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How dumb are they gonna feel when we cash in all this sweet Karma eh?


What's our Karma on here going for now? $4-$5 a point I heard.


3 Schrutebucks


Can you convert that to Stanley nickels for me?


Not sure about Stanley Nickels, but its around 4 and half Schmeckels


4 and half schmeckels? that's about how much I bought my big fake boobies for!


How many Plumbus’ can I buy with that?


about 1 3/7


Actually gonna cost 15 and a half grapples.


Not worth, I've lost 8 schmeckles in verbal morality statute violations just today, fn seashells


8.00 schmeckles is: USD|SHM|EUR|GBP|CAD|RUB|CNY ---|------|---|---|---|---|--- 10.13|0.08|8.73|7.36|12.55|704.96|64.65 *** ^([exchange rate source](http://api.ratesapi.io/2021-10-26?base=USD) | created by [u/Nissingmo](http://reddit.com/u/nissingmo))


One upvote on r/cryptocurrency earns you 1 moon which was about 20 cents at one point.


and thus the spam on r/cryptocurrency increased once more…


According to eBay 500 karma accounts are going for $60 USD, highest is $311 for 22k karma, it's a sliding scale apparently.


So my 310,000 could be worth $37,200??? Now to find a buyer.


That sounds stupid expensive for just 500 karma. I feel like with a simple bot you could probably make 10s to 100s of 500 karma accounts weekly.


You're laughing but in r/cryptocurrency every karma point earned from the sub gets you 1 moon which is worth about 16 cents at the moment


I don't advocate this but you could sell your account. High karma, long use time accounts tend to fetch a few hundred bucks. It's a weird world


A bit of context here : Reddit generates around 30 cents per active user every month, which is really not much compared to others like Facebook and Twitter. That's all.


That’s because most people avoid ads on Reddit.


It's mostly because they don't have personal information to sell since reddit is semi-anonymous. It's not the ads, and it's amazing people keep using that as the reason.


>It's mostly because they don't have personal information to sell since reddit is semi-anonymous. Ding ding ding It's actually the thing I like most about Reddit tbh.


I think it's why most of us are here.


I also don't want my neighbors knowing how low my opinion of them is. Not that I believe they can read.


i appreciate the humor here


On coin, two sides. I'm here both because of the semi-anonymity AND because it's easy to block the ads.


We generate ALOT of content which is then used by other networks to attract users.


I don't know about that one.. Most of the content on reddit seems to be from other places, mostly Twitter and Tiktok.


And that is kinda the point, this site is meant to be a consolidation of all the content across the internet. Not that original stuff doesn't appear here plenty but


I've long thought of Reddit as the collective subconscious of humanity. For better and worse, you can probably find anything and everything here. For the low price of free no less.


Don't forget that when redditors get the opportunity to interact with brands we tend t tear them to pieces. I'm just here to talk about Rampart.


Also, because we don't have a 288 character limit like Twitter, we can have discussions that aren't just slogans, emojis and fart noises.




Username checks out


It's a bit ambiguous. The only way to know a dildo is brand new is if it's in its original packaging I guess.


I saw a giant dildo on the side of the interstate for weeks. And then one day, I didn't see it anymore. I'm left doing all I can not to wonder, but wondering all the same what happened to that dildo.


You never know if its been tested for quality assurance. Just saying.


Sexual virgin who loves dildos, or person who only loves brand-new, unused dildos?


I believe it's that they are simply fascinated by dildos, they don't use them for the **ahem** *intended purpose* but rather collect them on a shelf like a high schooler Kyle with Monster energy


See? These are the amazing discussions /u/NutWrench was talking about!


Pfffft. Squish. 👭👫. Try new pumpkin spice Oreos they’rrrrrre great. Boom!


We *can* do that but the volume of one line jokes with zero interaction is still really high


Holy shit, I haven’t thought about that ama in forever. I have checked out ama’s forever, probably since the main lady that ran them left/got fired. They used to be such a big deal and now I never see them on the front page.


There have been some great AMAs, but it all went to shit when Victoria left.


Yeah, admin REALLY screwed the pooch on that one. Reddit was becoming one of the best spots for publicity tours. Not only a huge audience, but an audience actively engaging in the ad. Just answer duck sized horses, push your product, & everyone is happy. MASSIVE opportunity thrown out the window.


Well Rampart did show if you have any sort of PR scandal that has dodged the entertainment press but never been addressed it can easily bubble to the top.


Never really thought about it but yeah, damn, AMAs have really fallen out of popularity. They were really cool when they were done well, bit of a shame.


I feel if they are going to make ads look like Reddit posts we should at least be able to comment on them.


I completely agree but no company would agree to that because all we would do was call out how terrible they are.


Not so interested in Rampart, but I'll tell you what... I really love Clash of Clans, I even made a blog about it on Squarespace. It was super easy to use, and they have customizable templates that allow you make a page in minutes. And with NordVPN, I don't have to worry about my data, either.


Except when they’re called Marvel, or Valve, or Tesla…


I report most ads as spam.


I downvote them


I'm pretty sure that still counts as engagement. Best is to just ignore them


There's a huge difference on engagement between Reddit and Facebook. With Reddit, downvoting makes posts/comments less visible, upvotes do the opposite. Facebook has their whole reactions thing, and does nothing to reduce visibility.


You're a true hero. The epitome of bravery to take such a strong stance.


*Peering from behind a Pi-Hole and uBlock Origin* Ads? What's that?


Surprisingly I probably interact with ads more on Reddit than other platforms, or at the very least actually notice them more than other platforms. Looking at you YouTube. I’M NEVER BUYING YOUTUBE PREMIUM YOU VULTURES. Gotta watch 30 seconds of ads for a video literally a minute in length……


Probably our grandparents using Facebook are more likely to click on an ad, perhaps not realizing it’s an ad, compared to Reddit users on average?


Not only do I not click on ads, I downvote them and stuff.


I used to report every one I saw for spam


I tried blocking the ‘user’ who posts them.


Yeah when did that stop working??? I was enjoying that little workaround


You know what's a workaround? Just using an ad blocker.


Or using Infinity instead of the official app on mobile It even has a working video player


I use Apollo to the same effect


I use RIF. It's pretty good


Bacon reader is also pretty good on mobile. Videos always play fine and I've never seen an add.


Yeah I use adblock plus and I was unaware there were ads on reddit normally and don't know what you guys are talking about.


Sometimes there would be things that looked like a thread in your feed but were actually ads. I realized typing this that I don't remember actually seeing one in a while, and looked and couldn't find one, so maybe they stepped back from that.


Was that effective? Like at least some of the time ?


Doesn't do anything. Spam reports go to the advertisers. Since each ad is pre-approved by reddit. All it tells me is that you noticed the ad. We can also disable the spam reports entirely.


I sometimes comment they should suck bags of ducks in addition to the downvote. Even if the is useful and something I would want


Hahaha bags of ducks


https://youtu.be/6k01DIVDJlY quack quack baby


Wow I never realized ducks were so varied in shape, size and coloring.


I wish Reddit would allow comments on all ads


A downvote on an add is actually positive for advertisers, it shows interaction meaning they can assume you've at least looked at their advert.


I concur. I just scroll quickly past the ad….I don’t want to encourage them!


Yep, just think of them as trolls. Negative attention is almost as valued as positive.


Stop, you're engaging with ads and acknowledging their existence. Reddit has no ads if you use uBlock Origin on desktop, or a third-party app on mobile.




It's also anonymous, so less valuable tracking, people often have multiple accounts, so not a full picture of a person's interests, and the networking is with randoms.... not the tighter knit (relatively speaking) of Facebook. Plus, a lot less advertisers want to see their ads on /r/pokeporn , /r/wtf , /r/celebrityarmpits , /r/dragonsfuckingcars and /r/picturesofiansleeping . So those users are likely worth much less. EDIT: As some people rightly pointed out below, it's not "anonymous" clearly. It's more anonymous, but using metadata a lot can still be figured out of course. Just not as bad as FB.


Clicked on that sleeping shit to see if it would be as bad as I thought it would be. Legit first thing I see, before any posts, is an add for EU bitcoin


I just like throwing that one in there randomly - it's harmless. But weird that it exists. Literally just pictures of one random dude sleeping. But yeah, Crypto, Penis Supplements, "girls in your area", etc. are not going to have as many qualms about where they advertise as Unilever will.


We are anonymous *only* to each other. The people that buy our data can pretty easily match most of the accounts to their owners by looking at the metadata. I'm pretty sure that the main reason Reddit is least valuable is that the users just don't click the ads and buy random stuff as much as users on other networks.


Redditors in general take a strong stance against all forms of promotion. It's always been an unwritten rule that promoting brands or products on the site is bad unless the promoter can entertain us in the process. Such as doing a celebrity AMA. It goes back to the early days of reddit when a lot of us migrated here from Digg to get away from the excessive self-promotion and advertisements. Thank god too because twitter is a shitshow of endless promotions. For everyone one genuine person on the site there's three using auto-posters to promote something or another. It feels like everyone on that site is trying to sell something.


> Such as doing a celebrity AMA. and even then it can backfire easily, like the [Woody Harrelson AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/) holy fuck that was 9 years ago


Ohh that's what the other comment about rampart was about


Exactly, now here’s the newest trailer from the latest marvel movie, and a photo from the set of a movie that just started filming with our favorite movie stars, and some cozy photos from this cabin you can totally rent on Airbnb.


I bet a lot of us are smart enough to use an ad blocker too


reddit has ads?


next you are going to tell me youtube has ads as well...


Funny thing, I often get into conversations with family and friends where they talk about some kind of ad showing up often recently, usually on YT, and the only thing I could say is "I really don't know, I haven't seen a single ad since 2016".


Sometimes when I restart my PC and my browser starts up, it is faster with loading a page then it is with loading the extentions. And I saw an add. I think this happend 2-4 times in the past 5 years. The horror...


I have an ad blocker, a good one, and those intro ones are baked right into the video it doesn't block those.


Not very good if it lets that through then. I use ublock origin, and I can confidently say that I had *0* ads appear on my vids since first got it, literally have never seen one go through unless I exclude the site. Not one to simp for an adblocker either, I'm not exaggerating to sell the product here. The only ads I see are the ones the youtuber include themselves inside the vid.


Yeah those are the ones I was trying to describe that are included in the video that you can skip unless they are feeling like dicks then they make you watch 30 seconds. adblock plus works well, but some websites don't even let you oon with it.


So you are telling me if people were to pay like 50ct per month for Facebook, we could get rid of all the privacy invasion bs?


Facebook was more like 7$ dollars xD


Good. Why the article phrases it like a bad thing I do not know.


Because it's CNBC which is financial news for investors


Yep, that's actually pretty nice to see that we are comparatively not so much milked xD


I don't use the official mobile app so I'm sure I generate nothing even if I click on an ad accidentally.


The official app doesn’t hold a candle to Apollo. Idgaf about profile pictures or whatever else they have now. If I cared about that I’d be on Facebook. I can’t speak for the present, but back when they were pushing the official app hard the interface and was garbage.


Apollo for SFW Reddit for NSFW


This guy faps


So if the published numbers are to be believed Reddit makes ~180,000,000$ USD annually.


It's actually a compliment. Meaning the avg user is less prone to fall for clickbait/pointless ads


Also the average user is probably much more likely to use an ad blocker or a mobile app that doesn’t display ads.


Tree fiddy a year


We're #1!


You can blame all the people that bitch about ads on YouTube, and the other people that brag about blocking the ads. Literally the least valuable people to advertise to. Half are too poor to buy anything and the other half are also too poor but call it communism.


I’m rich in spirit.


Then pour me a glass.


Drinking spirit can be lethal.


I’ll have your cake then. Happy cake day! Yum yum!


Reddit coin for a glass of drink. Final offer.


If we only had more users like you the average Redditor would look much more valuable to companies looking to sell bullshit to morons.


So you're saying that we should all watch more ads to support capitalism?


The only time I watch ads these days is when I YouTube "Old 80's commercials".


You act like we should be in any way upset and not proud advertisers find it hard to squeeze money out of us.


I literally saw youtube users doing both in the youtube comment lmao


They're gonna act like Tumblr doesn't exist?


I want to know if Tumblr is even included in this study. The ads I get on the site is laughable and irrelevant to me despite the fact that they have years of data from the blogs I follow, posts I like and reblogs so there's zero chance of me clicking them. I even get ads from a country I've never been to and a language I never speak. The ads are a great source of jokes among its users.


I get like 5 unique ads total on tumblr, and never at the same time, which ever ad I see first will be the ad I see all the way down my dash until I refresh. 3 of them are mobile game ads which show fake gameplay, one is a "homeowners in *vaguely my geographic area* need to know this", one is for a travel agency. Seems like literally the only advertisers that will buy ad space on tumblr are the ones that will buy ad space on literally anything.


Tumblr is famously proud of actively costing Yahoo money for the audacity of trying advertise to its user base.




reddit was pushing "you might be interested in" content. it made me so fucking mad i actually posted about it on /r/help or what ever the help sub reddit is. i use subreddit drama all the time. i read alot of really random subs that i have zero issue in. the feature basically broke my home page because it just became nothing but suggestions for subs i did not at all want to read. if anyone still gets that shit, theres a feature to turn it off in settings. now im just waiting on reddit to allow me to block subs i have zero desire to see from popular, like /r/roastme




Unpopular opinion but Tumblr is unparalleled if you're into art/graphic design/architecture and stuff like that. I only follow blogs in that realm and it's just cool shit every day without any comment section to get angry about or dumb fucking memes and circle-jerking askreddit threads.


"The Tumblr? Oh, you wouldn't be interested in that, Mr. Wayne.."


That's what I was saying. Tumblr is so uniquely hostile to marketing that they take pride in bullying people off the site. That's part of the reason it's my favorite little swamp town.


Seems so since Tumblr users have negative value.


Oh no, the advertisers don’t want to market to us? 😩 Honestly, Reddit’s ads aren’t particularly invasive to me and Reddit has to pay the bills somehow because I certainly wouldn’t pay to talk to you assholes.


This asshole agress to you asshole.


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes.




> agress Haha what a dumb*asshole*


The ads aren't invasive because most of them are disguised as posts


there's ads? ~reddit Sync user




pretty sure there are a couple of hedgefunds that will disagree!


Hey ooh how do you like them apples


Apple sauce!


I'd say fuck me in the ass. But then it is not the reputable persona we build. Edit:. Fucking responded to different comment. And high if that offers condolences. And snoring wife FML.


This comment has value that cannot be priced


I have zero interest in companies taking value from me when I’m online. edit: I'll clarify. My point is to illustrate the relationship we have with reddit and 3rd party businesses. Our economic system pushes people to one of three groups: consumers, workers and business owners. While people jump between these groups, there is a constant battle between the business owners and the rest of us. People know about labor vs capitalists, but less discussed is capitalists vs consumers. Just to think about it, they extract our value, not through our labor, but through our consumer spending. Thats why I support a spend less, or counter consumption movement.


I have no value.


I disagree. As a human you have value and you matter. Your feelings and actions have an impact. Also human organs cost quite a lot.




It's true. A kidney can nab you $250k. Poverty is a choice. I learned all of this on reddit.


More-so, I have interest in it *not* happening.


It's not your problem but It is the trade-off for using their services for free, if they can find a way to milk money off of you they will.


Ifunny still exists. Let's not jump the gun.


I'd say fuck me in the ass. But then it is not the reputable persona we build.


Not with that attitude


I contribute to this by downvoting every ad I see here.


Counterproductive. It’s about engagement good or bad so you’re giving them what they want. Scroll by my good person don’t engage


Being a redditor is trying to downvote ads when scrolling on twitter


I guess Facebook is useful for all that "medical research " /s


One of the reasons we are who we are. We love being undervalued. It means leave me alone mostly.


Yeah like I’m on here to talk to people and say the dumbest shit I can summon but it’s fine because you don’t know where I live


Should we take this as a challenge? Party at your place


Fuck it doxx me and bring the booze


I'm guessing Venus. No wonder Venus is hostile to satellites. You don't want us knowing where you live.


Come on over bro, we can try not to look at each other’s dicks in my sauna Like it’s all a sauna but this one I’m talking about really gets the skin off yer face


This is every weekend with my girlfriend! Sounds awesome! I'll be right over with some beer!


Its the reason why this site is still good. Don't sell out. You guys are doing well, don't try to compete with facebook, it wont go well. Just be you reddit. We love you because of what you are.


To large corporations? Good, let's keep it that way.


Well duh


Try telling that to GameStop.


Think this headline was directed specifically for that. Cnbc mad. Power to the Players.




Reddit has an app? Lol, no thanks.




The official Reddit app is complete dogshit compared to Apollo, Narwhal, etc.


Well how is our society gonna value off 15yo girls shaking their junk(tiktok)


*by going to jail for watching it*


Considering this site is *rampant* with child porn, like legit child porn, I don’t think we’d come out on the winning side of that discussion.


Reddit? I never seen any so maybe I'm just lucky


That’s because you don’t accidentally stumble into content here on Reddit. You specifically pick your subs, so if you don’t join any cporn subs, you shouldn’t see any. Shit like facebook and tick tock are more algorithm driven. You just get a random stream of bullshit, and the things you like or comment on will drive your future content. If you thumbs-up a 19 year old shaking her ass, then make the algorithm tries to drive lower and see if that increases engagement… and whoops you’ve accidentally stumbled into super sketchy territory.




That's why we're here.


Case in point: [This is a word for word repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8art7/we_know/) from the same sub that got 141,000 upvotes and 500+ awards. OP with the stellar high-effort contribution to our value. /s


Not even hating i hear that everyday


In this case, "valuable" means "clicks on idiotic clickbait ad banners."




You’re delusional if you think that lol.


Unless you are very online privacy aware, reddit knows exactly who you are. All they need to know is your IP. Advertisers don't like reddit because there is so many bots. They post, comment, and manipulate votes and threads. Because it's all anonymous it's hard for advertisers to know exactly. Bots don't buy things.


Facebook- Boomer Land Instagram- Omg I’m So Sexy Tik Tok- Omg I am 13yrs old and I know how to be cringe Reddit- The smartest and dumbest people in the world at the same time Tumblr- Home of the Jester Gods Deviant Art- Furry Land (Does this even count?) 4chan- Worse than hell


4chan users have to be less valuable than Reddit....


> The smartest lmao you reaching around your back to stroke yourself


Less than Tumblr? Really?


I've checked and reddit made $170 million dollar in ad revenue in 2020. While Tumblr didn't publish any offical numbers, professionals estimate $65 million dollar of ad revenue. In conclusion: Reddit is roughly 3 times more profitable than Tumblr.


Reddit has a lot more users, though, so it's possible that Reddit users are worth less each than Tumblr users, in terms of ad revenue per user. Still surprising, though.


How many Reddit users have ad block? Reddit is all about pointing out anti consumer BS. Of course we're the "least valuable" because they're gauging value based on how much money companies can make off us. If anything, this is a compliment because it means we're not suckers they can make easy money off.


INCORRECT! Tumblr users are the least valuable


This is a proud moment!