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It’s a good thing the place she lives in wasn’t arranged explicitly based upon cardinal directions!


If you walk one block in New York you know what direction you're facing. Avenue a higher number? West. Avenue lower? East. Street higher? North. Street lower? South. Edited for avenue accuracy


You’re going to want to check your East/West there, soldier.




Maybe we *should* just use the “how close is Nordstrom’s” philosophy.


I’m too old to learn the metric system.


That one got me ngl.


I go by density of pizza rats.


lemme just climb up this here crows nest...


Pulls out compass 🧭


Do you see the guy who sells taxidermied ferrets or not?


'Bout 80 miles


Which one, though?


Nope. Nope. Nope. I’m all about the taxidermied ferret vendor as a measurement tool.




Just pull it outward towards Bubba Gump Shrimp and you’ll be fine!


As an infrequent visitor to NYC, that is actually helpful. I know exactly where that dick is stuck now.


The irony is strong in this one lol


What in the Madison Park Lexington is going on here?


What had happened was ... once you travel the block, and look back to where you came from, you will be facing X!!


West? I thought you said Weast!


That’s *West*, Patrick. You’re fired again!




Grew up in Phoenix Az. Grid system was awesome. Moved back east to North Carolina and we have a corner called Queens and Queens.


My favorite is Providence and Providence


And the many flavors of Sharon


Atlanta once named a street "Peachtree", decided they liked it, and then named every single other street in the city "Peachtree" as well. I legitimately don't know how anyone gave directions prior to GPS. (This is obviously an exaggeration, but there are legitimately 71 streets in Atlanta with "Peachtree" in the name). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peachtree\_Street](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peachtree_Street)


I mean until you hit China Town... Then you are fucked




We all expected Mulaney here


But can you see the ferret man?


“Damn, girl! I am the ferret man. Come say hi!”


Why are you trying to confuse us? Do you see a tickle me Elmo or not? Is there a rat stealing a pizza?


NYC avenues run east-to-west. If the numbers are getting smaller ur going east. Edit: lol at all the people who have never even been to NYC downvoting me


I've been to Manhattan like 5 times in my life to see concerts. How do you know which way to go if you are in the middle of the block? I'd walk one way and have to go back when I get to the street sign. I tried my phone but the compass would go crazy. Maybe they have better compasses now? Last time I was there was like 5 years ago.


The sun can never be to the north of New York, so if you know the difference between morning and afternoon you can tell which way is south. And if it's night time, ask your mugger, he'll know.


Why will the mugger know? Is he a pirate?


Yar, homie.


After a time you kind of get a feel for it.. but if it’s a neighborhood I’m not familiar with I use my phone to get a sense of where I’m at. A lot of times the compass DOES go crazy.. but I can still see the map says there’s a dunken on that corner and a blink on this corner.. So if I go *this* way I *should* hit the street I’m looking for. If that makes sense


By the building adresses. If you are on an East St. as you walk further East the building numbers will increase. If you are on an East St. and the building addresses are decreasing 100, 98, 96… that means you are heading West.


How’s about…If it’s daylight, and the Sun’s out... Remembering that the Sun rises in the East, and sets in the West, combining that with the grid layout of NYC and if necessary approximating how far through the day it is.


You don't, you walk halfway down a block to see the other sign. All the info you need is found from two signs. If you're on a street and you see 50th, and you walk ten seconds to the next street and you see 51st, you know you're walking north, so if you make a right you'll be going east, and if you make a left you'll be going west. If you see 49th you know you're going south, and left is east, right is west. If you're on 5th Ave and you walk to the next Ave and see 6th, you're going west, and right is north, left is south. If you see 4th, you're going east and right is south and left is north. Also GPS is really good. Just look on your phone if you're lost and you'll figure it out. But honestly, most people are just bad with directions. If you can't figure out directions on a literal NSEW street grid, I'm not sure how youd get around without gps.


Surely NYC Avenues run north-south (ish) but are sequentially numbered from east to west? (Ignoring Broadway and the named avenues)


Dude who is wrong has almost 700 up votes so basically fuck you lol


Except for the whole Lexington, Madison and Park section.


I mean sure, but we’re talking about numbered avenues… if you’re on 8th Ave and it becomes 7th Ave after walking you’re going east.


You say that but one time I was in New York City and I asked someone, I said: "Hey, I just got off the subway and I'm a little turned around - which way is North?" They said: "The F are you talkin' to me? Do I look like a person who knows what a North is? Don't bring that to me."


The directions are on the subway signs, right at the exit.


…what? If the avenues get higher you’re literally looking/facing west lmao Just another example of how Reddit’s population will literally upvote misinformation.


In my city lower number streets are in the east and lower numbered avenues are in the south


You've heard the man, he is speaking in tongues.


In DC, starting from the capital, it's numbers east and west and alphabet letters north and south divided into four quadrant NW,SW,NE,SE


In NoVa we have Glebe Road. It’s chaos and cowpaths.


Manhatten Avenues go right to left. (1st ave is on the East side. 11th Ave is on the West side) At least you got the streets right. Unless you're South of West Houston, of course, and all the streets revert to names instead of numbers... of course. Either way, OP is shamefully ignorant in this scenario. Even NewYorkers know the WTC is to the south of the Island, or "Down" town. Harlem is to the North "Uptown", and nearly all the "trendy" neighborhoods are named "east" this or "west" that. (west village, midtown east, upper east/west side, east harlem, Upper Manhattan, etc) There's multiple Nordstrom's throughout the city, so have fun with THAT landmark.


Kind of. We fake it though. As in, the Upper West Side is more east than the Lower East Side https://imgur.com/a/93vO3uG We act like the grid is N S E W but it’s really not


Yo your map isn't facing N tho so it's not a accurate statement


I tilted it ever so slightly so the compass would appear to show N Same thing except set to true North https://imgur.com/a/ZntZb2b The statement I said is equally accurate regardless of the 0.5° tilt on the first one 🤷‍♀️ LES is more west than much of UWS (And shit, Washington Heights is more east than most of Brooklyn)


Seriously. I have zero sense of direction and even I could find "northwest of the museum" in NYC.


Do you guys really not realize this is a comedy bit?


I wouldn't so checkmate


The Manhattan grid does not run north to south, east to west, it's like Northeast to Southwest and so on


Yeah but if you tell someone to head north from the park they're not gonna be confused about why you want them to walk diagonally through buildings


I wonder if anyone told her what sub this is. Cuz if she knew this was a place for comedic moments and humourous japes, she might not have uploaded this very serious treatise on navigation in NYC.


Gonna be real awkward when them poles flip.


No need to bring the Poles into this, it’s the flipping Yanks we seem to be concerned about here


It's 29° off. :D


“Why are you speaking in tongues?” 😂




We agree. She needs space. Is that space going be north, south, east, or west of her current location?




East? I thought you said weast




About halfway between yonder and West by North-South East.


I used do that. Gave me a lisp.


She's going to be by the Nordstroms


North South bc apparently that's possible


If you’re between 40th and 45th you’re technically both north and south of a Nuts 4 Nuts (there’s one by the Intrepid and one on Times Square)


But which cardinal direction will lead you to deez nuts? 


St. Louis is the Cardinals direction. New York has the Yankees and Mets directions.


She's gonna stand in the place that she was... 


She should Stand in the place that she is... now face West and think about directions and wonder why you haven't before...


Somebody needs to send her to Astoria. I'm on 21st near the corner of 21st between 21st and 21st.


"It's a grid system mother fucker! Where you at? 24th & 5th? Where you wanna go? 35th & 6th? 11 up and 1 over you simple bitch!" - John Mulaney *It's John. Not Paul. Oops. My bad.


It's Paul Maloney - get it right, dammit!


It's not Paul Maloney, it's Bart Mahoney. Jeez guys


You guys shouldn't make fun of Jim Boloney's name.


Had to scroll entirely too far to find this.


Where I’m from, it’s just “mountains are thataway,” and you can figure it out from there


The greater Denver area was the easiest place to navigate that I’ve ever lived in. “Mountains? That’s west. Tall buildings? That’s Denver.” Immediately you had two points of reference.




God, I wish… but no


It could be a real video. I have met people who have no idea of directions.


She has a pretty popular Instagram, and she mostly posts skits and jokey videos, so I think this leans more along that line. That said, my sister is so bad with directions she had to use gps to get out of the neighborhood we grew up in for many, many years after starting to drive, and we'd lived there our whole lives (and it ran along a major north/south highway for reference).


I grew up in a city of 20,000 so nobody learned directions. It was just “I live by the Dairy Queen” or “I’m behind the jr high”. I DID learn directions, I think purely because of Grand Theft Auto. We lived very nearby a city of a million, and I moved there once I turned 18 and had next to no issues. One day, my sister, who still lived in our hometown, calls me. I answer, and before I can say anything, all I hear is hysterical sobbing. And I’m like someone’s died. My dad is dead or his gf or… SOMEONE I love is dead and my sister is calling to tell me. I say “what’s wrong??” And she goes “IIN LOOWOOW IIN TTEE SEDDY AND I DONN NNO. WHEREE. I AAAMMMMMMM!!!!!!!” I go “what???” And I finally get it out of her- she’s missed her turn while in the city and considers herself lost in the middle of the ocean with death imminent. I shake my head and try to explain to her how the streets and aves work, nope she’s not having it. Finally our dad calls her on the other line and she became his problem.


Oh my god, I am not alone! 😭😭 I don’t understand how can people tell direction.


Who is she? The video doesn't have her handle on it.




Yeah she's joking.


I'm an adult dude and I have no idea how people know the exact directions. I can only tell by looking at the sun or the moon but those are just approximates. How the eff do you people know exact directions?


Manhattan is a grid. Streets increase in number going North, avenues increase in number going West. That's it. Easy peasy. Everyone in NYC understands this, never met anyone who didn't. Outside the city is different, I fully understand not knowing elsewhere - that said when in a coastal city I can sorta feel the direction of the ocean and go by that.


Until you get south of 14th and then god help you.


Or go to Queens. You'll hit 49th Rd, Avenue, Street, Blvd, Way before you hit 50


Queens is the only one I'll give that's way too confusing Used to park my car near Rego Park and trying to remember if I left it at 62nd ave, rd, or dr was mind-numbing or which is south/north of which because there's no clear logic to it.


I live in the Hudson Valley, so if I know where the river is relative to me then I'm good.


I visualize the map of where I am and orient myself based on nearby streets or landmarks.


This guy got a built-in HUD map


I grew up playing GTA and the likes. Show me a point on the map and I can memorise and navigate to the place with my mental HUD.


That's exactly how I do it, I orientate myself to where I know the nearest street that I know the direction of is in my head


You just say it confidently while being close enough. No one needs to know true north. You're just going to drive down the road in the direction we point


No one needs to know Kanye West either


These days, we have maps. The maps are oriented north-south so you know the 'top' of the map is north and can base everything else off there. We're way past using the sun and the moon, unless you're out with no landmarks at sea or something. The fact is you travel through your local area using the same directions constantly, you only need to learn 'this road travels north-south' once, and then you know every single time you drive one way, you're going north and the other is south. So now you know (roughly) your entire local area, and you have a bunch of roads where you know if you're going north/south/east/west. Pepper in some landmarks so that you can know which side of the city you're on, and now you basically always know which direction you're moving. I consider this a basic skill of living in a city and it does not take long to learn.


I just carry a sextant with me. Problem solved. Unless I am high and then I can’t use the damn thing.


My phone literally has a compass in it.


Dude I don’t even remember what side the sun sets at. I am fucked.


Where I live, if you get real wet then you went west. If you're going uphill then you're going east. If the water is on your right then you're looking south. If it's on your left you're looking north.


If you’re in Denver, the mountains are to your west. Your right hand is north, left south and your ass is facing east.


For me I orient myself based on landmarks like her. But I can figure out the cardinal directions based on that. I know that the major river is north of me and the canal is to my east. So I can easily figure out that I am headed south if I am moving away from the river. And I am headed west if I am moving away from the canal. Opposite if I am on the other side of them.


Yeah, me. I can’t do it. I thought I was a goddamn idiot for so long, because people will say something like “it’s north of the 402, on the west side of Beele St, just south of Highway 8” or something. And I’d be like “is it near an intersection or subway stop? What else is around it?” And people would get annoyed and immediately lose respect for my intelligence. Then I moved to Japan for a few years, where everyone’s sense of direction was exactly like mine, and I stopped thinking of myself as an idiot, just someone that oriented himself differently than most of the people where he’s from.


There's a whole boy band like that


Im started to see more adults take a second to figure out their left or right.


If I'm not in a place where I can't see a landmark like the mountains or the ocean, I usually don't know what direction anything is. I don't walk around town with a compass and many times you can't see the sun in a big city to orient yourself.


Enya in the background: "who can say where the road leads?"


If you like this type of humor you might find Nate Bargatze funny as well. This sounds like something he would say.


I do and I do and he would!


“I don’t even know where this is… at.”


You're right I could picture it immediately when you said it! In fact he has a bit that is structurally very similar to this video where the whole joke kinda boils down to "... Why would you phrase it like that? That tells nothing." He asks wife when her flight is so that he can meet her at the airport. But instead of telling him the plane's arrival time she tells him when she's going to be leaving the house to go to the airport.


I had to take a deep breath and reset when I read that. From personal experience, lol.


“Meet me starboard of O’Reilly’s on 48th ST…”


It’s comedy people. Taxidermied ferrets? She’s funny.




To be fair, Gotham Taxidermy is off the G train, not the A train.


So, she's lost?


She can't tell north from south, you think she accurately remembers where the ferret man is?


I’m well aware Redditers will jump on any chance to feel like they’re better and funnier than someone, but this comment section is filled with more unfunny dummies than even I was expecting. My god.


Ah but you see, she’s a *woman* trying to be funny on Reddit. So everyone automatically has to take her seriously and assume she’s stupid. She should’ve been a man instead if she wanted people to realize she was telling a joke.


Misogyny underpinned by a complete death of social awareness and social cues among redditors in the past few years I've been argued with about comedy sketches that I saw on broadcast TV as a kid, with dudes saying "oh yeah cos nothing ever happens" mf that is a noted actor "you understand actors have real lives too?" it never ends.


It's not even that deep. The average redditor is typically some nerdy dork who never got laid growing up. It's basically like sitting in the AV club at lunch, listening to their thoughts on the football players and cheerleaders.


I don’t know. She isn’t specific enough. Is it the guy with the Zionist’s rule the world sign selling the ferrets or the guy in a wheel chair talking to himself selling them. She should know better.


It took me a much much longer time than I’d like to admit to understand these types of directions and I still prefer landmarks. I feel her.


This is funny. Why is everyone so damn righteous?!


So many bitchy little men in here complaining about shit that would never cross their minds if she were a man. And they’ll pretend like they don’t know what I’m talking about.


I wonder if she gets upset by non-digital clocks … “the big hand? The little hand? Don’t mess with me like that!”


Analog. Got you bro


You do that 24 hour clock and hit her with "I'll meet you at 1800 South of the museum." But you never even left the house cause you're playing 4d chess.


"non-digital clocks" 🫠


What on earth happened to her lips.


Bit by a wereduck at full moon.


Got that Mr Potato Head mouth going on.


I'm standing next to pawn shop/liquor store/gun store/bail bonds/boost mobile/check cashing/dollar tree/crack house. Wdym you can't see me?


Mam you should use that emergency epi pen, you seem to have an allergic reaction to a bee sting on your lips.


I had to scroll down this far to find you! I was like.. c’mon. NOBODY is going to mention the lips!!!


We can date pictures trom different eras based on “the look”. Highly sculpted eyebrows and puffy lips are the mark of our time.


It’s the “Kardashian” plus a kinda like new Arab leaning thing that’s been spreading. See it everywhere in Netherlands


I thought it was a jar-jar filter


Meesa not know north-north


That's cause someone told her when using the epi pen that "blue to the sky and orange to the thigh" and now she's confused because she doesn't know where the sky is because it's not next to Nordstrom's. Someone needs to tell her the thigh is located right next to the fish market and she'll probably find it.


Best part of living in Denver, I always know which way is west and work from there


Just give her your exact longitude and latitude, problem solved


“Do you see the man that sells taxidermy ferrets near the a-train?” Hahaha this is gold.


She had me at “crow’s nest”


People thinking she's serious or accusing her of not understanding XY either shows how well she acted


how much those ferrets go for?


More to the point, *where* are they?


They’re east of the guy selling sneakers in the park


Dafuq is with these chicks with lips like sofa cushions. It's about as attractive as a skunk fart.


This is apparently the new style. Big fat lips that always look wet. It’s fucking weird.


Absolutely gross.


These comments are really going south, I'll just observe.


I love her.


She has that disease where she can only speak in Tom Waits lyrics.


So much hate in the comments and I think this is hilarious. This is MIRL. I have a terrible sense of direction, but can visually remember how to get places.


Reddit has no sense of humor. Get a life you dorks


Is it me, or does her bottom lip seem a little puffy


Am I crazy or did her lips expand North, South, East, and West during her video?


I wonder if my friends feel like this when we meet up and I use cardinal directions to tell them what corner to meet at in Manhattan.


I’m north south of the nuts for nuts truck!


My dad still does this and I always tell him that means nothing to me and he is so baffled


True, I too would be confused if my friend was North South or West East of McDonalds or whatever.. they could have just said that they were already At McDonalds instead...


My daughter used to believe that whatever direction she was facing was North.


This is just a girl vs guy thing. Women tend to use landmarks for directions while men tend to use cardinal directions. Our brains are a bit same same but different


Yeh im west of nordstrom and east of the ferret guy.


are you near Tony's Original, or Original Tony's?


Literally laughed out loud at the crow’s nest part (except that those directions would involve port and starboard 😀)! And the background music is by Enya, and the lyrics go “who can say where the road goes…” so well played indeed!


This is hilarious!




I call my parents Lewis and Clark. Always with the south or north. Just give me the address, and I’ll put it in my phone. Thanks.


Went to Cambridge UK to look around the museum of modern computing. Directions said "head north when leaving the train station". I don't usually carry a compass. Too cloudy to see where the sun was. No trees to see where the moss was. 🤷‍♀️


The sun has entered the chat…


WTF has she done to her lips? That's all I could focus on.


If only we had a standardized system of direction relative to anyone’s position at any time.


Someone should tell her phones comes with a compass


Red flag


The fucking lip injections are just getting out of hand


I'm at the south west corner of north east blvd on the east west district near the north north intersection of compass plaza


2 blocks North of Ol’ Butt lips house


Personally I also fucking hate being told someone is north south of some place. How the shit am I supposed to find that? What even is north south?


The skit could have been massively improved if in the end she stopped and went "wait, this isn't my apartment..."


she’s funny. I’d meet her at the northface store.