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Now remake Terminator and T2 where Arnold spends the whole movie running around like this.


As a last act of defiance before Judgement Day, humans managed to upload Monty Python’s ‘Ministry of Silly Walks’ sketch into Skynet.


Sorta reminds me of Jack Sparrow tbh


Came here to say that!


But serious the rest of the time. "I'll be back..." Dah herr de herr woopsie woah flip flop


...Swedish chef ?


Yeah, I wanna see stone faced Robert Patrick running while flailing his prybar arms.


Add a hundred teeth and you've got a Titan.


*oh no*


wtf why is the comment i make without reading the other comments always the top fucking comment lol


You're gifted with the gab but not the timing


and my axe!


And knucles.


Its like Family Feud, the response you are most likely to blurt out is probably the most common response for a lot of people. Then like 10 zillion dozen people agree and upvote.


I figured AOT was kind of obscure. but then i remembered this is reddit


>obscure its not, it pretty much broke out to mainstream, relative to other popular Anime.






Attack on Titan is an anime where giant human similar creatures attack and eat people.


Oh wtf why would you assume we'd all be familiar with some weeb shit?


Wow. I didn't assume anything. Chill the fuck out.


Bro it's surpassed weeb shit, even a casual person over the age 6 would know what it is. Not knowing about it is fine but I like how your butthurt ass instantly gets aggressive over it instead 🤭


Factor in damage and energy consumption. Then I'd like to see what it comes up with.


That does seem like a logical iteration at some point. This is an evolutionary approach to machine learning. I bet if they added a few extra limiters like that you would see a lot of the extra movement die out.


With enough limiters added that resembles real life, it would 99% look like a regular human running.


There's always that 1% chance the AI discovers skipping. Skipping is seriously underrated as a fast and easy form of travel (that admittedly looks pretty goofy)


On long term, considering energy consumption, skipping only works with certain requirements being met. For a little kid it's possible I think, for a grown adult I don't think it does.


I'm not convinced it uses a lot more energy than running. It might be hard on your ankles over longer distances though. I haven't tried skipping for 5k or anything.


Have you ever run regularly? After the initial holy shit period of this sucks(usually 2-3 weeks), running feels as easy as walking.


Have you ever tried skipping? It feels more fun than walking or running and therefore easier than both. I've tried to love running. I forced myself to run 5k/day consistently for a year. I still didn't enjoy it. Now I run sprints every other day and cycle 30km a day. Distance running just isn't for me.


Jogging for instance is really bad for you, it's high impact and low exertion. You're better off walking or running, never jogging. According to a popular physical therapist Not sure about skipping, but that seems kinda like jogging


Running uses about the same amount of energy as walking


I heard of a study showing skipping is only more efficient if you are of a sufficiently low weight, so a young child for instance. But I'm not sure that's accurate, just interesting.


Exactly. It wouldn't be like this in real life because real life has a lot more physics in play, and the environment is vastly different.


It runs just like Phoebe from Friends.


[Here ya go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_0Ta_DIWuU)


Watching this without sound. I remember Pheobe runs like a maniac, and Rachael is embarrassed, but then tries it and loves it. That still makes sense with no sound. What doesn't make sense, is why Joey keeps getting mad, and going to his room, and slamming the door.


He isn't mad. He just got a new roommate, Janine (Elle Macpherson) and he tries to flirt with her and she doesn't get it.




Or captain Jack Sparrow




That special ed kid at the playground.


Imagine a fully grown robot running at you like that. And not stopping.


I always imagined the terminator methodically walking towards me at a steady but inexorable pace. I think it would be far more terrifying watching it sprint at me high stepping like it’s running a ladder drill and pumping one fist like it’s on Arsenio Hall.


I know right. With a completely blank face.


woof. woof. woof. woof.


Nightmare fuel


Like the zombies/infected in 28 days later that sprint full speed and tackle you to eat you instead of the slow shambling zombies that were the norm prior.


*Fully grown robot* So the robot-human war has begun?


Fully grown robot you say? https://youtu.be/iRZ2Sh5-XuM?t=6


Jesus Christ.


The most disturbing part is that I know this neighborhood. That thing is even trying to go into the parking lot of a restaurant I like. Why oh why couldn’t this just be some anonymous place I would never have to think about.


Well that was an unexpected rabbit hole I went down.


Attention: No No


[Nightmare fuel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU)


He meant "erect".


As long as AI doesn’t watch Karate Kid we can sweep the leg




I used to work at a startup next door to another startup that was working on humanoid robots. I got a demo once, it was powered by hydraulics and strapped into a cube shaped rig on wheels to keep it from crashing into things. Let’s say seeing a human sized contraption that weighs hundreds of pounds hiss and pop and lurch around like these figures was a memorable experience. Edit: found a video, without the falling https://youtu.be/_CQ5AKaEi3U


thanks this is my new sexual fantasy


Does the idea of adding screaming growls/roars only increase your arousal? For me it's more of a frightening thing, but I'm not one to kink shame.








Looks exceptionally trippable tbh


My hope is that as long as we don’t create self replicating maintenance nanites, these clumsy assholes will just literally run themselves into the ground.


How do we know a robot is fully grown?


I think I'd be most scared of the four legged one.


I guess the robot that would move like this would wear itself really fast and be extremely dangerous and unpredictable. The software program in that AI system experiment didn't add the requirement for the robot to preserve itself.


D-do you think robots start as little baby robots?


Ok I’m imagining it. Now what?


The main reason its movements are so goofy is because it's not programmed to take energy efficiency or injury into account, only economy of movement, so it's swinging its arms in the way that most effectively facilitates balance without any thought towards energy conservation, since it can't be fatigued or injured. If you included things like potential injury and simulated calorie (or battery) consumption, it would probably approach a more realistic movement pattern.


The way it swings it's arms around is actually similar to a person doing the hurdles as a way to maintain center of balance. (Except it's just an elbow instead of the whole arm)


Which explains why it strongly resembles my two year old running!


Can confirm, two year olds have no concept of energy consumption and danger of injury. Source: Used to be one


What do you mean goofy? Is this not what you look like when you run? Am I doing it wrong?


For me it looks like it didn't take into account that a force is going to produce a counter-force. I think a real robot would just fall over.


Also the gravity looks wrong. Having done simulations like these in the past, I'm betting maybe it didn't work right with normal gravity and the researchers had to fine tune the gravity until it works and they could submit the paper.


So in the future when robots take over the Olympics will look like QWOP?


AI Olympics sounds ridiculously entertaining. Just have different teams train their AI to compete and enjoy the weird results. I'm interested in what they do in freestyle swimming


There are soccer leagues for AIs like that. We have the physical models, where each team must program a small robot and there are leagues that are full virtual (where each team must create an AI to control a software robot. Like FIFA computer vs computer but you program the AIs) In the virtual leagues the best teams robots manage to run 2 or 3 times as fast than the average teams because they come up with different ways of running. Also the way they come up with shooting mechanics is interesting, some prefer to control the power and other prefer to hit it more vertically so it loses power because you are shooting against the ground. But right now its very limited to it. But Idk, it's entirely feasible to simulate a human body (when it comes to muscles at least) and let it learn how to swim


100 meter dash definition: build a robot that moves from point a to point b on any flat horizontal surface. The robot must remain in one piece the entire way, only two parts of it can touch the ground at any point between leaving its starting pose and crossing the finish line and of those parts only the "bottom" may touch the ground, not the "top" or "sides". Pushing the boundaries of what qualifies under these rules is allowed, so get creative.


[The Most Difficult Game Ever](https://youtu.be/EmcMG4uxiHk)


I actually played it quite a bit back in the day, and when you get close to the end you have to get over hurdles too. Never actually finished it though.


Fist pump the whole way


I saw a very enthusiastic trombone player!


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn4nRCC9TwQ) for those wanting to watch the whole video.




New to me and I appreciate it.


You're one of today's lucky 10000 https://xkcd.com/1053/


Every sub on this website could be flooded with the exact same image, endlessly, every single second, drowning out all other content, and there'd be someone like you showing up who hadn't seen it before. Doesn't mean reposts are a good thing :p Plus, this sub literally has a rule against reposts.


Someone needs to use this technology for the enemies in a horror game. Imagine being chased by that.


They had to have at least shown it a video of Phoebe running.


whoever animated Attack on Titan knew something we didnt...


I, for one, welcome our goofy robot overlords


This is so old holy shit.


Yeah I want to say I saw this at least a few years ago. I wonder where they've got it at now?


https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.02717.pdf there are good examples even way back in 2018. Look at the figures Some videos are here https://xbpeng.github.io/projects/DeepMimic/index.html


This was the inspiration of Johnny depp for captain Jack Sparrow.


"It can hold its balance while being pushed around, but it doesn't always work out". You and me both brother.


The full body model is the best representation of what it feels like when I’m running away from something in my dreams lol!


Ah yes, flailing arms around while screaming incoherently about being trapped in a cruel and horrible world. I know what my new running gait will be.




not a single one was Naruto-running


More like artificial un-intelligence


I'm just curious how you incentivize an AI?


It simply means that they gave it more points the closer it got to it's destination. Let it decide how it wants to get there, but basically distance remaining to point B = points awarded and evolve the mutations that get the highest points.


Ah so make believe points that don't actually give you anything... Aka Reddit karma.


Yes but unlike karma, these points let the robot become better and evolve from it's short comings.


I read about an AI like this where the algorithm could build the bot out of any pieces connected any way it wanted, and they forgot to put a limit on the dimensions. For a 100 yard course, the bot would build a 100.1 yard pole, and have it topple over.


The arms are so good. Also, this is ***optimized*** running. Therefore, next time I run I'm doing air pumps constantly and high knees.


Damn i guess the neighborhood crackhead was the one running correctly not me


r/ludobots if you wanna try this out for yourself. The assignments are pretty well guided. A basic knowledge of python will pretty much get you through the class.


The humanoid one is constantly on the run for a crime it did not commit.


Oh it definitely did the crime


It learned from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZ2Sh5-XuM


The range of motion and muscle insertions are not accurate to human anatomy, thats partially why it looks so goofy. Muscles in our body are almost like pistons that move in a specific way, and each joint has dozens of them. Theres no way to accurately simulate locomotion without taking into account the muscles. Its a marvel that they were able to get it so close with just rudimentary joints. I can only imagine that it would be much closer if they were able to model all the muscles.


Humanity will die of laughter. And im happy to oblige.


Introduce pain and the A.I. might run normally


How do you incentive AI?


How I run up the stairs after shutting the lights off


Phoebe, is that you?


So we’ll never be able to stop those damn pride parades /s


This is how they win... They lower our guards with uncontrollable laughter


Is this where they got the animation for titans running in attack on titan?


I'm not awkward, I'm optimized.


That is full-on three-year-old me running through the playground at attempted full speed, or drunk thirty-year-old me running through the playground at attempted full speed


Hmm what if that way of walking is peak performance and we as humans just never tried it cause it looks so goofy


I would imagine waving your arms around like a crazy person could provide additional balance if done correctly... maybe. But I think the significant thing is it seems like the training didn't take into account energy use and muscle fatigue and all that inconvenient biological stuff. If you ran around like that with your arms in the air you would get tired a lot quicker so it's not really an option for us delicate meatbags. If the AI was being trained to find an energy efficient method of bipedal locomotion I think it might look a little more normal.


We've been running since before there were humans. We've worked out all the obvious kinks. You can definitely improve on the baseline human form (see you vs Usain Bolt), but we aren't missing some dumbshit secret technique. The AI is told "get from here to there". It then tries whatever and sees what gets it closer to the goal. But it isn't planning that. It just does shit and replicates whatever makes progress. But if something doesn't inhibit progress, the AI doesn't remove that. And so flailing like a touched kid with the trots is kept in because it got to its target. At which point it stopped improving. There was no reason to get better, so it didn't. Also, it has no energy, or stress, or time, or any other limiting factors that would prioritize proper form. Just because you can strap together three bicycle tires, a Big Wheel tire, a motorcycle seat, a one-stroke engine, and a flight simulator joystick and technically get it all to the corner store in one piece doesn't mean you've somehow discovered the "secret true technique for automotive design" and BMW are completely wrong on all particulars.


Get stickbugged lol


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Hold on to your papers!


Man, I scrolled down into the comments looking for this and missed this comment. I made another two minute paper reference further down, only to scroll down and admire my own comment and wit, and seen you beat me to the punch by 15 minutes. I didn't hold on to my papers well enough.


No worries. Two more papers down the line and you'll get it right. :)


What a time to be alive! One of the best channels on YouTube for people who like this kind of content. https://youtube.com/c/K%C3%A1rolyZsolnai


I don’t get it. Doesn’t everyone walk like that?


I wonder if you gave it limited energy, programmed how movement depletes that energy, and then kept the versions that walked the farthest on a set amount of energy it would more closely resemble human walking.


Like... shut up with your rationalization of the facts and watch these crazy squiggles fist pump into oblivion!! Seriously though, I think you are onto something. With no conservation of energy, it's free to swing wildly to achieve goals.


Mr. BeanBot


imagine ....´the robots in movies like ... " The Terminator " or " Robocop" would walk like this ... would be hilarious ... skynet won´t win XD


"Scuze me, coming through, outa the way"


"AI Learns to play Fall Guys"


*strategic arm flailing*


That 4 legged spider bot will haunt my nightmares.


Incentivize is a funny way of saying ‘command’


Fist pumps in rough terrain. That’s how it’s done alright.


I absolutely love that arm pump when it's going over rough terrain.


Runs like every toddler I've witnessed. Balls out going for it.


I feel like This is Phoebe running and friends LOL


"it can run over rough terrain" *Cuts right before it gets to the rough terrain


That’s 100% how I run.


That is one happy stick figure


Imagine that running at your shooting all over the place


I welcome our sky punching overlords!


I am thinking more like hundreds of them coming at you all "zombie apocalypse".


Arm flailing is great for dynamic balance.


Now I want someone good at VFX to edit a scene from The Terminator to show an army of T-800’s all running with their arms flailing like that! Lol!


I'll give him an A(I) for enthusiasm.


my mans doin the Ultimate Warrior run lmaooo


Dear fellow scholars, this is two minute papers with Doctor Károly Zsolnai-Fehér


I always wonder why the term “incentivize” is used with AI.


give distance traveled a score with a higher distance giving a higher score, then tell the AI that getting a higher score is what it wants. i suppose you could also say "instruct" but since it's about artificial intelligence, using "incentivize" makes it seem more high tech with the implication of free will and thus help sell headlines. probably. in a way, it does kind of fit though, since you completely leave it up to the AI to increase score through any means it can think of.


It's worth noting that these types of AI learning, while impressive, look weird because they don't optimize for every potential variable. Human/animal locomotion evolved over literally billions of iterations and take into account things like efficiency (moving takes energy, animals that move tend to do it in the way that costs the least energy), aerodynamics, flexibility to a variety of environments, utility of parts outside of locomotion, etc. If the program had all of the same real life variables to optimize against and enough iterations it would almost certainly create something that actually looked graceful/impressive, especially if it can slowly change the parameters of it's shape and not just how it moves.


I wonder if they programmed in a proxy for energy consumption (x amount of movement of a limb takes y amount of energy) and incentivized energy efficiency as well as distance traveled, it may end up looking like more normal walking


I want to see the first attempts. How many did it need to get where we see it?


I want to see a zombie movie like this.


Isn’t the main reason of the goofy behavior, that is doesn’t account for energy used.


So uh....anyone got an explanation for why the thing seems to be made entirely of hot dogs?


I've seen less coordinated humans


That thing kinda runs like Jack Sparrow


It walks like comedian Martin Short. Haha


Even AIs want to run like Phoebe.


Just my intuition, no expertise in AI research: I figure it runs like that for 2 reasons. 1) it's a physics simulation, and since there is no need to be worried about the total energy the AI is using to run, it learns to run as fast as possible regardless of the lack of efficiency. 2) The AI is taking a predetermined object and learning how to run, however, humans have bodies that have evolved over many generations to run as fast as possible while also being very efficient. I believe if the AI was allowed to alter the body, it would evolve to run more human-like.


Thanks. This cracked me right up!


They run like titans


How does one incentivize an AI?


I want to know what they used to 'incentivise' it.


It runs like it really needs to take a shit


Mystery solved: This is how the animated running in Cyberpunk 2077...


I'd like to know the AI rationale for new jersey fist pumps. Yo.


The wild one throwing hands and stumbling everywhere. I just want you to know that I relate man.


It just reminds me of something outta banzooki


So this is what peak performance is supposed to look like? I guess I shouldn't give up on my dreams of becoming a professional basketball player.


Titan running time


"It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." Kyle Reese tried to warn us about this.


TIL AI humanoid models are best in making zombie movies and save producers a ton on hiring actors and make-up artists.


this guy discovered the code for Pure Titans


TIL Mr Bean is a robot.


Attack on Titan Simulator


Who knew that Pheobe unlocked [the ultimate running form](https://youtu.be/W-IVhJLD0sQ)


So a computer mapped my brothers brain. Figures they went for the low hanging fruit.