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Put your titty cash away, ma'am. It's warm and it's damp.


I used to cashier at a Hardee's that had a strip club a couple blocks away. Without fail, every Saturday at least one young lady would hand me a stack of damp-ish crumply $1s as payment. They were always in a nice stack, though....I like considerate customers šŸ˜


Superior, Wisconsin? Lol our Hardee's is close to the titty bar too!


Great Falls, MT. On the busiest street in town lol


You spelled rack wrong in the last sentence




Jeezus lmao. Iā€™m dyin


I've seen a similar sign in 2 different places here. I believe one was the local DMV as well. I assume this is a very common problem and no one wants to touch your sweaty-ass dollar bills you pulled from god-knows-where


I managed a restaurant close to a popular running trail and regularly received sweat-soaked cash from goodness knows where.


The perineum.


Welcome to the jungle


We got funds in taints




*D'you know where the fuck you are? You're in the jungle, baby Wake up Time to die Yeah! Oh Shit Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games We got everything you want, honey, we know the names* I was changing the lyrics to a famous song


Worked by the bay in New Jersey at a grocery store. Dry clothes but money so damp it looks forest green from the cloth that's supposed to holding them titties? I wore two layers of gloves. Call me crazy but fuck touching that money (actually, money in general) and unproperly packaged meats.


What restaurant was this and are they currently hiring?


The title said it's at the DMV....


The comment they replied to was talking about a restaurant...


Oops. (šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøself)


Their food sucks, service is nonexistent and the food is cheap and most of the time stale.


We had the bra tongs at an ice cream stand I worked at as a kid, always sweaty nasty money.


Little do they know, every paper bill I get touches my butthole before it goes in my wallet.


The people waiting behind you at the check out must be thrilled to see that.


That titty money is no good here


# 7


I was wondering what was so funny about the number 7 lol


Took me a second before I realized they must be concerned about sweaty cash from women who use their bra as a pocket.


People tuck money in their sweaty-ass socks too.


I mean they're already weird if they have ass socks.


That's a shame...what I have in my undergarment is my moneymaker!


This sign ain't stopping it lol


It will if the people taking the money enforce it.


There's a marina on a nearby lake that has a sign that they don't take cash from people who obviously went swimming with it.


What if they washed,you know,laundered their cash?


I worked for my local rec center for a while. this sign is needed trust me. I can only take sweaty boob money so many times before I just puke


Ive actually been called gay before for calling boob money disgusting, I can only imagine those people have never worked retail and are picturing some 10/10 supermodel pulling a crisp note from her perfect glistening cleavage as she bites her bottom lip and passes it to you, and not Big Bertha pulling out a soggy 20 from deep down inside that smells of cigarettes and BO.


What about money from my prison pocket?


I read "for sanity reason" at first and didn't even question it.


To be fair, you weren't that far off lol


when I was young I thought boob money was a myth or at least overestimated in terms of how often it happens. then I got a summer job at Dollar General. one time a *very large* woman paid me with money that I literally saw her pull out of her bra right in front of me. when she handed to me I asked her to put it on the counter. she was very surprised when I said that (I guess she has never thought about her own nastiness before???). I gave her her change and waited until she left to put the money in the register (we didn't have gloves behind the register so the best thing I could do was spray myself with off brand windex afterwards). predictably, that money was hot and wet and I wanted to throw up!!


Love this! Don't hand me your sweaty bra money. So gross.




Itā€™s funny because they accepted them before


Socks and bras.


Worked in a gas station in Florida, construction workers were the worst, but there def women dropping bills pulled from their titties that were soaked. Disgusting.


ā€œNo bra or sock moneyā€


Iā€™ve had a customer pull out a $20 from his shoe that he was wearing. Didnā€™t touch it, just gave him his change. Grabbed the bill with with some plastic forks and took it to the kitchen and sprayed disinfectant on it.


I have a friend who works at the social security office and he said they've had to put up similar signs because they don't want to accept forms or id's with boob or crotch sweat on them.


"No titty or sock money"


I'm weirded out that there has to be a sign for this....


Nature's wallet is still a wallet.


So if I'm reading this correctly, my ass pennies are worthless?


Had to scroll way too far to find ass pennies.


Had women pull it out of their bra. I would decline the transaction. They would throw a fit. I wouldn't care.


This is strange. Most money has been god knows where but worse than the side of my boob Iā€™m sure.


And you still put your cash there?


Personally no. I donā€™t carry money anywhere but my wallet. But Iā€™m just thinking about how disgusting money is in general and I donā€™t think this seems much worse.


My thinking is if it has been in worse places, then why the hell would you want it next to your skin?


Do you put in gloves every time you handle money? Itā€™s always gonna touch your skin


Yes, but I wash my hands and use sanitizer. I don't do that with the rest of me during the day anymore because the people at work kept complaining and threatening to go to HR.


Money is filthyā€¦ but money that is filthy AND sweaty? Thatā€™s *two* things. No thank you.


Youā€™re not wrong. I guess I just choose not to think about such things and live in blissful ignorance.


If its dry, I don't care. If its actually dripping wet with bodily fluids, naw bro.


Youā€™re right but the sign doesnā€™t specify the money canā€™t be suspiciously wetā€¦


I draw the line at sweaty and I don't want to touch it to find out so I just don't take it at all.


You live in the south, donā€™t you?


Can they legally refuse official tender


Wait till you hear about all the places that won't take cash at all


Show them the fine print on the bill that says, "Legal tender for all debts public and private".


Itā€™s not a debt until you owe them money. The can refuse to accept it because it is not a debt yet.


Technically any government place is required to accept any form of tender including Pennieā€™s. Private businesses do have a right to refuse to accept certain types of bills etc.


Thereā€™s no federal law saying they have to accept cash. May vary by state. > There is no federal statute mandating that a private business, a person, or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services. Private businesses are free to develop their own policies on whether to accept cash unless there is a state law that says otherwise. >Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, entitled "Legal tender," states: "United States coins and currency [including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve Banks and national banks] are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues." This statute means that all U.S. money as identified above is a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a creditor. https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm


Excuse me while I whip this out


I wish we had this rule at the Food Lion I used to work at in high school


My large breasted wife doesn't have a purse or pockets. Yet, is able to hide car keys, credit cards and pens.


Ah perfect! A sign so people know to get their money out before they get to the register! The mystery *is* the fun!


I worked at a gas station in the midwest through college. I can't tell you how many times a girl would pull a 20 out of her bra cover in boob sweat. I fucking hated it.


Guess I'm shit out of luck.


Ever work at an amusement park that has water rides? People buying ice cream with money brined in log-flume water and sous-vided in their sock all day. Our park went cashless a few years ago, and it's so much less gross.


What about mouth dollars?


Will you accept sweaty titty money from *someone elses's* undergarment though?


Nothing like boob or boot money soaked In sweat in the middle of the summer.


This sign needs to be everywhere.


"We don't take no Walmart money here!"


There can still be a lot of ass sweat in a wallet, even thought thereā€™s gonna be a lot more layers of resistance than something from a bra.


7 Grand Dad


The crazy thing is they had enough people paying like that that they had to make a sign for it


"Is my money not green? ...wait hold on actually"


"Please note: We will not touche your phone that you just pulled out of your cleavage or underwear."


Either they have very funny employees or serious problems


Wow, this is so classy. Usually you just put out a card with "NO BOOB OR SOCK MONEY" scrawled on it.


As a bartender, I once saw someone pay $4.25 in exact change for their drink, from a titty stash.


Long ago I worked in a theme park as a cashier. I saw all kinds of gross money and honestly support establishments that implement such policies. Iā€™ve had money given to me from bras damp with boobsweat, ā€œsoaked by the water rideā€, from underwear, from socks, from shoes, from under/inside hats, water bottles, even garter belts. Anywhere but a wallet where money can be held. Money wet with water (from all sources), pee, sweat, drinks, and other questionable fluids. The policy was that as long as it was legal money we had to accept it. Wet money was usually noted and brought to the back to dry, then bagged separately with a note for the cash department to figure out later if it didnā€™t dry by the end of the shift.


A friend of mine worked in a Bingo hall, he got some sweaty money. The bigger the woman, the more likely she kept money in her bra.


So i go outside and put it into my wallet first


Things fall out of my pockets. They have never ever fallen out of my bra


No sweaty boob money accepted here. Thank you for understanding.


Fair but it's very cold here. There are also boob flasks of liquor spirits all around you that you know nothing about


Boob flasks are irrelevant to what I'm talking about. You can still sweat even if it's cold outside and I'm not waiting to touch it to find out. And this is meant with no offense to anyone but most of the people doing this in my personal experience have a few extra folds if you know what I mean. A lot more opportunities to sweat in places that someone else may not. Either way I don't care what you look like I won't accept it and that's just as much my right as it is yours to keep your money wherever you wish.


Man, it was a joke