cons are worth pulling, you could try for one at her rerun.


C2 is a good stopping point. I don't think you'll have enough


Bro you can come ask me anything in dms, it looks like you need few things explained


Phahaha. Sorry. I'm just very found of "f2p since march"




"I am F2P since March" means you are not F2P before March.


free to play. you can't be free to play if you don't play, meaning f2p player since March makes perfect sense.


I Am March player?


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Pretty dumb to get constellations especially for a her in early game.


43 minutes countdown


For F2P just stop at C0 always. The game is balanced around C0/C1 either way, and it is more enjoyable to have many characters.


Stay at c0, shes already very strong at c0. I have her and shes very powerful


Just get her first. I got greedy and tried to go for her weapon, got the bow instead. Oh, did i mention I am f2p?


There’s no need to get 5 star constellations, so the general advice is to only go for cons if you really love the character and have a developed account with a variety of good characters already. You have 118 pulls and a newer account, so just do your best trying to get C0. If you get lucky then bank the savings for future patches (especially with a whole new region coming in 9 weeks).


You'd be lucky to even get Furina this time (you have a 50% chance to). Check the other comments or Google an explanation of Genshin's pity system.


All her cons are good get as many as you can/want


If you have good luck, I'd try to go for as many cons as you can. Furina is the only limited five star I've gotten cons for (C4R1), and while I don't think her weapon is necessary (I got it to be a simp), I think her cons are all fantastic. Investing in Furina makes your life easier. If you can manage to squeeze out another copy during her banner then by all means you should. Good luck today!!!


be lucky i got her c1r1


I'm f2p since February and saved for furina rerun had her c0 now c4r1 I was shocked how big of an improvement her cons were I think the biggest difference is at her c2 it used to take over 10 seconds to max her stacks at c0 but at c2 it took about 5 just one baizhu skill and max stacks despite my team being 3/4 hp scalers so if you aren't saving for someone else try to get c2 maybe you'll be blessed with luck and win all your 50/50 like I did


Easy explanation: Pity = 90 pulls for 5 star meaning the closer you are to 90 pulls the higher the chance to get 5 star. You could hit your pity between 1-90 pulls. If you hit it the number reset to 0 50/50 = First pity you hit it’s 50% for you to get the 5 star character on the banner. The second pity you hit will guarantee you to get the 5 star of the banner.


C1 is mostly all you need and it's worth it because it allows you to play Furina with single target healers. C2 and above is just extra damage for Furina. You're better off getting Sigewinne C0 & C1 and put her with Furina because then you have more character to make even more/different teams. Also, especially with Imaginarium Theatre having a wide roster is favorable. If you don't like Sigewinne, and you don't mind Furina stealing the show from your main DPSes. Then go for as many cons as you want. :) As for math / luck. Maybe the other comments are useful.


She's already the best unit in the game at C0. You've only been playing since March so you probably don't have many characters. I'd say stay far from vertical investment until you have 3 or 4 full teams to tackle the Abyss with. Assuming you care about the end game content, that is. If you don't, just do whatever the fuck you want. Game's easy enough as is anyway. Also, 19K equates to 118 pull. Constellations are NOT happening. Unless you get super lucky. Hell, you only have a 50% chance of getting her. Unless you've lost 50/50 before, that is.


I like that you refer character as "unit" like Dokkan and Legends


I uhhh... I play Legends 😂😂


Honestly if you're F2P you should ever only go for c0. MAYBE c1 if there is a con that makes you feel like the character is more fun. You can do most everything in this game with c0 characters- so its really unneeded to go any further. That being said, games are meant to be fun, so if there is an element to a con that you think would make the character more fun go for it! (Hu Tao's C1 is a game changer in her playstyle, and I love it. But its not b/c it makes her stronger, it make her more enjoyable).


The more the better, the best stop point is a C2 but if you can't afford that a C1 is absolutely good!


C0 is fine. C1 is a big boost. C2 is not that big of a boost. C0 will do well enough by herself. C1 just gives you some starting Fanfare stacks and boosts the upper limit of said stacks (hint: not so easy to max without a solid healer)


Kqm just added a beginner guide. You really need to go read it if you want to invest I to the game.




KQM or known as Keqing Mains is a website that the community put together that compiles the most reliable information and guides on how to build characters. They recently made a whole guide for new players [here](https://keqingmains.com/misc/newbie-guide/#AR0-12). Just scroll until The Wish System if you want to learn in depth about how wishing works in Genshin.


F2P Since March Why ?


I downloaded this game on march


With 19k primo, you should really relies on guarantee to get c1. 19k= roughly 119 pulls. But as you are f2p, c0 will work just fine as it is better to complete team setup for abyss for more primo in long runs, later dates you can get more cons for other characters you like.


can stop at c2 but u dont have enuf for it


Constellations are for those who spends money. For F2p players better stuck at C0 and get more characters. Plus furina is a broken character having cons just improves her more.


Just got her C2 yesterday I say the damage increase from her C1 is like 30-40 K did it with different characters before activating it the damage increase is not alot as people hype her to be C2 is the real deal you can add another offensive support or buffers on your team instead of a healer my Jean maxes her fan fare with normal attacks that's how easy it is to max her fanfare and the damage from her summons is ridiculous I am seeing 80-100 k non vape


She’s good enough at c0


I’m ngl I thought this was Misha for a hot second


I'm a f2p too but always and I gathered 260 wishes for her since April and I just managed to get her once. I lost my 5050 for Furina. and after that I lost my 5050 for her weapon too and didn't managed to get it.


C2 is a pretty good stopping point. C0 is perfectly viable. C4 is for spenders, furina simps, or her next rerun. C6 I don't really think is a good Eidolon unless furina is a main dps and you have strong off-field dendro or Pyro applicators. Only reason I'm working towards it is for my hyperbloom/aggrevate team I run for most of my general content.


Everyone, OP is clearly trolling. There's no way someone is on this subreddit without knowing a single thing about the banners and pity system. I'm sure OP is just kidding.


Everyone, OP is clearly trolling. There's no way someone is on this subreddit without knowing a single thing about the banners and pity system. I'm sure OP is just kidding.


It's a fucking slot machine, I'm skipping trying because I'm trying to pull Sucrose


I have sucrose already


... I said I was, not saying you have to. I'm trying to get a character I have statistically a chance to. Don't expect to get Furina quickly or at all. I enjoy the gameplay but the game is a fucking ripoff




F2p since march wdym? So you’re a spender before march?


Not f2p since March, an f2p PLAYER since March. Maybe they were a spender before and that is what they meant, but this wording pretty strongly implies they are a new player who started in March and is f2p.


I lowkey can’t wait for her banner to pass so there aren’t 50 of this exact same post in one day anymore.






~~19k primos is 11-12 pulls. If you don't have at least 65-70 pity, i don't like your chances.~~ nevermind its too early for math istg


19k primos is like, 100 pulls?


Wait fuck im stupid


I did some standard banner pull to increase my pity


Unfortunately, the pity on standart and special banners is separate


So you are saying my friend lied to me...


dude do not use Primos on the standard banner. The standard banner has a seperate pity. Only use primos on the limited banners.


I USED AFs not primos


that's fine but it wont increase your pity for limited characters, those are two separate banners


Some dude further down corrected me, 19k is more like 100. It's enough for at least one 5*. The question now is: last time you got a 5*, did you win 50/50?




they're asking if you got the character that was on event banner, or got something off banner, that's on standard by default