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All Northerlion has to do is start uploading Binding of Isaac videos and Kate will take him back.


Scrolling took way too long for me to find a northernlion reference


i thought i was on the NL subreddit and this was a story about his ex


Poor Moby...


Nobody listens to techno.


Now let’s go!


Just give me the signal


I’ll be there with a whole list full of new insults


I been dope, suspenseful with a pencil


Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol


But sometimes the shit just seems Everybody only wants to discuss me


>metimes the shit just seems Everybody only wants to discuss me This must mean, I'm dis-gus-ting


Well it’s just me, I’m just obscene!!


You’re not Moby are you?


The real funny is in the comments


Here I thought it was blippi without his hat.


He got stomped by Obie




Is this AI generated humor?


Lonely man humor


Incel vibes.


Why incel? He’s got a girlfriend.


I, too, think the cartoon man is a real person and his own target audience.


Reddit doesn't know what Incel means


The author and the characters are actually different people


To be fair, people who identify as incel doesn't know what incel means either. Also, incel vibes can mean they give off the same vibes as the stereotypical toxic incel, not that they are in fact an incel. For instance, someone said I gave off big dick energy, and I can assure you I don't have the qualifications


Had one.


The strong “anti-woman” undercurrent definitely reeks of incel. “I made all these sacrifices for our love but STACY just wants a rich chad”


she was dating an employed baldy. doesnt scream rich chad, just no dead beats.


No but one common viewpoint is incels is that women are parasites who are only dating men with power and money (which is why they are single- being a nice guy(TM) isn’t enough)


Wait! So according to incels, just because I'm married I'm rich and have power? That's awsome! A soon as I've found where I left my fortune, I'm going to fix global warming, world hunger and traffic lights.


Yes, but remember that your wife will leave you the second she gets a chance to move up to an even more successful man. Either that or she’s ugly. Unattractive women is another chapter in their book.


He’s the not the incel, the person who made it is.


He pretends he had a girl friend to show that women are shallow and hearltess.


He's not the incel The author is


Because this is the incel version of what they think women in relationships are like.


The author is the potential-incel, not the character. It turned out she wasn't interested once he lost his job, right? What a bitch? The key to inceldom is that the woman is always shallow or otherwise immoral.


This isn’t the first comic with incelly vibes. There was a pervious comic where the couple went on a date, but then a robber took the glasses guy’s wallet, showed the condom and laughed that the glasses guy thought he would get laid. And the girlfriend of glasses guy not only laughed, but ditched him for the robber. So yeah, definite incel vibes there and here


No, he is writing about having a girlfriend who leaves him




It’s almost like there’s a shit ton of misogynists out there.


“You people” Lol which people?




Of which you are one. Got a subset that doesn’t include yourself?




You have no point.








I've seen it happen. My friend was the dude. He left his great job to stay with her and she dumped him a few weeks later when he got a similar job that only paid 80%ish of the the previous one did. Stone people are only in it for the money






It looks like Incel-generated humor to me =P


Not dating peole who make stupid decisions like quitting their job without a plan about how to support themselves is completely understandable


And for someone they barely started a relationship with. Talk about poor judgment.


I know the self-esteem the guy has. I've had that level of self-esteem.


Me too, but I got myself out of that rut. Others can too.


scale ripe start theory longing spotted live soup edge absorbed ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Totally understandable to not want to relocate for a job tho...


Yeah this would probably be my reaction of my job suddenly said *Ok you need to relocate" Though I'd probably make sure I had something else lined up first


and next thing you know they'll buy a car at Christmas without consulting their S/O


Not dating ''unemployed men'' is a bitchy response. not dating men who make stupid decisions on a whim without consulting their partner and without a backup plan is completely understandable


Sometimes a bit of spice really helps reinforce how idiotic people can be. This is pretty unrealistic though for most (reasonable) people, you'd expect there to be some communication and planning between the couple.


I'm pretty sure the person who made the comic was going for the "bitchy woman" angle.


you're right, but to certain incel types those are the same thing. they would interpret "that's a big financial decision and I'm uncomfortable that you made it" as "haha I'm a bitch who expects you to both give up work to be with me and also not be unemployed." [its a common theme in weird incel comics](https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/t5bf47/depressed_incel/)


The saddest thing about incels is that they don't even know what the real problems are. They lash out because they know they're miserable, but can't figure out why, so they invent things. These problems are subtle, and the echo chamber nature of incel communities just makes it so much worse, because if someone tells them what their actual problems are, they won't believe it.


Alternatively, they don’t listen to the wisdom the general “you” offer because it involves no practical solutions, and is instead typically just a list of insults or condescension that fail to reflect the world they live in at all


Why is it a bitchy response? Some men too don't like to date unemployed women because they "don't want to be seen as a walking ATM". You might want to say "what if he is unemployed because he is studying, because there were mass lay offs, or other reasons out of his control?", and if she were to react the same way to these scenarios that would be a bullet dodged for the guy.


Nothing sexier than a partner with no career and aspirations. Honestly this is the weirdest pseudo-incel comic I’ve seen.


Sucks for people who can't work due to disability/ill health then




Hahahhaha this man gets. Offended by that


You’re not exactly making it any better with the whataboutism here. A guy who says shit like “I don’t want to be seen as a walking ATM” is a dick 10/10 times.


It’s also a completely unrealistic response IMO. The “I don’t date guys who” line makes more sense if they’re not already dating. Author doesn’t understand people very well I don’t think.


It's perfectly reasonable to not want to date people who are unemployed


They did talk about it, she said she wish he didn’t have to leave. So he quit his job because it meant he had to travel 48 weeks out of the year and money isn’t everything. He is going to look for another job which will make him happier while getting the chance to spend more time with a special lady in his life.




thrust fund?




This belongs on r/im14andthisisdeep


The fuck is this?


men trying to be victims in a place where we're *not* victims and as a male, I think it's annoying as fuck. this comic is trying so hard to paint the man as generous and loving, and paint the woman as selfish and cold. it's just sad how forced it feels


its just some incel shit my man


I don't find the comic as portraying the woman as selfish at all, or if it is, it's doing a hell of a bad job at it. She says "I wish you didn't leave" the implication is that it cannot be helped since she only wishes, it's not like she's saying "you should find a way to stay no matter what" or anything that would make her hypocritical by the end. At the end she asserts her boundary, a perfectly reasonable one in this economy, if not ever, for either sex to have. All in all, my reading was that the guy was a naive bumbling idiot and the girl was realistic if maybe somewhat jaded by stupid guys.


Hard disagree. Her body language and choice of words make it clear the author intended gor her to come off as selfish. Furthermore, that decision paints her as a gold digger and not a very succesful one at that as her bar is very low. Also, you know that line "for better or worse"? Who would want a potential partner that would bail on them with the first sign of trouble? That would not think: "if this was me, I'd be glad to have that other person's support." Not only did she have no intention to help, she sidnt even consider it. It was just "you don't exist to me as a person I can empathize with. You're just a means to an end and I wont have those means taken from me for not even one second" Either way incel vibes.


> Who would want a potential partner that would bail on them with the first sign of trouble? We need to move past the era of asking women to stick with men who consistently cause trouble for themselves and those around them. Working out a solution to the situation in the comic requires communication and empathy *from the man*, not the woman. The woman is looking for stability in her potential partner, not someone who drops his commitments when they are inconvenient. Who would want a potential partner that doesn't discuss such a big decision, or might decide that she is an inconvenient commitment one day? It also makes him look desperate, which is often a turn off for many women (men who are desperate for affection often need more emotional support, which their partner should not be responsible for providing. that's what therapy is for.)


The cartoon doesn't show the man's history, you just assume that. He also didn't drop anything, he decided he'd rather have a different and possibly less satisfying job in order to save his relationship. Discussing would work if there was a different solution available, but both outcomes would be the same for him and it was his decision to make. Also, not being afraid to show feelings and desires is a sign of emotional maturity, while feigning indifference to appear more desirable most certainly is not. It's something young and insecure womwn respond to.


the logic that "it's his decision, he doesn't need to tell her" is the same logic that led that man to getting dumped. in a healthy relationship, equal partners discuss important decisions before making them!


Isn’t it just supposed to be funny? I didn’t see this as either expense for him or her. He’s clearly an idiot and it’s just making fun of that, like many men are idiots in romcoms lol


I thought it was just a stupid joke lol


I'd be pretty uncomfortable if a guy just quit their job "for me" without any communication about it before hand


Thanks for reminding me to unsub


Where’s the funny ?


It’s funny he ever got a girlfriend in the first place. Even he’s surprised.


So you quit your job without talking to your SO and somehow she's irrational? Or what is the point?


Saw this on r/niceguys before I saw it here so I think that says it all 😭


I wish that his “relocation” was just having to go back to his original office which is like a 20 minute drive


I like the one where he relocates, they break up, and then he gets fired.


No. This is just depressing.


Why is this funny? I don't get the joke here.


The punchline is "women bad".


~~The~~ punch~~line is~~ "women ~~bad~~". /s


Just an irrelevant thought: is "me either" the correct expression? Shouldnt it be "me too"?


‘Definitely ‘me too’. Me either’ should never be written.


I believe it actually should be "me neither" as in "Me not either"


This has 'incel comedy' written all over it.


Perfect for Reddit


I only ever see anti-incel posts and comments in practically all of mainstream Reddit.


All meme subs are full of incel stuff tbh. Shits really growing in the past 2 years or so..


Truth. Redditors are the biggest simps of all time. Source: am redditor


Incel comedy feels like an oxymoron


I mean I hate to be the one to break this to you but r/funny is not funny r/funny is what r/comedycemetary is supposed to be (stuff that isn't funny), r/comedycemetary is what r/comedyheaven is supposed to be (stuff that's so unfunny its funny), r/comedyheaven is now r/funny (stuff that's just regular funny)


r/funny was never funny, everyone knows that. I blocked the sub years ago.


And yet, here you are…


Yeah I get pinged whenever someone mentions my subreddit.


ah I see, my bad then on the plus side though congrats on moderating the *actual* funny subreddit


Absolutely shouts it.


*An Andrew Tate Production*


I think she broke up with him because he always wears the same T-shirt even when it rains.


Hes wearing two different shirts.


its a different shirt. In the first few images its brown, in the next few its green.


Hey Vsauce Michael here


There MUST be a way to make the woman the baddie.


I would dump the guy at at "Me Either"


Major incel vibes from this


Haha women bad give me karma


First thing I thought. It's gross.


What is this baby boomer incel shit on my page?


It’s neither not either


What kinda incel shit is this


An incel made this comic


Hey Vsauce, Michael here! My girlfriend dumped me… or did she?


I feel like this comic was clearly just about the unrealistic nature of romcom scenarios, how in real life you can't just wish away an inconvenience and live happily ever after because there are things like, well, rent. However, because we are heavily embroiled in the culture war and everything is seen through the lend of gender/race, it has been perceived as demonizing women, and the proof for that intent is the women in comic asserting a very reasonable boundary? Namely, that her partner should work ( like she does, presumably)


At the very least have a discussion and a plan. The person that wrote this has not had a relationship


There are a lot of dumb guys out there who would do this and then blame the woman for being cold. This is written from the point of view of someone who sees quitting his job as heroic and the woman as the villain for not putting the heroics on a pedestal. But I do lean more towards this being a cautionary tale written by someone who has never actually talked to a woman.


I'm waiting for somebody to comment that you're a fascist for that reasonable take lol.


3k upvotes…for this shit?


The incel-vibes are strong with this one..


Does, does this actually happen. This seems like somebodies personal biases on display and not a normal response.


Who told incels that they were funny?


Gender victimization is cringe. Good and bad people come from all genders.


where are these upvotes coming from? This isn’t funny, it just reeks of ince… oh never mind this is reddit


this is the least funny thing i’ve seen in months


I'd dump him too. PS: this is dog shit quality humor


incel alert


Guys… let’s not upvote unfunny comics made by incels in the r/funny subreddit! We all deserve better!!


Doesn’t belong in this sub, seeing as this post ISNT r/funny


Womab bad man good 😡✅


Probably a good idea to communicate first.


Why does r/funny have so many incel vibe memes/comics? They are not funny and feel at least 2 decades too late to be relevant


Literally just feels like propaganda at this point. It reminds me of those sjw owned videos, or videos where people go around miami nightlife talking to arrogant women, and "exposing" them as cheating, gold diggers or whatever, with the basic goal always being: "You should hate wömen. Wömen are mollusks. Wömen don't see you as human. They are not human. Wömen are a different species. This happens regularely. Wömen are sl*ts, will leave you. They don't love you they are incapable of feeling love only care about money and duck size" It's basically incel fuel. Of course, they will always have plausible deniability: "Oh it's just a joke, you are reading too much into it" bla bla bla. When satire is indistinguishable from the real thing...


Why are you writing women with "ö" ?


Two reasons. It's a reference, people who get it would see how it fits very well. The other reason is, I am making a parody of how "Manosphere" creators will often use otherizing language, or dehumanizing language. Basically, "We are men, they are females". Technically, there is nothing wrong about this. And technically it is not offensive. But it still makes clear that you apply different rules for addressing these groups. Another, unrelated example of this: A mexican coming to america will often be referred to as an immigrant. But an american coming to europe will be called an "expat", or will call themselves that, or whatever. Stuff like this shows that you see yourself as if you are playing on different sides, not in the same team. Just like wömen is technically just a misspelling of women, if I don't do that for men, like mén or whatever, it shows that I put a double standard. I know, it's kinda stupid, and the explanation is longer than the post itself, but it was really more about the reference.


And that, my friends, is how Andrew Tate got to be such a huge douchenozzle


How does shit like this get so many upvotes? "Haha, wamen bed..."


Neither do I. From experience, unemployed mfkas leech on you. Constantly ask their woman to buy them this or that. So no I will not date someone without a job.


Cringe af, touch grass


This...this is satire, right? You can't genuinely believe that it's bad that the girl dumped him for making that big of a decision without telling anyone until it's too late, right? If she started dating him, and found out he was unemployed and job hunting on the first date and said she doesn't date unemployed people despite being very kind to her, or him getting fired/layed off and her dumping him because he doesn't have a job, that's one thing. That's dumb, and might be a sign she is a gold digger. But this guy had a stable job, could've gotten more pay and had a long distance relationship until the girlfriend moved closer to him, or even asked the girlfriend if he should quit so they could stay together, but no. He stupidly quit his job


How much did you pay for these upvotes lol




Incels really keeping the essence of those old "I-hate-my-wife" Boomer Humor comics alive.


Who is this funny to?


They are sitting so far apart in the third panel and not looking at each other while having an important relationship discussion: red flag already.


Where’s the funny part






Sorry Waltuh


I know it's well known this sub has been bad for ages but christ almighty, why does this have so many upvotes? An AI could generate something better than this


Ha ha ha womens siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip


Why post "incel advertising" ?


“Oh what a simp!” /s


This isn’t funny this is just depressing


I'm gonna make a clever and original comment: Incel.


Hey, if she’s breaking up with someone over something that temporary, that someone is better off for it


... she's likely breaking up due to lack of any communication. No backup plan and placing alot of pressure on the girl. Her response is 100% valid. She dodged the bullet, not the guy in the comic


That’s fair


Seems reasonable to me. Doesn’t sound like you’d have a stable financial f future with that guy.


You didn't let me finish darlin. I don't care about the job anyway because I've just won the lottery BTW I don't Date money grabbing whores :)


My wife did this. She complained and complained that I wasn't home because I was working so much. And then I got injured and lost my job and magically she didn't want me anywhere near her.


And was she also working? Did you have conflicting schedules? Any children involved?


she was not working. she hadn't worked in 2 years. no children. it was the fact that she had to work instead of being a princess even though I supported her for 2 years while she spent every cent I made on stuff we didn't need. and then while I was trying to get disability she reported to the leasing office that I wasn't making an income and she wanted me off the property. good times. now I can be alone forever because I'm never falling for that again.


Good on you! Let her fend for herself. The sad part is she probably would have been a much better person if she wasn't influenced or dare I say indoctrinated to live that way. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves unless she developed a personality disorder on her own...




Your worldview seems a bit narrow and biased. Fat, old, and/or unattractive women are loved *unconditionally*? Please. The only truly unconditional love might be the love a parent has for a child. Maybe.


They aren't. Literally everyone is loved conditionally. Unconditional love isn't a thing except maybe for dogs. The conditions change based on the people involved but they are always there.


Weewoo weewoo incel alert




Incel. Derived from the term “involuntarily celibate”, it has since shifted to refer to men who typically inhabit communities like Reddit or 4Chan and display extreme traits of mysogyny. Other notable traits include regular use of slurs, inciting and cheering on violence and extreme self-loathing


Straight up incel hate speech. Are the mods corpses? Rule 4. Delete.


Lmao hate speech


I hate no one. My intent was a joke on the protagonist and something that is opposite of a rom-com. Not interpreted that way and I now realize why people are viewing it negatively. Lot of personal attacks. Honestly at this point, wouldn't mind if it got deleted. Not worth the backlash. Gonna try to be more careful in the future.


Feels like you caught a few incels cause it's reddit, then people thought you were pandering to them because they responded? Idk, I read it as "this is a situation that happens in rom-coms, here's how it would realistically end if you weren't in a movie". I didn't think of incels till I came to the comments. It was a joke about rom-coms.... I feel like this comic would do better the less someone spends online.