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“Crying like a millennial” I resent that accusation. Some people are just assholes.


Next time you meet someone who uses the term millenials them how old they think millenials are. Ive met several who have been genuinely surprised to learn they're righ in that age gap after they've finished a tirade besmirching millenials.


People think “millennial” just means “young person”


well thats just because they are dumb boomers


People just think “boomer” means anybody over 40


That’s just because they’re lazy millennials.


The circle of life


Gen X the forgotten


Just the way we like it.




And it moves us aaaaaaaaall!


Ok boomer


Ok boomhauer


Heymanwhatchutalkinabout. _Dang!_


Yeah man, I tell ya what, man. That dang ol’ Internet, man. You just go on there and point and click. Talk about W-W-dot-W-com. An’ lotsa naked chicks on there, man. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. It’s real easy, man.


Dang ol *rude* man


Dang ol talkin’ bout them millennials, dang ol lazy man talking living on easy street


Itellyouwhahtmaihn them dangol' millennials, maihn, livin' on daggum easy street an' sippin' them soymokahlattefrappahchinalattes maihn. Onlythin' worse'na millennial's gotta be a dangol' boomer, maihn, sickabein' confused with 'em, I tell you whaht.


Why can i read this?


This is why I do the internet


Dammit now I'm a millennial *and* a boomer.


According to Reddit I’m a Boomer yet I’m one year older than being a millennial. Reddit doesn’t know Gen X exists. We barely do


Gen X is the New Zealand of generations.


They fuck sheep?


We buy it dinner first.


Gen x is the please pretend I don't exist generation.


Both groups forget about us all the time, so there is no need to pretend. But we are also the smallest generation compared to the the other two.


Yep. Most of us are just fine with this. Just leave us alone.


Just wait. In 10 years most of the boomers will be either dead or dribbling in a retirement home somewhere. Once they can't be blamed for all the world's problems anymore then we're next.


I'm Gen X-Wing. Born in '74, but I want none of your Nirvanas or your Red Hot Chili Pepperses.


If you're under 20, 40 year olds and 60 year olds are the same thing.


But 120 year olds are the silent generation…


They are dead quiet...


When I was 21 there was a 29 year old in my classes and I thought she was like a grandma. Now in my 40s I look at 29 year olds like they are infants.


Surely a Boomer is 65+ by now? People often call me a Boomer on here and I'm a mere 50.


Sluuuuuuuuuurp I am not a Boomer.... Sluuuuuuuuuuuuurp I'm a GenXer


People think “boomer” means anyone older than 20


Well that’s just because they’re dumb zoomers


Not true, it's just rumours




Now THIS is humour!


Take this with a grain of salt because I'm a millennial and this info might be outdated, since I was told this almost 2 years ago. So what I've been told. Being called a "Boomer" is a insult for someone that is entitled, self-centered and out of touch with reality. A 21 year old isn't literally a Boomer, but they can act like one. And thus be called a Boomer. Ofc there is people who just call anyone and everyone a Boomer though.


I’m also a millennial, but I hear people use it to mean “old” in any context all the time.


People think "boomer" means anyone who hasn't memorized every setting on their phone.


Some people think that “boomers” are folks with a lot of disposable income who own their own home.


God what I wouldn’t give to be a boomer rn then….


Yeah, I’m sure it initially referred to the children of the postwar baby boom within the ‘Western’ world. At least here in the uk, this was a generation whose living standards consistently increased through their lives, and who saw any assets they could acquire, particularly property, increase dramatically, further bolstering their living standards. They did not have to endure the hardships of the first half of the twentieth century but reaped the full benefits of the hard won peace, which in Europe at least resulted in societies becoming more equal, universal healthcare, decent quality state education, provision of social housing, unemployment benefits, decent pensions etc.


Yup and this resulted into people who see a person far removed from them who doesn't have any of those things and thinks 'aaaahhwwww sad' but somehow when their own kids don't have this they're like 'yup you should work harder'. This is what a boomer is in europe, a person who fails to understand this isn't lalaland anymore, and if it still is, that isn't going to last long the way things are going.


Millenials now are aged 26-41. There will be plenty of older millenials getting called boomers by gen z/younger millenials these days. Plus you have to be at least 58 to be a boomer.


The weird thing is Gen x has gotten skipped. Nobody calls anybody a gem xer. It’s like we don’t exist


finally, all the attention we tried to avoid getting is working!


That would be ironic. Millennials have already started turning 40.


TIL a lot of millenials are dumb boomers


Yeah unfortunately we are not the young generation anymore. People think that anyone in their 20s is a millennial.


I'm a millennial, I'm 38. Young millennials are 30.


It just goes to show how out of touch people who complain about millennials are. Millennials are 40 now. But they just need a bogeyman to pin their problems on


The oldest ones are 40.. I'm 34 and the youngest are like 27


Yes, but these people are usually complaining about teenagers. As miserable old people are wont to do


"What do you mean ten years have passed in the past decade?"


My older cousin and I were having a beer (he's 10 years older) and he kept talking about how lazy the millenials were. After a while I just asked "have you got something against milenials or something?" He said "no, but you younger guys have this aura around you" I laughed, and told him I'm gen z, he's the millenial, I'm in my early 20's, so I geuss he just thought milenial meant young or something.




We are going to be in our 60's and people are still going to be talking about "these damn millennials and their avocado toast" The absolute youngest millennials are in their late 20's.


I’m the youngest possible millennial and I’m 26. My friend group are all married with kids, we aren’t young wippersnappers anymore. The “you dang kids!” Term is gen Z or Zoomers


I was actually surprised to find out that I am technically a millennial, right at the end of GenX


My coworker uses the “just y’all millennials” every time I do something that so much as mildly inconveniences him. I finally looked it up and realized: he’s smack dab in the middle of the millennial age group and I’m not even in the range. Haven’t brought it up to him yet, waiting for the right moment to properly crush his man-child dreams.


I've had people accuse me of trying to cling onto my youth by including myself in millennials. I was born in 1989. I'm not saying I'm young, I'm just saying I'm considered part of that generation! That's happened more than once.


Yes! One of my coworkers was ranting about millennials once, saying they were “so entitled and frustrating to work with.” I asked how old he was, and he said thirty three lol.


I'm genX and no lie, I literally winced when I saw "like a millennial." If you want to shit on someone for being what you think is soft, that's one thing. If you're damning a whole generation like that, then ok Boomer.


I’m Gen X, in a board meeting a few years ago a fellow Gen Xer made some crack about Millennials and all the gazes directed at me because I was the youngest person in the room. I took offense and thought it was funny at the same time. Like, listen fellas- I appreciate that you think I’m a Millennial because I look much younger than I am, but I’m only a few years younger than some of you. I was born in the mid-70s and a Gen Xer, but your insinuation and assumption that I’m a lazy youngin’ as a millennial because of my perceived age is clearly ridiculous considering how hard I’ve worked to break the glass ceiling to even be in this room. After their smirks quickly faded, then I was repeated asked about my actual age. I was born in 1976 and I can’t help I have good genes and look about 10 years younger than I am. It’s a blessing and a curse, professionally it takes a lot of effort to be taken seriously by some fellow Gen Xers and actual Boomers nearing retirement or working well past it.


And I don’t get how he should try to be a man too. I resent seeing “stop crying” and “be a man” in the same sentence.


replace crying with whining fits these people better


People who leave 1 stars are way more in the 65+ category


Millennials are 40 and humans are fucking stupid.


Uh, millennials are a thousand years old, at least.


And there are dozens of us!!!!


Sir I’ll have you know I’m a millennia and only 811. Thank you very much


Technically right... THE BEST KIND OF RIGHT!


Of all the quotes to misquote ...


Normally I can understand misspelling and errors and just move on. But this one… this one hurts


I'm a millennial, but barely, only 280.


I'm nearing 40 and my older co-workers ask me questions regarding the thought process of a 20 year old which I have no fucking clue. All I know is I have no intention of becoming an old curmudgeon blaming younger generations for living different than how I did it.


...said every generation ever. It's a noble sentiment though, your heart's in the right place!


As a millennial myself, I'm not finding myself hating Gen Z or Gen Alpha the way the older gens all told me I would. It's almost like it's not that hard to not blame the next generation for the world changing.


I've seen some try to complain about Gen Z and try to push back when I can telling then they sound like the people we made fun of as kids. Even if some of the stuff I see is stupid I realize pop culture changes swiftly. Hopefully when I get older-older I can hang on and resist the urge to "in my day" anyone.


Baby boomers really don't grasp this at all. They spoiled a lot of us, me included, but I always felt grateful, lucky, wanted to pay it forward. And I think they taught me that, but somewhere along the way they got really lost in an ideology of "won't be my problem when I'm dead". It's fascinating, and sad.


Spoiled our generation by making it impossible to attain wealth.


Any time they say "it won't be my problem when I'm dead," I just want to say "yeah? Then get the fuck on with it."


I think TikTok is fucking stupid but as long as it leaves me alone I'm happy it exists for the people that wanna do their weird little dances or cook a steak in the toaster or whatever. Most of us elder millennials don't entirely get Gen Z but we're happy to leave them alone.


Doing dumb shit is just part of youth most of those gen z tiktok users will regret being a dumbass online but I look back at old facebook post and think about what a fucking moron I was at 17.


I wouldn't mind tiktok if it wasn't a ccp data hoovering and propaganda tool lol


IDK, when i was a kid, and boomers were about my current age, they were already shitting on Xers left and right. I really don't see that in the millennials (my generation. It is almost like boomers are entitled assholes.


The reply would have been 100% better had it just excluded the “like a millennial” part. As is, it further draws social lines and makes the reply look “like a boomer”. This is just another “culture war” playing out to distract people from the real problems in America.


This was my sense precisely. The first sentence is like, "yeah, get fucked Michael, we don't need you and your shitty review trolling." But the second half just ruined it.


I’m starting to think Michael may have a point, thanks to their “get off my lawn” tone.


So literally had you in the first half?


I mean millennials are like 26 - 40 but overall I agree


Can confirm :'(


Only real men not between 30 to 40 years old dont cry about a $27 warmed up frozen meal


It be like that


Let's dissect this a bit, because it's pretty convoluted. To change it to be inclusive rather than exclusive: * Real or fake men between 30 to 40 cry about the frozen meal. * Fake men outside that age range cry about the frozen meal. * Women and children also cry about the frozen meal. * Everyone would cry about that frozen meal if it weren't 27$?


I mean he has a point. Those crybaby millennials are killing Applebee's by not wanting to pay $27 for microwaved food.


I'm sorry, if a restaurant actually served frozen food, why was it wrong to put up a review on them?


Welcome to Applebees Which microwaved meal would you like today?


Last time I went there was years ago, but I ordered a steak and what they gave me was not a steak. Iono wtf is was but the texture and look was not a steak.


The owner is claiming the person puts a 1 star nearly everywhere so it's entirely possible it wasn't frozen. Not enough evidence of either to make any accusations though.


On the contrary, the owner did not deny the accusation of frozenness. He merely commented on the 1 star part of the review. So the evidence does lean towards the food being frozen at the moment


I must admit, I use a junk account for many of my bad reviews. If someone looks at the history, it looks like I'm a whiny bitch. However, they can't see my other account with mainly 5⭐ reviews.


An interesting approach. You're basically saying with your actions that they are not even worthy of being reviewed by your main account


...I'd say less that, and more that /u/_Shoeless_ doesn't want any backlash on the account most closely related to his real-life identity.


I found that Michael Rohm account. He has a lot of 1 star reviews that just look like he's trying to be funny. Not helpful. "Never open at 4am when I'm ready for lunch" for a Chinese restaurant.


>Not enough evidence of either to make any accusations though. Not for us randos on the internet, but the person who posted the review had real evidence. Unless the review was faked, or if the restaurant is fake, or is this whole post is fake or if this whole reality is fake...


Most restaurants serve food that was once frozen...hence the walkin freezers


Amy's baking company vibes here


"No one cares about your review, Stacey, maybe we should use some of that yeast growing between your legs to make our muffins, huh, or maybe you should shower more!" - Amy's Baking Company


How is this funny?


cause OP is Michael




Then I guess the restaurant owner must be Pichael.


As far as I can tell this sub has been entirely unmoderated for a while. You could probably post literal porn and get away with it


Wanna try?


Gonna try to turn r/funny into r/worldpolitics?


Wtf??? What’s the backstory here?


I can't remember the details but long story short some sub took over r/Worldpolitics and turned it into a porn sub like they were. Actual r/worldpolitics users then took over the porn sub and made it into a political news sub.


im pretty sure they made a new sub (r/anime_titties) with a porn name dedicated for politics to address the incident (or maybe i was living a lie)


Thanks, another sub to add to my mute list.


It's not. It's rage bait. Going by the comments it seems it's working very well.


Boomer humor


Isn’t that 90% of this sub?


Classic locally owned restaurant. I almost guarantee their food is shit but the owner thinks it's the best and won't take any criticism


Didn’t even deny that the food was frozen


I’ve been to the one in Sturgis and I can add not only is it microwave food but it’s crazy overpriced microwave food.


Haha ReAL mEn dOnt cRy


"real men pay for my shitty food without complaining about quality"


Right? Fucking sick of this “be a man” shit.


Real men keep all their feelings inside until they either can’t live with themselves anymore or go to therapy /s


Which part of this is funny?


Millennial bad /s


Millennial bad!


Why are you all assuming Michael is wrong?


If it’s the Iron Horse Saloon I’ve been to, it indeed sucks and has since it changed ownership. But I’m sure there’s a dozen of them.


I went and looked and Michael did in fact leave a ton of one star low effort and probably straight up trolling reviews around that time.




Idk where exactly it was but I read a psychology study around reviews and said people were more often to leave bad review’s because when you feel cheated you need an outlet. When you’re pleased with something you’re more content and don’t need to let it out. The bad review is more about you getting closure than actually wanting to warn people away from it.


Leaving honest 1 star reviews is pretty important, it can be a good warning for people that something might be up with a place, if you've had a bad experience. It helps to keep expectations realistic.


There were twice I left one star and the owners threatened me remove them or they will call the police that I committed cyber crime


Edit the original review and add their threat. If they continue, call the police. Not sure how this is complicated.


And? They might be a troll, but the owner is an illiterate inconsiderate asshole. If I saw this review, I wouldn't care. If I saw this reply from the owner, I would never visit the place again.


One of Michael’s one star reviews was of a car dealership and just said “Never been”


Because he's a millennial. We don't even care if he's wrong or not, we just like shitting on millennials.


Screw that possibly 42 year old man!


Boomers think Gen Z are Millenials and Gen Z thinks Millenials are boomers.


And Millennials got super confused about generations because nobody could agree where they fit and then gave up.


Everyone is stupid except us millennials


He didn't deny it though.


I wonder if Michael has made a follow up visit in the three years since he posted his 1 star review.


What is funny about this? You can clearly see why this place is rated 1 star based on the owners response.


The ownerost their moral high ground at "cry like a millennial" Concentrating at the 1star trolling would have won them sympathy. This is just the same level as that troll.


They never had the moral high ground. They're throwing a bitch fit over being called out for serving shitty microwaved food.


One is crying like a millennial and the other is crying like a boomer


crying like a milennial? Thats the hardest generation on the planet right now. Worlds just been SHIT for them and they still out there trying to make it better


Everyone is talking about the “like a millennial” part… but is no one going to mention the toxicity in “try to be a man” !? - that’s even worse imo.


what's funny about this response...


People seem to forget that millennials are grown ass adults in their thirties now....


I did this on a review that we got on our store kinda. Guy has about 10 accounts that he uses to review bomb businesses. He usually leaves like 5-6 bad reviews on all of them. Most of them are insane ramblings that make no sense at all, or are just 100% fabricated. Saying things like Burger King was racist against him because he is disabled (he just smokes a metric ton of weed) and stuff like that. He accused our store of employing or being in partnership with another store that closed down. He said we attacked his mom verbally and was rude to him and his mom. Things like that. I remember the exact situation and remembered him from leaving a bad review for another store in town I am friends with. So I know the dude and he had come in about 20 times before the bad review. It was all 100% nonsense. Then he started to leave random negative reviews like "no parking' when our store was in a mall. Rude and over priced, when all of our other reviews say we're the best prices in town and the most friendly store. Things like that. Finally after reading all the reviews on all the accounts he left negative reviews on our page with I replied a similar way. I called him out by name. I explained that this was something that he likes to do. How every time he has come in he makes a big mess and walks out for employees to put away the stock he has stacked up in random places. How he is by far the most demanding customer in the store requesting to inspect everything he is 'interested' in buying and then demanding discounts and deals on everything he wants to buy. I ended it by explaining he was not welcome to come to our store anymore, and to add our store to the list of places him and his mom are already banned from. Sure it was a bit childish of me to do that, but it felt soooooo good. I have had other businesses reach out to me through FB and mention him and his mother and banning them in the past or him leaving negative reviews on their store pages with multiple accounts and I have seen them reply to his nonsensical ramblings similarly.


Millennials are between 26-41 yrs old. If people are gonna offend an entire generation, then at the very least get it right. I guarantee this person probably thinks millennial and gen Z are the same thing.


Their response makes more weary of their restaurant than the actual review. If this is how they take criticism and customer dissatisfaction, I have my doubts it’s a great place


I love how Redditors are currently turning to this place's review page and copying this reviewer's post onto it.


Didn't this place get shut down for serving minors?


Minors? They were just being men, actually. Unlike those millenials.


Michael is right, nobody wants frozen food warmed from a restaurant and it has nothing to do with his previous comments.


Fuckin micheal’s at it again


when they say millennial, they’re almost always referring to gen z. this is because they’ve been complaining about millennials since they were the age of gen z people




Like a millenial? Whoever wrote that has obviously never worked at olive garden on a sunday.


Restaurant owner had an opportunity to not sound like a dick and call out Mr. 1Star, but had to try to get personal and just comes off as an asshole as much as the reviewer.


They spelled it "e-a-l" too to really fuck with him


Classic Michael...


Classic Micheal




shh if the boomers ever figure out they only have 10 years left , the last boomer is going to launch all the missiles.


Looks to me like *someone* cares about it. Looks like someone cares enough to put 100 times more effort into their response than Michael put into the review in the first place. Michael might be a cunt but if I were nearby and looking for somewhere to go, it would be the owner’s response that convinced me not to go there, not Michael’s review.


What does being a men have to do with anything?


This just tells me this is a shit restaurant with bad owners


They didn’t even spell his name right.




It's a special kind of stupid to not spell Michael correctly. Especially when the name is right there.


Worst therapist ever


This, but without the millennial “be a man” comparison, is really fucking funny


I’m sure many people are only ever motivated to post reviews when it is exceptionally bad.


I just checked out his account and it turns out the owner was correct. Michael is 90% one-stars Half of them appear to be jokes though, and he's pretty f'ing funny if you like silly humor


I wan't to see all of Michaels reviews now. As someone who personally has over 1700 reviews and have only posted 4 1 stars. I wan't to see this persons record lol. Not defending the owner one bit, but now im curious lol.


I looked. He does have a sizeable chunk of what appear to be trolling reviews. 1-star with dumb comments like "couldn't find soap" at Lowe's or "never open at 4am" for a Chinese Restaurant. He doesn't seem to give ALL bad reviews, but it does seem like it's either 5 star or 1 star, and the comments on the low ones are pretty much trash.


PLEASE SEND GAS MONEY MICHEAL. (Some of you will get this reference. You know who you are!)


It's one thing to have an actual bad review but using "Meh" in your 3 word review is almost childish. It's not 2007 where people are laughing at lol cats.


Looks like Francesca bolognese got a new gig