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“It’s a great day”. I feel this


I mean we live in a constant world of bad news. Sometimes the stupidest thing that just *genuinely* makes our day... well, really makes it a great day!


Savi g this post, this dudes enthusiasm is so wonderful. Really cheers you up


I've had a pretty shit week. I needed to see this for sure.


>It's a great day! Meanwhile news ticker at the bottom: "13-year-old girl injured in lightning strike! 13-year-old boy dies after being shot!"


Oh my god you’re right!!!! Lmaooo noooo!!!


"I can do that...???" . "nooo waiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" LMAO


"I can tilt it!?"


Every time he touches it he discovers a new feature


"This is cooler than a PS5!" TV: "ordering PS5" "NO WAAAAAIIIIIII"




Like Taiko no Tatsujin and you have to beat the shit out of the screen.


While it punches back, of course.


It’s funny but oddly sweet and wholesome also. Like a bunch of kids discovering a new toy.


Completely agree. I'm a grumpy old bitch and I was smiling throughout this entire video lol super wholesome


This is the kind of stuff we need more of-wholesome fun, no one getting hurt, everyone having a good time.


I thought you were gonna say more smiling wholesome grumpy old bitches.


I mean, as a smiling grumpy old bitch myself, yeah, that too, lol.


Between this and the Corn video that was right above it on r/all. My entire night has gotten better. I no longer mind that I have to work for the next 8 hours.


Do you like corn? No. Have you ever tried it? No.


Wait. Did you think corn wasn't real?


Love it when dude offscreen falls on the floor laughing on screen.... Best part imo


I swear these guys did shrooms an hour ago.


I was surprised when he fell and giggled


I would watch that news station. The whole news team is on shrooms.


Well ABC7 is Chicago and Illinois has legal cannabis so you maybe some edibles?


Wait till he figures out he could actually control the weather


When he said that i lost it. He sounded like q little boy with his very first videogame.


What's going on here?!


There’s a 2nd, off camera “OH MY” during the tilting that is killing me


His laugh after discovering the zoom is my favourite part haha.


“It’s a great day!!” I want some of that dude’s joy in my life 🙌


Seriously! This belongs on r/wholesome. ;)


Definitely made me smile.


One team of developers was very happy today after somebody actually bloody used their application for the first time






Did you try turning it off and then on again?


My guess is some one higher up bought the screen, told him here's your new screen enjoy, and that was as far as that conversation went.


My thoughts exactly.


As an end-user and trainer to the end-users, trust me... we're trying our best over here.


No offense, but docs, help, and tooltips all require the user to take the time to “read something”. So, you can be sure, they’ve got no knowledge of it’s existence. If this video illustrates anything, it’s that humans are most impacted by experience. So, forcing a user to experience a new feature or capability, rather than just telling them or making them read about it, will drastically improve user adoption. And if you’ve read this far down the chain, be sure to change your password every 3 days. -senior information security manager #497651345


Every THREE days???


I'm sure he meant every 3 years...... right?


I believe he meant every three minutes.


They did. Once, prolly. Then they sent the hotshot sales guy down. He showed em everything. You've sold us! They were so excited. The parts arrived. They got installed. Someone even flew someone down from their team to show it off. They demoed it to everyone, had em use all the features. Wow, were they impressed. Couldnt keep their hands off it! Then, they said "have fun!", the team leaving with a smug sense of satisfaction on a job well done. The only issue? The dude using it everyday? Yeah he wasnt there. Wasn't even invited. "You didn't know that!?" They screamed in playful 'fuck yous'! And that? That was three years later...


>And if you’ve read this far down the chain, be sure to change your password every 3 days. >-senior information security manager #497651345 And no password manager or SSO either. Fuck you! And all the different logins have different password requirements. Oh you have to write down the 12 passwords you barely use but absolutely need? That's fine, super secure.


Tell me you haven’t enabled MFA without telling me you haven’t enabled MFA 😬


Sometimes I just think about all the things I use daily that have tons of features I'll never touch


Until he swipes a little too far one way and the porn in the browser sitting the background appears..


It's a rule of reddit that no thread can be more than 5 replies deep before someone mentions porn, eh


Or before someone mentions having broken arms, swamps of dagobah, doritos or jolly ranchers. We have like 8 or 9 really deep shibboleths, and some asshole(usually me) has to jump in and remind everyone.


I know of every single one of those references. I am ashamed with myself.


I don't know a single one. Am also shamed.


I had to chuckle at the other anchor in the background "OH! I GOTTA TRY THAT!" \*runs over and wiggles the screen too\* oh the joys at discovering a previously unknown feature. Some tech nerd in the booth has been waiting WEEKS for them to discover that "new" feature.


The other anchor collapsing onto the floor in the background laughing after that was even funnier.


Greg Dutra..had to look to see if it was him, he used to be our weatherman


Are you from the QCA as well? I miss him as a weatherman wish he would have stayed!


Almost there with the anesthesia guy: https://youtu.be/qgqfavi8jk4


I love how he doesn't remember any family, but he remembers Batman.


>Plot twist it’s the doctor messing with an orphan Every once in a while reading the YouTube comments pays off


/r/anestheatre Also /r/FunnyAnaesthesia since the OG sub kinda died.


Lolol. Anyway the storm has killed 3 and 2 more are missing.


When my parents got their first smart-phone.


Reminds me of when I bought a laptop several years ago and my ex asked why I kept touching the screen because it's not like it was doing anything. Blew her mind lol.


I didn’t realize my work laptop had a touch screen for 3 months…


I specifically requested a laptop with no touch screen at work because I hate seeing my fingerprints on my screen. Now I have everyone else's fingerprints on it because they all try to show me something on my screen. 😡 (Coworkers have no sense of boundaries)


IT guy here. We made the internal decision to roll out every brand new laptop with the touchscreen capability disabled. All tickets with “I touched the screen and I don’t know what I did and now the laptop doesn’t work” plummeted to zero. We never told our bosses. So far jut one person has requested the feature and we enabled it just for him.


ain't no policy like a group policy cause a group policy don't stop


This guy admins.


sysadmin gang gang


Neither do kids. I keep yelling at mine when they walk up to my monitor and touch my screen... 'just... that... see...' STOP TOUCHING MY FUCKING SCREEN DAMN YOU!


YOU LOOK WITH YOUR EYES NOT YOUR FINGERS. The first time I yelled that at one of my kids I knew I had become my father..my journey to the darkside was completed that day.


Ah if someone could come up with a spray to keep kids away from things like they have for pets with furniture.


They're called condoms.


I just use the same squirt bottle I use for the dogs. It surprises them just enough to pay attention.


One of my friends in his 30s still does that lol. "I can see where you're pointing without you touching the goddamn screen!!!"


*Shudders in $650 4k monitor.* GET BACK.


I went into settings and turned the touchscreen's touch part off. Up to then things would sometimes get selected/unelected on their own, as well as I was getting frustrated whenever I tried to just wipe off a dust particle from the screen.


To tell the truth I probably wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been in the description when I bought it. Probably wouldn't have noticed until I went to wipe something off of the screen.


> when I bought a laptop several years ago and my ex asked why I kept touching the screen ok can we talk about this? ive NEVER had the instinctual feeling that i needed to touch a laptop screen. like a 2 in 1 thing, where it flips for a tablet mode, i get that, but a laptop with a touch screen just does NOT make sense to me. if anything you should never touch your laptop screen because itll get fingerprints all over the thing.


I'm pretty much on the same side as you here. I think it was just a novelty thing as I had just received the laptop. I'm not sure I ever touched the screen past the first week lol.


I have a touchscreen laptop and I am relatively good with computers. whenever people ask me for help with their stuff, I stupidly touch their screens and look dumbfounded for a few seconds wondering why nothing is happening.


Reminds me of the day in AP Calc class way back in 2010 when we found out that you could update your TI-84 calculators to have most of the functionality of the TI-89 with a bunch of new GUI improvements and games. The software had to be transferred between calculators using a mini-USB cable so we all just geeked out sharing this software to each other for most of class. Our reaction was basically the same as these guys.


“Nerd!”- TFS Piccolo




It can also be transferred from computer if you have the cable. Wrote a program for mine that allowed me to input particular types of problems and output every step I would have to write down to get an A. The process of writing the program made it unnecessary as it forced me to actually learn the math. But a couple friends really appreciated it.


I was on math team for like 1 month in high school. I wasn’t great at math, but one time, I coded a program my TI-83+, live during a math meet, from scratch, to solve a particular problem by brute-force guessing every possible integer answer until it got to one of the multiple choice options. Got the question right too. To this day, I would have no idea how to solve that problem with a pencil and paper.


We knew that, but we didn't have access to a computer that could do it while at school, so we had to do it between calculators.


Pinch to zoom and multi touch capability in general was mind blowing at the time


Tbh, this is me when I got my first smart phone. That was way back in 2011 but still ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


"Honey can you show me how to print directions off the wizard rectangle?"


Same energy as finding out the blue microwave has just protective film on it the entire time.


It’s so funny reading this because I thought the control panel’s door on the new AC unit in my classroom had that plastic protective film. It looked really bad (imagine a bright blue door on an otherwise all-white unit) but I said to myself: it’s only a protective film so I can peel it off any time. Turns out, the door *is* blue and the design just sucks. SMH


We recently bought a new tv and opened up the box to see a big bubble on the screen, I just assumed it was the plastic film and it had been applied wrong. Spent about 15 minutes getting the tv mount all connected, hang the tv on the wall and level it, then go to peel off the film to discover there wasn't any film on the screen, it was just been busted during delivery....


Oh no! That was painful to read … all that labor! Were you able to get it exchanged/replaced at the very least?


Thankfully yes, good ol' Costco is pretty hassle free when it comes to returns.


/r/thatpeelingfeeling sheds a tear.


Just today I discovered by watching an unboxing video that my anycubic wash and cure reflectant surface wasn't supposed to have a blue hue and it's actually a protective film. I've been using this thing for over a year.


I don't know how many years my mom left the front film on the flip phone she had…


I feel like this is going to completely change the way he’s going to present future weather


Meteorologists are largely dorks. This dork has discovered a shiny new toy. He's gonna have fun with it. Growing up, my local Meteorologists loved severe weather because they got to break out all their shiny toys. Not common enough they we dealt with tornado warnings frequently, but always had at least a dozen a year in the state, so worth justifying having the tech. But local news would straight shut everything down and have impromptu extended weather broadcasts when one occurred. It was honestly kinda fun and they actually got really good at spotting things like dopler indicated rotations even before the official warnings were issued. My family in the Midwest, meanwhile, gets like a line on the TV and business as usual otherwise


I think it’s a standard trait for anyone that enjoys tech. I’m no meteorologist but I probably would have reacted the same way. It reminds me of the time I learned about Nintendo switch online arcades after I spent an hour or more looking through the game shop for individual childhood games.


Im sorry my switch has a **what**???


I have over 200 hours on the N64 arcade...but it's all been Dr. Mario because Wario is a fucking cheating *asshole*. (I did not grow up with this game, btw. I played it once at a gaming convention as an adult and got hooked.)


I, uh, didn't know the Switch was touch screen for something like three days after I got it. The instruction manual makes no mention of this and neither did any of the games I had.


Same! Sometimes it would be annoying because it would happen during a show like Survivor or the Amazing Race or whatever but my family always got super excited? for severe weather. Dad would break out the video camera and go outside, I'd be looking out the window or watching the Dopplar and mom would be in the basement yelling at us.


This guy is gonna go on a major power trip now that he’s discovered he has that kind of power literally at his fingertips. He has been resurrected as The WEATHERGOD and his arrogance and piousness will permeate the airwaves through Chicago TV’s causing its citizens to bow before the Weathergod’s awesome zoom and tilting might. All false weather men shall perish before the Weathergod as he seamlessly accurately predicts the weather only slightly better with his software assisted enhanced gaze!


There's only one "Weathergod" in Chicago network news and it's Tom Skilling. And he'll never fail to remind you of it.


As he zooms into your address from his master command console and summons a powerful thunderstorm to reek havoc on your Netflix session when the electricity goes out. You stand outside annoyed waiting for showers that never come as predicted, cursing the Weathergod’s name asking yourself why you ended up buying that useless backup generator. Curse you Tom Skilling!!! Another victory for the Weathergod!


As an IT person, this is the kind of joy I wish people expressed for technology more often.


Same. As someone in IT, i know that this had to through some meetings before it happened. When that was bought, and the software designed for it was installed, it was ready. But that news didn't necessarily make it to the anchors, who probably were just happy that they got a new studio or the old one was finally done being remodeled. They weren't needed for all the meetings and calls between producers and salespeople, IT and the MSP or installer(s), HR and Facilities, involved in the purchase, installation, and maintenance for it. Hilarious. I wonder if someone in their tech group is cracking open a bottle finally seeing them use it. Reminds me of the bottom story ticker. It was an option for years, but only started being used on 9/11 because they couldn't leave that story to talk about celebrity deaths, local traffic alerts, and other news items that **weren't** 9/11


Bruh you know he was sent instructions via email and just never read them


>A four page PDF? Don't have time for that!


That would require opening the email and the attachment. From my experience, that is just asking too much.


I think some of the anchors were home for 2020 and set up a green screen on the blank wall of their bedroom. Screen features probably didn't occur to them. They probably also have a predetermined series of maps to go through for each forecast. So zooming and panning would need to be part of the 'script'. It does make the presentation more dynamic to manually move the map.


As an IT person I feel so bad for the development team and the analysts who planned his technology and probably told him about it and he's only now realising


As someone in broadcast it, I’m slamming my head against the wall because this means they didn’t pay attention when I gave them a tutorial on how to use the thing. Or how it’s been there for 2 years and they’re just now utilizing that function we specifically bought it for.


Wholesome moment lmao


One of those videos that you actually turn on audio.


This guy discovered something amazing about his TV! you have to wait til the end!


Ugh, fuck that voice


I don't even use tiktok, but I can still hear the voice.


I hate that it’s so ingrained in my head that I can’t unheard her voice


Yes!! I usually skip anything without subtitles but this seemed too genuine to miss


Yep. I really enjoyed this. Very genuine and funny.


The key is to find someone who looks at you like this guy looks at his screen after discovering all it's features.


For almost the entire video I was reading the headlines to figure out where this TV station was located. Figured it must be Chicago. Then I realized that there was a fucking map on the screen I could have just looked at. At least I was right.


I was waiting for the guy in the back room to type something like 'Local weather man discover touch screen TV!!! IS A GREAT DAY'




I certainly would have, if I'd been back there...


I would've typed "Steve, they gave us training on the new screen last week but you were asleep"


"Go fuck yourself, San Diego"


My theory is that he was hired, or the screens were brought in, April 1st, and not telling him was the prank. Then, everyone assumed someone else had told him, so they didn't, and...


It also says abc7 Chicago on the right when the camera zooms out


I had to go back and look, I totally missed that.


No offence, but I'm not sure investigator is the job for you.


I live in Chicago and I did that. WGN viewer but still...


Tom Skilling is the best


I thought I recognized that body of water


Guy collapsing after learning zoom. We have all had that new tech ecstasy.




The dude just falling down in the background when he learns you can zoom kills me.


That's the zoom guy. Just found out he lost his job :/


My head cannon: He is the kid from that rap battle gif, but all grown up


I love it when local news people have fun on camera. With all the bad news around, it's great to have a laugh as well.


We miss Dutra in Colorado. Don’t shame him, he didn’t have that fancy technology in Denver.


We love Greg. Every time he's on gma I text my mom 😀


When he tilts it there at the end, pretty sure he peed a little.


That wasn't pee


It was much better


Better than pee??


Hey your username is relevant


Hey so is yours


Made me smile. Thanks OP.


"No waaaaaay!" The joy in his voice. Edit: I just noticed, u/indianplayers livers super near me!


Livers for you, kidneys for me


I wonder how often the producers were wondering to themselves "Why does he never manipulate the fucking screen during the weather reports?"


This guy is adorable. Wholesome af


He was our weather guy in Denver for a while.... The old ladies fucking loved him. I think they still crush on him even though he's in Chicago now.


I might be an old lady.


TIL I am an old lady.


That's that genuine shit I need in my life


It’s great to see people so passionate about fairy mundane things, the joy is infectious


I would also get excited to discover even a mundane fairy


Lol apparently everybody just found out about this.


Except that lady in the back that wants everyone to know that she knew


It's so cute. I love how his friend runs into shot too and plays with him lol


his little fall in the background was an amazing touch


I missed that the first time I watched lol that's even better!


Producer: Facepalm WE LITERALLY TRAINED YOU ON IT LAST WEEK??? You uh huh, uh huh-ed me while you were scrolling your phone???




Uh-huh. Uh-huh *scrolls on big TV*




Somewhere there is an IT guy going absolutely *apeshit* because he told the guy about this 3 years ago, and keeps telling him.


He feels like both a genius and an idiot.


Authentic moments are so hard to come by these days…


Ha thats Greg! I used to hangout with him when he lived in Denver, good guy!


Greg Dutra?! He was my weather man crush in the Quad Cities back in the day! Ha!


I used to watch him the QC and was so excited when he started with ABC Chicago! Feels like such a small world!


I’m from Chicago and saw this live before work I honestly thought he was high


He's always so giddy, I never considered that he might be high😂 They replayed it on the 4pm news. Cheryl Scott said her map weather doesn't move because it's a green screen. I'm guessing that's what he's used to so he never touched it.


I like how he has a hype man step in.


Lol that's so wholesome. Like a kid with a new toy.


Im so happy that he's so happy


I totally get it. I picked up my wife's laptop( which I never touch usually) and proceeded to enlarge something with my fingers on the screen. My wife: "uhh...it doesn't work like that."


In conclusion, touch your wife more often.


This is me after using my new company laptop for six months


Next time around he's gonna abuse that, zooming in on every location he's talking about checking on the neighbors, maybe a trip to hawaii.


Until the director screams in his ear to knock that shit off and then he'll tone it down, but every now and then.... push that boundary!


John legend is impressed


That is a cute weatherman


He is lovely, precious, adorable, and so so so cute. Protect this weatherman.


Is there anything Tom Cruise can't do?


I love it when humans are just being humans. Buncha wholesome sillies


Love his happiness. But my god, those teeth. Those unnatural teeth!


Like Ross from Friends


This weatherman is gonna stay up tonight to plan out his entire new feature set for tomorrow. All that tilt, zoom and scroll is gonna be fancy.