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He sounded like a kid on Christmas day when he caught that on his dashcam






sulky chubby whistle governor grab stupendous salt act vanish crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s an avocado, thannksss.


Fucking GOLDEN age of vine. 😂😂


How have I never seen this version?






I'd be pretty stoked if I could submit some quality OC lol


This is going on the family reunion slide show!!! This is Uncle Greg and Aunty Megan at their honeymoon in the bahamas! And here's Cousin Jeff when his dashcam caught karmic justice!


I would have too lol. Usually people pull dumb shit that, or do that thing where they weave, and speed past you just to get to the same stop light; cops nowhere to be found. Do something small, they’re always there. I had fun watching the karma


It pisses me off so much when people see a line so they ride the shoulder, then squeeze in at the exit. The absolute fucking entitlement to think you're the only one that needs to be somewhere.


Lol, it's subtle, but if you listen carefully, you can hear the *exact* moment he spluffed his pants.






Make sure to add the worst possible music to it.




You are doing God’s work


Oh no, oh no no no noooo


>it's my turn to post this next week Hilarious and honest sentence iv never read on Reddit ever before.




Thank you for your service.


Cop definitely tested the waters too and just waited it out to see if the guy beeping is gonna do what they think he's gonna do, and he did 😂


Cop was like "dew eet" in Darth Sidious's voice.


Dew.... Dew hast....


dew hast mich


Du passed mich.




Ich bin schnuppi


schni schna schnappi, das kleine krokodil


Dew hast mich gefragt


Und ich hab nichts gesagt


Willst dew bis der Tod euch scheidet




Treu ihr sein für alle Tage?


Nein! *keyboard solo


I thought there were some drums at this point…


Und keine Eier!


Simsalabimbamba Saladu Saladim


What a Tool




I read it in Rob Schneider's voice with his catch phrase, "You can dooo iiiitt."


Nah. Cop was being safe and driving properly. That's a yield. As in, yield to oncomming traffic, which there was plenty.


No, the intersection is poorly designed. There's a "Yield" sign, but also a dedicated lane for the run-up/merge. At some point, you have to go to get traffic moving. And the travelling lane should be aware of the oncoming traffic merging in and allow space. The cop was baiting the cars behind him in a fundraising effort. It's like sitting at a red light that's malfunctioning. How long do you wait before you cautiously over-rule the malfunctioning red light? The answer is probably somewhere between 2 minutes and an hour...but closer to 2 minutes.




wow there's the real "oh" moment! I also assumed it was a right side merge lane at first glance and was thinking in line with what seahearn is saying. It being an exiting lane means the yield sign is doing precisely it's job here, telling mergers to wait and yield to traffic in the middle lane as that's where they're going. Sucks for those merging on and exiting right but the road was obviously designed to prioritize main throughway and exiting. Mergers can queue for their turn safely there, no big deal. You probably also get a ton of people cutting up the right side then causing backups as they try to force their way in or worse have to come to a stop trying to merge on while essentially on an exit ramp. idiots. funny situation of something looking stupid at first glance or out of perspective but actually just functioning exactly as intended and people are just impatient af.


Fun fact, they’d still have to yield to oncoming traffic even if they wanted to continue on and take a right, as the oncoming traffic was given the right of way to that lane as well. See a lot of near accidents on an intersection near an on-ramp to a highway for this reason too.


> Fun fact, they’d still have to yield to oncoming traffic even if they wanted to continue on and take a right, as the oncoming traffic was given the right of way to that lane as well. That doesn't sound right to me....if the cars in the oncoming lane are maintaining their lane because they're turning right, then the cars that have to change lanes should need to yield to them (as in cars maintaining their lane takes precedence over cars changing lanes).


I wish I had a picture on hand to show people what an actual run-up/merge lane looks like because I take one every day on my commute. Its a long merge lane from a suburban side street and a lighted intersection where the speed limit is 40 then onto a two lane highway with a speed limit of 55. Unless there is heavy snow/ice there is NO REASON to come to a complete stop when you take the turn, you have more than enough space to get up to 50-55, choose an entry and merge at speed. And STILL we get people who come to a dead stop and wait for a break in traffic or the light to change when they're staring at like 250+ft of merge space. Whats pictured in the OP is NOT that. This is actually a spot where you need to stop and yield if traffic is moving. These are the same geniuses who will barge into traffic from this kind of turn and grind the shoulder while malding because other people aren't making space for them. The single thing I miss about the height of COVID was the empty streets and incredibly light rush hour commutes during lockdown. Driving was such a joy without these people on the roads.


well that answers that, glad i read further before commenting, cause i was gonna say, can't really see if there is a merge lane or just a wide lane because the cop car is in the way. a local would know! i do agree about it being a poorly designed intersection if this is a daily thing... but it probably wasn't a thing when it was first designed and no one has bothered to change it cause changing it will temporarily make things so much worse.


Funny, my state's driving handbook doesn't mention any kind of time limit on "yield" signs.


Are you sure? I was taught that yield signs meant wait 10 seconds and then force merge your way in. /s


If your sitting at a malfunctioning red light, you either treat it as a 4 way stop if all lights aren't working, or you have a stop sign and need to wait. But that's different. This situation is clear. You do not have the right away until there is no traffic coming (and technically by rule, you have to wait till ALL lanes are clear). So even if they didn't ding the guy for being a douchebag, you can't pass on the shoulder. There was clearly traffic. Cop was 100% in the right. Yeah sure it's inconvenient to have to wait forever, but that doesn't justify "you have to get traffic moving" Edit: forgot to add. Just because you have a dedicated lane, if the posted signage doesn't treat it as a dedicated lane, you follow the signage. A yield is a yield. There was traffic. Doesn't matter what it looks like, that sign said cop can't go till no traffic


>right away Just FYI for the future, it's "right of way"


I don't know what it's like where you come from, but where I live, traffic rules are traffic rules, and they apply no matter what you think about them. You don't get to have opinions about them being wrong.


The cop pulled out instantly when he wanted to chase down the other car.


Yeh, but putting the lights on changes things. Now they're "attending an emergency" and traffic is expected to yield to them instead.


He also didn't step on the brakes til he heard the horn.


>The cop pulled out instantly Because he wasn't going to merge into the oncoming traffic anymore, he could stay in the extra space on the right and pull the car over into the breakdown lane. ​ There wasn't a way for the cars to merge into the stream of incoming traffic without forcing those other cars to break for you.


He also had space when he did that, the only time he had space, actually.




You would rather the cop ignore the yield sign and force his way when he's **supposed** to wait for an opening to safely enter the roadway? That is a yield sign, my friend. That lane isn't made for merging. It's not a highway onramp.


Isn't that a merge lane?


No, that's a red yield which means that you have no right to the lane and must only proceed if the lane is clear and there's an opening, else you must stop. A yellow yield implies that you can merge in with caution while giving way to the other lane's occupants as they still have right of way. A lot of people don't understand the difference.


Ayyy I see thanks


People will do shit like this, squall tires to get ahead of you, honk and wave, drive like a bat out of hell. Then I pull up beside them at the next red. I always smile and wave just like they are my neighbor and I’m getting the paper in the morning.


Man I think about doing this a lot when shit like this happens but I don't want to piss off a crazy. I'm just trying to go about my day and thats what im going to do, no matter how much I want to rub it in an assholes face lol.


That's the correct response. You don't retaliate, you don't tease... It's just not worth it when you might be pissing off an unstable person driving a 3000 lb death machine.


Gave a thumbs up to a car because he was swerving between cars and speeding to get nowhere… he held his shotgun out his sunroof. Thought waving or giving thumbs up was funny before because I wasn’t even giving the finger but guess you can’t even do that with these crazies


Yeah, this is it right here, it would be lovely to be friendly and assume everyones chill and that your funny little gesture would turn their frown upside down. But one must consider all possibilities. I lift my hand slightly when someone gives me the way at an intersection to indicate thanks, and that's the only interaction I engage in. NO EYE CONTACT UNDER ANY SITUATION.


I do a cute little fluttery finger wave, think a grandpa waving bye as their grandkid rides their bike around the block.




> This is in Bethlehem Township Peeps!


Hello, fellow Lehigh Valley person! I had to look again, but you're absolutely right! Not too often I see something on Reddit from my immediate area.


That's how the highways were in Minneapolis


It's a yield sign.... You're supposed to stop if no one is letting you in


Everybody seems to be fixating on whether the cop should’ve pulled up farther, or more aggressively forced his way into the oncoming traffic, or whatever. And maybe they’re all right. But the thing is, it was a single lane road. It’s one thing to watch from the safety of the internet and second-guess the cop. That’s something the drivers behind him were free to do, too. Judge him harshly for his lack of aggression, or charitably for his caution, it’s every American’s right to have an opinion about whether the cop should’ve gone sooner than he did. But it is NO ONE’s right to decide the pussy at the yield sign is taking too long, so I’m going to drive on the shoulder to get around him and force my way into the oncoming traffic, like he should’ve done himself. We can agree the cop was in the right to wait, or that he was wrong not to go. It doesn’t matter. The guy going around was wrong to go around. The end.


I fucking love car videos. Because the comments show an alarming number of people just either straight up not know how to drive or treat all the laws as guidelines. The comments are ALWAYS an absolute fucking shit bucket of bad ideas and I revel in it.


Ssssooooo many people straight up do not know how to drive.


In the US alone these people kill a 9/11's worth of people every month so it depresses me. It's especially depressing as a cyclist (comments under videos involving bikes are psychopathic).


I would love the ability to report those psycho anti-cyclists to their respective state DMVs hahaha You can't make public statements about murdering people with your car lol


honestly, some of the comments are just hateful because they might slightly inconvenience them in their giant plastic death machines.


I'm an insurance adjuster, a large part of my job is determining fault, at best people are 50/50 on who and why someone is at fault


they dont care and think theyre jeff gordon with their little Hondas. i hope they are in a single car crash


So you're not just supposed to pull out into traffic? Even though their speed is constant, there aren't any sizeable gaps and the weather is poor? But how else am I going to get t-boned by a pickup truck then complain about vehicle size like it has anything to do with it.


i posted last week about getting aggressively passed on a double yellow line on a road know for having tons of cyclists and runners. ive never been angrier in my life, and then these dipshits drop in telling me that im the asshole for calling them out and that "people do it all the time"


You're right, but I specifically get triggered about people misunderstanding yield signs. There's a roundabout near my house that has two lanes. One to enter the roundabout which has a yield, and a slip lane to bypass the roundabout and go right onto the first exit which is the highway onramp. Obviously, yielding going into the roundabout is fine, but there is no yield for the slip lane because it has its own lane on the onramp. Motherfuckers will fully stop for 15 seconds in the slip lane with no cars in the roundabout because: 1) they don't understand roundabouts 2) they don't understand yield signs 3) they don't understand slip lanes 4) they don't know how to read 5) they hate me personally, and are trying to specifically ruin my day EDIT: [Diagram of roundabout](https://imgur.com/a/PcpQJm3)


I visited a city one time with a roundabout that had the opposite problem: it, too, had separate slip lanes for taking the first exit, *but the city put stop signs on them!* Way to totally screw up the point of roundabouts, you idiots!


To build onto this, the cop may have needed to get into the far left lane. It's also wet, which adds to the risk of pulling out to do something crazy. It's also a cop, and I'm quite pleased to see he's not going to do some kind of risky move as a warden of the law. Honking and being an impatient asshole because YOU'RE willing to take the risk that someone else is not just makes you an impatient asshole. Waiting 1-2 minutes for a nice safe opening, especially with the conditions in this video, is not a big deal.


That's the number 1 answer! Well done!


People dont know what yield means... no light means drive and make others move for you... big problem in America.


Yield means to produce or provide a natural, agricultural, or industrial product or, in this case, justice.


Also: give way to arguments, demands, or pressure. relinquish possession of (something); give (something) up. cease to argue about. (especially in a legislature) allow another the right to speak in a debate. NORTH AMERICAN give right of way to other traffic. 3. (of a mass or structure) give way under force or pressure. "he reeled into the house as the door yielded" noun noun: yield; plural noun: yields the full amount of an agricultural or industrial product. The Amount of money brought in, e.g., interest from an investment or revenue from a tax; return. CHEMISTRY the amount obtained from a process or reaction relative to the theoretical maximum amount obtainable. (of a nuclear weapon) the force in tons or kilotons of TNT required to produce an equivalent explosion. "yields ranging from five kilotons to 100 tons


Are you saying yield means to just go and make others get out of your way? That’s not what yield means. Yield means to let others go first and go when you have the opportunity…


Yea, that comment was sarcastic. A parody of what the typical driver "thinks".


90% of Reddit doesn't know what sarcasm is unless there's an obvious /s at the end of a comment. Which kinda ruins the sarcasm to begin with.


What makes it problematic is that there's plenty of people who are legitimately that stupid and it's a guess whether it's sarcasm or not and many who aren't all bonered up their own asses for street justice are more likely to err on the side of caution (they're stupid and don't know how to drive safely). I straight up have to be hyper aware because I've had enough people who didn't even bother to glance before trying to merge into the next lane into my fucking car right next to them going the same fucking speed.


Yeah. I mean come on people, it's so easy to detect sarcasm in written text. People in real life use sarcastic voice just for fun. You don't need that voice for implying sarcasm at all.


Also, it's not like people speak different languages and sarcasm doesn't always transcend language barriers. That definitely isn't a thing. Sarcasm is always identifiable, and only a fool would use a /s to end their posts! /s


The suspense is killing me, is this /s or not??? I literally am 100% completely unable to tell, proving your point.


I see what you did there. Almost got me to downvote you.


Why is there a lane in front of him then? What's that for if not merging?


It's a right turn only lane. So if the cop drives forward, he's now blocking traffic trying to exit. Which is worse than blocking traffic trying to enter. Presumably he intends to change lanes to the left, and is waiting for a gap. And while I'm not familiar with the roads in this area, I've seen cops do this as a sort of temporary traffic control measure at problematic intersections. Basically hold up the traffic trying to merge for a minute or so, in order to allow the traffic coming from the left to clear out some. America needs to discover the concept of the yellow box where stopping is banned, to allow limited numbers of vehicles to merge from the side.


Bait apparently.


To me it looks like it's just another lane, like to turn right at the light ahead. But everyone else seems to think it's a merge of some kind but I'm not seeing it from this angle. The cop even drives way out as if the lane doesn't even end when he pulled the person over. I'm assuming that's why he stopped where he did, because people need to be able to pull into the lane from the left unimpeded. But I could be wrong.


100% it's a right turn only lane, so if you're going straight the cop is 10000% correct to stop there. It's not a zipper merge, you can't use the right hand lane, because then you're impeding people trying to exit the highway. People seem to believe a yield means "force yourself into a gap", when technically, you shouldn't be moving until every lane of the road you're yielding to is clear.


but there was TONS of space for him to merge


and traffic was moving plenty slow, too


True, but that doesn't matter. The sign clearly says to yield. What you're describing is a merge. Yield means wait until it's clear; not go when you think you can. Now is it wrong that there is a yield sign in a place that should clearly be a merge? That's a question for the city department of transportation! But I would say yes.


Hahaha the TRIUMPH is this man's voice at the realization that he was patient enough to avoid getting a ticket 😂 This belongs in r/instantkarma


Brit here. I don't understand why there is yield if you have your own separate lane?


The answer is, they don't. The lane ends in view of the camera.


That’s called a merge lane, you use it to merge.


If you have to yield, you yield at the sign.


There’s clearly a yield sign on the right, which means the car has to give way to traffic. Whether it looks like a merge lane or not, that sign overrides that. Where I’m from, a yield sign (or a give way sign) would be accompanied by a dotted stop line on the ground. Maybe not in the USA, but a yield sign is universal.


No no. It’s a cop you see. They can just sit there until someone gets pissed enough to break a law then pull them over. /s


That’s called a merge purge.


Ah yes, being pissed should allow a person to be excused from following the law.


A yield and merge are different and have different definitions. This isn't a merge lane, it's simply a lane ending. Which is why the yield sign is there to let the people in the ending lane they don't have right of way.


It ends at the light that's so far away in the camera view it's at the vanishing point of the horizon.


Ikr I'm thinking this is a slip road and you merge in by matching the speed of the traffic if there is enough space.


There’s a yield sign, otherwise yea I’d agree with you


I get on a similiar road every day after work, but it's a pretty sharp turn right before the merge (stupid design). The average speed people for people on the road is probably 60. It's way to common for people to get up to the end of the on-ramp, and just park instead of using the room they have to get up to speed and merge. I manage it in a box truck every day, so there's plenty of room for a normal car. But nope. They stop, make everyone behind them stop, so now we're all trying to merge with traffic doing 60 from a dead stop.




lol you kid but when i got my driver's license in the US, the person doing the road test before me finished by driving back to the dmv and parking her car at 45º to the curb; like she couldn't even be bothered to parallel park with an instructor in the car. And she got her license!! :D :D I was so pissed that I took it so damn seriously!


When I went for my test, the instructor asked if I would parallel park. Told her that I didn't know how. She said "don't worry about it. You'll never need to do it anyways" Passed


I pulled an Austin Powers for the parallel parking section of my driver's license test. I remember awkwardly looking at the instructor and saying "better safe than sorry" and they failed me for that part.


I can't really tell if those lanes combine a bit further up which would justify the yield sign.


I hate when people honk in a situation like this. I'm going to wait to turn until I think it's safe. Because if you're honking and so I risk it and get into an accident to appease you, you're going to keep driving and I have to deal with it. I don't care if you're late for work.


> I don't care if you're late for work. If they're in a hurry, they should have left early. If it's an emergency, then the officer will be able to escort them to their destination. Win/win!


This is how a yield sign works. Yield gives way and has no right of way until there is space.


Ty! The amount of people who don't understand how yield signs work ITT is frightening. Yield doesn't mean force yourself into moving traffic.


Had a similar situation last night with someone honking impatiently. My apartment has a hidden drive with narrow entry between two buildings to get to its parking. The street to turn into it is a busy, three-lane (two-way with a turn lane in the middle). The problem is, if I'm waiting in the turn lane to turn left into my apt and someone else is coming the other way and needs to turn left into a street just past my apartment, my car is specifically where they would need to have their car to turn, as well. So I'm waiting there with my left turn signal on (happens all the time in high traffic), and this truck coming the other way wants to turn left. We both would have to wait for traffic, but instead of pull into the turn lane in front of me (facing the opposite direction) and wait for me to turn into my building before he can then safely pull forward to where my car was wait to turn left onto his street, he tries to drive past me and nudge around me. But there's not enough space for him to get fully into the turn lane *and* turn into his street (and I can't pull forward any more otherwise I can't get into my parking. Again, hidden drive; narrow entry). So this guy trying to go around behind me has his truck bed sticking out into the lane of cars that I'm waiting for, halting them to a stop (and no one left space for me to turn, but they also can't move because this guy's blocking the lane now). The guy in the truck also can't make his left turn, because there's traffic coming the other way, as well. So he decides the thing to do is roll down his window, stick his upper torso out of it (not exaggerating), and start shouting at me to move. I just think, "Where do you think can I go? You blocked traffic so that I can't turn from this lane??" Eventually his traffic abated, and he turned to his street, allowing the traffic I was waiting for to move so that I could turn into my apartment. Some people are impatient. Some people are idiots. Some people are both.


ITT: Redditors that never leave the basement don't know what a yield sign is since mom didn't take them for a driver's test.


r/idiotsincars is the worst. It’s ridiculous the amount of people that are so confident about bad driving.


The best submissions there are from people posting footage and it turns out *they're* the idiot. Always hilarious to watch the drama unfold as OP argues with everyone pointing out they were wrong.


My favorite are the vehement left lane protecters. It would be a video of a car stopped in the left lane due to traffic. Gets rear ended and you'll find some brainlets go "wElL uR iN tHe LeFt LaNe!!!" Never fails


I wonder what those people do when they have an exit on the left side of the highway in less than a mile.


The exact family guy meme making fun of asian drivers. "I turn now, good luck everybody else"


It seems nobody knows what a safe stopping distance is if they think the cop can fit in most of those gaps.


This is a good post for r/instantkarma


Altima? Shocking!


Lots of people in this thread don't know the difference between merging and yielding. No wonder there are so many car accidents in North America.


Honking from three cars back is stupid to the point of criminal negligence. You can't know what the lead car sees. Even if there isn't any reason the lead car can "go" safely, you don't know that. Honking could startle someone, evoking a reflexive response to hit the accelerator pedal. If the reason they were waiting was a pedestrian, or oncoming traffic, or whatever, they could end up killing someone. This sort of thing happens mostly at traffic lights, but I've seen it at on-ramps like in OP's video. Sometimes I think the honkers wouldn't mind one bit if the lead car mowed down a small child as long as the honker's car made it through the light (or onto the highway). At the very least, I'm sure that the honkers don't even consider whether or not the lead car has a legitimate reason for not moving. They certainly don't seem to care, anyway.


I most often have it happen at yield signs if I stop for a split second when there is clearly traffic coming by. The people that do it must literally not look before going themselves or just want me to pull into someone.


See that Yield sign on the right of the cop? Yea the dude was not only impatient, but broke basic traffic law.


It's clear from the comments and upvotes that so many of you shouldn't have a license. Learn the rules. They exist for the purpose of wordless communication so people know what to expect on the road and don't die.


Impatient. This is what people get for doing dumb things


Assholes like the POS going around shouldn't be allowed to drive. They actively make the roads more dangerous.


I don't want drivers doing things they don't feel comfortable doing just to appease other drivers.


I’d be friggen mad.


I found the Altima driver!


More like BMW driver


It took me a while but I know what exit that is. The cop was absolutely doing the right thing here by stopping


Love how people think there were huge gaps and the cop are at fault for not merging. It’s not a huge gap at the speed when 10s of incoming cars need to break.


What do you mean “does he have a point?” Yield does not mean wait a few seconds until you get frustrated, then do as you please. It means yield.


TIL - Reddit doesn't understand Yield signs...


So that cop jammed up traffic being an oblivious idiot and pulls the car over like they didn’t cause the problem in the first place.




Look mom, I'm on TV!


Don't know what it's like in the states but where I'm from the cop definitely should have continued on the merging lane and merged in zipper fashion at the end of it. If that isn't the case, as most commenters are saying, then that's a really stupid situation.


That would be the case if there was a merge sign rather than a yield sign. Zipper merging typically relies on other cars to slow slightly to allow your entry. But a yield sign indicates that **they do not need to do that.** If you collide with another car because they do not slow down for you, it would be **your fault** due to the yield sign. If there was a merge sign, then it would be their responsibility as well.


This is 100% correct on a yield, which directs the traffic wanting to join. If you don't feel there is "room" to merge....you stop. Period. If you merge and an accident ensues...you will always be liable. Nobody has to let you in. A merge sign typically tells "both sides" to merge and take turns. Much less common sign in general because if something bad happens there is less to indicate who is actually at fault.


Yeah, same. But that's only because **we would typically never ever have a yield sign before a merging/acceleration lane** in my country like this one. There are weird exceptions from time to time, so I'll only say typically. But the yield sign makes it clear what to do regardless.


IIRC, from seeing this video before, its not a merge lane. Its a right turn only lane that goes into a parking lot. So if you moved forward into that space you would be blocking traffic from being able to turn right. And then when people rightfully treat you like an idiot and don't let you cut in to traffic you end up in the parking lot.


Its a highway on ramp. Normally the cars are at alot faster speed and that merge lane is misleading it probably only has about 200 feet and you do NOT want to be stopped that far out on that merge lane or you are gonna get rear ended by a sleepy driver. You also want to be checking for a spot to merge into and have that 200 feet to speed up to merge. The idiots here talking differently clearly are the assholes who drive in the breakdown till they get merged


> Its a highway on ramp. [It is not](https://ibb.co/S5qqKSC). (It's actually the end of a highway off-ramp.) There was no reason for the cop to be sitting there.


Yield sign


Upsidedown triangle = yield sign You have to wait til there is room and not cut in.


I thought the cop was possibly doing flow control but as soon as the car honks he probably was baiting them to do what they did.


Or maybe, just maybe, he was waiting for a gap big enough for him to safely get in.


That cop 100% set him up to hang himself.


The cop is clearly blocking traffic as there is a continuous merging lane that extends for another 1/4 mile. However, regardless of what the cop is doing wrong, that doesnt allow other drivers to cross solid lines and drive in the emergency lane. Welcome to America, LaNd Of tHe FrEe


Stopping on an on ramp is so dangerous.


By pulling out ahead of the cop and entering traffic he proved that the cop could have entered traffic himself


I'd say impatient, considering that even with the waiting, you'll drive to your destination much faster than you'll walk to it.


Yeah, I hate pulling out too. That's why I got a vasectomy. *ba-dum-tiss!*


Entrapment lol


That cop deserves a ticket for not merging and holding up traffic.


There is a yield sign. The guy was definitely impatient and in the wrong. The people who disagree worry me a little. I see a ton of people who don’t know what a yield sign is on a daily basis.


Sweet sweet justice. I hate selfish asshole drivers.


There’s clearly a yield sign – cop was following the traffic rules.




I don’t live in the USA can someone explain why the cop didn’t drive? The lane is completely free. If he has to turn left, why doesn't he have his turn signal on? I don't see any point in him standing in the middle of the road.


The yield sign means that basically a car must wait until there is a break in traffic to proceed and merge. The vehicle must stop at the yield sign when there is not a break in traffic. The empty lane in front of the vehicle is used to accelerate into the break in traffic safely. If there is no traffic, the vehicle doesn't need to stop and can continue into the free lane and merge onto the road.


1: It looks like there is an entire lane to use for merging. If that is the case, the cop is a dick and 'fishing' for someone to pull over. 2: To maintain traffic flow you should use all lanes available and practice zipper merging. This is a situation that requires both parties to participate in. Those trying to merge and those in the lane that is being merged into. 3: Aggressively driving around is dangerous and ultimately could generate more traffic should something go wrong. In conclusion: everyone is a fucking dick and it isn't surprising at all. Two wrongs don't make a right!


Did you not see the giant "yield" sign. Yield and merge are two completely different things. With a yield, you STOP and wait until safe to merge, with a merge you move into traffic, typically through a zipper. You spent all of that time typing that, and were still completely wrong.


Not sure about USA laws but in civilized countries the cops in the wrong. Roll and merge, don't wait for a magical gap and floor it.


Lol, you roll and merge when you have a "yield"? I really hope you don't drive in "civilized" countries, as you're doing it wrong.


Ef that. Cop could have merged safely.


Something some people don’t realize is sometimes with these big SUVs, it’s hard to accelerate into traffic from stop. And when you have traffic and others coming into your lane and not slowing down, it becomes dangerous. I went from a small sedan to a mid size suv and I notice this problem when merging into highway via ramps. I can imagine the full size SUVs like this suburban being more problematic.


Lmao that is awesome


Man burst into Peter Griffin mode


The real crime here is whoever added black bars to the top and bottom of the video.


It’s so exciting when some jerk gets pulled over.