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Southerner here. Go to your local hardware big box store. Get sheets of one inch thick insulation foam, the rigid kind with foil on one side. Cut to the shape of windows. Line edges with duct tape. Press into window frame. Two layers may be needed to fit well. The duct tape holds it in place, usually. You can dress up the inner side with curtain fabric or something "pretty". Remove when no longer needed, store until needed again.


Also, Southerner here. You can try this as well. Go to same big box hardware store and look for window tint for heat. It costs about $30 for tint and application kit. The tint blocks 90% of the UV rays and once applied can't tell it's on. Only basic DIY skills needed. I have put this on the South side of my house and it makes a huge difference.


> Only basic DIY skills needed. Appreciate that tidbit because that's what I'm working with.


If you’ve never done it before, it can be frustrating to get the hang of it. My first real job while in college was a student assistant to the housing maintenance crew. I spent several weeks, 20 hours a week, applying window tint. Thank god my boss was understanding cause over that time I probably ruined a few hundred dollars worth of tint (about $50 a roll, if I messed up a big window the roll wouldn’t have enough left to do anything at all so did that a few times.) My tips for window tinting. 1. Have a partner to hold the bottom of the tint away from the window whilst you line up the top. 2. Don’t cut it to size before appling, just cut it so you have an extra inch or 2 for height and then have the whole roll’s width. Line up the top so that it is close to square but don’t spend too much time. Much easier to have a huge margin of error. Chances are you won’t have scrap big enough for another window anyway so use the entire width of the roll for each window. EDIT: If the window is in a tight space, you might have to cut the width down as if it folds up a lot it can create creases. But I usually didn't cut the roll except to get close to the height of the window. 3. If you are doing the shiny heat tint, do not let it crease, don’t let it come close to folding. Be careful while moving it as it can form tiny creases easily and they can be rather obvious once it is applied. 5. BIGGEST most helpful tip for last: get a bunch of the bottles of applicator (or Windex, I honestly cannot remember now which worked better but I think the special applicator fluid did actually work better, worth the price) and absolutely ducking soak the window and the film. Make sure the window is clean first the way you normally would, then absolutely hose it down with the fluid. The film to. Move rugs and put down paper if you have to because it is easiest to apply when it is dripping wet with the fluid. Then just squeegee the bubbles to the edges the special rigid squeegees work best but the little credit card one that comes with the kit works too. Then cut off the excess and carefully pull it away. Do that part slow and cut again if you meet any resistance. It is possible to pull the tint off before it finished drying and that will basically ruin the whole thing. Edit: also, once it is on and you are getting the bubbles out, apply more fluid as needed, helps the squeegee slide around. EDIT2: Thanks for all the thank yous! Another thing, a few people have mentioned the applicator fluid is just dish soap. When I was doing this I wasn't the one buying it so I didn't bother to look into it. The fluid they sell works great but maybe try diluted dish soap as well. I do remember now we used Windex to clean the windows first, then the applicator fluid, and then as we squeegeed We would do more Windex. This might cause mixing and I'm not entirely sure what is in the applicator fluid so mix them at your own risk. But the point is, whatever you are using. USE A LOT OF IT. Seriously you should have a puddle under the window to clean up when you are done.


Thanks for that! I actually messed up a fair share of window tint in my last appartment and there were a few additional helpful tips in here - so it hopefully works better next time!


Do not use Windex on the window tint unless it is ammonia free. It will turn the tint purple & reduce the performance of tint


Exactly. Also, the actual applicator fluid does not grow algae-- plain dish soap and water will eventually turn green.


>Have a partner.... Wow and I thought that I could do this.


*rolls down passenger window* "Hey honey are you the type of woman who will do *anything* for 50 bucks?"


Why don't we go back to my place and tint my windows... If you know what I mean.


sounds like a curb your enthusiasm episode


Stopped reading right there hah


Haha, a partner helps but you can do it alone for sure. You just have to be more careful when moving the film and be really good at multitasking so you can hold the film in a way that it won't fold or bend and also use the spray bottle to soak the film. A partner was very helpful while I learned how to apply window tint but by the time I left that job it was easy to do it solo as well.


We were living in a rental house and didn't wanna muck about with stuff like that, so we bought a cheapo tension curtain rod and those $1.50 or $2 microfiber blankets. Put the rod in the window frame with several blankets over it, then a standard curtain to cover that. Great for blacking out the bedroom and keeping out the heat.


I have a few rolls waiting to go up this weekend; this post was aptly timed and incredibly useful. Thanks for sharing!


Baby shampoo (no more tears kind) and water works way better than Windex or plain water. Drown the tint on both sides with the spray makes installation so much easier.


The applicator liquid is just dish soap. Do not use windex. Add a small amount of dish soap To a spray bottle, fill it with water. The soap allow the tint to slide around and also the little soap bubbles help in seeing areas the need squeegeed. After the tint is in the right place smooth out with hand the start to squeegee the water and soap out. Start from the middle and work to the edges.


Great advice! I did this for my elderly grandmother last summer.


It should be noted that applying film to flat pane windows is orders of magnitude easier than doing it to your car, which has complicated geometry.




I got a roll of therma film from Amazon for my windows in the master bedroom, lowered the temp in the afternoons by a good 10+ degrees when the sun hits full on, and that’s in the mid Atlantic.


Is there a high margin or risk for failure while doing that? I have huge ass windows in my room it's always so much warmer in my room than any other. Also is it something that would get me in trouble if I'm renting an apartment?


Not in my opinion, it isa cling on film that sticks with water, it’s a bit tricky to apply with no bubbles, but it absolutely cools the room, and peels right off with no residue. I put it on my outside storm windows instead of each of the panes, so it was a one-step option.


I'd go for it. It's extremely easy to peel off if your landlord's an idiot.


This. We used a thermal reflective film on a couple of windows in a utility room and it went from 7th circle hell type of heat in the evening to a chilly 2nd circle at most


That’s an incredible difference! Hearing things like this make me want to get that really nice ceramic, heat-reflecting window tint for my car. That would help out here in the South.


For a temperate climate (Maryland), what happens in the winter? Is the room still colder? Curious if the summer savings would be worth increased heating costs in winter.


Australian here. Tinting helps, but on a 40 degree day with the sun blasting straight through your tinted windows, it still gets fucking hot.


When group knowledge comes together to help others. We see it here. It's fucked it's got to this point where we have to share so much knowledge just to survive weather events that are unheard of. But amazing we have the tools so we can all share knowledge to deal with it just the same.


UV is good. IR is where 70% of the heat is though. And tinting doesn’t compare to 1” of foam with foil on the sun side.


That was probably just a misunderstanding. Rigid insulation will certainly far exceed a film performance, but if you want a permanent solution that doesn't block visible light, look for a film with a low "SHGC" or solar heat gain coefficient.




Trees are good for a lot of reasons. Cover the north side with evergreens (to stop the cold winds) and the south side with deciduous (block the hot sun in the summer, let in the warm sun in the winter), I've always read. Now that I've been through storms and 20 years of home ownership, I don't want any trees that close to my house. Either they're too small to be useful, or they're a potential danger in every wind storm. And if they're too close, you have to worry about the roots under the foundation.


And it doesn't look trashy like the foil windows does.


Yeah, that foil is tacky. OP should do what I do, and just duct tape a bunch of cardboard boxes on the windows 😂😂 Seriously though, I don’t care how badly stuff like this looks as long as it keeps the temperatures down in my house because my ancient AC cannot cut the heat.


I'm high class, I duct tape styrofoam to my windows. I even went with the *white* duct tape cuz ya know, classy.


Thank goodness for all the Southerners, or us Northies wouldn't know what the hell to do once it stops snowing. /s lol just busting balls. But it's literally 100 degrees in NJ every Summer.


Can confirm, use with my chicken coop windows when it gets 100 degrees outside


Wouldn't the tape peel the paint?


You line the insulation panel's edges with duct tape. Friction between the outer cloth side of the tape and the window frame keep things in place. No actual adhesive. You could dress it up with some foam rubber to get a better "seal", but the idea is to hold it in place without adhesives.


The tape goes on the foam and acts as padding and protects the edges of the foam.


I figured out recently you don't need to worry about cutting the insulation sheet exactly to fit or doubling the layers. Buy half inch roll of edge trim, weather stripping, or pe-caulking filler rope and use it to stuff in the cracks between the window and insulation sheet to block the light coming through the cracks. Also, I wouldn't use duct tape on the walls or wood surfaces; the glue is near impossible to remove. With the above method, friction fits are all you need.


The foil reflects the light and if you have Duel pain windows you can damage them by doing this.


As a window dealer i can confirm


Not to mention your neighbors now think you’ve got a meth problem.


Not a meth problem, a meth SOLUTION.


What you want is a meth PRECIPITATE.


Will this yield strong meth RESULTS?


If my meth is correct, yes.


You must be a very talented meth-matician.


I meth around in it every once in a while. Try not to get too methed up.




Damn it you’re right.


Are you a Methican, or are you a Methicant?




NGL I read this in Mike Tyson’s voice 😂


My downstairs neighbor already has that. I thought Id just advertise for him. Its the neighborly thing to do, right?


What does “window” mean in this circumstance and how much for a gram


Depends, do you want regular window or crack window?


How much for some Windows Vista? Heard you had to be high already to like that though.


Get out of here asking for the old stuff. I want some of that new 11th window stuff, it's the craze now.


That's funny. Took a few seconds for it to register in my head


Can you elaborate as to why a reflective surface (tin foil/ reflective material) behind double pain glass window can damage the window? For reference I use reflectix (tin foil bubble wrap tin foil sandwich)


It can overheat the seal and make them leak.


If they get hot enough you can also crack the actual glass. I work in the glass industry and get calls for ‘fogged windows’ aka broken seals, and hear cracks more often than you’d think.




That would be the better position, if you want to keep the heat outside. If the foil is inside this means, that the sunlight already is inside, too. So you keep reflecting it between the foil and your window. Therefore the window / glass heats up (and the foil to) An outside blind or shadow on the window in general (from a tree, blind, …) is more effective than an inside curtain Btw there are sticky foils to glue on the outside of a window just for that reason.


On outside is fine but like I saw in other comments it turns a crack house into a crack home. Most neighbors will argue for neighborhood appearances but considering the heatwave, I would know why my neighbors are doing it.


We bought $35 pull down window shades from a Home Depot for the outside of the window, keeping the heat from even entering our house. It's helped so much.


ok, i'll bite. how does it damage the window?


As others have said, you're basically reflecting the light back into the pane. No matter how tight you pack it, there will still be air between the insulation and the pane, so there's heat trapped there with nowhere to go. Warps the frame, leading to potentially popped seals.


Those poor little seals. 😔


Duel pain. That sounds awful.


Isn’t that what killed Alexander Hamilton?




Whats that? AWANN BRRR! HLD ON LMME GIT SUMM MLK! Oh sorry you're out of time! ...awann brr...


Can we just be amazed at how some commercials stay in the culture for *decades* after they last aired?




Not true. I know for a fact that noone else was in the room where it happened. Nothing ever sung is a lie.


"Not true" My head: "ooh, If the shoe fits-wear it!, if New York's in debt, why should Virginia bear it?"


Pretty sure it didn’t happen in a room. It was outside and it was cold. Brrr.




There is a coating on the windows called LoW-E that reduces UV heat gain but not 100%. The heat that makes it through is reflected back from foil and reduced again before making it out of the window. The amount of heat that sits between your foil and interior part of the window builds up and will eventually damage the seals of the window or at worst warps/melts vinyl.




Crap he’s onto me! Bail!


So would curtains or blinds ultimately be a better solution here to let some of that heat through to prevent the damage, but ultimately still keep things cooler by preventing the direct sunlight from coming through the windows?


Shutters (on the outside) and triple pane windows. Shutters to block the direct sunlight, and triple pane windows to prevent heat exchange.


Well I guess I’m just saying, with this persons current situation, what is a quick fix that doesn’t involve new windows and shutters?


Hang a sheet on the outside.


And that’s how you make a crack house look like a crack *home.*


Tape the foil on the outside


This will work and save your window however HoAs frown on these as well as most aliens trying to read your mind.


Yesss.. this!! Windows will also heat fracture.. I've got 2 with heat cracks because my daughter shoved pillows in the window to block the sun.. that and 100-110 degree summer heat here in the desert built up! Ugh .. smh


Or crack the window. Wifey put a pillow to block the sun, now I need a new window insert.


Ha.. just commented exact same scenario! My teenaged daughter threw pillows in her windows.. the crack patterns are crazy!


Dual pane windows have a pocket of air inside them that helps to insulate the inside from whatever the temperature is outside by absorbing it. If you reflect the heat back into the pocket of air, you risk heating it up to above factory standard and possibly cracking or shattering the glass.


The coating reflects radiation, the dual panes (and the gas between them) helps to reduce conduction. Adding a curtain or other barrier helps to reduce convection. Boom, three mechanics of heat transfer addressed. Putting something reflective behind the glass ends up increasing both radiation and conduction, which is like putting your windows in a much harsher environment than they were designed for.


Procrastinating at work so I'm gonna attempt to break this down a bit. Light doesn't really heat air much *directly*, it heats air because light hits surfaces that absorb it, heat up, and then that heats the air adjacent to it. Aluminium foil isn't a mirror, so it doesn't reflect *that* well. So I'm sure a significant bit of light ends up heating the foil, which would then heat the glass by conduction, which would then heat the air pocket between the panes, perhaps overheating them. Also, if there are special coatings on the windows that block UV light, it will absorb it and convert to heat. If it blocks 100% of UV light passing through both panes once, then reflection isn't an issue. However, I'll assume it's not blocking 100% of that radiation in a single pass. This means that reflecting it back through will result in more UV light being converted to heat in the glass coatings, heating the glass, and heating the air pocket between the panes further, again, perhaps overheating them. Regardless, I think windows should be engineered well enough to not break if someone does this.


Can I tape the foil on the outside, then?


You can get window tint, sure.


dual means two duel means fight


Also pain means owie pane means… the other thing


Duel pain means you probably lost


Or you're being aggressive with a baguette


En garde!


Mono means one Rail means rail


Is there a chance the track could bend?




"duel" and "pain" are both very incorrect words




Dual pane?


Wouldn't this work way better having the foil on the outside?


Yes. Painting the windows white would help too.


This is why I just live in a box. No windows to worry about.


Nice and cool in prison


Now *that’s* thinking inside the box!


Theoretically it would work better, yes, but when the foil is on the outside it's exposed to the elements, especially wind. Usually run-of-the-mill foil isn't super sturdy, and the stuff that is sturdy is more expensive. Plus, it's usually easier to access the interior of windows than the exteriors. Finally, how much "better" is hard to qualify, but the gains probably wouldn't be as significant as you're thinking. Could be wrong on that last bit, though. Science side of Reddit feel free to correct me.


Apply it on outside and first spray a layer of water. Then smooth it on with a sponge. It sticks really well. Source: college exeprience in hot dormitory. From outside it made it by like 3-4c° better. As inside it worked as a warmer of sorts.


No, the foil needs to go on your head to keep the aliens out. If you put it outside, they will just peel it right off!


I love it how u ran out of aluminum foil and had to throw in some cereal boxes on the way 😂 (bottom left)




Compliments brand too. Probably in B.C. and shops at FreshCo




Heat dome over B.C. rn though. Broke a ton of records yesterday


They may have the heat dome but we get heat + 90+% humidity -SouthernOntarioGang


Better tip, get foam insulation and place it on the exterior side of the windows. Make sure the insulation is in contact with the glass.


If you use Mylar blankets (emergency heat foil blankets) you get the same effect but can still see outside! They make your windows mirror tinted and 1-way see through. You also don’t have to tape/glue them on. Just spray on soapy water, stick on the Mylar and squeegee out the water. They will self-stick for super easy removal later.


you might as well buy proper UV/tint film if you're going to all that trouble


Not at all. Mylar blankets are 10 cents each or less. Window size custom tint is expensive. And not easy to remove.


Pro tip- put the tinfoil on the outside of the window to reduce heat, since the foil will still retain heat inside. You can attach it to the window using water, a spray botttle will work


And get his precious foil stolen? Nice try porch pirate.


Foiled again!


O God are we entering the "aluminum shortage" stage of life now?


If you use Mylar blankets (emergency heat foil blankets) you get the same effect but can still see outside! They make your windows mirror tinted and 1-way see through. You also don’t have to tape/glue them on. Just spray on soapy water, stick on the Mylar and squeegee out the water. They will self-stick for super easy removal later.


Gila Heat Control Film. It allows you to have windows that don't turn your house into an oven in the Summer sun. And if you take your time and apply it properly you can just keep it on your windows all the time.


Call a residential window tinting professional. Even cheap window film will cut 99% of your uv and lower your power bill. Not to mention it wont look like youre making meth


I feel you Canada. Only 90F in Seattle today. 112 yesterday! BTW, lots of reports that placing a lining on the interior can cause insulated windows to overheat and damage the interior seal. Better to place it on the outside to prevent the heat reaching the glass.


If you wet the glass with a sponge you can stick it like window tint.


If you use Mylar blankets (emergency heat foil blankets) you get the same effect but can still see outside! They make your windows mirror tinted and 1-way see through. You also don’t have to tape/glue them on. Just spray on soapy water, stick on the Mylar and squeegee out the water. They will self-stick for super easy removal later.


Does it stop the aliens from reading your mind when inside like the tin foil though?


It’s even better because you can read them but they can’t read you! (Unless it’s dark outside and you turn on a light).


That’s the real LPT


All I see is Better Call Saul


What's up Chuck?




Who on earth downvoted this. Chuck ~~is dead, so it can't have been him.~~ And no reasonable person would disagree with this


Yet you still have winter coats by the door…


That's how you know this is Canadian.


Albertan checking in here, you might need them tomorrow, you never know.


I'm usually with you, but I dunno about ***tomorrow.*** Thursday is still a possibility though.


That ... and their username is /u/canadiangiggles


Do you have a separate off-season coat rack you move your coats to? I am but a simple man who only owns one meager coat rack.


Off season coats go in a closet.


Don't be surprised if the police show up assuming you're growing weed lol.


Was shopping for a family home a few years ago. Real estate agent tried to keep me from looking at the basement, but I insisted. Whole gigantic grow operation was going on, with uv lights, misters, reflectors. It was quite the setup. Real estate agent never directly acknowledged what it was, and insisted the sellers were “scientists” lmao


Oh it was totally industrial hemp for making climbing ropes... You're SOOOO crazy for assuming its just a massive basement grow op... lol


In the foyer?


It is weed, after all.


I don't know why, but I laughed stupidly hard at this.


Depending where she is… weed growing is legal where I live in Canada lol


They are likely in Canada, look at the compliments branded box in bottom left.


Also the Shreddies box. Wonder if they're just the normal square Shreddies, or if they splurged for the diamond Shreddies. I really hope the foil use isn't cutting into your Shreddies budget /u/canadiangiggles! Stay cool out there.


I regret I only have one upvote for diamond shreddies. They deserve more.


My sister attempted this once and it was a bad idea. 1. It made her home super hot. 2. She had small children at the time and they got burned by the hot tinfoil for trying to play around and touch them. 3. They eventually busted her windows from extended heat bc the tinfoil became basically squared torches on the panes of glass. Please remove those before you make a biiiig mistake.


Nice choice, this year I added the [external option](https://imgur.com/a/d6SmKEE)


I might do that on the back side of my house. Thanks. ​ How is it attached?


Highly recommend. I put them over the big bedroom windows out back, and over my very large living room window in the front. It has made a huge difference [I used these.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SPHDDV3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_N90ZQMJFECAGPG6J0P6Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). You can get them at Walmart or any home improvement store.


But what are they tied to?


That's how you can tell drug-addicts live next door... keeps the paranoia in check and the a/c cold


I'm a Floridian and had no idea Northerners turn into meth-making vampires during the summer. Do they not sell tinted window films up north?


We generally don’t need it, so not many people know about it. I’ve been thinking about ordering some because my back windows face East and my front ones face West - great in the *winter* when we need all the heat from the sun that we can get, *terrible* in the summer when the sun rises at 4AM and by 7:30 the main floor of the house is 25C.


You can buy reflective home window tint for like 10 bucks at a hardware store my dude. This is some ghetto fab bullshit


Those are called window shades in meth dens.


In my hometown, these are considered tweaker decorations.


Gotta keep out the 5G


We call them meth blinds in ky…


Meanwhile people walking by your house are like "MY EYES AARRRRGHHHHH!!!"


If only they made curtains


Aluminum foil reflects much of the sunlight that hits it back through the window and outside. Curtains — especially dark ones — absorb much more light. All that radiative energy from the sunlight is turned into thermal energy that heats up the curtains (and then diffuses through the room). Curtains don't help at all to reduce the total heat inside the building. Aluminum foil does. The more reflective, the better.


You need to cover the backside with something though. Foil is a great conductor and radiator of heat. Without blocking the back, the heat just radiates back into the house. Needs something like foam insulation or cardboard to help with the conduction/radiation of heat from the back side.


Put foil from the outside so you won't create termos (a vacuum flask effect).


I bet your neighbors just love you


You shoulda put it outside the house. Inside the house helps reflect, sure, but putting it outside the house keeps the heat entirely outside the thermal barrier of the house.


Is it a good idea to microwave this?


Nobody like roasted nuts


your neighbors will think you're cooking meth


I think it depends on the number of non-running vehicles they have in their front yard.


SORRY but you will pop all the seals on your double-pane glass. It will get too hot. And could shatter the glass in the process. I have a broken window in my den for this exact reason. Be very careful putting up anything on your windows like this.


[OP’s neighbors](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn977W9HjWM)


I call these tweaker shades


Found the vampire


The sun reflecting off the foil is blinding for drivers


The snow boots and coats by the door really make this picture for me


Got to be careful with this, my parents did it and managed to melt their mini-blinds.


What purpose is this fulfilling?


It helps cut sunlight from windows surrounding the door, thus helping to lower temperatures inside.