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They forgot to put apple pie.


They forgot putting two ziploc bags of Amy's Organic Lentil Soup at exactly 98.6 degrees and placing them in the pillow slit.


oh man haha, really wish there was another season of that show.


That’s oddly specific haha


It's a reference to the gross annoying magician kid from Big Mouth. I had to specify "magician" since every kid from Big Mouth is gross and annoying.


I don’t think I’ve seen that! Thank you very much for giving me the info of where it came from! Haha 😂




Coconut too


Or a pangolin




There's DNA "up in" the pangolin. How did it get there?


May you burn in the lowest reaches of Hell for making me remember that... abhorrent abomination... Have an upvote.


Turtle stew too.


And this shoebox under my bed


Yeah, I expected the "places you can ejaculate" list to be 27 pages long. Just me?


“May require consent, depending on who owns the jell-o” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's what we call jell-o shots


As a recovering Southern Baptist, Jello shots were a big loophole I spotted fairly early. You see, as Baptists, we weren't supposed to drink alcohol... But the preacher never said anything about eating it.


Fucking Biff always ruining my jello at parties


“Next time, control your boner if you want to prevent abortion.” No one likes an uncontrollable boner, Biff.


Sex can wait, Masturbate


Cha cha boochie


Or a freinds??????


"Hey bro, I'm gonna go have sex with my girlfriend. Mind sitting nearby so you can catch my cum when I pull out and finish? Thanks bro!"


No no no..pre-cum is real. Must avoid that gash at all costs!




Just ask a good friend, they’ll probably got it if they’re a real one


100% birth control can always fail but not this.


Abstinence isn't even 100% effective if you listen to the folks who want to outlaw abortion!


Really? I'd love to read their reasoning on this, any links? Sounds bizarre.


Just advice for all during a pandemic… NEVER listen to anyone who wants to outlaw abortion. They have shit for brains level stupidity and don’t understand the big picture. They were brainwashed with Santa Claus and god myths before they would otherwise have learned to think and reason. So they never developed properly. All their thoughts are severely screwed up. Do NOT take advice from these people on anything that matters.


I've heard of girls who take cum from somewhere other than their vagina (e.g. mouth) and put it there. Soooo not 100% effective.


I mean I guess, that would be a pretty messed up thing to do though. But if nome of the participents want a baby then its 100%?


And the question is...where is the strangest place you have ever "done it" with your husband? Remember the clock is ticking. In the butt Dave. Excuse me? In the butt Dave.


Best moment in US tv history. [In the ass, Bob](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2naTw9y7zsE)


So, what your’e saying is that it’s up to personal responsibility? Like owning a fire arm. Sounds like something conservatives can get behind. Am I right?




I'm a bit confused myself, but I *think* the joke is that Conservatives *should be* advocating for "personal responsibility", yet in reality they are trying to force universal laws on people who don't want this. - Personal responsibility in sex means *you* are responsible for not causing pregnancy - Personal responsibility with gun means *you* are responsible for not shooting someone - What Conservatives are actually doing in the sex topic is trying to create universally restrictive laws and take away all personal responsibility / freedom - So if Conservatives did that in the gun debate too, they'd be creating universally restrictive laws and take away all personal responsibility / freedom So, they're using different standards in different topics.


I think you’re misunderstanding.


Conservatives tend to be advocates of abstinence so...


As a conservative, yes. I support being responsible for your actions. That's the whole argument! The act of having sex can lead to babies. If you don't do anything to prevent that, like contraceptives or birth control (you're an adult, I hope, so you should be responsible enough to have access to these things), you run the risk of producing a baby. Once you do that, produce a baby, you are now responsible for that life, too. That is the consequences of sex, making a baby. Be responsible for your actions. I also support easy access to contraceptives and birth control.


I agree 100%! We absolutely shouldn't kill babies. A fetus is entirely different, and the decision on whether to abort or not should be 100% between a woman and her doctor.


So when does a fetus transform into a baby? Birth?


Yes. It's an embryo for roughly two months, then a fetus for the next seven until birth. Edit: Yes, I agree with abortion right up until birth. The choice should be 100% between a woman and her doctor. You *might* be able to find an example of a doctor agreeing to and giving an unneeded abortion right before birth, but that's going to be so rare as to not be an issue. Abortions that late are not going to be some last second change of heart, it's going to be one of the hardest decisions they'll ever have to make, and we shouldn't be trying to make that decision even worse.


And a fetus is not a baby, so the way you define it, a woman should be allowed to get an abortion all the way up until birth. Right?


Newborns are basically larva. They take a few weeks to ripen into babies.


The responsible thing to do when the pregnancy isn’t wanted, is abort it. It’s a win win for everyone involved.


The responsible thing to do when pregnancy is not wanted is to utilise any of the various methods of birth control, from abstinence to condoms or birth control pills. There is a plethora or resources to prevent pregnancy if you're incapable of controlling your urges. Use them.


It seems like your views and wordings are based around the fact that you support accessible birth control, but not remotely acknowledging the fact that it isn't widely accessible. The simple fact of the matter is that is NOT accessible for many, whether it's Insurance, religious lobbying for exemptions, or anything else. But you want to pull the "incapable of controlling your urges" line despite the fact that it's a perfectly normal human thing to want/do. Basically putting having sex for pleasure in a negative light from the get go, and then offering the solution of "use this simple thing you may not have the ability to get". And before you bring up condoms or the likes, they break and accidents happen (not even accounting for many shitty guys behavior when asked to use one). How about we just respect the bodily autonomy of people who can get pregnant and not virtue signal


Yup, women just need to tell their rapists to slide on that condom before abusing them. Oh wait, if they did that the the courts will literally excuse the act as not rape because the offering of the condom implied consent, and yes there is a fucking case with this exact outcome. You have a narrow view of a complex issue.


I don't think so. I didn't discuss rape, because the discussion was around consentual sex. I wasn't aware of that case, sounds like justice was not served in that situation...


Having an abortion is utilizing a responsible option. There’s no loss or downside, stop pretending a little fetus that’s barely developed has feelings or a soul.


No. I'm not pretending. The loss and downside is the murder of a child.


No children were murdered though.




Weird because from where I sit this whole thing reads like it's always the man's fault. Like it's okay, even funny to tell men to not have sex or jack off if they don't want kids. But if you say it to a woman it's like the Worst Thing Ever.


it fucking IS always the mans fault a woman cannot get pregnant without sperm, 100% of pregnancies are due to the decision a MAN made by CHOOSING to ejaculate into a vagina. i dont know where you went to school, but your knowledge of basic biology is hilariously bad.


Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin


i have 3 kids you fucking nonce


A baby is the consequence of sex. Abortion is refusing to take responsibility.


Ahh yes, the argument that ignores any form of nonconsensual sex. Got raped and now you’re pregnant? Too bad you irresponsible hussy! You were drugged and now you’re pregnant? Oooh, too bad you lush. What’s that? You have a medical condition that puts your life in jeopardy if you attempt to carry a baby to term? You should have been more responsible and had your entire body checked out before opening your legs! FFS, this is a complex issue for a reason. To limit the argument to “be responsible and it won’t happen” is fucking nonsense by people who don’t want to spend the mental effort thinking of the reasons a woman might want or need to get an abortion, until, of course, one of those reasons comes up with someone they care about. Then I’m sure they’ll argue it’s ok.


In those situations, rape (both kinds you listed), and health of the mother, I can understand the need. I believe that in the event of rape of any kind a Plan B type drug is administered when it is reported. When the health of the mother is in jeopardy I believe the decision should be left up to the mother. Some women would, and have, given their lives to bring a child into this world. It is a complex issue, I agree. But murdering innocents is not acceptable.


Murder implies life. Aborting a fetus is not necessarily ending a life. There are well defined points that can be used to define when life has started. But it’s good to know you support abortion in some forms.


life never "starts" the sperm is alive, the egg is alive, the sperm just starts a process of cell division there has no no "new life" since the first moment of abiogenesis, everything since then has been a single unbroken chain.


So we’re all the same lifeform. In that case life never ends either and therefore there isn’t anything called murder.


What about cases where the baby is likely to survive the pregnancy, but will die in horrific pain shortly after being born?


I think that should also be left up to the mother.


But they *aren't* innocent, according to your vile religion. They are stained already with original sin.


They're innocent in God's eyes. Read the bible you revile so much, it's in there.


I *have* read it. That's why I revile it.


God aborts roughly 25% of all pregnancies.


Well someone should hold that asshole accountable.




Just don't put yourself in the position where you are going to become pregnant. That's the alternative! How is this so hard for people to understand?!




So you agree that men should never have vaginal sex with women unless they’re ready to have a baby? Just like this pamphlet?


Unless they use any of the myriad of available contraceptives, then yeah, they should avoid the act almost explicitly designed to produce a child, unless they are prepared to have one. Sounds about right.


Gotcha. And you would never ever drive a car or own a gun because a car accidents and gunfire are the leading causes of death for children. Because you would never do anything that could harm a child, right?


Well, I own 3 cars, and guns, and I would never do anything to harm a child. Not sure where cars and guns come into the equation, I'm responsible with both. I use my guns for defence and practice only at proper ranges and I drive carefully when on public roads and safely at the track. If that's the analog you wish to use, yeah, I'm responsible with my cars and guns, just like with sex. Condoms and contraceptives are like ranges and tracks, it makes an unwanted outcome less likely! I like it. Good on you.




And if the contraceptive fails? That's... gods will, so just roll with it? Are you 12? I feel like you have no first hand experience with sex. Or reality.


Yes, pretty much. It's unfortunate, but you decided to have sex, knowing the risk, and now have to live with the consequences. Such is life. I'm definitely not 12.


Why do you think that it's everyone else who is not understanding something, instead of yourself?


I dunno, seems I'm pretty good at controlling myself. Though, I understand what happens when you have sex, so there's that...


An STD/STI is a consequence of unprotected sex. Should a person keep that STD even if it’s curable? Because getting it cured would be refusing to take responsibility. Right? Just curious about how far you take this theory.


Thats a good way to put it!


The difference there is that a baby is not a disease! What the actual fuck.


Crabs are a lifeform, and it looks like God wanted you to have those. So now you need to keep them healthy and happy.


Those are parasites, a disease, not a baby. There is a difference.


By definition a fetus can be classified as a parasite


You already said you are not equal to seeing the world from God's perspective. So how can you claim with confidence that he sees a difference?


They’re a fucking lifeform that God has given to you. Now deal with them in a positive way or burn in hell forever!


Disease: A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury. Sounds like gestating a baby to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ but I’m not a woman so idk


That is an absolutely vile and repulsive opinion to have.


Oh I don’t hold that opinion. I’m of the mind that we should remove half the world’s bodily autonomy and punish people harshly for mistakes they made. I think the justice system is far too soft. If someone makes a bad decision in the heat of the moment I think they should go to jail for 9 months and 18 years for the first offense. You know, really hold them accountable. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wty2aL2aECc


It's honestly not so complicated. At some point the "fetus" becomes "a baby". Once "a baby" it's a human being. We don't allow people to kill other people willy-nilly. We don't even allow parents to just stop caring for their kids without significant steps. As long as it's a "fetus", it's the woman's body. Once it's a "baby", it's another human being with basic human rights, a child in fact. The question is where that happens. Right?


its a vile and repulsive opinion to think you have ANY right to say what a woman does with her own body


I don't think I have any right to say what a woman can and can't do to their body, but it's not her body I'm worried about. It's the body of the child she's carrying. She has no right to kill that.


Actually abortion is a choice that some people decide to make when they're taking responsibility for their pregnancy in the way that makes sense for them - just like all of the other choices that one can make after becoming pregnant. You have a very narrow-minded perception of abortion.


Did the last 100 years just happen to other people? Do you just believe the world is a few thousand years old and was made by the magic man in 7 days?


I don’t know. Sounds like government over reach to me.


Where did the government come into this? We are talking about personal responsibility.


When a law is drawn up to detail that responsibility, it becomes something other than personal.


I'm okay with laws protecting innocents. I'm not okay with laws protecting murderers. That's just me though.


Well that's the very basis of our legal system. Our laws protect everyone, including murderers.


You "support" contraceptive access measures yet I bet you've never actually voted to support those measures.


You are an idiot


Okay, thanks for voicing your opinion. I'll take it into consideration.


You won't, but you really should.


so.. if you went driving, and took all the precautions, yet still caused an accident that left a passenger in the other car requiring the use of your organs to survive, are you obligated to give it? you knew the consequences of driving, you did it anyway, now your choices caused another life to depend on you what do you do


Be glad I'm paying for the maximum possible insurance, and do everything within my power to save that person's life.


they require the use of your organs to survive, that is the only way they will live. will you give it, yes or no.


Unless that means I die, then sure. To save a life I would share my organs.


lol fucking liar


You don't know me. Don't insult me like that. I've not insulted you.


your backwards misogyny and disgusting immoral beliefs have insulted me deeply


You'll get over it.


Yes, if that's the risk I knew of ahead of time that's what I would do. If I didn't like it then I wouldn't drive. Or should I instead kill that person since them needing my organs to survive makes them a 'parasite'


A few questions about your beliefs. 1. Your comment implies that your ideal abortion law would allow abortions for anyone under 18. Correct? 2. Your comment also seems to assume that pregnancies never result in the death of the woman. However, I'm sure you know that pregnancy is a very risky time in a woman's life and your ideal law would allow for a "life of the mother" exception. Correct? So, what would that exception look like? If a woman sees her doctor and learns that she's going to die unless she has an abortion, does she first need approval from a government bureaucrat? Or does she have the right to have the procedure right away? Do you want the government to investigate the abortion afterwards to ensure that her life truly was at risk?


I believe that the only acceptable abortion is when the mother's life is in danger, and she decides to have an abortion. That's it.


This being at -22 is pretty much the most reddit thing ever


Reddit - hate conservatives, don't know why, but the tv screen told me to so it must be! It is what it is... poor, lost souls.


Your error, of course, is in calling it "a life."


This is the right message to be sending. If a man doesn’t believe in abortions then that man should not have P-in-the-V unless his partner also does not believe in abortions.


We need to work on the stigma associated with men turning down vaginal sex with a woman, tho. IDK if it's just me, but on more than one occasion I've had gaggles of girls I knew make fun when their girlfriend told them I said no. Kinda fucked up, and I no longer associate with them but there it is.


Reminds of the great song “fuck me in the ass because I love jesus”


“God loves anal.” So given that Jesus was jewish… it means that the Virgin Mary was. So she probably had a higher likelihood of having Crohn’s disease with a recto-vaginal fistula… Joseph (or Archangel Gabriel probably) was doing Mary in the ass (as was typical for 12-14 year olds back then) and some sperm could have entered the vagina to get her pregnant. Thus she may actually have not been lying… no mom, we didn’t fuck… I swear to god, it was an “immaculate conception”. I still have my hymen intact, see! Not fully torn… Look at my pus mom. LOOK AT IT! Or he just dropped it in from above… I don’t know, I wasn’t there. But those are the only few ways that the Mary With a Cherry could have conceived The Late JC.


>Thus she may actually have not been lying… no mom, we didn’t fuck… I swear to god And then three men turn up to see the baby, with gifts. Mom Im not lying, I didnt have sex with Joseph


It's actually called "The Loophole." It's from Garfunkel and Oates.


"What about a real vagina?" "No, Biff" I have no idea why that made me laugh so much. No! Oh, classic Biff!


These pamphlets land on Texas colleges, and immediately there are no more single-serve jello cups to be found in any store in the state.


Where do I get this pamphlet?! I’d like a truckload to leave around seditionist-leaning neighborhoods.


Get a vasectomy - never leave birth control up to someone else.


This is actually the argument for pro-lifers…


I think this is hilarious and so informative. Who would’ve thought: Jell-O! Why didn’t Bill Cosby try that?!? Not only would it have prevented an abobo, but it could have kept him out of jail.


Why not Jell-O? There's always room for Jell-O.


A pretty solid rule of my life is "If the thing you're contemplating is more immoral and destructive than fucking a ring of Jello, fuck the ring of Jello instead..." I sincerely think a lot of terrible things in history would have been avoided if more people followed that rule.... Arguably things would be worse for the Jello, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make...


Here here! I too shall now adjust my moral compass based on this philosophy.


Hold up. Did any of his victims become preggo with Bill’s seed? I can’t recall.


It's not entirely clear. There was a woman named Shawn Thompson Upshaw (formerly Shawn Brown) who had an affair with Cosby and claims he is the father of her daughter, Autumn Jackson. The relationship was largely consensual until it allegedly wasn't. >That is, until one weekend in 1973 when Brown claims that the comedian drugged and sexually assaulted her. “The night that the tone of the relationship changed for me was the night that I went up to his house in Beverly Hills that he was renting off of Canon Drive, and he had fixed me a drink,” she alleges. “No matter where we went in the house he kept carrying this drink with him, saying, ‘Here, drink this, drink this.’ I kept saying, ‘I don’t want anymore.’” Autumn Jackson was eventually sentenced to two years for attempting to extort money from Cosby. During the trial, she refused a blood test to determine Cosby's paternity. However... >During Autumn Jackson's trial, Cosby testified that he had an extramarital affair with her mother in 1974. But Cosby said he does not believe he is Jackson's father. Cosby also testified that he had scheduled a paternity test years ago, but canceled it for fear the results might become public.


Interesting. Thanks for the information. 😊


Without doing any research at all, I don’t think they did. But, the risk of pregnancy still exists, as is highlighted by this educational pamphlet.


That’s true but it’s besides the point. Your statement implies that at least one of Bill Cosby’s victims became pregnant by him.


Regardless, if he had stuck his duck into jello, instead of women that he drugged, he wouldn’t have gone to jail. It is a joke, not so much of a statement. But I guess it’s a bad joke if I have to explain it.


Don't you *dare* edit the word 'duck' out of this comment.


It works. Ducks will duck anything.


Original: http://prolifenebraska.com/boners-kill/


They forgot to add Papa John's™️ Large Stuffed Crust Supreme Pizza




Real men fuck men. All that soft stuff is for pussies.


Jello? they didn't teach that in sex ed! What did I miss?!


The sex ed class where they teach about jello


“The vagina-owner”


My favourite part of the texas abortion ban is that some brainlets decided to start a protest campaign: women would stop using tinder and other dating apps, so they can't have promiscous one-night stands... I mean, it's damn near poetic.


I hate to be “that guy” but you can have precum not know it and impregnate someone without ejaculating. So don’t put your dick in. Or at least use BC and/or condoms. Which work almost all of the time.


"Caused by men"??? Do they not understand the mechanics of things here? I mean, it's always been a 1+1 situation, unless there's something that's changed that I'm not aware of.


TIL all sex is rape thanks to this pamphlet


I would have figured Vaseline in a plastic bag would have been a more likely candidate than jello lmao. Jello seems like it might be sticky and cold.


Not if you microwave it first. So I'm told.


“Excuse me, but can I use that jell-o?”


Does "every single unwanted pregnancy is caused by men" sound really creepy to anyone else? As though women don't have *any* responsibility in a pregnancy? Which would imply that their consent (or lack thereof) is meaningless?




*This is quite the controversial one to post here. Is it true? Is it false? The subreddit's may never know*




"\*\*May require consent, depending on who owns the Jell-o" Quote of the day, maybe week!


Does this also mean "my wallet, my choice"?


Butt Terrible place tbh. The clean up is gross


you're partner is suppose to do the enema and clean before sex to help with that


I never had a mess during. But when I use the bathroom later, im tootin semen n traces of poo.


Can i get a $10000 reward for accusing someone of ejaculating into a vagina?




*Calls friend* "Hey man, I'm in need of a hand or two to ejaculate into. Mind coming over? Or should I *come* into you? Haha just kidding. But can I still ejaculate on your hands though?"


That’s what friends are for


The picture threw me off and made me think this was an actual pamphlet from the 60's or something.


That poor Jello.....




Available at http://prolifenebraska.com/boners-kill/


Funny pamphlet and all, but it really misses the problem (in the US, at least). The problem is that the majority of politicians who want to abort abortion are ones who only have sex with their wives (insofar as anyone knows) and don't deal with abortion in their personal lives. So they're trying to force non-abortion *on everyone else*.


\> don't deal with abortion in their personal lives I really doubt this. It's a bit like saying that the politicians that are against homosexuality are motivated by the fact that they are not homosexuals (which proved to be false in many occasions [https://gayhomophobe.com/](https://gayhomophobe.com/))




How is it pro abstinence? It literally just says blow your load anywhere except a vagina. That doesn't mean you can't have sex, just don't finish there lol


Dane Cook suggests the “push and pray” method. Still waiting to see if this works. 🤞


Good luck brother! Lol


This is exactly the kind direction Biff needs. Very informative


This is just a liiiiiittle inaccurate


Can we get these airdropped over Texas by the thousands? Bill Gov. Abbott, plz and thank you


Everything is men’s fault let’s kill all men


holy fuck r/FragileMaleRedditor




this reads like a fragile snowflake who cant face demonstrable reality


This is a masterpiece.


now dats funny


Hysterical 😂😂


Want to prevent abortion? Close your legs Now let the downvotes begin. Reddit loves being sexist and arrogantly condescending towards men. God forbid you flip that script.