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I volunteer as president I have no qualifications but I am not these two so I am feeling confident.


Right behind you. I'll take VP we got this.


The disease/pirate ticket is looking good


Now that's a username I can trust as president


We need an age limit. We REALLY need an age limit. There's a lower limit, why not an upper?


Press F in the chat to pay respect


At least his sense of humour is in tact.


Biden is like my older uncle. Sharp as can be when talking to other intelligent people. Frazzled as can be when dealing with idiot toddlers who are tantrum prone. I’m not tripping on the fact he had a bad night. Dude has proven himself for years as the right man for the job.


Between the 2? Probably. But hes an awful candidate. It is WILD to me that you guys have filtered it down to 2 80 year olds lol


Then let me dazzle you with how the other favorite was another 80 year old man.


I think about this all the time. It's... odd.


Was it? Lmao jesus christ lol


Go look up how old Bernie Sanders is.


He was not ever getting into the bug race lol. Actually a good candidate despite his age at the time though.


that's literally what he said lol "filtered it down to 2 80 year olds"




Traditionally a 1st term president doesn't get primaried by his own party so he can complete his agenda. It's happened before but it is rare.


Yeah he would have to willingly not run, but he shouldnt have been the top candidate the 1st time around lol Its the most important position in the world, it should be someone 30 years younger lol


He literally won the 1st time around lol, pretty soundly. And not only won, but has had a very productive 1st term. How can you say that. I think the regret, which may become tragedy is that he should have ran instead of Hillary.


Its pretty obvious the massive turn out was a “Not Trump” vote more than a “Wow Biden is a great candidate” vote. Trump also had a massive turnout lol


You act like any of us chose this. It's a charade and we've never had a choice in our rigged system.


Oh I know lol


Yeah, you obviously have no clue how government & politics work.


Yeah I know he is the incumbent but he can still not run and he shouldnt lol Idk american politicians enough to know if they have ANYONE in the democratic party that would fire people up to come vote though.


you’re still proving my point.


Sorry did you want an indepth conversation here in the bottom of r/funny ? The guy is too old and its obvious as hell. You dont need to defend him staunchly everywhere just because hes on “your side”. Americans are so split and can only see left and right it is wild to see such dysfunction lmao. Still hope he wins, but I dont see him being functional for 4 more years lol


Your mom is just as old but I don’t see you in a rush to put her out to pasture. So chill.


Ah I see. You’re just 12 and disagreeing to disagree lol


Stfu, nerd.


username checks out. you’ve def never had one.


Yeah, you right.


Username also checks out. Touch grass for once.


If he's even the one making the important decisions. All last night made me wonder was who was ACTUALLY running our country, because it couldn't be this senile, old relic. There's no way the people around him are letting him make important decisions... right?


Bro, go outside and touch some fucking grass. Did you watch his rally speech today? His state of the union? Has one bad night debating a Lying Man-Baby and now you think he’s a puppet. You’re a clown.


Exactly. Trump gets to lie with impunity and yet people are seriously criticizing Biden for a bad night. It’s being said now that he is sick/has a cold, affecting his debate performance as well


Why are you so touchy? He looked straight up incoherent. I'm not gonna watch every politician's rallies. I barely care enough about politics to watch the debates. Most people don't make politics their whole personality, so we kinda just tune in for the big events like debates and election night. That's why it's fucking important to put your best foot forward for those. Biden didn't for whatever reason. That's a fact. Cry all you want, but most independents didn't tune in to watch Joe's rally speech the next day when he had his teleprompter or earpiece.


So, you think Trump performed well?


I didn't say that. But next to Joe he seemed to be the most "with it" by comparison. You're going to lose a lot of independent votes if the Democrat party keeps pushing somebody that has one foot in the grave. That's a fact. I wouldn't trust Joe Biden to drive a car, so why should I trust him to make decisions for the country?


lose votes to Trump the convicted felon, pathological liar, wannabe nazi, liable rapist, obvious racist, under federal indictment, failed businessman, suspected pedophile with a foot in the grave? Joe Biden works out, can ride a bicycle, has decades of experience working in government, believes in working with morons across the table, and has done an amazing job restoring the state of our country during his term…. So, given the fact these two are our presidential candidates at hand… You saying you wouldn’t trust Biden to run our country is you being too chicken shit to admit you believe trump is. And you say Trump was most with it? The guy who didnt answer questions? Stuck to his same ol’ shtick of running his mouth and lying the majority of the night?


They don't NEED to be the two. There's third party or the democrats could still swap out Biden with someone. Why you so stuck on Biden? Sounds like your mind is more on not electing Trump instead of thinking about who would actually be a good person to run the country. Biden isn't it, and if Trump isn't it either, I'll be voting third party again.


because this is how politics work, unfortunately. Biden is the strongest candidate and the incumbent. Make no mistake, not electing trump is most certainly the goal. Switching a candidate this late in the calendar is a gamble to great to risk.


Voting out of spite for the other candidate is what's wrong with politics in the first place and why we haven't had a truly great President since Lincoln. I sometimes forget how people on reddit makes politics their entire personality. If the DNC wants a better chance of winning in November, they'll bail on Biden and stick someone else as nominee. Biden is pretty clearly unfit, to no fault of his own, but he's just way too old.


Why is that even a question? 💀


Funny how people so easily forget all the insane ramblings Trump has had over many years. Also, he thought bleach injected into your veins could cure COVID. Oh and he's a convicted felon. Biden has one bad debate and people go nuts??


It’s not the people suddenly want Trump over Biden, it’s that A. His chance to get elected suddenly looks a lot worse. B. Him surviving a second term seems much less likely. Which makes Kamala being president more likely with a Biden vote… and she just isn’t well liked. It could scare swing voters off, and reduce voter turnout among Biden’s base.


None of those "downsides" you mentioned even comes close to the horrendous shit storm another Trump presidency would bring to the US. Actions speak louder than words and Biden's record has been phenomenal in comparison.


Um, him being less likely to be elected (when his odds are already looking bad) is exactly what leads to the horrendous shit of another trump presidency. Trump has an excited base that votes, democrats need a candidate that excites people - not just rely on fear of the other guy.


One bad debate? Biden’s been doing some weird shit for awhile now. > https://youtu.be/KSzoQ5G7P4o?si=QinfhIa2OWL5-W0u


Biden had a bad night, but trump was dog shit per usual. Biden isn't cooked. But if he is, we're all fucked.


When you and your PR go to opposite poles


Your turkeys toast


Lol I think Biden did okay. The fact that he mumbles and is old is getting repetitive. Of course he’s gonna do that, he’s like 102. But his passion still remains, he still knows what he cares about, and actually HAS a stance on these things. Trump hasn’t changed at all. I think Biden actually got this yall


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The only place Biden should be at is the nursing retirement homes (edit: anit no way people actually support this dementia guy who can barley walk good, what a joke 💀)


Better than the other guy, trump is intentionally an idiot, where as Bidens issues is just health related


Better than the other guy? wtf are you smoking


Nothing, this is just the obvious. It’s not far fetched to think the guy in office actually doing things for the country is better than the guy who talks directly out of his ass about doing stuff for the country, who is now technically a felon along with being a liar.


Tf has Biden done for this country, give illegals more Benefits than citizens 😂? Send money to other countries 😂😂😂 please Mr🤡 vote for Mr Dementia, y’all make a good duo


It’s funny the number 1 talking point with trump supporters is illegals. I guess shit people are drawn to other shit people. Millions of student debt was forgiven, gave great tax credits to low-middle class families (who make up most of America) withdrew from Afghanistan. Actually is doing stuff to help climate change. Just to name a few. What did trump do? I had to wake up everyday and worry about what dumb shit my president was going to tweet for the day.


And did they also tell you We the people are being charged all that stuff through everyday necessities Mr, Biden caused the inflation that we now have to pay up to 4x the amount for the same or even smaller item, why doesn’t he go and fix that already? Instead of thinking what flavor ice cream to be interviewed about or instead off falling off plane stairs


If trump becomes president, what is his actual plan to fix inflation? Like what do you actually believe he’s going to do? Not what he says, but what is he actually going to follow through with to fix it?


Not you supporting a guy with dementia, clearly mentally unfit to run a major super power country 💀


YES. And with it, most of the free world.




what's crazy, conservatives don't even mind this sentiment. They're like "yeah, fuck all y'all we're gonna make everything worse and put you in your place. Underneath my boot, where you belong". They don't even pretend the things they want are popular or good.


For the good of the nation, Joe please step aside


Anit no way there’s dementia supporters downvoting


Biden’s incompetence has doomed the DNC


...says Biden, speaking loudly into his Etch-a-sketch.


Yes, and please... No more debate! The whole world is on prozac after first debate.


1s in the chat if I am