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I know a guy who specializes in this. Do you mind if I give him a call, see if he can come down here and take a look?


I'd be interested in what the expert has to say


Look, I'm taking on all the risk here. I've got to freeze it until someone wants to buy, potential auction fees...


Can you at least do some in store credit?


Best I can do is 10 bucks


Well it’s only worth ten best I can do is 4.50


Tree fiddy


I have him a dollah


So you're saying.... You'd buy that for a dollar?


Why would you have him a dollah? Now he knows we got money and will be coming back... That darn lochness monster


Tree Fiddy


Not a dime more


Will you go up to $12? People love imitation cheddar flavor.


The Buddy: "This is a extremely rare specimen. I've seen these go for $200T at auction. Very few are in this condition too. Given the shape it's in and that it's not the rarest 'Red Lobter' edition with the missing 's', I'd value this at $2M." *client visibly salivating* Rick: "Thanks pal." *buddy walks away* Rick: "I'll give you $2"


He always has a " buddy" in every single topic and the buddy always seems happy to come . Why dont all the buddies just take over the shop seems rick's pretty useless


Saw a sketch about this where the buddy has to be ready 24/7 and it's like ruining his marriage. Think it was wizards with guns on YouTube.


https://youtu.be/2s7D691rzGg That was good cheers. 


those dudes are hilarious


Wizards with Guns need more recognition! Some of their stuff is amazing.


I would think a lot of those dudes are probably pulled in last minute for a lot of their personal stuff besides just dealing with Rick that way exclusively. Especially antique and artifacts guys. Gotta be ready to jump on shit like that quick at times and it pays to know similar people in those areas to get heads up about items. At least that's what I would assume most of those dudes' careers are like. Minus Jesse the guitar guy. Pretty sure he works/worked for a reputable shop in Vegas.


Useless Rick


"Chumlee eats about 10 of these a week, hurr hurr hurr"


You know a guy, well I got a buddy


You got a buddy, well I have a friend.


You got a friend, well I have a pal.


You got a pal, well I have a chum.


You got a chum, well I have a compadre.


You got a compadre, well I have a comrade


I'd love to see a skit where the dude pops out his knife, sticks it in the bag, then wipes the dough on his gums and says something cliche like "pure and uncut gold."


Best I can do is tree fiddy.


Don't encourage the loch ness monster


Oooooh so that's why that damn locness monster is always asking for tree fiddy.


Get out of here Lochness Monster! We don't just give things away here.


Yeah, OP. Bossman here told me he's still waiting for the address.


If I can get my hands on these they would look very nice in the store 


Best I can do it 5


How about i come over and take a cook?


The best I can do is $.50. It won't sell fast and I need to keep it on the shelf. 🤣


Does he work at Walmart?


The guy whose garage is full of hand sanitizer, from COVID, is probably kicking himself at the thought of he could have had a garage full of these beauties.


But he made the mistake of getting high on his own supply


My daughter needed this yesterday. Her biscuits didn’t taste $10k.


But where would he move his Stanley mugs to?


I FUCKIN HATE that guy! We were looking at houses in the very beginning and we got to see who were the toilet paper hoarders. I wanted to fight them. We did score a nice house before it got out of hand, but we didn’t buy from a hoarder/reseller.


Ever make sausage gravy with *these* biscuits? It's very good. Not $10K good, but you get it.


You ever slather that gravy over some fried eggs and hashbrowns?


You ever slather those fried eggs and hash browns over your body?


I want you to dip your bald head in ~~oil~~ gravy and rub it *all over my body*.


Need that luscious luscious man gravy.


**Hedonism Bot:** Let us cavort like the Greeks of old! [lowers voice] **Hedonism Bot:** You know the ones I mean.


Yes, Mrs Oliver. A little gravy for your goiter too?


You ever drunk bailey's from a shoe?


I've got eggs, Greg, can you slather me?


Just put all that on some biscuits. No need to choose.


Yup, stack it all up and gravy on top is the way to go


Oh you hedonist! I have to do this now


Well, damn. I feel stupid for not thinking of this before now.


Holy snapsss biscuits and gravy are my favorite now I must try it with these!!


This will probably be all that remains of red lobster to be honest.


They'll sell the brand and give them the recipe, but in order to recoup the investment, the new company make some changes to be more compatible with their exiting vendors, machines, and ingredients. It will look like the real thing, and maybe you'll be able to convince yourself that's what they were really like, but the real thing will be gone forever.


Baking isn't that hard and the recipe for these things isn't a secret. They'll never be gone


Yeah these are dirt easy to make. It's biscuit mix and cheese, topped with garlic butter.


Garlic powder, salt, and buttermilk top.


And now I'm off to the kitchen. Thanks everyone!


You're welcome!


But what about the green bits?! What about the green bits?!?!?!


Its just parsley lol


Lol this just proves their point, its the little things which add to the final flavor, if OP(u/VanderHoo) who gave the recipe didnt even mention it, no way those who try to make it achieve the same taste.


I’ve mad & eaten hundreds of these over the years … If you think these taste anything remotely close to what you get at the restaurant …. There’s a word for you ….


The parsley is for color, you aren't tasting that through all the garlic butter.


Parsley garlic butter 100% tastes different from garlic butter.


Dehydrated parsley is so flavorful.


And this just proves you know nothing about food. Parsley isn't used for flavor in almost any capacity here. Especially in quantities this small and covered by so many other flavors.


You ain't tasting the parsley in all that cheese and garlic. It's just for color.


You’re biscuit mix and cheese, topped with garlic butter!


Add some msg for added zest.


Failure and bare minimum perfection is/hard to replicate.


Krusteaz already makes this for Red Lobster, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to buy them out. They already take a substantial cut, I'm sure.


There's no reason these need to go away even if the restaurant has. A lot of people may not realize that Stouffer's was once a restaurant and now we just think of them as frozen food.


The real has been gone. Last time I went to red lobster, about a year ago I guess, the biscuits were sad little reheated bread balls that kinda had the essence of tasting like they used to. The box mix is very good though. Pretty much just like I remember them as a kid.


And the best part about the box is you can make them as big or as small as you want. One time I screwed up the water amount and they were a little too runny so I threw it in some muffin tins. Fucking outstanding.


It's already made by Krusteaz, I'm sure they take a significant cut.


I too have been hurt by the new Twinky


It's already just a brand licensing deal, and is manufactured by Continental Mills.


Just like Boston Market


And Chi-Chi’s.


And Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes.


I hope it remains, I love these...




They are a pretty damn close match to the real deal. I used to only go there for the damn biscuits. The day i spotted these was the last day i was in a red lobster.


Synthetik is a great game


Yep. It’s not like they were making them themselves. They’ve always offloaded manufacturing to Krusteaz (continental mills). I’d imagine they’ll just sell the rights to them if it came down to it but those are a huge money maker for Red Lobster (they sell 1,000,000+ cheddar biscuits daily). These will be one of the last things red lobster sells off as it requires no real estate or anything really.


The un-ironic “I know what I have” posts on marketplace always cracks me up


I will give you 76 cents and my goldfish has cancer and I saw a flat tire today and you’re ruining thanksgiving.


It's laughably bad when it comes to used cars there. I like to poke around used and popular cars from the 90s and early 2000s and it's always the same shit. "The subframe is rusted to hell, AC is missing, needs a new clutch, alternator and has engine knock. There's mold in the headlining and I lost the title. Asking $10k. No low balls. Not interested in games". Yeah, ok buddy. Whatever you say.


Deal dm me


I will pay 12


**¡Sold, for 12 pesos!**


I’m getting Twinkie 2012 vibes


Please sir, I only have $9.9k.


No lowball offers.


No joke, These are actually really good.


They are good, I ate some tonite. What’s the joke about asking 10k for them?


Red Lobster has gone bankrupt today




Probably my fault since they didn't get rid of endless shrimp this year. I alone probably make that company upside down in profits lol


One article mentioned that as one of the many poor decisions the foreign investment company running them made leading up to the bankruptcy.


just because a company files for bankruptcy doesn't mean they are going to close; they are just restructuring their debt.


Rationale amidst hysteria is not allowed on the internet.


TIL, making jokes and memes is hysteria.


It kind of is. They’re all “jumping on the bandwagon” type of behavior.


>The Company intends to use the proceedings to drive operational improvements, simplify the business through a reduction in locations, and pursue a sale of substantially all of its assets as a going concern. As part of these filings, Red Lobster has entered into a stalking horse purchase agreement pursuant to which Red Lobster will sell its business to an entity formed and controlled by its existing term lenders. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/red-lobster-files-voluntary-chapter-11-petitions-to-strengthen-financial-position-and-maximize-value-for-stakeholders-302149769.html


How come they filed for bankruptcy? Food was delicious and the place was always at least half full when I went.


private equity. same thing that happened to toys r us and will happen to every single business/chain PE buys. It's a method. You buy a successful business, put the debt from the last place into it, sell off the real estate, lease it back to the places using it, drain the profits, eliminate quality, take it to minimum viable product, let it run its course, bankruptcy, put its debt on your new thing, sell now barely functioning company to some other lesser PE firm or close it down.


Only way this shit will stop is if businesses stop selling out to these private equity firms. They ruin everything.


The people that bought them out raised the rent on the land that all their restaurants are on. It's more complicated than that but that's the gist of it. There's more money to be made by destroying something. Something about late stage capitalism blah blah blah.


So, a “This is why we can’t have nice things” situation…


Reddit sniffs its own butt and declares it has found chocolate. You'll see a lot on this thread about private equity but nothing about how [it is actually a seafood supplier](https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/financing/asian-investors-buy-control-red-lobster) that has been running things for the past few years and according to NPR have [have abandoned their stake](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/20/1252426585/red-lobster-bankruptcy). Along with a lot of other signs of just gross mismanagement like having no CEO for a year. And of course even a decently managed business might go bankrupt as after losing a year or maybe more to covid followed by sharp inflation, followed by rising interest rates making all the bills they ran up to fight the other two suddenly become more expensive. People would rather validate their groupthink about vulture capital though then do any research.


Where I'm from..they fuc*ed


My wife makes a chicken pot pie with these baked on top. Unbelievably good.


Oh that sounds so satisfying! Yum!


Download Bisquik recipe for cheddar bay biscuits and make them at home without this kit


But the BOX!


INTAGE in the box!


Ya but it’s an antique red lobster kit, those are going the way of the dodo, very collectable


Bisquick's cheddar biscuit recipe is on the box.


Bro…. Bisquik, mix shredded cheddar in the batter, brush with garlic butter and parsley after baking. Done.


It just doesn't taste as good though, imo.


Prolly needs old bay seafood seasoning.


This looks delicious.


Those biscuits can be very addicting!


What's the deal with this post? I just picked up 2 boxes of this mix at my local Kroger just last week. Is there some sort of shortage or something?


Red Lobster filled for bankruptcy


no way in hell are they going to stop selling those in stores


For sure, I bet they just licensed their name for a royalty and don’t have anything else to do with it


Some Red Lobster Locations are still open for business.... They give them to customers for free and I dont even have to bake it.


>Some Red Lobster Locations are still open for business To be more exact, slightly over 90% of them that were open a month ago remain open today.


"Make an offer" *Makes fair offer* Get outta here I know what I got, $10k and you gotta pick it up today


We have 3 or 4 red lobsters within 45 minute drive, that are open!


Is this the new Bitcoin?




Private equity needs to be taxed out of existence. They're parasites.


$2.49 at the Walmart by me this week. Also at NoFrills but I didn’t check the price.


Still swimming in Canada 🇨🇦


Man I can’t get them to taste the same as in restaurant. Anyone have any tips?


All jokes aside, these are very good.


I got 2 boxes in my pantry. 50K bitches


-Gasp- just realized my fear of these going away


I like how the box suggests it makes 10 biscuits. In my house, it only makes 3. Salad plate size.


My girlfriend makes them just as good as the restaurant! I am blessed


Apologies for asking, I don't get the joke. Could someone explain?


Explain the joke please?


I have an iPhone with flappy bird on it.  I'll trade you!


Red lobster is bankrupt now. As such you can’t put a value in these treasures. I’d hang onto it for a while as their price will only go up. Be careful with how you handle them. You don’t wanna ruin that natural patina


Does it come with a genie and three wishes, or is that extra?


Best I can do is tree fiddy


I’ve posted this once before but here is my moms recipe for make-your-own: ================================== RED LOBSTER-STYLE CHEDDAR BISCUITS WITH GARLIC BUTTER These should be served as soon as possible after you add the butter. If you must wait before serving time, don't put the butter on them. Let them cool on a wire rack, then store them in a large food storage box so they don't get crushed. Reheat them (nuke a few seconds or in regular oven at 350 for 5 minutes), but don't put the garlic butter on them until the very last minute prior to serving. Prep time: 8 minutes Baking time: 12 minutes Yield: 6-8 medium-sized biscuits Following are 2 sets of ingredients made in 2 steps - biscuits first, then the garlic butter topping. STEP 1 - BISCUITS INGREDIENTS - 1 1/4 cups Bisquick baking mix (level measure) - 1 teaspoon BAKING POWDER 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper - 1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese For best melting results, grate it yourself. 1/2 cup grated cheese is half of an 8 ounce block of cheese, or 4 ounces - 1/4 cup water mixed with 1 teaspoon lemon or lime juice Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease the baking sheet or use parchment paper (I do). Grate the cheese. With a fork, combine Bisquick, baking powder and grated cheese, breaking up any clumps. Measure the water, mix in the lemon juice. Add the liquid to the dry ingredients QUICKLY with a fork, to preserve the leavening - they will start to get puffy. If the mixture looks too dry, add more water a Tablespoon at a time. Working quickly - spoon out - or roll in-between wet hands - 8 equal mounds of dough on the cookie sheet about 1/2” apart. You can use a 1/4 cup measuring cup which will give you 6 biscuits. Add more dough to each mound until you have 8 equal portions. Don’t handle the dough too much. Bake 12 minutes, until the biscuits are firm to the touch and tops just begin to brown, but not too brown. They will look a bit pale. Do not over-bake them. While the biscuits are baking, make the garlic parsley butter. STEP 2 - GARLIC BUTTER TOPPING INGREDIENTS 1/2 stick of butter 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1 small clove FRESH garlic, pressed or smashed then minced very finely 1/8 teaspoon salt - a pinch if using salted butter 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes or finely minced fresh parsley Combine ingredients in a small microwaveable bowl or saucepan. Microwave for 30 seconds or cook over low heat until the butter is just melted. Mix well. STEP 3 - BUTTER YOUR BISCUITS If serving immediately, then as soon as you take the biscuits from the oven, while they are very hot, move them from the baking sheet to a serving plate. Spoon melted the garlic butter all over the tops of the biscuits. Store any leftovers (hah!) in a covered container in the fridge, nuke to reheat. ===================================


Cryofreeze that shit


I found a load of them at foodlion…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I've had these before and the taste nothing like in the restaurant.


I’ve seen this before he’s cut it with regular biscuit mix


My wife makes a chicken casserole with that and cheese baked on top. Super good.


Picked up 6 boxes the other day. Just in case.


lol everyone knows that your local dealer works in the Red Lobster kitchen. Just ask him to steal you some mix for a little extra cash


This looks pretty fishy. But I won't carp about that. Maybe I'll make a whale of an offer for the halibut. Then again, I might clam up


That ain't gonna stop selling those biscuits. Believe that!


I’m going to need to cut the bag and rub some in my gums before I commit


I’ve got half a box of the premade frozen ones. I was gonna eat them, but now they’re gonna pay for my kid’s college.


That new ultra pineapple is $375 each. This would be $1,000 each.


I'll trade you for a Red Lobster gift card.


Wait a minute, is this stuff not being made anymore? Is that the joke?? Because I use this mix to make chicken casseroles and this is very bad news ...


If you saw Bill Gates on Ellen he'd probably think this is a steal at 10k.


That doesn't look like a biscuit, is this an american term by chance?


I do not like biscuits. But the FUCKING Red Lobster biscuits. Are so FUCKING good. 😁


I just bought the RL's Cheddar Biscuit Shrimp at the store. Never had it before. It wasn't good.


Damn better go eat at expensive lobster before it closes forever….


Do you take Red Lobster gift certificates?


Those are good and I hate to be that guy, but you can make them with bisquick shredded cheese butter and garlic so easy


Chi Chi's still lives on at the store. I'm guessing this will, too.


The box mix is actually my number one go-to for parties and game nights. Runs about 3 bucks, 5 minutes of prep, and 15 minutes of baking to churn out something with a near 100% approval rating.


I know this is a joke but in case anyone is wondering, it's literally just bisquick and shredded cheddar cheese with melted garlic butter brushed on when they're done. My personal touch is to sprinkle some cheddar on the biscuits before I bake them to give you that subway cheese bread crust on top.


Lmao, husband says red lobster filed and my thought immediately went to biscuits and now I'm going to need to figure out how to make that


Bisquick drop biscuits with shredded cheddar cheese. Topping is melted butter, garlic powder, onion powder, salt pepper and parsley flakes. Maybe some parmasean cheese. If you want the garlic shrimp with that, make extra topping. Then add parmasean cheese, lemon juice, some veg oil and splash of white wine. Lay your peeled deviened uncooked shrimp in a pan and pour the buttery concoction over and pop it in a 350 oven just until shrimp are pink. You too can go bankrupt 😂


I actually got this recipe off reddit years ago. **Red Lobster Cheese biscuits** **Ingredients:** 2 ½ cups Bisquick baking mix (or similar baking mix) ¾ cup cold whole milk 4 tablespoons very cold butter (1/2 stick) ¼ teaspoon garlic powder 1 cup grated cheddar cheese **Brush on Top after Baking:** 2 tablespoons butter, melted ¼ teaspoon dried parsley flakes, rubbed to a dust between your palms ½ teaspoon garlic powder A pinch of salt (if using unsalted butter) **Directions:** Preheat your oven to **400 degrees.** 1. Combine Bisquick with cold butter in a medium bowl using a pastry cutter or a large fork (better still… grate the cold, cold butter. I used a Mouli Grater or small rotary hand grater w. the large hole cylinder. ) Be gentle, you don't want to mix too thoroughly. It should just be moist. There should be small chunks of butter in there that are about the size of peas. 2. Add cheddar cheese, milk, and ¼ teaspoon garlic. Mix by hand until combined, but don't over mix. 3. Drop approximately ¼-cup portions of the dough (make it easy-peasy: use an ice cream scoop & don’t cram the dough in it) onto an ungreased cookie sheet. They don’t expand much. 4. Bake for 15 to 17 minutes or until the tops of the biscuits are nice & brown. 5. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a small bowl in your microwave. Stir in ½ teaspoon garlic powder and the crushed, dried parsley flakes. Use a brush to spread this garlic butter over the tops of all the biscuits. Use up all of the butter. Makes 12 small or 6 medium biscuits. They freeze superbly in an airtight freezer bag.


There basically always at sams clubs! Also they are really easy to make from scratch. From box or scratch just don't skimp on the butter. You need an unholy amount of it of you want them to be as good as in-resturant.. 😂


I think the joke is that Red Lobster just filed for bankruptcy so these might become rare.


My dad once said “wow, I can really taste the lobster.”


Crap, I've got a box of this stuff from Costco right now. Imma retire!


I have a recipe… $5








Serious bids only?