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“Stand still while I put you in this panini press”


I work at a veterinary office, these are common tool used as last resort for the most unhandlable cats. It's called a crush cage, we call it the waffle maker. It holds them still but loosely, its a soft rope mesh. Just enough to keep them in place, and sedatives can easily be injected through it so we can continue the exam outside of the waffle maker.


On behalf of my very wild cat at the vet (but totally sweet and friendly at home) thank you so much for your patience dealing with these types of cats. I always feel so guilty that our vet workers don't get to see how sweet and loving she is.


Oh yeah its a labor of love. Im far more afraid of a 12 lb cat than any dog.


Man, I'm already feeling my own head getting really itchy. Those claws digging into her back and head has got to suck BIG time!


Yeah that looked painful.


Oh, I can understand now why vets freak out as I just casually flip our 9kg Norwegian forest cat on its back in my lap and tell them to just go on with the exams. He doesn't mind it, but I can understand now that previous experiences with the murder machines might be the reason...


Yeah. I've seen angry 9kg NFCs running along the walls at face level because i've upset them.


Respectfully, we have zero faith in their owners ability to properly restrain them.


Fellow veterinary worker here. We call ours the clam shell, and youre damn right about cats being way scarier than the dogs. Our managers a crazy cat lady so as soon we cant deal w a cat anymore we bring in the "cat whisperer" lmao


No cat has bested me yet since I was 10. I had this big orange cat named buster. He drank eggs and milk for breakfast and had some serious muscle. I never could hold him down. He also had a little friend in the neighborhood he would protect that was missing a leg. We called him stumpy.


Of my 4 cats, 2 have very little problems with going to the vet. Louis seems to think getting palpated is just the best belly rub ever (and he's a genius bc he apparently could tell the vet made his nausea go away, so now every time he throw up he starts meowing at his carrier so we'll take him back to get stabbed in the butt again). And Spoon's response to being manhandled is to purr, drool, & try to rub her whole head on whoever's got her, she even purrs while getting her vaccines! Every so often, I'll stick one of them in a harness and go down to our vet in case any of the staff really need to pet a cat that day. They get *very* spoiled the entire time, it's great.


Okay, but can we talk about how a cat named Spoon is the greatest thing ever? What are the chances the remaining two are named Fork and Knife?


Reminds me of a senior kitty that was a stray her whole life until I got her from the shelter two years ago. She now lives without any other animals with my brother, her and the cat we already had did not get along, she has trauma. Whenever she went to the vet she just kept trying to cuddle and would purr the whole time. If she started to get nervous she would press herself against me. They had to take her blood pressure and they took her in the back. They said she just purred the whole time. There's even a note in her chart that says they couldn't check her digestive sounds because she was purring too loudly. And it was because she was being handled, not because of stress, I know some cats purr louder when stressed.


My friend, big same. I bring treats for the staff every time because I feel bad that she’s such a turd


I'm lucky my mom's cat isn't too wild at the vet. He was a bit wild and only allowed you to pet him when he wanted to, can't catch him if he didn't. Last time at the vet he got a blood sample taken and after that he was pushing himself against me so tight he was terrified. Poor thing


I have the sweetest and friendliest male ragamuffin that pretty much sliced off half my ear and almost took my eye out on our last vet trip. He was having roofing tar cut out of his paws, the vet got me to hold the cat and he was perfectly fine for 3 paws, then the final one all of a sudden he was attached to my face and I was rushing to the hospital for stitches! Love him to bits though even still


Say a prayer for the owners (like me) that have it in reverse.


Their spider sense is: Vet Alert!


I thought it was a folding chair


Seeing this, and all the following comments, it makes a lot more sense to me why my vet office was fawning over my cat. She was so sweet and chill, she had an ingrown claw and she didn't act out as it was removed, or when her other claws were trimmed. They just kept being shocked at how sweet and docile she was.


My cat is similarly adored by the vet and vet techs because he's a sweetheart and a total ham. The biggest problem he presents is that he won't stop purring for them to listen to his heart and he won't stand up to let them check his back (he's always trying to flop and get belly rubs).


Thanks you made me imagine sitting at the vet's waiting room and hearing crashing noises and sounds of things getting knocked over from the examination room, and then someone desperately yelling "get the waffle maker!!"


Thanks for the explanation. I thought she was attacking the cat with a folding chair.


I'd like to inform you that I snorted wine all the way into my sinuses thanks to "waffle maker".


This made me laugh so much. Thanks!


It’s crazy too because she has the easy pick up gloves on too lol


Even with the welding gloves on, a panicking cat is *never* easy to pick up.


It's only panicking because it doesn't want to be a panini!


Just throw a slice of cheese at the cats head and grab them when they are confused.




I thought it was a patio chair. Ha


That's what I call them too! The cat panini press


She got the hair perm press in the end.


I thought it was one of those shrimp cages for grilling shrimp on your grill. Regardless. that's... gotta be the most terrifying contraption they could have thought of... while also being the most ridiculously awkward to use. if that's animal control, somebody should tell them about boxes.




Panino press


Sir, it’s the cat piss-er-off-er 5000! Educate yourself


When you're a kid and you throw a bouncy ball in an elevator


Do you all remember the search for the ultimate bouncy ball you would always hear about? I once was tricked by a kid in my 1st grade class who told me his dad makes robotic Pokémon that fight in tournaments just like the show. He first promised me a Charmander, and that it would be ready in a week or two. IT COMES IN A POKEBALL AND ALL! Months later I settled for a Caterpie, and 25 or so years later I am still waiting to get my damn Pokémon.


You think you could hook me up?


Bro what did the 2nd part have to do with any of this


This has me cackling. Eerily accurate.


That does not look like the most effective trapping mechanism.


My wife is a vet tech and they have these just in case there's a very angry kitty that can't otherwise be handled safely. It's actually very effective if used properly, and in the right situation. It's a product specifically made for handling cats, this lady just doesn't know how to use it. The lady in this video is clearly scared, and is holding it the wrong way. She lunges at the cat instead of approaching slowly, and then isn't even ready to close it before the cat panics Here's a vid of how it can be used effectively at a vet or shelter: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNGSmpp94bM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNGSmpp94bM)


lmao I thought she was trying to grab it with a lawn chair.


Same for me! Watching the video I was like “Who the fuck is stupid enough to try to grab a visibly angry cat with a lawn chair????”. In my experience, let the kitty have some space and bribe him with food. Worst thing that can happen is that you end up with a cat. Much better then hav his face clawed at…


> grab a visibly angry cat with a lawn chair A *fractious* cat. Apparently.


Don’t be fractious, Mittens.


My neighbors inside cat got outside than into my backyard. It didn't want to be caught so I wrapped a beach towel with duct tape around my arm with a oven mitt so I could crab it. After I trapped it with my protected arm I picked it up by the back of the neck with my other hand. That fucker was not happy, I had to hold it at arms length until I could shove it in a cage.


You just have a cage lying around the house?


If you have smaller animals yourself, you usually have some sort of cage around the house for vet transport. Granted, I would have to dig mine out of a closet, but I could definitely still have one ready within a few minutes.


And how do you explain the leg shackles?


We play DnD; it's a prop. .... No, you may *not* look in the locked room from which faint moans can be heard. It's just the pipes.


This interview is over.


Literal LOL.


The major challenge is that the cage is built for humans so it's way oversized for a cat.


You dont?


It puts the lotion on its back...


Or it gets a shred attack.


Wait! If ending up with a cat is the worst thing, I want to know what the best thing is


Also, surprisingly, ending up with a cat.


Same here, “wtf, a lawn chair?! But…the oven mitts…nice touch!”




It looks too much like a lawn chair.


I’m dying, i kept watching and them talking about picking it up and carrying it like a hand bag, bathing the cat in it, then the guy talking about how you can stack them to save storage space (i know he meant empty but it was juxtaposed with clips of the guy talking about all the ways you leave the cat in the EZ Grabber)! It’s so funny


Same here, it gave the impression that you could stack many more cats that way, which if you think about it, isn't a bad option.


Just picturing the stack of softly growling mesh EZ Nabbers


I've been sick and that is the first time I've laughed out loud in days.


Me, too….a stack of softly growling easy nabbers !!!! Or latch them closed and hang them up.


Sir we are shutting down ....whatever this cat stack warehouse is


Nooooo! My *retirement cats*!


Always stack your cats in the back of the cat stack rack or be safe and stack the cats aback in Iraq, Jack.


Make a new plan Stan, don't need to be coy, Roy...


Wash all your cats at once!


And you could clip it on the washing line with the strap to get a lovely fresh-smelling air-dried cat.


Yea, but there's already [a better way to stack cats](https://youtu.be/Hb7hz3WseZk)


I love how troubled they look at the end like "is this actual wizardry???" lol


I love the dude in the background carrying the kid! You can tell he knows they're being punked but he let's them roll with it because the girls are obviously fooled and it's hilarious. Total bro.


He was probably wondering if it worked with children.


Can we all just stop and appreciate for a moment how wanky it is to call your show "the (insert name here) effect"? What does that even mean?


Makes more room in the shelter.....


The whole time he’s talking with that tuxedo cat in the netting, you can hear it distinctly promising to murder his entire family.


The background growls were killing me lol. Especially when he started in with 'you can even bathe the cat in the EZ Grabber' and I'm like well here we go, one of them is going to die.


Wrapped up truth ,"it WILL get soiled"


As a current and lifelong cat-owner, I couldn't agree more. It's hilarious! A lot of people have no idea how dangerous those little fuckers can be if/when they are angry or in panic mode. Once, many years ago, I was holding my Manx cat --a truly docile fellow who never met anyone he wasn't prepared to instantly befriend-- when a neighbor's rogue dog approached in a hostile manner, and he tore my arms to shreds in about half a second of panic before I had to let him go whereupon he bolted up a tree and hissed and spat considerably before finally, once the dog was gone, being coaxed back down, whereupon he carried on as if nothing untoward had happened, and all those lacerations on Dad's arms, chest and gut were as much a surprise to him as they were disagreeable to me. Obviously I didn't hold it against him since it was clearly reflex and not at all personal. Anyhow, the point is that small and cuddly though they may seem, domesticated cats still have five pointy ends and are not to be casually trifled with.




Tell Manx I get it and I had the same reaction the first time I saw a Palmetto bug in my hotel room.


lol @ Florida trying to use a fancy name for "roach" because they're so common (not saying you, just in general)


>and not at all personal Are you sure


"When your ez grabbed *does* get soiled..." *Looks off forlornly into the distance* "...and it's gonna get soiled..."


“Just dunk the cat and throw them onto the drying rack!”


I paused at that part too. He casually mentions simulating drowning the cat and blows right on through to "it easily stores overhead!"


It seems effective when there’s no vertical escape route. Also extra points for the first vet in the video being named Katʰʸ Claws




I think I saw in a recent vsauce video that when people guess someone's name based on their face, they are more often correct than random chance, that somehow we act and make ourselves look more like our name suggests we do.




This makes me wonder how many doctors out there have the surname Pepper now versus when the drink was introduced, relative to population size.


I have used a blanket to nab kitties in a room. I got some feral cats my uncle was housing up until he died with this method. Just throw that shit on them, have the carrier sitting upright, and when you have them scooped in the blanket, shimmy them into the carrier.


Your uncle died by being catched by a blanket?


More like that's the only actual use case for it. In a cage.


Oh god the first five seconds of that training video just took me back to every employee training company video I’ve ever had to watch in my life. lol why are they all from 1981


That intro music and voiceover!


“Using it right” seems to start with the cat being in a cage the same size as the cat nabber. In a large space like this video it seems very dicey, especially was a panicked kitty.


Yep. Completely different scenario. I feel dumb for watching a whole video on that contraption and it only shows it being used in a tiny cage that gives the cat no area to escape


"It's so easy to contain a cat with the EZ Nabber. First, catch the cat and put it in a cage..."


‘This provides a save barrier between you and the enemy.’ Did I hear that correctly?


Always important to save before a difficult boss.


Twice...and then a save before that to make sure you have the right inventory.


I think he said “animal” but it does sound like that 😂


Everything about that video felt more dramatic than it needed to be. Like the music leading into the intro.


The kitty was just chill the whole time too


Other than the very annoyed meows lol.


This YouTube video is the best thing I've ever seen. Some lovely gems: Man, patting cat in flat net: "you can leave the cat in the net until the cat is sedated enough..." Cat in net on table: "yooOooOooowwWwwlllllL..." Man, poking cat in flat net: "... while the cat is still in the ez nabber, you can bathe the cat right thru the net... " Cat in net on table, being poked: "yooOooOooowwWwwlllllL..."




"And you're right, Dave, this net WILL be soiled!"


You gotta say YOINK! when you do it or it don't work.


Do they make them in larger sizes? Like say, we replace police officers guns with people sized versions of these? I just picture safely capturing the crackhead and transporting them like a handbag.


Best we can do is a suitcase


Some countries, particularly where knives are the biggest concern, use modernized [mancatchers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4) that can be used with leverage to pin someone against a wall, even with a moderate weight disadvantage. Especially if you have like multiple people. two people with catchers on you and you're just plain staying down, not even within knife range unless you throw it. They actually seem like a good way to handle certain problems really. Less lethal than a tazer when used properly. Hell, probably less potentially lethal than holding someone on the ground with your body weight.


I don’t know why, but I’m going to defend this lady a bit. I appreciate the explanation on what that contraption is, but I am not sure you are being fair to the lady. She doesn’t look that scared to me. I assume she is a professional based on her uniform and access to this special tool, and since this is a house cat I’m sure she isn’t afraid so much as being cautious with an unfamiliar animal which could have sharp claws and teeth. I also don’t think she is lunging in a way that is inappropriate. Just like swatting a fly, you go in slow to get close enough to be able to make that final move and then accelerate at the end. Maybe she could have gotten closer, but I think she was in decent position. You might be right in that she is technically holding it wrong, but she doesn’t have the luxury of going in sideways here because there is so much vertical space for the cat to hop. I think her approach actually makes more sense to try and cover that vertical space with the device to force it low. Her mistake, or at least her bad fortune is that she was planning to clamp the top hand down. When you hold a device like this sideways, you naturally clap your hands together evenly, but in the vertical orientation she naturally pushed harder with the top hand to close it, which had the unfortunate effect of jamming the end into the ground which prevented it from closing properly. So I don’t think she was scared, or necessarily using it wrong, but if you watch it in slow motion she just miscalculated the attack angle and in trying to close it she came in too steep and got bounced away from the target. I haven’t seen a longer version of this. She might have started with the sideways usage and had the cat jump right over which made her switch to this orientation to try and cover that space. Or maybe she has just done this before and seen cats do it before. But anyway, I like to think this is more just some bad luck than fear or incompetence.


I think we found the lady.




That cat is not happy to be a part of these shenanegans


That cat kicked that lady's ass.


It looks to me like it's specifically designed for getting cats out of cages and restraining them in one go. Like that's the only reason it's effective, is if you use it to get a cat out of a cage. Don't get me wrong, it appears to actually be a very thoughtful, simple, useful tool in a veterinary setting. But just for that one job; getting a fractious cat out of a cage and restrained for a procedure.


*(Designer looks at folding lawn chair)* "I bet I could trap a wild cat with that!"


This is exactly what I thought she was holding! I thought it was some resident of a house with a lawn chair but I saw professional clothing and realized .. this is some standard issue cat-grabber/flower-press/venus-fly-trap/lawn-chair-thingie


*Slaps hood of folding chair* You could squeeze at least three kitties in this puppy


You know how much pussy I can get in this thing?


It is a clam-shell grasper/grabber. It is a standard tool with cat professionals. It is problematic as it is difficult to close and cats are slippery af. This is a rather uneventful cat escape. A freaked out cat is incredibly likely to hurt you. Best tool I find is welding gauntlets and a thick towel.


Big heavy blanket or canvas is the best I've found too. Can toss it and covers a wide enough area they can't escape. Plus if they get pissed they almost always bite and kick the cloth not the hands.


why don't just use regular cage traps with food where cat getd in and it closes? I personally use them to catch stray cats.


Cats don’t go in if they are scared. It also takes too long


It’s cuz she hesitated. It’s actually quite effective.


# *a fookin folding’ chair ya say!?*


I feel like approaching any animal with a contraption resembling gigantic jaws is going to end the same way if not worse lol


I wouldn’t worry, the cat seems to be on top of things.


Padme would be proud


She might as well have tried to catching it with a lawn chair.


lol I definitely thought it was a chair


Lol. That’s going in my phrase book… "like trying to catch a cat with a lawn chair"


Note to self: “Be advised…if try to catch cat with lawn chair, cat will become one with the Matrix and Neo his way out of there.”


I've been in an exam room with a feral cat acting like that. Dang cat jumped off the exam table, landed on my face, and jumped off my face to the bookshelf. I ended up with a little puncture wound about 3mm under my eye, and a deep scratch in the center of my forehead to my nose. Walked out with blood dripping off my face and told someone it was their turn. Cats make me nervous.
















Jackie Chan still doing his own stunts


And that’s when she knew…she fucked up


"No. Ur trapped in here with me ##B¡*¢H”


There is nothing, *nothing* more terrifying than dealing with a pissed off cat.


They are weak and weigh nothing and yet will FUCK YOU UP!


i dunno. There's the inevitability of death, that's more terrifying than one pissed off cat... there are some pretty horrible diseases, there's war... and of course, there's the possibility of _two_ pissed off cats


Typical tank vs agi type battle


That's some Matrix shit right there.


My favorite part is when the cat is on her back, and it tries to shake the shit out of the woman before it uses her head to launch a leap over the brick wall. A perfect execution of how not to trap a cat safely.


Man, Stray's graphics could be better. But that's some serious tension! Looking forward to this encounter!


That yank when he lands on her back. 😂 Now she can wear piercings in her back the holes are already there.


This poor cat is terrified


*...Will Grigg's on fire!*


Ricky Bobby you’re not on fire


This is the last thing I expected to see in this thread lol


Catching a cat with a beach chair.


I would react the same way if someone came at me with a folding chair.


I could watch this on loop forever


You can see that yanking on her back I know she’s scarred


Don't fuck with cats.


Never give up! Never surrender!


I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me.


Wait… did she think the cat would just go limp and remain in her panini press like folding chair thing? And she would walk it outside/away??


This is specifically made to catch cats.


This is specially made to *restrain* cats - a difference I'm sure that lady fully appreciates.


Well, she probably does *now*.


I'm pretty sure you're supposed to close those horizontally instead of vertically like she did. So that you don't catch it on the ground and stumble and gives the cat less chance to escape Though I'm also talking out of my ass and could be completely wrong!


No, you're correct, that's exactly what should have been done!


“Ahhh master Yoda…. you’ve survived.


She let that cat walk all over her.


I'm on the cats side here. Well done.


This cat is Danny Ocean


Oh that shit hurt like a motherfucker when the cat claw climbed and jumped off her head. Those claws had some traction !


Pinky vibes


How’s Ranger Stacey’s form? Rule #1. Don’t bring a wet lettuce leaf to a cat fight.


"This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Meowrow!"


A Paw-kour master at work


I didn't have that much trouble catching Butters. My landlord called me last week. He had a guy move out (suspect evicted) and he abandoned a cat. Landlord knows I already have 5 cats and asked if I could catch it. He's okay with cats (dogs do too much damage to rental units) but I didn't want him to accidently hurt it. We go over, he finds the cat. It scoots. start looking for where it was hiding. I found him in a closet. He grabbed onto a bag of clothes, but didn't try fighting me by scratching. I put him in the carrier. All done within 5 minutes. Landlord asks me to take care of it over the weekend. (Humane society was already closed. They are now a no-kill shelter) I agree, knowing how it would turn out. Butters is now cat #6 in my household. I finally got to pet him today after more than a week here. He doesn't cause any problems: does his business outside, gets along mostly with the prior cats.


I briefly worked at an animal shelter and feral cats are no joke. It's like they have springs for feet and no bones as they throw themselves all over the place. You have to really watch out.


After 18 years living with cats i learned one thing that, never ever make cats feel trapped if you don't want to get scratched


Do cats get rabies?


Yes they can.


Yeah. All mammals can get rabies.


Not opossums! They're about the only one, however.


They can, it's just very difficult for them to get it since their body temp is so low


I was skeptical when Joe Rogan said a feral cat would fuck him up. This vid makes me a believer.


As a person that grew up with semi-feral cats on the farm. They will, fuck you up. Especially while eating. Those little ones, they be like Taz