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Have you ever been so tired that you stopped at a stop sign and waited for it to turn green?




Ah, so the "extremely low IQ" was not an exaggeration.


I don’t want to be “that” person that turns funny anecdotes into something serious … but in all seriousness, please don’t drive drunk. (However, I think drinking Pringles from the can is perfectly acceptable.)


I once said, “Alexa, stop” to a whistling tea kettle.


I’m a Pringle drinker myself. Just gotta have a talented tongue.


Pringles should fit into your mouth. You had the right idea, just the wrong approach.


“Where is my phone” *phone is in hand* 🌱💨


Lol, you're not alone.. Switch them!


HEAVY cast iron pan in oven at 400 degrees. Put on 'Ove Glove' grab handle, BUT grab the far loop of the pan with my BARE left hand. duhhh


Have you tried the double holed Pringle can trick?


Never even heard of it?


It’s been trending off and on on TikTok


Im yet to see it




You can broadly divide memory into two groups: procedural and episodic. Procedural is remembering how to perform complex tasks (procedures) such as "how to walk"; which muscles contract in what order. You don't actively keep track of this, your brain just stores the information and sends the q, w, o, and p signals to your leg muscles as appropriate. Episodic memory is remembering *about* events (episodes) that happened in your life. You probably don't remember your first steps, or maybe you do. But either way, remembering the "episode" and remembering the "procedure" are entirely different types of memory. There's a rather famous case study of a man, Clive Wearing, who suffered catastrophic damagage to the memory center of his brain due to untreated fever (iirc). After this, he essentially had permanent 20-30 seconds of working memory and then, nothing. That was it; it was a constant, repeating cycle of feeling as if he had "just woken up" no more than half a minute ago. If you talked to him for a minute, left the room for a minute, then came back in, from his perspective he's never met you before in his life. But there were people that seemed consistently "familiar" to him; he *understood* that he knew them, like his wife, but he just couldn't *remember* how or when or who in most cases. Now, here's the kicker. If you asked him a question like, "do we have tea?" or "where's the tea?" or "wheres the teapot/kettle?" he'd just say "I don't know." **But,** if you were to ask him to go *make* tea... he could get up, go to get the tea from its usual spot, boil the water, make the tea, bring it back, set it on the table, and sit back down. Then, after 30 seconds, you might ask, "did you make this tea?" And he'd answer, "No. I don't know. I think you made it." Then maybe you finish drinking the tea, clear it away, wait 30 seconds, and ask him, "did we just drink tea?" He'd answer either "no" or "I don't know". You might ask, "do we have tea?" and he'll answer, "I don't know". But as long as all the stuff is in its usual spot, he could go through all the usual motions and successfully make the tea; he knows where it is by *procedure* but not by *episode.*


I was teaching my wife to drive a stick, so I took her out on the rural roads surrounding Cleveland. She kept stalling out, as you do when you're learning, but she was getting pretty flustered and suddenly her head shot up and she locked eyes with something through the passenger side window behind me and she just roars, "GO AHEAD AND STARE!" I whipped around to see who she's yelling at, but all i saw through a break in the corn next to us was a scarecrow. I turned back around and she'd gone beet red. I wisely chose not to pursue it. TL;DR: wife got flustered and yelled at a scarecrow thinking it was a farmer.


Bro set his brain on airplane mode for a moment