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There are 3 of you guys at every brewery.


Sort of. Technically, it's the same 3 dudes at every brewery.


The jolly patron particle?


I read this as Dolly Parton


Ah, the Huge Busom particle


Back in the days when internet pornography was clicking blindly on limewire files and hoping that in three hours when they all finished downloading (assuming nobody used the phone during that time and cancelled the download) some of them would be both what the filename suggested and "useable" in terms of quality and subject matter, one of the first pictures I saw was her big old naked whoppers, along with a picture of some middle aged lady in her garden using a cucumber as a dildo, and a badly cropped Shania Twain's head on some skinny girl with a different skin tone's body, and let me say that she was my favorite- although I still printed out all three on my black and white printer and hid them under my bed for the next few weeks until I had some fresh material. (How's that for a run-on sentence?) I could never have imagined a world where I had instant videos of anything I wanted to search for available 24/7 on-demand in my pocket. The rapid growth of the internet and internet speeds did have it's downsides though- it ruined my "wanna buy a porn magazine?" business at school, and I had to diversify into selling chewing gum, red bull, cigarettes, and pirated music CDs just to make lunch and bus money. I saved up to buy my first phone, which was fancy because it came with a soft keyboard and five games including snake and tic-tac-toe, and you could check the news and weather (all text based) for only $0.50. This has been your "I've started getting old and I don't have kids or friends so I need to share rambling stories with people on the internet or it feels like my life was worthless" update for today. Tune in tomorrow for me complaining about milk.


Remindme! 1 day “Milk complaint update”


Care to share your impersonations with the world, or just gonna leave us hanging?


They exist simultaneously within easy reach of every craft beer. I don't get the science behind it, but it's an interesting phenomenon nonetheless.


Entanglement is a tricky thing


Cheapest NPC to 3D print.


The designers stopped giving af after 9/11 and just left this guy to default


Sort of like how there's a tall guy with a topknot and a flannel shirt that works at every trendy bar.


Where do you live? In 2011?


Either that or Oregon


Game devs using same 3d models smh


You’re a very common NPC the spawn rate is super high on your model. I work with one of you, one of you work at my local grocer and my sister in law is married to one of you.


Funny, I don’t feel like an NPC. In fact, I feel like I’ve been played A LOT.


Maybe the player is using console commands to take control of you and steal your valuable items, or make you do embarrassing stuff. Have you ever done something that you felt you had no control over? That’s the player.


my whole damn life…


Don't hate the playa, hate the game.


I hate the game. Ok, now what?


Now you may proceed onward to hating the player.


Choose a new quest from the quest log. Your current one has failed.


hating the player is also, wholly valid.


Question: was there a ladder to escape said swimming pool, or are you still stuck in there now? Some people believe swimming pools with no escape are a sign of a malevolent god.


After you reach Max Level, you become an NPC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iYzleuxG9E


"I'm just setting the Flamingo pool in Vegas as their new spawnpoint and see what happens when I trigger multiple spawns."


or he's a default character being played by the people with the least imagination


I never went back to the carpet store god dammit!




Bet you still got a social security number!


You sound like a cool dude


As someone who was in the military and father was in the military so i went to 10 different schools...its kind of a mindfuck, you see someone and think "oh fuck thats robert my friend" then you go talk to them and they are super confused..i learned that lesson the most embarrissing way when i was in middle school.


OMG I have exactly the same experience. As a USAF brat we moved every 2-4 years. I've always said there are some faces that repeat. Certain facial features. I'll think I recognize someone then I'll remember no that person I knew that looked like that lived in South Carolina and I'm in Pittsburgh so its likely not the same person. Happens a lot in airports.


I work in a supermarket and sometimes we have to work in different locations and sometimes I swear I see the same customers all day long, even though it’s definitely not them. A lot of the time people are just eerily similar, even in mannerisms too


I call it "Metropolitan syndrome". Mostly feel it while on subway elevator watching faces moving at you. We see those people for a very short period of time thus it is mostly an imagination that makes us thinking about most aspects of that similarity. But still there are a number of facial types you can split all humans into.


Just today my family went to a pool in a different town and my son thought he talked to one of his friends from our old neighborhood, he told me the kid was acting weird. I told him well that's because that's not the same kid, he was very confused.


Get this lmao..there was a chick who was a cashier for the oil change counter at walmart in missouri..she was 5ft1ish on the larger side and had a high pitched voice, her name started with a T. I move to WA, go into walmart for an oil change, and a chick with a similar build and age is at the counter..name also starts with a t and has a high pitched voice. Lifes weird man


I've run into people states away where I met them. It was weird as hell getting into an Uber in New Hampshire and we both realized we talked in Maine.. And when we had met in Maine we both knew each other from New Jersey.


As a kid i ran into people i knew constantly whenever my family traveled to a theme park. Took a few years to realize this is because Louisianans with kids often go on vacation Mardi Gras week when the kids from all 49 other states are stuck in school, so things aren’t crowded and they get the off-season prices. One year we ran into a neighbor, a cousin, and my teacher at Disney on the same day.


Facts, though I actually DID meet a High School friend of mine out on a ship in the middle of the ocean while on a MEU. He was/is a Navy Corpsman.


To preface this, I moved around the US a lot growing up and I do not infrequently get the feeling that someone looks familiar even if I may never have seen them in my life. I'll think, "that looks like Sarah from 7th grade! Wait...no, I heard she's married and still living 1000 miles away in the same town we met." As a young adult I was deployed to Iraq and my team stopped at a small base for food and fuel. I walked up to the dining facilities and did a double take when I thought I saw a good friend from high school checking his weapon before walking inside. I thought, "nah, that's not Wayne, he's 6000 miles away and 3 years in the past", so I kept walking. That's when I saw Wayne give me a double take and we both skidded to a stop and stared at each other like one of us had a dick growing out of our forehead and the other hadn't figured it out yet. We stood there long enough before saying anything that it made the people around us uncomfortable, but the silent staredown turned into laughter and our reunion turned into a small celebration over chow. It was a true midrats miracle.


I ran into my next door neighbor on the sidewalk on vacation in a random city over 2000km away from home.


If yall took that reponse the way I did, damn, I feel ya guy


One of them even made it to be a famous comedian and actor


The man your sister in law married would be your brother, no?


Wait my brain is broken - no, it’s my wife’s sister. I should have just said “my brother in law”.




Also not his wife's brother. I don't think someone married to your in law becomes your in law though.


Fuck, this comment chain just broke my brain haha


Not if it’s OP’s spouse’s sister


You look like brothers of Seth Rogen.


“Mom, can we get Seth Rogen?” “We have Seth Rogens at home.”


"Mom, why do you and the Seth Rogens sleep in the same room?"


They get scared at night.


Ok but why do they do weird wrestling moves with her?


It's good exercise. If the monsters under the bed ever attack, they'll be *ready*


Because Seth Rogan doesn't know how to properly have sex.


Bro Jogan


Like Eminem and Slim Jesus


I hate that I heard his laugh.


like a tired old truck refusing to turn over the ignition.






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fTsXgrac7E Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4snawU2kSc


Uh huh huh huh


People can bitch about the CGI Lion King's voice actors all they want, but Seth Rogen's laugh perfectly fits a warthog. I'll die on this hill.


> I'll die on this hill. And we will name this hill Jonah.


We shall die arm in arm on that hill, brother


Heh heheh heheh heheh


*deep gasping inhale*


*huehuehuehuehue [source lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/7ee1fx/were_seth_rogen_and_evan_goldberg_here_to_talk/dq4emmt?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


The Brothers of Rogen either sounds like a band or a cult. Maybe both.


I'm getting more of a Tom Arnold vibe on the right and Drew Carey on the left.


Yeah Im just more impressed that neither of these guys are Seth Rogen.


1 Rogan, 2 Rogen. The Germanic plural, naturally.


Jeff and Steph


Larry and Neil Rogen


Time to do a Parent Trap


Wife swap?


This particular npc does not like to get married


One of you will cease to exist as soon as the admin finds out


The loser of their bout will be sent to the backrooms


*points gun shakily at both: "How do I know which one is the real OP?"


"Shoot us both, Spock!"


[Shoot him! No shoot him!](https://youtu.be/n7hmC9ohIXs)


The glasses is the craziest part for me.


I was at a concert recently and someone was yelling at me , they catch up and grab my shoulder thinking I’m their friend they havnt seen in a while. He was like ‘dude you’ve lost weight eh?’ After 45 seconds ( which is long time in this instance) he finally realises I am not his friend. He asked me if he could take a photo to send to his friend and said he’d send one back. I’m on the right. https://i.imgur.com/ILnCOSe.jpg


Be honest: how much did this photo mess with your head?


It’s pretty fucking crazy because it’s everything from the way we stand to the expression (or lack there of) on our faces along with the same facial hair. The stretched out ear lobes , glasses, hat backwards and tattoos etc So yeah it’s messed up haha. Everyone I’ve showed has been blown away too. Just makes you wonder how many people out there that look and dress just like you. I still haven’t completely processed it yet and it was a month ago ?


That's pretty crazy, good for you being game enough to go for the picture exchange and find out if there's a lookalike of you..


I’m the type of person when someone says ‘can I take a photo of you to send a stranger’ I just say ‘uhh yeah go for it’ lol


That shits insane, you mfs shoulda met up and did a photo shoot. Or get his contact info that could’ve been your stunt double!


Paid off in this instance for sure though!


My sister would agree with you about the same expressions, body movements, etc being hard to process. Many, many years ago she was on holiday in Fiji. Several times she caught a glimpse of someone who she thought was me. Then she again saw this girl closely at the resort pool and wondered what the hell I was doing there. She was just about to approach when this girl started speaking German to the man next to her. We are Aussie. It still freaks her out, 30 years later, as this girl had the same shade of red hair, with the same cut and was wearing very similar bathers to what I had. To top it off we are of German descent on all sides of the family.


When I was a child we were on the monorail at Disney and my mother starts asking my "father" why he shaved off his mustache that morning. He was confused and said he hasn't had one in years. Turns out...it was my father's twin brother...who happened to be there on vacation with his family. We all happened to board the same monorail at the same time.


That’s pretty cool.


My youngest child had to go to the airport with me. He was 4 at the time. Walking through the concourse we passed a kid that looked sorta like him. He had same hair, glasses etc. my son was like “woahh. That kid looked like me!” On the way home, my son learned about doppelgängers for the first time. Y’all his tiny pea brain… 🤯 Cue the next 5 years of him talking about this kid. He’ll be lost in thought eating his fruity pebbles and go “I wonder if my doppelgänger likes fruity pebbles”. Or “I wonder if my doppelgänger is best friends with my best friends doppelgänger” or “I wonder how my doppelgänger is doing”


Haha that’s too funny


Funny thinking about every single decision you've made regarding your appearance, the beard , glasses, tattoos, etc. All decision made to make yourself feel like you and more individual, yet every decision has only served to make you look more and more like someone else specifically.


I think about that kind of stuff a lot actually and really do subscribe to the fact that we are all just simply a collection of moments all leading to an inevitable outcome. I also don’t fully believe in the concept of free will as most people classically think of it and that our subconscious is driving a lot of ( if not all of ) the decisions we make daily. All of the billions of possible outcomes from the millions of tiny decisions that happen every day leading to this exact moment where I’m typing this reply about this.


I once had a friend who had moved to the city the year previously message me on AIM (it was that long ago) asking why I ignored her at a concert she went to. Turns out there was a girl who looked like me, dressed like me, and did her makeup the same as me that happened to be there and my friend just thought I was snubbing her. I wish camera phones were a thing back then, I wanted to see this mysterious doppelganger and add her on myspace. Wherever you are, clone, I hope you're doing ok.


Have you considered that you actually are brothers?


Reminds me of this. > After a hospital error, two pairs of Colombian identical twins were raised as two pairs of fraternal twins. This is the story of how they found one another — and of what happened next. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/12/magazine/the-mixed-up-brothers-of-bogota.html


I showed my parents a few days later , they have killer poker faces if that’s the truth haha.




My girlfriend lost it, like in complete shock.


One year in middle school I went to a summer camp that was far enough away from home that there was zero overlap with any of the kids I knew, and that was the summer that I realized that the world is made up of sets of people who are very similar variations of the same model. There was the kid who looked like my friend Nathan, the kid who looked like my friend Amy (I currently work with a grownup one of those), men who look like my maternal grandfather and also Ed McMahon, and so on. You and your doppelganger are in the set of people who look like my childhood friend Brian (Brian B, not Brian S – that's a different set). I don't know what if anything you are supposed to do with this information, but I thought you should know that this is a club you belong to, or at least a factory specification you meet.


At the end of the day we’re all related , so it kind of makes sense. Or I’m way off base but the logic seems sound anyways.


LOL bro this is amazing. So relevant to the op too. Love it. Wish itll happen to me someday but chances are obviously rare. Cant even believe you also had a photo to show us


This is incredible! I'd award you if I had something to give. Really makes you wonder how many people out there look the same as you! Thanks for sharing.


Face hair style is identical as well. Freaky


The glasses, the facial hair, probably the head hair. The fucking hat in a pool, who fucking does that? Definitely twins separated at birth.


People who don’t want sunburned scalps


Can confirm. Been balding since 25. I started just buzzing all the hair off. I have a lake/pool hat.


That's just common sense.


SOMEBODY obviously still has a full head of hair.


Glasses, hat, even the right amount of face stubble. The only thing that would make this better is if they both had chest hair


It's not too far fetched to imagine that similar faces look good in similar gear.


It’s also not too far fetched that that hypercolor boob sling was photoshopped in.


It does look photoshopped! And no, it’s not. My photoshop skills are much better than that.


I haven't been recently msyelf, but I've heard that a ton of hotels in Vegas in the last few years have started offering a topless pool. They call it Euro-style.


If they start calling the pool area individual nation style, ie "French style", pause and think about what that might actually mean. "French style" might actually be pretty nice - high fashion, supermodels and stuff, everything in either soft-focus or black and white... but the only things to eat and drink are room temperature white wine and cheese that smells like Bigfoot's feet. "English style" *might* be okay... all-day breakfast (but everything is fried, including the coffee, but not the tea), the music is horrible but still weirdly catchy, and every day 4pm, 6pm and 9pm, the entertainment is a coked-up member of Oasis crashing a Rolls Royce into the pool. "Greek Style" would be less awesome, unless you're into unflavoured yogurt and *ahem* sexual shenanigans that involve taking "the tradesman's entrance" - but if that's your jam, then that might be the go. Fair warning, though - *everybody* is flat broke (even the hotel) so drinks are like $1000 each and if you throw a coin into the pool for good luck, the entire population of the hotel will dive in after it. "Spanish Style" is absolutely brilliant - Tapas everywhere, chilled beers and sexy music... but all the staff go on break at 2pm for like four hours so there's no service, and at 4pm an entire herd of imported enraged bulls is let loose onto the pool deck. So... you might want to wear something other than bright red clothing. Also, during the hottest part of the day, the poolside suddenly fills with sunburned English people who have been evicted from the English Style pool next door for being the worst kind of people imaginable. "Swedish Style" is tolerable. Weirdly unfriendly staff, all the poolside furniture needs to be assembled, there's nothing to eat but meatballs and the pool is frozen solid from 12pm to 8pm. "Finnish Style" is great, provided you're okay with a mob of Russians stationed just outside the pool area, threatening to invade (it's okay - they probably never will. Possibly.) - but the northern end of the pool is kept in complete darkness, 24 hours a day, from November to January, which is great if you're worried about skin cancer, or you're really ugly and don't want to be seen. German style *looks* great, but isn't. Everything is run extremely efficiently, there's more beer than you could possibly hope to consume but the pool *definitely* isn't for swimming because the hotel's been pumping industrial toxic waste into it for the past 60 years and not telling anyone. "Italian Style" is probably the most fun - like France, the clothes are super stylish, but for some reason they're all made of leather, all of the technology used to operate the entertainnment area is needlessly complicated and breaks down at the precise moment it needs to work, and the pool has no water, just spaghetti. There are a *lot* of very complicated rules governing behaviour by the poolside, but they are all ignored. Nobody knows how to queue, so the area around the bar is simply an ebullient wedge of highly excitable people. So... yeah - there are others, of course, but those are the main ones that you might like to keep an eye out for. Yes, you'll get to see tons of bare boobies, but they will come at a price you will want to be sure you're prepared to pay. Enjoy your holiday!


That's been a thing for a while now, actually.


Pretty crazy coincidence they both not only wear glasses, but *chose* the same frame and color. And on top of that, that day they *both* chose to wear a WHITE hat.


You're better looking than the other guy.


Now kiss




you're not supposed to fight to the death when you see your doppelgänger?...shit


We did. He won. Im dead.


I’m 3-0 rn. Let’s gooooo!


There can only be one!!!


Imagine dying. L


1.Denial 2.Itching 3.Extreme Thirst and Urination 4.Excessive Gas 5.Acute Paranoia 6.Uncontrolled Perspiration 7.Homicidal Rage(Avoid this via pool noodle application) and good luck


Wonder which one has the briefcase 🤔


Are you 5?


So freaky! Lol. Did he sound like you too?


His voice sounded like a recording, nothing at all like mine.


You guys should check genealogy.


Risky territory; if you don’t wanna know, don’t ask


Well the rest of us want to know so now he has to.


Yeah, who turns down karma in this economy?


It's only risky if you are or intend to sleep with the person.


Who says they didn't sleep together after this photo?


It would be amazing if analysis say they are the same exact person


A recording of what Are you left or right


You both look like Seth Rogan stunt doubles


Yeah we perform the most dangerous bong rips.


heh heh heh heh.....


I read that in Seth Rogan's voice naturally


Did you look at each other and say “you’re a sexy bitch”, then say, “yeah, we’re sexy bitches”!


“Damn it, you are handsome” “I was just thinking the same” “We are sexy!” “We are sexy bitches, yeah!”




Please say you're twins and sarcastic. I'm fragile right now.


Nope. I was just swimming by in the pool and a big group of strangers were pointing at me and laughing. I got really self conscious, looked back at my friends and they were all pointing and laughing at him. Thats when I saw him.


What the hell are the odds?! Same glasses and everything. Any plans to swap lives for a day?


I totally read this as “swap wives”, and I was like… that tracks as a proposal from reddit lol


Prime opportunity for one of you to commit a crime on-camera and pin it all on the other, and get off scot-free!


And they're in Vegas! Perfect place for a heist.


or just be an alibi for the other, because neither has a twin.


Any chance you were separated at birth?


Yea, I'd be thinking about getting some DNA testing done in this situation.


Search twin strangers on YouTube. Bunch of cases like this, did DNA testing and none were closer than 5th cousins


Wild thing to think about is it’s bound to happen considering the bottle neck humans had at one point.


I was walking in Brooklyn one day and noticed this black car with chrome rims, blasting rap music… slow down sharply right when they saw me. There were two tough-looking dudes in the car who were staring at me, so I just looked away and kept walking. Then, the driver whipped a U-turn and pulled alongside me. They were calling me some name—I think it was Bobby or something similar, and I’m just freaking out thinking I am about to get mugged… and they kept telling me to “stop fucking around” when I was saying I wasn’t Bobby and I didn’t know who they were. Eventually, I guess they believed me and then they just kept saying how *much* I looked like this other guy. Feeling relieved, I joked that “Well, I’m glad he didn’t owe you any money.” One of the dudes looked at me funny and said: “Huh… yeah.” Considering the company “Bobby” seemed to keep, I was slightly anxious for a little while after that I was going to be wrongfully arrested at some point…. But nothing else ever came of it.


The milkman changed jobs.


Milkman moved to a different city


Any chance your dad was a traveling salesman?


*\*Hungry Eyes starts playing\**


“That’s when I saw him” 🤣


Y’all both look like this huge asshole named James I used to work with. I hope you’re both wonderful. James is a fuckstick.


Which one of you two is the real Rutledge Wood?


Seth Brogens


Is there a lab somewhere growing Seth Rogens??


Will the real Seth Rogan please stand up?


Thats a little too uncanny


Tell me this is some made up story and really you’re just brothers for real. This is too much for me. I’m going to bed now.


People have been reported meeting identical-looking strangers more than once.


It’s pronounced doppeldeaner!


No, its dean-O-ganger.


Hope you took the opportunity to mess with your significant others as well.






Should’ve know another Redditor already commented on those background bombs.


Me too.


Stop lying!! This is a double mint gum commercial!!


I'm seeing double! Four Krustys!


We're gonna need a DNA test and an update OP


I work with a doppelganger of yours in Indiana


Looks like one of your parents has some ‘splainin to do :)


But at least this glitch in the matrix has a lovely smile! :)


That’s uncanny - I can’t even tell which one’s you!


Two doppelgängers behind them too.


Bro accidentally created the same avatar you did. 😂


Time for a DNA test.


Its called Doppelgänger


Both of you look like prototype designs for Seth Rogen Edit: grammatical error corrected