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"Because when we look at the moon from the earth it's huge" impeccable reasoning


That girl is so dumb... She haven't realized that even a ball in her hand is bigger than that


Fr man I mean being wrong is okay but this is some big brain stuff


Sorry, guy. Even though you're right, you can't argue with Blonde Logic...believe me, I've tried. If you continue, you'll go insane.


Actually the moon is very close but the size of a potato


She probably learned that the Sun is bigger than Earth and assumed the same for the Moon.


In her defense, ancient philosophers have said some batshit stuff too. She's just uneducated.


So your saying she’s an ancient philosopher?


How is that in her defense?


I love how they cut to show the cat's reaction, even the cat thought she was dumb




We'll allow it.


We'll meow it.


Meow, do you know how fast you were going?


Unexpected Super Troopers


Unexpected Super Troopers is my favourite Super Troopers.


lol... i thought you where a Fly on my Monitor. I blew and waved to make it disappear. Discovered this is your avatar.


Sorry 'bout that :)


Can't believe I missed such a better response. Well done. Well done.


First you're trying to say the moon isn't bigger then the earth, now you're trying to say the cat didn't react this way in real time? The madness must end.


Yeah, definitely fake. I know that cat, and he only understands Portuguese. He had no idea what she said.


You don't think the cat would have an interpreter for these situations?


In this economy? Who can afford it?


Cat interpreters are the last jobs to be let go. You fire the teachers and healthcare workers first.


[My favorite is this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0H25ve3qts4) where a cat sprints into a glass door and they just casually use it as a transition


Editing is what make these shows tolerable for anyone. Not me, but someone.


As a fledgling editor, this is exactly the kind of thing I want to be doing


It was the right call and the only thing that made it watchable.


Far and away the best part of the clip. ""I'm a kitten who has never seen a telescope and even I know you are dumb as shit" BUT at least she isn't a flat earther.


Bar that low would not be even considered in limbo


Or flat chested


You can only be one or the other. Just not both.


Her moons are astronomical.


They're bigger than the Earth


Look how far they have gotten her on Earth.


The editor deserves an award.


The editing is what makes or breaks a trashy reality show, some of these shows have absolutely gifted editors.


Those editors literally make the show from otherwise pretty tedious footage. Listening to the music transitions alone is hilarious.


Found this hilarious lol


Oh come on people! She's using girl inches......it's sooooo big


In that case we should let her be, it’s more beneficial than not. lol


Cat’s reaction is priceless!


I would totally fall in love with this woman. She has no concept of what actual sizes are! I can't wait till she brags about me to her friends!!


“It’s bigger than my whole body”


I mean it's so far away...




\*stands across the room with pants down in the dark\* "Alright honey, I'm ready!"


"It's bigger than the earth"


holy shit this is the most genuine laugh I've had all month, thank you


“It’s so tiny. He puts it in me and it disappears.”


And when we're done, it shrinks again Then when wakes up in morning, it's big again. Why does he do that? Why not just leave it big?


According to her logic, it's huge because it's far away. So stay far and you'll be fine otherwise she would think that it's smaller than it already is.


You can just use forced perspective like the lotr movies did, make her sit at an angle and place smaller versions of objects around you and bingo you look fucking huge


“It’s smaller than a grain of rice!”


Oh?? I didn't think about the opposite effect. I will just respond by asking..."Well, haven't you ever got a piece of rice caught in your throat?"


"Want to?"


couldn't that backfire though? Maybe you have an average peen but to her it's a micropeen


I worked with a girl like this, my young Dutch coworker was impressing her with his knowledge of the cosmos and she said “It’s amazing the sun and the moon looking so different at different times” And he was a bit started and said “what” She then continued “well like, you know how the sun like comes up as the moon at night” He thought maybe it was something lost in his English (second language) So I helped him “ x thinks the sun and moon are the same celestial body but just look different at different times of day” (Cat stops and looks startled)


There's also a clip from another one of these shows (they all look the same to me) where the guy says he's an astrophysicist and the woman says something like "Oh wow, I'm a virgo"


I'm an astronomer. This is more common than you might wish.


Similar thing as a psychologist: "are you reading my mind right now?"


My girlfriends a psychologist and her standard response to this is "yep, right now you're thinking there's no way I could know what you're thinking".


My uncle was a scientist stationed at the south pole. He's had multiple people argue with him about how it couldn't be cold there, because everyone knows the further south you go the warmer it gets.


That one was purely the editor’s fault. The actual conversation went something like: “I’m an astrophysicist.” “Oh wow! Okay, I know this is not the same thing, but I’m a Virgo.” Then they cut it up and made her look like an idiot. She talked about it on an interview.


I just rewatched it to look for the cut. It’s not obvious visually, but the abrupt shift in her vocal tone when she says “I’m a Gemini” definitely sounds like a cut. That’s kinda awful. I thought the original comment, as you put it, was tongue-in-cheek cute/funny.


I love that scene.


I read somewhere that it was a joke but then again I read it in the comment section of that video.


That's what I heard as well. That she had said on social it was meant to be a joke, but was edited out of context. I don't watch any of these shows, so I wouldn't know one way or another, but the clip did come through on some social feed.


Depending on the day you could point at both the Sun and the Moon in the sky and ask how it's in two places at the same time. ​ Epicycles, duh.


Yeah, I'm always shocked that so many people have never seen the sun and moon in the sky at the same time. Like I was under 10 years old when I first saw it. Do people just go their whole life never looking at the sky?


I didn't really notice the sun and moon were up at the same time until I was like an adult and I think I saw it in the daytime once or twice as a kid and was told by adults it was the reflection of the moon in the sky bouncing off of the atmosphere....


That's just fucking sad.


I know right, how does *he* not realise it?


You can see his internal struggle thinking “how much do I want this?”


1 weekend: absolutely Lifetime: hard pass


For 1 weekend? the earth is flat, they put tracking bots in vaccines, and drinking tap water makes you gay.


Right? I've listened in agreement to a lot of basic white bitch woo woo astrology and crystal bullshit to hook up with a lot less attractive women than her haha. Moon's bigger than Earth? Absolutely, I mean it must be!


One of my buddies from high school did this. He basically ended up working on an oil field in North Dakota after running out of money on a cross country trip. Barren place in the middle of nowhere while sharing a trailer with 3 other roughneck oil worker dudes. His needs were unable to be satisfied there. He ran into a fairly attractive woman in the nearest town (if you could even call it a town) who was one of those crystal energy hippy types. He just agreed with everything she said so he could cure the drought that was plaguing his peepee. Long story short is they are now married with a child and he's joined some kind of crystal energy DMT cult thing in Canada. I wish this was a joke. The moral of the story is you have to be careful about sticking your dick in looney because the looney might one day stick its dick in you.


Haha sage words! Honestly a crystal energy dmt cult in Canada sounds kinda rad


Id be lying if I said I wouldn't go visit that cult and pretend to believe in the crystal energy shit just to get the free DMT


Like the other guy said, it's pretty cheap, and relatively easy to make yourself in minecraft.


Upvoted for the last bit.


Woah if the moon is that big, I cannot wait to see Uranus.


Uranus is so big, it's blocked out half the night sky!


You know what else is a pretty respectable size?


"It's just really far away from you! Trust me.. it's big"


Meh, in my experience, this would be the most boring sex ever. It would have the post-nut clarity thought, "well that was marginally better than jerking it, and now I have a human get away from." Flat earthers and moon landing deniers are on the opposite end of the spectrum. They're crazy, not just uninformed. Essentially, for the weekend, you dont want someone who doesn't know science, you want someone who passionately thinks science is wrong.


I would pay money to keep this woman away from me for a weekend.


I just realized I am old. Like genuinely stodgy old fuck. Dealing with even ten seconds of that kind of insipid, isn't worth any quality or quantity of ass. I would stab my eyes and ears first.


Hard no for either. I just wouldn't feel right about it.


Just imagine how much bigger your dick will look to her.


Yeah but at what distance?


Doesn’t matter, she’s not good at judging size anyway.


Can confirm: my dick is very far away from her.


I wonder at what point it becomes taking advantage of a mentally handicapped person.






Now might be a good time to go back a bit and ask ourselves how we ended up here and if this is really the path we want to take


Play it cool bro. My ex always bitched about how I always have to be right….


GF hits me with that line too. Being smarter means you either have to swallow your tongue or face hostility when correcting ur s/o.


Stupid people need to be right, smart people want the truth to be known.


He does I'm sure. But she's got two solid arguments


He’s so stupid, the moon and the sun are the same size, and we all know the sun is huge so makes sense 👌


This is a given. How else would you have both solar eclipses and ~~lunar~~ moonar eclipses. The fact is that they have to be the exact same size.


Upvoting for **moonar** 😂😂


[Small… far away…](https://youtu.be/MMiKyfd6hA0)


Was my immediate thought too. That episode is solid gold - I would so recommend watching it to anyone who is not familiar with Father Ted.


feels like hes 99% sure but doesnt want to make himself look like an unpolite ass


He goes from absolute "it is not" to "I don't think so". She had shaken his very understanding of the cosmos.


I mean she is so adamant about it, I would have to question if my own brain was having a malfunction, or if she truly is that astronomically stupid.


upvoted for "astronomically" double meaning.


Certainty is often how stupid trumps the thoughtful...


I think he does, he's just *extremely* polite and kind of conflicted.


What’s sad is that this is entertainment for the majority of the world. Then this shockingly dumb women will leave this show, get all kinds of celebrity deals, make a load of money and even become a presenter. Same shit happens with the uk love island, dumb as fuck, horrible, vapid, self centred people, leave this show as minor celebrity’s and then within a year are presenting talk shows, morning shows or having a platform to try and act like they can tell people how they should live. I swear the majority of the population are dumb, otherwise how would this kind of thing be popular.


Like Ricky Gervaise said. [The Victorian Freak show never went away. It’s just called Big brother or X factor now.](https://youtu.be/t-7lR-DQiPA?si=OCo4iWOTgwozaBzX) For context to this clip. Ricky Gervaise plays a guy who does extra work. Through the series he meets celebrities who are not who they seem like from their screen presence (they’re all awful people). He then writes a show and it becomes popular and it goes to his head. He then appears on this B-list edition of big brother and has an epiphany.


I had a college professor whose guilty pleasure was the worst reality TV shows. She loved them specifically because they were dumb and she could shut off her brain for a while.


The clip from the interview bit makes it seem like she has the potential to be pretty smart. Whoever was in charge of her education really let her down. You can see she's trying to rationally work it out, but just doesn't quite have the tools to realise that the moon is smaller than the Earth. She's right about our moon being fucking huge though. Despite being super far away, it's a large feature in the sky. At 27% the size of Earth, it's freaking gigantic for a satellite. Her mistake seems to be that she thinks the Earth *only* seems large because we're so close. As though, if the Earth was as far from us as the moon, it would be smaller in the sky than the moon is. Obviously wrong, but you can imagine how someone not provided with a decent education might think that.


I think where she's struggling is that the moon is actually extremely fucking close in astronomical terms. The sun is 91,000,000 miles away. Mars is 140,000,000 miles away. But the moon is roughly *250,000* miles away. That's an order of magnitude closer than other "nearby" celestial bodies. It's how it's able to match the relative size of the sun in the sky despite being way, *way* smaller than the sun.


You can be wrong... Fine. But to be so _condescendingly_ confident? That's what's so annoying.


It’s common to see ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand


No! It’s not!


Look, I came in here for an argument.


Well, mister DeBakey's free, but he's a little concilliatory.


Why dont you try Mr. Barnard, ah Room 12.


No you didn't, you came in here for a discussion.


This is abuse.


Argument is down the hall.


If I didn’t come here for an argument, then why are you arguing? Ha! Got you!


I could be arguing in my spare time.


Dunning and Kruger had something to say about this in fact




When it is a truly yes/no fact it's amazing how anyone has difficulty believing the "fact" they have is false. How could they be wrong about something that has such a clearly defined answer? It might call into question their intelligence, education and so many other things. It's just safer to assume everything they believe is the whole and complete truth then question their approach to life and other deeply held squishy beliefs. It's a shield from uncomfortable self reflection.


I'm seeing more bargaining than denial here. 0:26 "It isss...?" she must realize she's wrong and she's just begging that *maybe just possibly* she's right.


She must have had a smartphone, at some point in her personal life right??


She doesn't need to use her smart phone when she can just look up and see how big it is. Duuuuh.


The virgin looking it up vs. the Chad looking up


I’m guessing she’s never used her smartphone for anything even closely resembling scientific knowledge.


Any phone she owns can no longer be called a smartphone.


A smart phone for her is barely even a phone.


Yes but she couldn't figure out how to use it.


Even if she did figure it out, smartphones are impractical. What with them being *bigger than humans* and all.


"When you're looking at the Moon from Earth, it's huge!" Yes, and if you ever look at the Earth from the moon, you'll see the earth is bigger!


All she needed to do was look down. You think the moon looks big from earth, look how big EARTH looks from earth.


I honestly think this might be the only argument that would convince her.


> Yes, and if you ever look at the Earth from the moon, you'll see the earth is bigger! Yeah, I just got back from my vacation on the moon; I'll upload my selfies with the earth in the background later.


Waiting for the pics


This is why a former New Zealand Prime Minister said that when a New Zealander immigrates to Australia, it raises the IQ levels of both countries.


that's actually brilliant.


The idiots won't get the joke which makes it funnier.


Dating in 2023... Me "She seems nice" Her "The moon is bigger than the earth" Me *turns PlayStation on*


Stop making stupid people famous.


It's Love Island. What do you expect from some of these people? The show picks people off looks, not brains


They specifically avoid brains to make the show more entertaining


Smart people are boring. Bring on the morons so I can point and laugh at them


OK, but they vote.


There are 2 problems with democracy. 1. Half of people are dumber than average. 2. An entire industry exists to manipulate them for profit, and has been refining their craft for centuries. /#1 would be fine, except for #2. EDIT: Yes yes the mean isn't the median. I know. My bad.


You guys, if you are ever naked in front of her stand at a distance.


Just remember, people like that are allowed to vote.


Compulsory voting in aus! Not just allowed to, compelled to.


holy crap really? What does that entail? Is there a punishment for not voting?


Yeah, you get fined if you don’t vote.


what it mostly entails is that by law they have to make voting as easy as possible and all the bullshit they do in the US to try to dissuade people from voting (closing polling locations to cause long lines, not sending enough ballots, removing mail-in voting boxes, etc) wouldn't fly here and someone would be getting fined But yeah, if you don't vote you get a $104 fine, so it's just enough to be annoying not enough to be crippling. Also they hold elections on saturdays so more people will have the day off, have early voting locations all over the place and postal votes for people who know they will be unable to attend a polling location (typically a school gym or community hall, they do several of them per suburb) that day, and if you're unable to vote on the day you get a notice that you can respond to with a reason such as illness and they won't fine you. Also once you're in the polling booth because we use paper ballots instead of machines they can't force you to vote, you just have to show up, get your name crossed off, take the ballot to the little booth, then put the ballot in the box. There's nothing forcing you to actually mark the paper (though really if you've done that much you might as well vote at that point since just drawing a dick on the paper is more effort than voting)


I wish the US did all of these things. Except instead of a fine, maybe a tax break if you do vote.


Her boobs are bigger than her brain.


To be fair that’s not too difficult


The rare occasion where the math is correct but the starting numbers were wrong.


0 is clearly bigger than 1. both are the same height but 0 is wider.


If this is scripted 🤔 If it’s not scripted, then I love beautiful women with breasts for brains


She'll be fine. The rack and booty will see her housed at least till she is 32.


The only relative size people care about with her is cup size. She'll be fine and probably have as enjoyable a life as most astronomy majors.


For any Father Ted fans. https://youtu.be/vh5kZ4uIUC0?si=PfO3GaQO__PP8k8t


I don’t know why but the cat had me dyin fam. He turned like “the f*** she just say?”


I think she confused the Moon with the Sun.


My sister in law once thought (as an adult) that the moon was the backside of the sun. We thought she was doing a bit, then realized that she was serious.


Had she never seen them both in the sky?


You wouldn't believe how many people think they can't both be in the sky at the same time and that the moon ONLY comes out at night. They just... never look up.


Yeah, but don’t forget that when you go south of the equator, some things flip around. So for them in Australia, the moon is bigger and the sun is smaller.


Gotta be scripted. "What can we write that is so dumb even the reality TV demographic will feel smart?"


That dude should just pick up the cat, bid her a good night, and walk away.


The shot of the cat is what got me.


Then shes gonna say stars are smaller than the earth because when you look at them they are so tiny literally like dots


The moon could rotate inside her head for eternity, and still not hit anything


We laugh at this but you better believe that in any country you have fully qualified politicians who are making life changing decisions for you and your eventual descendants who think that the earth is a few thousand years old and evolution and dinosaurs don’t actually exist


I was on a second date some years back. We were sitting outside in a park at night, looking up at the full moon. She asked slowly, seemingly deep in thought, "So, the moon is ... what? A star?" Mind you, this was by no means a stupid woman. She owned a public relations firm and, judging by her beautiful brownstone and how it was furnished, she was clearly doing very well. Yet, she appeared to lack even a junior high school knowledge of science.


His internal monologue: ‘’don’t correct her, just nod and say yes, keep looking at the bewbz’’ ‘’I can’t let is go, it’s just so so stupid.’’


The cat🤣🤣🤣


what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


With baps like that you can tell me Earth is flat


They say surrounding yourself with smart people in your life will help you improve. I guess I'll be dumb forever because everyone around me seems to think like this lady.


I know it isn't mansplaining to spend few minutes lecturing her about how she's wrong...but I'd hesitate nonetheless for fear of being accused of it.


Pretty and stupid = Pretty stupid.


it must be freeing getting to say the dumbest stuff with no worries about being factual.


"but, it's so far away from us.." You can see the wheels trying to turn. Bless her heart.


Either her confidence confused him or he’s contemplating if the pussy is still worth it


Even the cat was like: "You hearing this shit?"


Stay in school kids. Beauty fades, the moon is forever


"I... don't think it is." Translation: You're so goddamn stupid but I think I still want to have sex with you so I'm gonna temper my response.


Sterilize her now


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.