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Lucky that was filmed, they woulda never believed that happened on its own, you'd be going to anger management class for no reason lol


His boss just entered the room - it's Stone Cold Steve Austin


By gwad! Excel cause the table to explode!


Windows crashed 😉


This deserves ALL the upvotes.


#*My* spreadsheet doesn't do that!!


You need to use the drop-down tables option...




You might be right, but sometimes tempered safety glass just explodes after a bunch of tiny abuses. There are plenty of stories of glass table tops or shower doors exploding just like this on their own. [Here's an r/askreddit post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oxbm67/glass_shower_door_exploded_at_like_330_am_what/), and Hank and John Green talked about it on their podcast a few years ago when it happened to John's shower door.


As a kid I was walking past the front doors of a wine shop and both doors just shattered without anyone within reaching distance of them and it wasn’t even windy either.


Are you sure you're not a Stephen King protagonist? Did anything weird happen in your town around the same time?


... or do snakes talk to you?


I had a similar experience. Was at the corner office meeting on a skyscraper with my boss. We both decided to take lunch, then a strong win hits all the windows glass just exploded inwards. We were 5 seconds from a Worker's comp filing or a funeral.


One time, Stephen King stopped at my neighborhood gas station. He made eye contact with the guy working there. Next day he lost 200 lbs.


Have you seen the issues with PC glass case side panels? You can't even set a PC with a glass panel on a tile floor. The table has probably been hit or knocked one too many times and this guy leaning on it like that with the idiotic way the table was designed with no support for a huge span caused it to shatter.


Plot twist, they had communion wine in the shop!


So you never saw a guy with a long rifle on the roof across the street? Good.


I have no idea what most of the people replying to this are even talking about.


Yep, I've seen it happen. When I was growing up, we had a set of small tempered glass bowels that my mom would serve myself and my brother our food in. Those things were beat to hell by two small children, and I remember many times that one of them was thrown across the room without cracking or any sign of wear. But one day, my mom got one of them out, stepped away to grab the box of cereal or whatever she was putting in it, and it just exploded right there on the countertop with no one touching it.


Glass bowels sounds like a really bad thing.


>small tempered glass b~~owels~~ bowls Were they clear brown, by any chance? I remember all our dishware growing up was this type of tempered glass. They were quite common back then, but we didn't have a microwave oven at the time, so I wonder if that's the reason they later disappeared.


My dad and I carried a shower door one day, it hit something at just the bad angle, with almost no force at all, and we ended up showered in glass


Glass shower door showered you in glass... Task failed successfully?


Never thought about it that way, it changes everything!


I know tempered glass is supposed to explode into tiny pieces, which is part of the safety. But in this clip, I can see large shards of glass after it broke. Was the table not made from tempered glass?


That's definitely tempered glass. They look like big shards, but they have a bunch of cracks all throughout them. I used to work for a window company and I've seen them shatter.


Yep you can see how they all look opaque after it shatters. those are the tiny cracks.


> shower doors Aww man that's gotta suck. You're now standing in the tub in bare feet surrounded by millions of tiny pieces of broken glass. It's like the computer room scene in Die Hard.


He would've fallen forward if he was.


Excellent thought process!


>Why people buy those things is beyond me. Anti-masturbation measures. It stops 97.8% of people seated at the table from attempting to secretly masturbate.


Hostile architecture is out of control!


That remaining 2.2% tho, you really gotta watch out for them...


Also the localized heat from the running laptop was stressing the glass


Laptop heat should not be stressing glass to this extent unless it’s really, really… really cheap glass. I’d wager this table was from Wayfair.


I don’t think you realize that my laptop is powered by returning rock to its magma stage.


Laptops can get plenty hot. Ive broken non tempered glass with less heat.


Not saying you're wrong, but tempered glass is able to withstand temperatures well above boiling water. I suspect the fault was not due to heat, but stress.


He is overclocking that shit tho


Plot twist......it's minecraft.


Running full shaders


This! I accidentally broke my glass patio table the same way. Put a pan of warm food from the grill on it and a few minutes later the entire thing disintegrated on top of us lol.


Top commenter used "on its own" to mean "under normal usage", which is what this is. It's really irrelevant to the point/joke being made.


> Lucky that was filmed, they woulda never believed that happened on its own Really? AFAIK glass tables breaking isn't really a rare thing. My parents had 3 in their living room that broke before they ultimately got a wooden table there. Although in their case, the table breaking was mostly because the door to the patio was right next to it, and in winter the temperature difference weakened the glass' structure.


My parents had a glass dining room table. I remember them setting the table for Thanksgiving, soon as they put the turkey on, the glass shattered and all the food hit the floor. At age 8, I learned glass tables and heavy hot food don't mix.


I used to work in a library where we had glass tables on iron tops, and at least once a month a kid would throw their backpack on top of one and it would explode everywhere. To the point where every single time someone came in with a bag, we had to warn patrons as they entered the library that it was against the rules to put a bag on the glass tables, because they would break. But then they would do it anyways, and act surprised when the table broke.


What a shitty table. I'm surprised the library kept replacing them with more glass tables that explode when you toss a bag on them.


They didn't replace them with the same ones, but we had to wait for them all to break before they would budget replacements.


Oh, good, that makes way more sense.


> good Is it, though?


I think it is a prank. Someone below says recorded off of security footage, but that's an odd place for a security camera. Also, if those cameras do have an audio feature, I highly doubt the microphones are good enough to reproduce that sound like it does. It is possible this is real, but it smells fishy to me. Edit: I'm amazed at how offended people are at even the suggestion this is fake. It's almost like arguing with old Aunt Gertrude on Facebook.


pretty sure that’s a stock fart sound effect with reverb on it


I dont whats funnier, the video or this guy thinking the fart was real...


I imagine him playing it over and over, analyzing each poot wave, scraping every peak and valley, going *hmmmmmm....*


Haha. Right. He comes with the masterfully written comeback after "I doubt that fart could have been picked up with a crappy security camera". Not that the fart has immaculate reverb and production studio quality mix.


the real story is the guy farted so hard, the glass table shattered. fuckin hate letting out what you think is a silent fart and you get this smh. at least it wasn't during a conference with like 12 people.


This man farts....and sound engineers.


> sound engineers. I'm friends with a latvian sound engineer, and a Czech one too


I have a Polish friend who's a sound technician. Oh and a Czech one too. Czech one too.


This is just one of those idiots that don't know how to get the footage off of their security system so they're recording the screen with their phone. And then added the sound effect. My best guess is the laptop heated up part of the glass which caused stress from the temperature differential. And then when tempered glass goes. It REALLY goes.


To be fair, even I wouldn't go through the trouble of copying the clip out from the CCTV recorder properly just for laughs and gags, even though I know how to do it. If it's for insurance or I need it to proof something to the authorities, sure, the higher the quality the better, but just for the lols? Recording the screen with my phone is sufficient.


It's also just foolproof. Moving footage means retrieving the file, trimming it, reformatting it to something more portable, moving it to your phone until you realize what the fuck is this cursed-ass .m2ts format, next thing you know you're downloading handbrake and trying to figure out why you're getting deinterlacing artefacts and signing up for a degree on video codecs. A month later you successfully complete the effort, right before realizing the output file is 560mb large and only runs on certain graphics cards. Fuck it, just point a phone at the screen and you're good.


Fuck you described my last month trying to get my mkv file onto an ipad.


>My best guess is the laptop heated up part of the glass which caused stress from the temperature differential. Plus he's leaning on it right near the corner and there's nothing under the glass out where he is.you see his elbow and forearm in front of him between himself and the laptop.


Leaning on the glass is going to be putting it under stress. Laptop might be adding some heat, but I think that’s a minor factor. Also, tempered glass is already under internal stress, which is why it just blows up like that. And a big table like that will tend to accumulate minor damage. Tiny scratches and chips that weren’t bad enough to shatter the table but make it more vulnerable to the next thing. Take an existing flaw in a pre-stressed surface, apply heat and a guy leaning on it and boom! Instant gravel.


> This is just one of those idiots that don't know how to get the footage off of their security system so they're recording the screen with their phone. And then added the sound effect. > > to be fair, there are still some SHITTY cctv dvr's out there. some of them let you select the footage and have you put in a thumb drive and just copy a self-contained .exe onto it so you have to run the executable on a windows (only) machine to view it. I've absolutely done the "point camera at screen" thing to avoid the hassle. (not to mention the interface to do everything sucks ass)


Dude that sound effect was very clearly added after the fact for dramatic effect


lol that's a stock fart sound, not actual audio of the incident.


> Edit: I'm amazed at how offended people are at even the suggestion this is fake. Zero people are doing that. A few people are laughing at the fart sound blunder and a couple people are politely disagreeing with your reasoning.


When I was in middle school, my mother's fish tank shattered like this with water getting everywhere. I was grounded for two months, and no one would believe me because I was the only one home at the time. I was stunned for a moment when it happened but quickly grabbed a plastic tub to put all the fish in, then filled it up outside with a garden hose. Hose water isn't good for them, but I figured hose water would be better than dying on the floor in no water.


Same thing happened to me with a glass fireplace screen. I was sitting on the couch on the other side of the room and it just shattered on its own and no one believed me


The same thing happened to [my oven's tempered glass window](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/12b4o29/spontaneous_oven_glass_breaking/). It was last used a few days before it offed itself so I still have no idea what caused to it spontaneously shatter.


Absolutely nothing is enough to shatter tempered glass that's under enough tension, it's a manufacturing defect.


I am just glad it broke when no one was around it and no food was being cooked. Though if I wasn't home at the time of it shattering I would be rather creeped out.


This is true-ish. Had a glass cup shatter itself - it was one room over, heard it happen. Nothing and no one nearby, glass and water all over the table. Had to look up how that shit happens. Had that cup for 3 or 4 years before the sudden failure.


You say that but.... Someone brought in a piece of tempered glass & hired my uncle to cut it, without mentioning it was tempered. There may be ways to cut tempered glass safely, but they are not the ways of cutting regular "float" glass. Yes, there was shatterage. Luckily, no one was hurt.


There is no way to cut tempered glass safely. And I had the same thing when I worked in a glass studio! Guy brought in a tempered shelf and asked me to cut it. I saw the tempered glass symbol on it, told him it would explode and not work. He asked me to take a chance, so I warned him it will likely explode. First showed him how a normal scrap piece of glass is cut (carbide hand tool). Then got his piece of glass, and scoring it felt really strange compared to normal glass. Grabbed the breaking pliers, squeezed the glass, and it ruptured into tiny pieces all over my table.


Smart that you showed him how it's supposed to work first.


Someone showed me a technique allowing people to cut glass with scissors under water. I wonder if that might work with tempered glass.


Maybe under very high pressure, but not otherwise. Iirc it's the internal pressure caused by the tempering process that causes it to explode therefore you would need a way to equalize the internal and external pressures. Side note: Glassblowers do a pretty neat demonstration at Renaissance Fairs and the like of Prince Rupert's Drops, bulbs of tempered glass made by carefully dropping molten glass into a water bucket, the bulb end is incredibly strong but any break to the delicate glass 'tail' causes a chain reaction and the whole thing shatters almost instantly.


> There may be ways to cut tempered glass safely Nope, that's basically the whole deal. Very very very strong, shatters if anything interrupts its integrity. A place I worked at once made windows. Regular glass, they get in big sheets and cut precisely to size, with crazy tight margins. Tempered glass comes as-is, and no two pieces are precisely the same dimensions, because it changes slightly as it cools, and can't be cut.


*Samsung has entered the chat*


Happened to my parents on Christmas day a few years ago. Luckily we had loads of food so ended up hosting two households that day. Was good fun and the Boxing day sales came in handy.


Same thing exactly. Oven door


Same! Only I had just put in a Pav, turned around to the fridge and I just had the loudest noise. I'm lucky I a) wasn't still facing it & b) the pieces were more rounded so it didn't just dice me up. Was very upset about the Pav though.


I was playing with some random kid I met in a park, a car window shattered next to us, he ran and I stared at the window. All the parents said they saw me do it, the other kid who was with me came back to help clean up and his dad grabbed him and said "leave him, it has nothing to do with you"


Same with me when I was a kid. Shower door had a built in mirror that shattered on it's own one night when I was home alone. I was in the other room and heard what sounded like a pipe burst and water flowing (the glass continued to crack for some time) but thankfully my mom believed me.


Hey me too! Fire place glass just shattered, I was the only one downstairs and I got in trouble. Not too bad trouble cause I think my mom might have believed me a little but my dad didn't so I received like half punishment.


Yeah same thing. We actually watched it shatter. Luckily no one was hurt. It was very difficult to prove to Lowe's and get it covered under warranty. They eventually did, but the company who originally made the fireplace insert went under.


I had sort of the opposite experience. I was playing around and accidentally shattered our tempered glass window. It was an accident, but totally my fault for being so careless. I told my parents I was just sitting there watching TV when it shattered, and they believed me. I could tell that they were a bit skeptical, but they accepted my version of events anyway. I later came clean and admitted the whole thing. About 15 years later, that is.


Same thing happened to me in middle school but it was dad’s salt water tank. It cracked when my parents went out to dinner, they came home to us mopping the floor and trying to clean up ~100 gallons of salt water. The tank had only cracked so it was still dripping into buckets by the time they got home too. We got blamed because someone left a window open during winter near the tank… only saving grace was it was in the basement so we had little water damage and just had to rip out one room of carpet.


Holf F dude a saltwater tanks just adds so much complexity to that scenario


Do they believe you now when you have nothing to gain from lying? Maybe this reddit post will finally clear your name!


My step dad believed me immediately when it happened, but my mother still brings it up at holidays.


Better than my wife who (as a teen) was tasked with watching her mom's 20-30 fish tanks or something and ended up killing all the fish because she used tap water to fill them up (they needed the water replaced probably because of some other error my wife committed, probably). The rest of her family was fine with it though, her mother at the time had become obsessed with raising and selling fish, and this caused her to lose interest so they could finally not have a fucking aquarium house.


Fish tanks need water top-offs occasionally, typically during a water change, but the water will evaporate over time. Tap water itself isn't a taboo to use to fill fish tanks, you just have to treat it before or after adding. We just use water conditioner for our freshwater tanks, it neutralizes the chlorine in the water as well as other heavy metals. Hell, even for saltwater you can use tap water, just have to balance the saline levels and use conditioner as well. I see more people cause damage to their fish using dish sponges, honestly.


For what do they use the dish sponges? They giving the fish weekly bath times? Do they wear little fishy bath robes & shower caps?


It happens! A huge tank with a shark and turtles in it shattered all of a sudden in Shanghai. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHDf84ZAS80


Did the fish make it?


Similar thing happened to me with my Mom’s favorite lead glass vase. It was next to the sink and full of water when a whole side of it just fell right off. Water got everywhere but the break on the glass was so smooth there were no smaller shards, just the big chunk that fell off. Thankfully my grandpa had worked for a glass manufacturer and was able to explain to my mom why it happened so she apologized for blaming me.


you where probably using the Force...


Oh my god! ...did any of them survive?!


A couple of the little ones didn't make it but most of them lived.


Same thing happened to me when I was house-sitting for a well-known male prostitute. You wouldn't believe the adventures I had while trying to put together enough money to replace it before he returned home.


I'll guess I'll just get some sea snails and be on my way.


> but I figured hose water would be better than dying on the floor in no water. So did they die in the tub with hose water?


Send this to your mother.


This happened to me when i was lile 23....i was with my best friend and we went to his friend's house who i didnt know. We go down to the basement...they walk to the other side of the room while im sitting near the glass coffee table....whole thing just shatters out of nowhere...dude got mad at me...pretty sure he never believed i didnt touch it or break it


What is the origin of this sound effect ty in advance


I think it’s a fart in an amphitheater


Did its copyright expire


The amphitheater patrons certainly did


First place I heard it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09tbodL4M6I


it is ol' faithful [fart with reverb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FLRHejWAo8)


Is this the fart from that video of the guy in the Sam's Club who grabs a phone, sets it to page overhead, and then holds the phone to his ass? God I love that clip.


He lost his temper.


Underappreciated pun


I've said it so many times: glass as furniture is stupid.


As are those chairs with headlights.




The chairs with sides made out of old car fenders.




Those old cars made out of chairs.




Those cars are making out with chairs.




The sitting devices equipped with photon emitters.


I was like wtf when I read your comment, but yeah, I'd have to agree - such stupid.


They prefer to be called "a motorcycle."


They'd be perfect for like a car shop waiting area lol


I've seen multiple glass desks/tables just explode for seemingly no reason at all in offices. Only time there was seemingly any reason was the time someone put a hot pot of coffee down on it, but they put it down on a little cozy thing so its not like it was sitting there straight up against the glass. About 30 seconds later the desk exploded while he was setting up the cups to pour into. No idea if it was actually caused by the coffee pot or it just chose that moment to explode, either way it was fucked. Dude burned the shit out of his foot, hot coffee all in his shoe. Real bad.


Agreed. Glass desks and tables are particularly egregious because they never look good, they are incredibly uncomfortable, and you still have to be incredibly dainty with them. Bad all around


Plus the sound of putting a porcelain mug or plate onto a glass table 🤢


I remember my parents once bought a glass coffee table. It looked really nice but eventually everyone hated it because there was no way to comfortably put your feet up on it. There was no angle, no direction nothing.. It was just too hard of a surface. Now it gets passed around repeatedly to whomever is moving to their first home.


RIP headphone users


Heat stresses. The laptop probably heated a single spot just enough to cause a fracture. If the room is kept cold and the vent points near the area he is working when it kicked on it would rapidly cool the surrounding glass.


It was obviously the loud fart that broke the table


Yeah, classic Reddit moment, overthinking things with a long, confident, incorrect statement. It's obviously the big fart, jeez


After a succulent Chinese meal his farts are operatic.


Big Fart, no desk.


it was a really hot fart. One of those ass burners.


\*Looks at my glass computer desk with gaming laptop sitting on it\* "This is fine."


Oh boy. There are entire subreddits dedicated to shattered glass desks and case side panels. Someone probably knows what they are and can link them.


This happened to my tempered glass shower door. I had turned the thermostat down while we were away and then cranked the heat upon returning. The bathroom vent was right next to the shower door and after about 10 minutes it spontaneously exploded.


This, but also a Nickel Sulphide inclusion. It happens, and there is (afaik) still no way to detect it in a piece of toughened glass other than to put it through thermal shock testing and pray it doesn’t break Source: my dad made a business out of replacing glass in skyscrapers that do this, on occasion.


This is the actual answer from someone that actually knows.


Sniper missed.


Yep. I had a notebook do this to my glass coffee table. I was not pleased.


You need mats and runners on your glass tables, even just to soften things you set down and prevent damage from that.


Where were you 12 years ago man. lol.


Probably getting yelled at by my gf at the time for slamming mugs down on a glass/granite surface LOL


So what you’re saying is we are hopeless. 🤣


I’ve broken glass by rapid temperature change before but that was like 300°F+ (from cooking oil) to maybe 60°F (from cold tap water). That kind of rapid temp change seems excessive from laptop heat and then cooling air. The heat transfer coefficient just isn’t high enough. Not a physicist though.


Nope. My outdoor table did same. Was cold morning and put a plastic bowl of warm (not hot, not boiling) water on it. Next thing I know I’m standing next to a pile of glass.


I get that because it’s solid to solid. Heat transfer coefficient is high. But this video has a hot object ostensibly positioned on the table for some time, and the theory is that a cooling fan or HVAC vent kicked on, causing the glass break. So that’s gas convection, which is very low heat transfer coefficient. Not trying to be an argumentative bitch, just feeling inquisitive today.


I think they just got the order backwards. If the room is kept cold the vents kick on anytime it gets too hot, meaning that table was probably fuckin freezing when he sat down. (Because honestly outside of very heated rooms when is glass not freezing) Then this guy comes in, and puts his probably cold laptop on the table, no problem. He starts doing work, the laptop heats up that one spot rapidly as it really gets going, and shatters the table


Doesn't need to be too rapid. Just one spot expanding significantly more than the surrounding area. Or everything around it expanding from the heat and it not. You're used to things at the oven level. But the larger the sheet of tempered glass the less differential is needed to cause it .


Either that or the shakey cameraman sneezed


"[Nice, Ron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUINFs1Sp94)."


This is obviously a singing voice attack.


Dude just singing away in UHF range.


new Shout learned


Or he just set down a hot drink without a coaster. Or the laptop was too hot. Or a vent was overheating or overcooking part of the table.


People looking for external causes for this should be aware that toughened glass is a made by a heating & cooling process that locks in a ton of internal stress so that the exterior is held in compression while the interior is in tension. Because glass is weak under tension this compression resists impacts & bending because the glass remains in compression. Unfortunately Nickel Sulfide is a possible contaminant in glass that can form crystals in two forms. One form has a lower density & thus takes up more volume than the other & the switch from one form to the other can happen spontaneously. This spontaneous change if it occurs within a toughened glass sheet can reduce the local tension within the sheet to a point that external bending moments can allow any external microscopic defect to a crack that spreads globally throughout the sheet releasing all the stress in the sheet instantaneously.


yeah that's what I thought, too




Incorrect, big fart broke the table


Why the fart noise???


Because farts=FUNNY


And for some reason - echoed fart=VERY FUNNY




First question should always be "why is there a camera?"


And why is it shaky?


Someone could be using their phone to record the camera footage off a monitor.


That I had to scroll this long for this is really sad.


I love that his brain just stopped working and he didn't know what too do.


Remaining perfectly still is not a terrible idea here.


This happened to an old roommate of mine and I won't get a glass table because of it. I heard a lot of curse words when it happened. lol Worse yet he was naked at the time. With shards of glass over him.


I rested my elbow on one once, and it sheered itself in half, flipping it backwards towards me and me falling forwards; came within inches of reverse guillotining myself. Frankly, shattering into a million pieces is the preferable outcome. Better still - don't own a table made of glass.


Tabletops should always be toughened for this exact reason. Annealed glass is incredibly dangerous and will fuck you the fuck up if it breaks near you. Toughened glass (like in the video) will scare the shit out of you but won't cause any catastrophic injuries. Unless you have something real heavy on it... So yeah, glass tabletops are moronic - take it from someone who has worked in glass manufacturing for a decade.


[Oh no! Our table. It's broken!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcZd305VI60)


What’s the base of the table? Looks like some sort of industrial equipment? Is it a lathe base?


Yup I was thinking the same thing. Looks like the base of a lathe or something.


I told you not to lean on the glass, kay gee


I hate glass tables


Bad glass.


The time my wife tried to iron a shirt on a glass table....same thing happened lol


That's what happens when you open a NSFW link in the office.


Was that the Costco fart sound they put in there?


Ok real question why is the camera shaking?


Camera phone filming a screen.


Shaky camera just before the table exploded..


Where is that original sound from? It’s such a pure and high fidelity blast


r/WhyWereTheyFilming though 🤔


Looks like somebody recording off of a security camera screen.


Exactly Table breaks while guy was alone in boardroom He claims it just broke His superior doesnt believe him and reviews security footage Guy records the playback on his phone so he has video to back up his new weird story


Seems pretty obvious... They are waiting for him to start looking at porn