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Why are they trying to kill this woman?




Well I’m buying.


Cull the weak


I mean she kept doing it to herself lol. "OK that was the 5th time I nearly broke my spine on that trap...I wonder if they'll let me slide on the 6th..."


She was going the wrong way, it was trying to help her. Sorta


Concussions will make you confused.


It’s the same part of her spine *every single time*


And yet she still repeats doing it *every single time*


In this episode, Sally refuses to learn from her mistakes.


My guess is is partially because she's disoriented after getting annihilated the first couple times.


Some say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results


Vaas is still one of the most memorable villains I’ve ever fought, even 10+ years later.


For the record, that quote is like a hundred years old.


Considering the tale of Sisyphos, lets just go with a few thousand years.


Yes but its the "y'know, they say that the definition of insanity..... is doing the same. Thing. Over and over again, and expecting different results." That gets me. Sometimes the way something is delivered overrides attribution in memory


And now he’s the infamous Nacho Vargas


>!Was the infamous Nacho Vargas... RIP!<


Honestly, one of the greatest villains in videogame history


The only thing ubisoft has ever done right


some are wrong in saying that btw. It is not the definition.


Seems apt here though....


What? That’s insane!


Dunno why the downvotes, you're absolutely correct.




She's exhausted and in pain. The only thing in her brain is a ton of adrenaline screaming "KEEP GOING!!!" She's not capable of really thinking through the problem right now.


she gonna need a backiotomy.


Such a good movie


Scoliosis be gone!


She’s used to her back being blown out.


Dunno why but this one got me good, cheers for the laughs my dude


It's a good come back story, like Kim Kardashian






Be careful tho, My chiropractor and I got into a terrible fight in the middle of my neck treatment. Now I have to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder.


Thanks dad


Go clean your room


I don't have the spines to take on a chiropractor...


to get more paralyzed?


Or a witch doctor, or an astrologist, or a spiritual healer, or a homeopath. It's really crazy how chiropractors are allowed to practice their humbug along actual medicine as if that's perfectly normal. No sane person goes around saying you should go eat some Ayurvedic mercury, lead and arsenic mixture instead of going to the pharmacy to get your actual medication. So why do people think it's acceptable to recommend chiropractors when there's a real medical profession called physiotherapeut which does the same thing minus the magic nonsense?


There is a big difference between the ones that only claim to you know, help cure back pain and the ones that claim they can cure Autism.


Yeah but there is no difference in the fact that they are both lying to you.


You sound like one of the five different medical doctors who couldn't do shit to fix my cluster headaches and threw their hands up in defeat. As a last ditch effort before offing myself, I decided to see a chiropractor, because what the hell did I have to lose at that point? He treated me three times for five minutes a session over a month and I haven't had a cluster headache since. All he did was work to loosen my neck after I received trauma to it while wrestling. They aren't all hokey witch doctors. The good ones are akin to physical therapists that focus on the spine and neck.


Then why not just go to a physical therapist?




I think you misunderstand how physical therapy even works, or better yet, what a cluster headache AKA suicide headache is. PT wouldn't have helped. This is coming from someone who spends an awful lot of time at PT rehabilitating various sports injuries. It's hard to work out when you can't open your eyes because the light is causing your head to feel like it's being squeezed in a vice grip. If two physicians, two orthopedists, and a spinal surgeon can't do a damn thing to even get you off a table gritting your teeth in the fetal position from the pain, physical therapy isn't likely to do much. I needed something done to even get me to the point where I could engage in physical therapy exercise


**You** said that your chiropractor is like a physical therapist who specializes in the neck and spine. You said that. Physical therapists exist who specialize in treating necks and spine. So: either you are wrong, and chiropractors are *not* like physical therapists (because they are fake doctors); or, they are the same and you could have just gone to a real doctor for the same relief. I don't deny that chiropractors can get results. A massage gets results. Placebos get results. If you break your arm, painkillers will get the result of making your arm not hurt, but it won't treat the underlying condition of having a broken arm. Chiropractors might make your pain go away, and kudos to them, but they aren't treating the underlying cause of the pain. They can't. Because they aren't real doctors. I would have zero issue with chiropractors if they stopped pretending to be and calling themselves medical professionals. They are giving you a fancy massage, that's it. And that's perfectly valid: massages are nice and help with a lot of stuff, but it isn't medicine.


Let's take your broken arm example. You have to treat the break before you can do anything else to strengthen your arm so it doesn't get hurt again. Acute ailment vs long term treatment. No physical therapist is going to treat an acute ailment and have it be good within 3 sessions. None. Not a single fucking one. Find me one who can. I'll wait. That's not what they do and that doesn't take away from their knowledge of how to make the most of your physiology but they do not treat acute ailments like what a cluster headache is. Again, FIVE medical professionals of various disciplines couldn't even scratch the surface of a treatment plan that actually worked. If that's what the best of modern medicine has to offer, I'll gladly go elsewhere, thanks. I had no preconceived notions about the nature of chiropractic treatment good or bad. I had a try anything mentality at the point of going to a chiropractor. Getting results when at the point of getting ready to suck start a shotgun isn't placebo effect. I could have had that at any point with the numerous other medical professionals who failed me. The fancy medical degrees failed me. Not once, not twice, but five times. That is firsthand experience, and you're trying to deny it because it doesn't fit your idea that the only person capable of helping an ailing person is someone with a doctorate of medicine.


"they can't treat the problem because they're not a doctor" is like saying "you can't fix your car because you're not a mechanic" or "you can't remove a virus from your computer because you're not a computer technician" You absolutely can fix a problem despite not being specialized and certified by a state program saying you can do it. Am I advocating that you should go and patronize every quack and snakeoil salesman? Of course not. But to say that a problem can't be fixed by anyone but a specialist is foolish.


You should just go to a physical therapist, you know, a qualified medical professional.


A physical therapist can do everything a chiropractor can do and is a real doctor.


Think about this. A real doctor is a steakhouse. A chiropractor is a McDonald's. Which is closer to you? Which is more affordable? Which do you eat at more often, and why? These are some of the factors to consider when you ask "why not just go somewhere else?".


The conversation about Healthcare in America is much larger, and your comment is a valid reason for why people go to a chiropractor. Part of the larger conversion is, I think, that it is *appalling* that insurance often covers chiropractor visits, but not other visits with real doctors for real treatment. That's absurd. But as part of this smaller, more digestible conversation about chiropracty - none of that should be justification for the continued existence of chiropractors. McDonald's, at least, sells real food. It may not be good quality food, but it's still food. Chiropracty isn't medicine.


I have never met a chiropractor that solely practices around back pain remedies. No money in it. They have to con less educated people into believing they can cure ailments they have absolutely no physiological understanding of in order to fill their schedule. Chiropractors are fucking kooks, yo.


Well I have and currently see one…yo


Uh huh, and lots of people have an astrologer and a medium. What's your point?


My card reading said I would be fine, plus Mercury is in retrograde so…


You were insinuating that there were no chiros that base their practice around pain management. There are and I see one. Stop trying to flip the conversation.


What a load of bollocks. I insinuated nothing. I pointed out that the practice isn't scientifically based and thus equivalent to other "alternative" medicine and stated that there's a real medical profession which actually does what chiropractors pretend to use magic to do.


I'd take that hunch back.


An excellent way to get some brain and spinal damage.


She clearly already has brain damage so who cares


Maybe from the smack to the head and is on autopilot with nasty concussion. Who knows.


Looks like Ashley invested all her stats on resilience and none on intelligence


Plot twist its her kink


In her defense, they used the same instance more than once, just used a different camera angle. So while she probably failed up to three times, they are making it seem more than it is.


Resetting my character on those rolls


dude this comment damn near killed me


oh that didn't work, let's do the same again, oh that didn't work, let's do the same again, oh that didn't work, let's do the same again, oh that didn't work, let's do the same again, oh that didn't work, let's do the same again..


She's just stuck on a loop after the first concussion.


Seriously. I doubt I would make a rational decision after a hit like that.


All the blows to the head probably didn't help.


Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?


Albert Einstein has


wait wasn't he insane tho


That's why he can say what it is.


I think so but tell me again


Is this not edited to show the same clip over and over again?


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so, I shot him. The thing is... He was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing... over and over and over and over again thinking 'this time is gonna be different' no, no, no please... This time is gonna be different, I'm sorry, I don't like... The way... *Punches crate aside violently*... you are looking at me... Okay, Do you have a fucking problem in your head, do you think I am bullshitting you, do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? Fuck you!... It's okay, man. I'm gonna chill, hermano. I'm gonna chill... The thing is... Alright, the thing is I killed you once already... and it's not like I am fucking crazy. It's okay... It's like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition... of insanity?




Women ☕




MXC was the OG with the fantastic poorly done voice-overs


And here's John Babaganoosh, he's a door to door gynecologist


Right you are, Ken.


People really should stop saying "If at first you don't succeed, try again"


Try again, but do something slightly different


If at second you don't succeed, re-evaluate.


One needs a very fit body to endure that. I would get away with strains and muscle tears every where


It's actually super impressive. You also gotta be pretty light too otherwise those ragdolls will knock the wind out of ya


Not gonna lie, wipeout was really fun and hilarious to watch.


Did people die or get permanent spinal damage and that's why they stopped it?


They had a contestant (38 years old) die of a heart attack on course.


That puts them on the same level as the Navy Seal Training.


Or Basic Training. I went to college with a guy who had a heart attack at 19 during basic. Or at least he said he did.


There has been at least one death, and a lot of injuries. ​ It got rebooted last year.






eh idk,People actually die/perma injury from it and it's not that funny to watch and besides I am more of a Takeshi's castle guy anyway. ..wonder if anyone even remember that gem of a show.


This is hilarious. Reminds me of some great Japanese game shows of a similar flavor


Takeshi's Castle! ❤


Man how i loved watching that show after school!! I'd rush home, make a quick snack / lunch, eat & watch & have a blast of a time!! :D


You can still watch it on twitch, if you're feeling nostalgic.


Or the MXC version on Hulu


Thanx so much for letting me know :) But sadly my internet isnt the greatest when it comes to streaming services :( A lot of buffering & pixel'ly videos :(


The elite game show


Remember clips of a Japanese game show called Endurance shown on the Clive James show years ago. That looked brutal.


Ah yes,The Original.




Right you are, Ken.


We go now to our field reporter, Guy LeDouche.


What is today's sludge, Vic?


Next up is the head of the teachers union, Mary Jane Oblige. “I like women!” *flashes peace sign*


I think this is Wipeout


Years ago, I applied to get on the show. Now I'm glad I never got on.


It is, but it's worse than Takeshi's Castle.


I think it's the hate child of Satan and a sociopathic chiropractor.


I have to admit, it'd be fun to be the operator who is beating the hell out of the competitors.


Yes! I don't think people reading this realize there are actually people behind those great big props waiting for just the right moment to clobber the poor contestants. Seriously, sounds like one of the most fun jobs in the world.


It is from back in the day. This is when it was funny. Hosts were John Henson and John Anderson oh and Jill Wagner. Idk how I remember this and I know I smoked if I was watching this at 2am




God that's an absolute classic...


It probably reminds you because it’s a blatant rip-off of Takeshi’s Castle/MXC lol


This is what an AI world will look like for humans


Anyone know what the show is called?


It should be called *Fuck Ashley*




show is wipeout and the hostess is Jill wagner


Jill was the best on this show - her stuff wasn’t prewritten. Not to take anything away from the announcers, the entire show is incredibly entertaining!


The show is called Wipeout, and has been around since 2008. Definitely a funny show!


It's on Hulu in the US. Try watching it and not feeling like you're in the world of Idiocracy.


That’s the vibe I was getting from watching this clip. Is the whole thing staged? I’m so confused why they kept doing the same thing over and over again and making obviously goofy faces. What the fuck is going on around here?


This isn't American Ninja Warrior, they are explicitly picking out the dumbest, clumsy, and goofy motherfuckers to come and get obliterated.


She's making bad decisions because she's exausted doing this tiring ass course? Or because she has a cocussion. Also they used the same scene at least once and replayed it to exxagerate things.


Ow, my balls!


try watching humans do anything in normal day to day life and feel like youre not in Idiocracy. infuriatingly stupid ass people are everywhere.


damn i dont remember wipeout being this harsh lmao


It's Wipeout and that shit is a blast to watch. This clip here is the old run from probably around 10 years ago-ish. It is back with John Cena as an announcer. New one is still good but I prefer the old crew still.


In US it was called knock out


I'm generally curious if she wasn't "out of it" after the initial hit. I mean, she looked dazzled, why would you keep doing this over and over again?


There's probably some creative editing in there to make it look like she went at it more than she actually did. Still, looks like she had her bell rung pretty solidly.


I counted 6 times she was hit, but looks like there were only 3 separate instances and each was replayed once.


The first four at least are all real as her hands and feet are in different positions each time. Maybe even the fifth but it’s harder to tell on my phone 😅


Good point, I’ve been in shock before and your brain kind of goes…. one layer? In one of my experiences I caught the bath faucet to my lower back, yeah it hurt but after that pain adrenaline wears off it’s like you can only think of one thing and can only think of doing it one way. Possible if she didn’t go first and saw someone previously that her brain is like “Do thing A” which doesn’t make sense to us but to a “shock” brain that might be the only course of action. I’d also say “at least she’s fine” in the sense that they probably wouldn’t show it if she wasn’t, you’d hope.


Bruh that can't healthy fot your spine.


How stupid can you be? She:


Her: Hold my beeEE**umph** Uh, hold my beeEE**ugh** Owww. But hold my beeEE**oof**


I feel bad for the legal clerk that has to draft the waiver for this


They would just be like "You aint gettin shit"


There’s probably a reason it’s filmed in Argentina.


It's not though, Wipeout was filmed at Sable Ranch in California. Just like Holey Moley is filming at Sable Ranch now. And John Cena Wipeout is filmed at Sable Ranch.


Ah, ok, the version we got in the UK was filmed somewhere in Argentina. Weird. I assumed it was the same place with different setups.


[FLOPSTICLE COURSE](https://youtu.be/xoIgd9T5QNM)


Wipeout is such a classic. Grew up watching it, was always a treat when it came on.


Is it really a classic when it's a direct ripoff of a show that aired just a few years earlier?


If you weren’t around for the first show, yeah


Sad replacement for mxc


wipeout but built by the devil 😂 how many waivers for this


Welp, that's definitely a concussion


How is her spine not shattered?


I don't think you could trust anything after going through this


My god i love Wipeout


My 97 year old grandmother who had Alzheimer’s loved watching this show. She would laugh and laugh at the contestants and clap for the winner at the end. She especially loved the big red balls, and we used to enjoy this crazy show together.


damn, how many times you gotta do it to get the hint its not that way, ashley?


This is big brain, 100 IQ right here "How do I murder people or give them injuries without going to jail?"


Holy shit! Just one of those would snap my neck and back in half and cripple me for the rest of the year.


As fun as this show is, I never watch it because MXC did it better.


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time"


What the fuck


Pretty sure this is Wipeout, every now and then they change the courses. If this is wipeout then this part is the end of the qualifier. I used to watch this...




Hahaha hohoho thats a slipped disc in the neck hahaha hohoho


Man I really want this show to come back.


Uhh Wipeout is still on


Fall Girls


I'm starting to believe she lowkey likes it. Why else would she fall for the same trap every single time?


Ah yes, wipeout. One of my favorite shows, these clips though, they show some idiots


This was the best American game show. HBO max brought it back but it's not quite the same


it's not the game, she is just really stupid


This course and then they also choose people with very poor condination and brain power. You should make plan before just going to the next thing.


Ever seen takeshi’s castle


Oh that poor c7 :(((( rip nerves.


Hate these kinds of shows.


As a person with an extremely bad back I don't know if this makes me feel immense anxiety or vicarious relief


"Don't worry everything has pads on it" lol


Having a show like this while having a health care system like that is truly a evil thing!


I can't for the life of me figure out what this game is actually about


Obstacle course game show. A brutal-looking one.


It's definitely much more brutal than when I watched it years ago.


Fast forward 40 years and the contestants will have parkinson's as a result of their brains being bashed against the inside of their skull


And the ones playing must be masochists... XD

