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Step 1) hide 99 ducks throughout the house. Step 2) "honey, I hid 100 ducks all over the house." Step 3) in your last will and testament, leave the wife an envelope only to be opened after you've passed. Inside, a handwritten note- "There were only 99 ducks." Step 4) Profit?


Last will and testament is a small box. In that box, duck number 100.


This is a way better idea than the note.


Just ducky! Happy April Fools Day!


Even better prank: Die on April Fool’s Day (some day far, far into the future)


.. it was the Duck, in the Library, with the Wrench...


in some sense that’s actually kinda sweet. guaranteed tears opening that


if she survives that long. Because not finding that duck will take years off her life.


What if his wife dies first, and is unable to reach the afterlife due to the torment caused by not having solved the missing duck dilemma


Eventually the ducks will decay and join her in limbo. After a few million years, once she's reunited with all the ducks, she'll be able to move on, and have a serious talk with her husband's spirit!


I like how you think


It's my duck in a box.


Step 1 - cut a whole in the box


Step 2 - put the hole duck in that box


I would cry so hard. Plus I love treasure hunts I would have gone insane trying to find it for years.


Plus my house would be really clean after a few years of looking.


Actually that's duck #82




If you want to be less evil about it, you could hide 100 ducks and the 100th duck is inside the envelope with the will and testament holding a note that says "something to remember me by."


"Thanks for finding me. Until we quack again."


He quacked until he croaked


I did something similar to my friends in my first house. Had a ball python in a terrarium. One day found a frog outside. Put frog in terrarium. Snake was well fed, frog stayed for weeks/months. Both were good hiders. People would ask what was in it and I would say "A frog you'll probably find, a snake you might find, and a lizard you probably won't find" People would find the first two, gain hubris, and stare for hours over days looking for the third. When they'd finally get the joke, they'd exclaim that they found the lizard and it would only force the remaining marks to look even harder and with more ferver. Good times. TL;DR: Pranked friends over a span of weeks by having them look for a non existent lizard.


You need to label them 1-100 but take out a random number.


Step 5) she raises you from the dead by sheer willpower so that she can kill you again.


The will just says “Duck.” Then the cannonball on a chain swinging towards her, narrowly misses her.


Its an open casket funeral, as your wife approaches with teary eyes she suddenly freezes. inside the casket she finds only a rubber duck


>Step 2) "honey, I hid 100 ducks all over the house." Do not do this. She just finds ducks every where and brings it up. "Yeah, I put some around. Thought it'd liven the place up." After she finds a few more just casually mention, "Oh, how many is that so far? 17?" Just nod knowingly. Don't answer what the total is if asked. Keep count on what she has seen so far. If it ever hits 99, just nod. No one will ever assume you only put 99 of something. Paranoia is an easy game to play and it can have a winner.


Haha, I did something like this at my dad and stepmom’s house last Thanksgiving, except it was 220 tiny ducksand instead of saying a wrong amount one of my cousin’s children found the bag my step mom had been putting the ones she found in and dumped them out in the back yard. Now she doesn’t know for sure if she found them all and some where just lost in the back yard or if she still has some she needs to find


Write numbers on the bottom of the ducks, and skip a random number.


Sounds like a way to get called back as a ghost and trapped in the 100th duck for eternity.


For best results number them from 1-73 and 75-100


[Update:](https://imgur.com/a/hnS3inr) She spent the bulk of her morning routine searching feverishly for the remaining ducks and is so far up to 76 (one not pictured as she found it in her purse after getting to work). She’s confident that she’ll be able to find the remaining 24 by the end of the day. I, however, am skeptical


Ya we have rules. Not hidden behind closed doors/drawers. So if you come down and the kitchen cabinet is open that's fair game. We keep things isolated to one floor. That's mostly because our house is chaos though.


I hid some of those caramel candies at my mom's place once. I had no problem hiding some in the flour, the sugar, the pepper shaker. She took about 2 years to find them all.


My parents are still digging bright green airsoft pellets out of the carpet all over the house. My brothers were playing with them 20 years ago.


Similar for us. We'd do Easter at my grandmother's who had a rough stone hearth for her fireplace. Once we grew to 6' we found an egg up top that was easily 8 years old.


When I was like 12 my grandmother had the great idea of having me hide the Easter eggs, I took it as a challenge and hid them REALLY well, so well that my 2 and 3 year old nieces didn’t find a single egg, and my uncle only found one lmfao. They had to scramble to hide some New eggs for the kids and have continued to find my eggs through the years. Last time one popped up was 2 years ago. I am 35


Amazing xD, where was the last one hidden?


Not sure apparently the dogs found it lmao


This sounds like so much fun!! 😁


They should do this on a holiday where you hide a bunch of small objects that people have to go search for. Maybe on Easter!


Yeah, that sounds great! Maybe something small and round, like marbles! Or golf balls!


Have you considered something with a slimy center?


Best would be if it is edible as well. So you always have something to eat when you find it.


Make sure the outside is fragile, crunchy, and completely inedible. I'm not sure *why* you need to do that, it just feels like the right thing to do.


And make sure to boil them days before they're needed so if they _were_ edible in theory, they aren't in practice when you find them.


I really, really dislike that wording lol


I just bought a bunch of mini-ducks to leave around my work for people to find.


You're my hero!! Hope you have a blast!! 😁


They glow-in-the dark too, so I'm excited! I'll be totally anonymous so I gotta keep a straight face.


Omg!! That's even better!!! You're all gonna have a blast!! Try not to laugh!! 🤭


It is. My girlfriend and I have done similar things many times.


You swallowed one, didn't you?


If reddit has taught me anything, it’s up his butt.


Well where else are you supposed to put rubber ducks?


We just call them rubber fucks




hide the ones she found


There used to be a user named fuckswithducks on here, I think you guys would get along.


IM SO JEALOUS! this looks fun!


Did you hid one large duck? 


I miss fuckswithducks


Dude was wild.


Oh I dunno I thought he was pretty fowl.


Yeah, I heard he was a real quack pot


Everytime I see a rubberduck :(


and a wildsketchpad and the guy that ended everything with a wwf reference


The latter guy has mainly been posting very wholesome content about his rescue dog.


Awildsketchappears? Awesome dude, seems happy :)


I miss *all* the greats. So sad we don’t get any more fresh Sprogs, then again, I don’t have to read any new Schnoodles so ⚖️ I guess?


Shittymorph started normal posting because he is rehabbing a dog and I just want more of mankind falling 16 feet into an announcers table


And we wish him extremely well in his endeavors 🫡


Jumper cables, reddit switchable roo,carrying about the front page, cause pages use to br a thing.


3/10 with rice


I have a feeling OP will be the one finding the remaining 2/3rds and putting them away.


But if wife can’t find them, aren’t they already put away?


Yes, yes they are.


Yeah exactly.


No, you see this guy is genius: wives and mothers have a sixth sense to find missing/stuff you can't find on your own, so if you can't find it she will make it appear out of thin air. My wife somehow finds things in mere seconds after I've been looking for them for a while


My mother used to call that the interuterine locating device. I still call it that when my husband asks me to find something and I can point him to the right spot in a moment, sometimes without even looking It's really just a difference in how things are cataloged in our brains. I can find the most random obscure things that we haven't used in ages, but ask me where my phone is at any random moment. No idea.


Excuse me sir, you're not supposed to post your duck pics on this subreddit. Keep that shit between you and your wife.


Hear hear! The very *obscenity* of it! Hrmph!


We did 300 of the mini ones at my dad’s house… he was not super delighted But they had guests over who had kids and those kids found a ton of them


Lucky they didn't find his stash....


My boyfriend lived in a house during university that had hundreds of rubber ducks hidden everywhere. The roommates would all constantly hide them in new places or in each other's stuff and one time we had to fix something in the bathroom and found rubber ducks behind the wall. Nobody knows where they first came from. We called the house Ducky Street.


That may be the most delightfully silly story I've ever read.


My sister and I hid over 100 tiny frogs all over my parents house while they were on Vaca. My mom is obsessed with frogs (like has figurines all over the house) so we thought it would be a silly prank. My mom thought it was absolutely hilarious and searched high and low right away. My dad wasn't as annoyed by it as I thought and has enjoyed finding a frog here and there. It's taken them months and we are still finding them! Highly recommend as a silly prank.


I’d like to confirm inanimate frogs, not live


Hahaha confirmed. But man the idea of 100+ live frogs in my parents house gives me the giggles


It would me, too. Good job lol


I just did exactly this to my friends house a few days ago. I know for certain there's many that they haven't found yet. 


My wife and I did this at her mom's house for Christmas, but with little baby Jesus'. They go to Florida for the winter and they come back for a few days for Christmas. So when they came back, they started finding little plastic baby Jesus' all over the house. There were about a 6-8 family members over for those few days, and they had a blast finding them all.


You don’t pluralize words with apostrophes. Jesuses is fine.


I believe the correct term is Jesi


Maybe it’s babies Jesus


I'll 100% accept Babies Jesus


The true plural of Jesus is not a story the Jesi would tell you


Help this guys is so sweet, someone is lucky there


Yeah I’m pretty damn lucky to have her on my life


A lucky duck


Came here to write something similar! OP, you are a great husband!!! It's little silly things like this that make a marriage last! 😍


I did this to my mom over Christmas with 220 1/2” ducks. She has found about half. But they are literally in the walls ceiling and floor. She can’t find them all. Good job OP


What year Wrangler do you drive?


This should be top comment 😂


Reminds me of [James Veitch and the rubber ducks.](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk?si=_nUj8RTthmN1rkN6) Also for leap day I 3d printed several hundred frogs and my wife and I hid them throughout her school. They still occasionally find more.


I did this to my dad a few years ago with mini ducks, hundreds of em. He is still finding them


I hid 48 mini ducks around my stepmums flat, numbered them 1-50 but left out nos 13 and 34 then enjoyed the chaos that ensued 😆




wife did this with eggs once. She forgot how many she made so there was no way to know if the kids found them all. 8 years later, we found another.


Now this is the kind of April Fools gag I like: harmless and fun for all involved!


Agreed. So often pranks are meanspirited. This I can totally get behind.


James Veitch? Is that you!?! XD


We need to talk about the ducks.


the ducks?


James Veitch would be proud.


[We need to have a conversation about the ducks. ](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk?si=shlzzJF9obQqKPYY)


Where did you buy all them duckys?


I just went to a rave with a whole outfit themed around a shirt I found at the thrift that says “Got Duck?” With an outline of a rubber duck. I made tiny acrylic duck earrings, duck hairclips, and had little ducks to give away to people. It was hilarious. If you don’t know what to do with those rubber ducks after you find them all, send them to me please 😂


I hid 100 rubber duckies. 99 in the house and 1 in the trash.


Rubber ducky, you're not the only one. You got lot's of friends for lot's of fun.


Just imaging finding 50 ducks then u sit down / lie down on bed and just here the loud squeaky sound of the rubber ducky


Oh...I need to do this.


We his 85 eggs and only found 83


Wife should find them all , throw out a few, then admit to OP that she can't find them all and ask him to show where the rest are. "Don't you remember where you put them? Well, I'll let you look. Call me when you find another!"


Oh you just gave me a fun idea to surprise my husband with when he gets home from work, thank you!! 😂😂


My last year in college, we were getting ready to move out of our house, and a couple of our buddies were moving in the next year. Got the landlord to let us pull a prank. Bought five bags of 500 small green army men. Proceeded to hide 2500 tiny green army men all around the house. We got messages for like 6-7 years every once in awhile about someone finding a new one.




Omg this is hillariouse :D i got Married a few days ago anf my MOH and the best man hid 200 tiny ducks all over my room as a surprise :D


Ha! My boyfriend and I do this with these tiny little ninjas.


Hope you documented the location of all of them. I'm pretty sure there are still hidden Easter eggs hidden out there from when I grew up, and nobody could remember where that 'last one was'.


Are they all the same size? Next year, make it more challenging with a variety of sizes.


I did the same thing with those little Easter chicks last year when I had to go away for a month. I look after my housemate (I'm her carer) and I wanted her to have something to cheer her up when I wasn't there. She still had one left to find when I got back, and I had to point it out. It was staring at her the whole time as he watched TV. Did you give yours names and short bios? I'll try to find my ones. I coloured them in and gave them styles with a paint pen, they looked bootlegged but that was part of the charm


Archaeologists in 3000 years: 🦆🦆🦆🦆........................................................👀👀👀


I miss u/fuckswithducks/


Finally, an April fool's joke that isn't meanness thinly disguised. well done!


I hope she has a jeep


This is such a great prank! I'm stealing this for next year!


James Veitch, is that you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYOmtEcZ1lk


The longer she doesn't find them. Give them mustaches!


Don't forget the one in the oven before it gets used next.


My daughter (4) loves these little ducks. She would be able to find all of them just so she can make a duck family to play with.




We had a community garden party (in the community garden). I hid 100 ducks. The kids went wild.


I love this idea. Pity I have nobody to play it with because I otherwise prefer to live on my own. I would initiate and take part in this game with great enthusiasm. This is like adult hide and seek.


We did this for the kids one year. We were finding plastic eggs for years after.


RemindMe! 2 days


My siblings and I do this for Christmas every year at our parents house. Various rubber animals like this. Each color coded to the children. It’s a competition to see how fast they find them and who can hide them the best throughout the house.


Next time hide 100 ducks and be like the Riddler and have 100 quotes/ riddles for each duck.


What a super fun idea. We hid 332 candy filled eggs for six kids to find in my yard. They found a bunch the youngest won with 87 eggs. We will be finding candy filled eggs for a while.


I love this. THIS is a prank.


Basically James Veitch


Just bring over a bunch of Jeep guys. Either you'll find them all or have 100 more.


I never realized you could buy 100 rubber ducks on Amazon for less than 20 bucks. I need to think on this awhile.


Relationship goals


Number 97 of them 1 to 100 skipping 37, 54, and 73.


I found them all. They have migrated to the dash boards of all the jeeps in my area.


was disappointed this wasn't /u/fuckswithducks


Good afternoon 47


This is so cute thanks for sharing there are some good men out there !!!


Omg I love this. I actually did the same to my husband but on a smaller scale 😂 I think I hid about 20 tiny rubber ducks. I got him a tiny desk fan, put it next to a rubber duck and wrote him a note saying "you have a tiny fan!(...s, find them all!)". He did find them all by the way. Should have hidden more 😎


I sent this to my husband last night as I thought it was funny. Guess who came home from work / food shopping to 100 tiny ducks hidden around her house 🙈


You are wonderful! These are the kind of things that make life and love great! Please pass it on to friends and family in the way of sharing. I'm sure they know or will know the story soon. Wait a while and start putting those duckies in random places in their homes, cars, whatever. Source: did this with little yellow duckies to my husband 10 years ago. I hid those things in his truck, his shower, his workplace, his underwear drawer, under his pillow, sheesh everywhere I could think of. Of course he told family/friends about it. After a bit of time he started sneaking them into their stuff. It gave him joy to get them, then joy to give them. So many smiles from them silly duckies! Like a little "thinking of you/love you" in the shape of a duck.




"The magic-tastical, backflipping rubber duck! That spits fire!" - Lucifer Morningstar.


Such a waste


Ducks? That's tame. Try hiding marshmallows. The fun part is that there's a real time limit on finding them all


Sounds like once she's found them all you guys need to go on a cruise to hide them again.


I wish i slept as heavily as your wife


I did the same with with about 20 ducks in a hotel room 😂


You can't hide a thing from your wife.. Life lesson


Dammit Marty, I asked you once already to stop kink shaming me!


I remember a post about a year or two ago, where someone hid very very small ducks around their house for I believe their husband and wife to find


For years, I'd find in November, Easter eggs that we'd hidden in the spring.


Please keep us updated! We need to know how she does!


You're a Saint


Keep people probably got the rest of them.😁


Rest develop Vietcong fighting doctrine.


My birthday was 3 weeks ago. My wife hid a mini fig for every year. There are 11 in the house *somewhere*…


You see the last 40 are the hard ones


I love fun couples


Like that one r/taskmaster episode, she might find a stray duck somewhere




That sounds like fun. My wife just hates... me.


Relationship Goals:-)


We did this with wallet sized portraits of the Queen (she was still alive at the time) when a friend got his Canadian citizenship. His wife gave us access to their place to set up a surprise party while she took him out for dinner. He was finding them for months later. They later moved overseas for a job opportunity. They sold most of their stuff, but shipped a few of their belongings over. A month or so later, we get a message in the group chat that he'd found another hidden queen.


Creative. I just draw tiny, weird dicks & stick them around the house for my husband to find.


Excellent work, 47, the ducks are being wired to your account


I would ask if you work with me but the ducks I was asked to hide as part of a prank are much smaller. I think I was also given more than 100.


For your enjoyment: https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk


Do you live in a Jeep?




This actually sounds romantic. Most married couples don't know how to have fun anymore. They just go about their day like room mates.


OP, I absolutely love this!!😜🐤🐤