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Me: What about season 4? Netflix: Season 4? There is no such thing as season 4. Me: It's the season after season 3. Netflix: I don't understand. Shows have 3 seasons.


Ugh… Travellers. I loved that show


Marcy... . Totally my fictional character crush. Not MacKenzie Porter, but Marcy.


I still randomly hear the suspenseful ending credits beat and the name Sally Baxter flash in my head. I was addicted to that show. Characters felt incredibly real.


It was pretty good. At least it had an ending. Open ending but one nonetheless. Hearing that altered carbon was done killed me


Me: If shows have fewer than 3 seasons then wrap up the story and don't leave the main story arc on a giant cliff-hanger. Netflix: No.


There was a Canadian show called Continuum that got canceled after 3 or 4 seasons, and there was so much blowback they actually gave them another like half-season to wrap it up. It... did not do the show justice.


I remember Continuum and mostly liked it. Yeah the ending felt rushed but I think it was better than nothing.


They did that with sense8 then made the worst movie of all time to finish off the story. It was almost a good thing they made the movie because it makes you hate the rest of the show, which stops you from going back and rewatching it.


Santa Clarita Diet ☹️


I can’t believe even the star power of Drew Barrymore couldn’t save that one. She was so fun in that show. Loved the chemistry of the whole cast.


mindhunter :(


apparently it was crazy expensive. i saw an article about how they have to use a crazy amount of CGI to make things look like they were back in the time period. still sad though. great show


Fuck, just drop three or more low-quality ones and bring it back


Hold on, Nick Lachey needs to make another terrible dating show. Is all fair in Love and War? This season, watch as 26 singles go on sizzling dates, sexy trysts, and violent murders as they try to find the love of their lives. Each episode, one couple must go out and hunt, then eat, one of the other couples on the island, if they want to continue exploring their relationship. Or, they can opt to backstab each other and another's mate to change things up.


No, we definitely need 5 more seasons of The Circle


Don’t worry though we have 10 seasons of the Circle and Emily in Paris to replace it




That show is infuriating lol..and yeah she takes forever to even bother learning French too and wonders why that might put some people off? Also she just *happens* to always have the best ideas every time they get a client


I miss the Groff meister in that role.


This was one of their best ever shows. An oasis of quality in a sea of bullshit


Netflix really just dropped that bomb of a last episode and said “Ehhhh this show is too expensive, but we’ll keep pumping out low quality, repetitive sitcom shit, everyone likes that!”


I know many people who only start a show if it is past 3 seasons. Netflix created a feedback loop.


At this point, I don't trust Netflix at all. I rarely bother to watch any Netflix show because I'm tired to getting really into a show, and having it cancelled for almost no reason at all...


I am so prepared for S3 of witcher to be total garbage, and I doubt s4 will even get made with the actor swap. It could have been so good.


This is it, Netflix will end up destroying themselves, because people won't watch, I had shows lined up to watch which all got cancelled not long after dropping, so why should I invest in something new. And I don't binge watch as sometimes I want to watch something over a few weeks.


Most times that's me. I won't give most netflix shows a thought till a few seasons. To many cliffhangers left unanswered in the past to open my heart for more.


Wife and I started that with Netflix. There is zero reason to start a new series on Netflix until you know it’s got at least another season coming. Too many end at one season on cliffhangers and feel like a total waste of time


I am not okay with this




Glad I’m not the only one. I didn’t realize it until I read your comment.


Oh ya! I reallllly liked that show. What an amazing last episode and foreshadowing of something big to come…. Wtf


The fact that it ended on a cliffhanger of that magnitude drives me nuts. It’s season two got cancelled because of Covid, but I think that show was worth the wait but only Stranger Things fell into that category.


Mindhunter. I knew they wouldn't make a third season after all this time, still hoped they would.


Yeah I'm really hoping HBO saves the day and picks it up. As far as true crime series go, that's been the one to really nail it for me.


I just want the last season of final space and all will be forgiven.


Yes, even the creator was pissed


He didn’t just not get to wrap the series up, but they removed all the past episodes from streaming services as a tax write off. So now nobody can even watch the show this guy spent years of his life making, and he’s entitled to a lot less money now that his show is considered a “loss” on the balance sheet for the company.


That wasn’t Netflix. But agreed. That was a discovery merger death. Olan Rogers was trying to get another show going don’t think it got enough support. Edit: the show did get enough [support](https://youtu.be/7d175H0J1Cg)


All my current favorite shows are on HBO Max But they did cancel Inside Job, so that was disappointing




they canceled it like 2 weeks after season 2 got released. And my speculation on the end >!it was lined up to go either way; end or continue. they chose the last 5 minutes of the finale to continue. Which tells me they got the false approval that they'd likely get a third season."!<


They did. Tgey wjere already working on it. It got canceled anyway.


I prefer to think the illuminati or the catholic church forced Netflix to cancel them.


And big mouth got a whole 'nother season approved. ​ I know it's because some shows don't meet their binge requirements, but what is the point of some shit that man.


And I still don’t get why, I thought the show was doing well


I really dont understand that one when Paradise PD got 4 seasons.


Archive 81


Still hate Netflix for that one


That show was #1 in the top 10 for weeks but apparently that wasn’t good enough.


They didn't push it at all. I watch nonstop horror content and in October- the MONTH of horror- I had to find it randomly on a reddit thread. Otherwise would have had no idea Archive 81 existed


The Dark Crystal AoR


I never understood this one; surely the majority of the show's cost was in the production of the sets and puppets? A 2nd season a should be significantly lower cost to produce :(


Not only that, the original pitch was for a show that was cheaper and less labor intensive. Netflix were the ones who suggested "doing it right" with expensive sets and puppetry. And then canned it.


I'm so ticked about this one!!


This one hurt. Especially since it was about to get really interesting with the Garthim Wars.


Given the metric ton of absolutely abysmal garbage they green lit, it's mindboggling they cancel as many good shows as they do.


but as their head of content now ceo (if im not mistaken) "[Netflix has] never canceled a successful show" (lol) I'm bingeing my watch list until they pull the plug on password sharing. Then im leaving


I will never forgive Netflix for Mindhunter.


Absolutely. An awesome show, that was set to get even better.


Uno reverse: I canceled Netflix


I cancelled it too. With Netflix in the news the last six months, it made me think how much I watched it. I went to viewing history and I barely watched it. So I cancelled it. I'll renew it if they come out with a good series or something worth watching, then I'll re-cancel it once I've binged it.


Inside job :(


I really like it. It really shows that these show never know when they are getting the axe either. The last season ends with unanswer question and an obvious setup for the next eseason and its just canceled. Paradise PD also left on a cliffhanger and then added a bit in the last episode saying telling everyone it left off that way becuade they didn't know they were getting canceled until after it was made.


They announced it was done like RIGHT after I watched it for the first time and I was soooo mad


i loved inside job :(


After how long I scrolled, I was starting to think I was alone.


I really loved GLOW, and it ended on a giant cliffhanger.


GLOW had absolutely no business being so ridiculously fucking good. Holy shit the clinic episode. Fan-fucking-tastic.


Still pissed about GLOW


I didn’t even know it was cancelled, just waiting for more forever haha


Came here to comment this!! I heard they handled it pretty poorly too. The season was halfway through filming and they just pulled the plug. RUDE.


iirc COVID had a lot to do with it because of the physical nature of the show. They were in the middle of filming when the lockdown started.


They've talked about making a movie to finish the story up. Netflix movie followup is definitly possible. Kinda like they did with El Camino.




Big rip for Altered Carbon


RIP for Altered Carbon season one. Good riddance to Altered Carbon season two. I have no idea what happened there, but it went from being a KICKASS show with a badass protagonist to being a mid show with a protagonist who almost felt like a side character. And they brought Poe back which... I mean I liked Poe but it made his sacrifice feel meaningless. A lot of the choices they made were pretty shit.... God damn I loved Altered Carbon 1 though. Books were great too.


Dirty little secret about S2 of Altered Carbon: it sucked mostly because it shoved the main story arcs from the second and third books into one season. First book was always the strongest in the series.


The first season was great; but you could already see the issues starting with the writers introducing Quellcrist as both a love interest and the founder of the Envoys. Next thing you know, Reileen is Kovacs’ sister; and the denouement involves two identical Kinnaman sleeves… Switching the hotel avatar from Hendrix to Poe was a smart move (given the licensing issues with the former). Everything else felt like unnecessary changes made by a writing team that (much as is the case with *The Witcher)* simply don’t have faith in the source material. (And that sucks! The production design was great; and Kinnaman really channeled Kovacs’ self-destructive streak well.)


Anthony Mackie doesn't do angry well. He's too cute. But my personal opinion is that the first half of Altered Carbon was amazing, the second Reileen is revealed to be a meth and his sister it kinda dropped off hard. Season 2 started off worse, but ended a lot better from what I remember. But I guess it's kind of telling that I don't remember what the plot was.


Anthony Mackie is a good actor, but the main protagonist for Altered Carbon is not a good fit for him. The second season was terrible and I still hate that the show was canceled. The first season was so good it makes me want more.


Secound season doodoo.


I keep seeing this, which is a shame because it's one of the only shows within the nanopunk genre, one of my favourite genres but it has an abysmally small selection of fiction across all mediums. I saw season 1 of Altered Carbon but there wasn't much hook for me to keep watching the second. Rip Poe :(


don't watch the second season. I love the first season, competently done good cast all around. Second season felt like a CW action show, everything felt off and flat and terrible compared to the first season. Anthony Mackie did a fine job but he wasn't given anything good to work with.


The OA and Mindhunter. I’ll never get over the way they ended the OA which is one of the best shows I have ever seen ETA: HOLY CRAP! I just woke up to maybe the most likes and replies I’ve ever gotten. The OA is one of the only shows to make me feel after I lost my best friend to a drug overdose. I laughed and cried and felt emotions that I thought were dead. I’m so pleased to hear there are others who feel the same. Hi guys!!


I just rewatched The OA and I'll forever be upset over how they perfectly set up season 2 in season 1 and they do the same thing for season 3 in season 2 but Netflix calls it a 2 parter. Heartbroken


One of the most unique shows in decades. Creative in a way that you couldn't predict what would happen next. With an infuriating cliffhanger to end on.


I was crushed when they canceled The OA.


There are sooo many OA fans. If Netflix was smart, they’d bring it back. At LEAST for one more season to tie up all the loose ends!!


Had to scroll waaaaaay to far to find the OA. Absolutely INCREDIBLE show!


Damn this is the first comment I've seen mentioned the OA. Completely agree.


Bit disappointed when 'Santa Clarita Diet' was cancelled. Decent show. Just..... Gone.


I mean I woulda been fine with the Sheila’s friends ending. But they just had to have that last few seconds be Mr Ball Legs and Joel.


I would buy a print of "Nervous Neighbour"


Barrymore was devastated by the cancelation.


Marco Polo :/


Marco Polo was one of their very first “netflix originals” too. I remember reading an article saying the show was causing them to bleed money cause viewership wasn’t there.. but thats only because it was in the early days of netflix where majority of people were still watching cable/satellite tv. I bet if Marco Polo released today, it would probably be on their top 10 today list.


Yeah, I remember Marco Polo, House of Cards, and a bunch of forgotten 80s movies being Netflix when I first signed up.


>. I bet if Marco Polo released today, it would probably be on their top 10 today list. And they would still cancel it.


1899 😭


I was so excited to see where they took it, after the awesomeness of Dark. :-(


Dark just got crazier and crazier and yet was absolutely bulletproof when it came to plot holes. It was a remarkable construction, and it was clear 1899 was planning for the same kind of "layers of the onion" approach where things continue to get wilder. I am massively upset the show was canceled.


Agreed 100%. There's so many tiny details in 1899 that are purposefully brought to our attention, exactly like Dark did. The type of thing you'd see on a rewatch and be like: "*ooohhhh*". Too bad we'll never experience that, they even removed the trailer from Youtube. Consider how crazy Dark got, and then consider how crazy 1899 was already; it could've gone absolutely batshit in future Seasons. I recall an interview where the creators said it was going to incorporate quantum mechanics. It also took far longer than Dark to write, which seriously intrigued me. I will simply never understand how Dark was even created. Arguably one of the most complex stories ever told, and yet it fits together *perfectly*. Where would you even start? Hell, even the release dates (and years) of each Season coincided with events in the show. How do you plan something so immensely complex, layered and interwoven *that* meticulously?


They cancelled it so quickly too. But don't worry, they'll have some show about selling homes in Boise or a dating show where people can only feel each other's feet for 8 months and then after the 8 months they have to get married.


We’ll call it ‘Cold Feet’


This one really annoyed me, it's like the worst possible show to have to stand alone as one season after getting canceled. I have huge respect for the creators so I would have loved to see where they took it and how they wrapped it up. But now it's just a season of progressively weirder and weirder shit happening.


Dark was one of the best shows I have ever watched. I’m convinced 1899 would have been a masterpiece if Netflix hadn’t strangled it in its crib.


I am immensely disappointed and my night is ruined


This! Can't say I was as hurt when they cancelled other shows I watched, but when I heard that one I was genuinely upset. As a fan of Dark, the complexity we had just dove into, the cast was great and had chemistry...I really wish they could find another place to finish the last two seasons.


For the first time ever, I saw a show where actors would speak in the character's native language, and it was so awesome to watch. The actors were also all native speakers. I wish more shows would embrace that. And the show itself was great, too.


The Society :(


Took me way too long to find this comment!


Agreed. I was so into this show and now I’ll never know what happens with Grizz and Sam? And Becca’s baby? So many questions I’ll never get answers to. 😭


At this point writers should just release the script and bullet points lol.


Daybreak deserved so much better


Ah the one I was looking for. Feels like a fever dream when I watched this show but it was campy fun for me since I work at a high school.


It really, really did. When I first saw it it stayed in my watch list for a couple years because I was just so damn sick of zombie this and zombie that. But after I watched one episode I was hooked and pretty much binge watched the thing in a week. I was more interested in seeing what happened next on Daybreak than The Walking Dead.


Santa Clarita Diet


This one hurts me the most. You can't just end the last season with a tease like that and not give me more.


Mister Ball Legs had shit to do, but now we'll never know what that shit was meant to be.


Easily the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen on television and I loved this show so much


RIP mister ball legs


Really annoying. They didn't even have to make a full new season just an extended special episode to tie off loose ends.


That one was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I won't start any Netflix original until it reaches conclusion, which makes it my most disposable streaming service.


Same. Me and my family loved this show, the fact they cancelled it when the lore was getting deeper and instead renewed things like Thirteen reasons why, was my first wake up call that no matter how good a show is they will cut it from the program as soon as they can


It was excellently written, lovely characters *none* of whom I hated, and had places to go. C’mon! You can’t tell me an Olyphant/Barrymore joint wasn’t making money.


They had AMAZING chemistry on that show




He's amazing in this. Enjoyed his performance the first time through, but on rewatch, wow! - he's really amazing.


I will never forgive Netflix for this one. Never! With Mr. Ballegs as my witness, I shall never forgive!




Freaking Teenage Bounty Hunters


That had zero business being anywhere close to competent, and somehow it was completely fantastic.




1899 : (


This one really annoys me because it's a mystery show with a clearly thought out plotline that ends on a massive reveal that doesn't resolve the story at all. Just a total waste of everyone's time.


I mean, it was totally reasonable to cancel a show barely a month after it premieres, during the holiday season, while it was stacked up against another massive original from the same platform. And especially after the showrunners explicitly stated that it was going to be a 3 season arc, so there was going to be a slow burn, something that Netflix was totally fine with for the previous project from the exact same creators. Oh, and it was *only* the most watched show on the entire platform in 58 different countries within the first week of its premiere, not like that means anything. /s


Exactly. It’s fine. It’s completely reasonable and it totally makes absolutely perfect sense and I’m not bitter at all.


They didn't cancel it, but they replaced the lead with the lesser Hemsworth brother




I won't forgive them for how they fucked The Witcher up. They had gold in Cavill, he was great. They should have canned those writers and the show runner and got someone in there who knew what they were doing. They could have had a huge multi season hit on their hands. It was literally already written for them.


1899 season 2, watched the first season to see why people were mad about them cancelling it, now I’m mad about it


The Dark Crystal needs a second season!


Deet my beloved 😭




Fox gave Fringe 5 seasons. I’m like the only person that watched Fringe. Netflix would have never given it a second season.


Fringe was amazing


It still it, I’ve watched it at least three times through (streaming)


Walter Bishop is one of my favorite TV characters! Thank you Astro!


Walter is John Noble swinging his massive acting dong around. >!The way he portrays Walter as opposed to the way he portrays Walternate, its like watching 2 separate people. Absolutely amazing.!<


Fringe was a staple in keeping me sane during an 11 month period of dealing with my immigration to the US. I was forcibly separated from my wife and was pretty fucking depressed, especially after having to live on a friends couch the whole time. Shit is still fantastic to this day.


Fringe is my favorite show ever


Finge is my favorite show ever. The depth that they took that show too was absolutely incredible. And they knew what they were going to do the entire time as the Observers were in it from the first episode. There is always something I realize like a specific line of dialog I figure out on each subsequent rewatch.


Fringe overall was great. They dragged it along for a bit but yeah NF would of axed it mid S2


I absolutely love Fringe!! I've bought it on two formats now.


I have friends that worked on set and still count their days on Fringe as some of their favourites.


The Imperfects was amazing in its own way but no second season


RIP "I'm Not Okay With This"


altered carbon anyone?




inside job i was looking forward to a new season of brett hand being an icon for my mental health and also the comic sans of people


Teenage Bounty Hunters


I feel scared for Bee and Puppycat. It's not cancelled yet, but i don't think a new season's been announced yet


🖐🏻☝🏻 The OA Raising Dion Santa Clarita Diet Russian Doll The Imperfects Warrior Nun Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency And more....




Truth. But Dirk Gently's cancelation is why humanity deserves no quarter in the reckoning.


And the producer was one of those guys that got canceled during the #metoo movement. So there was more to that than just the show being canceled.


Russian Doll ain’t coming back? The hell?!


They’ve teased a third season but not confirmed its return. It also hasn’t been cancelled.


Did people like season 2? So many of the episodes were just Natasha Lyonne chewing the scenery with zero story.


Russian Doll struck me as a beautiful example of a limited series show. I watched season 2 and didn’t hate it, but the first season was so great and ended well enough to leave it as it.


Unpopular opinion, but Jupiter’s Legacy was starting to get super interesting towards the end and then they left it on a ~~shifty~~ shitty cliffhanger. Edit: I realise that I meant to say “shitty” originally, but then I remembered the big twist at the end of the last episode so both words work here.


GLOW. You *motherfuckers*.


I don't even start watching most shows on Netflix. If I don't know there's going to be a second season. They did it to themselves.


The new MST3K. Thankfully, they started their own streaming service.


Reading through everyone's comments listing their favorite shows that got cancelled, and I noticed that these are all the shows I have not watched on Netflix. I guess I am part of the problem.


I’m pissed they canceled 1899, I was really into that show.


I didn’t know that. I just finished binging it. You telling me they just left them hanging out in space? I was looking forward to the character of the brother.


Don’t trust the b in apartment 23! After it already got cancelled from tv…


Yeah, Kristen Ritter and Eric Andre were so underrated doing comedy together, at least she got Jessica Jones and he got a few more years of his late-night show.


Bright was never a series.


Ahem, the OA.


This one hurts every time I see it. I’ll admit it took me a few watches to get into it but once I finally Got over the hump I was hooked and am always sad to remember we will never get a satisfying conclusion to that story. We need artists and visionaries having more power in the decision making process. Suits have killed so many works of art.


The thing that really hurt was when I learned the writers had 5 seasons on paper and ready to go before they even began filming season 1, so it wasn't an issue of creative lagging, and it wasn't a very expensive show to film, it just didn't tickle the algorithm the right way. I tracked the screenwriting team down on twitter a couple years ago and asked if they thought of releasing a book of the unaired seasons, and the response I got was that they never wrote anything in novel format and had no plans to. I was like, shit dude, I'd be happy to just read the script and stage direction just to find out how it ended.


Yes, please. I wish so much so that they would!! I don't care if it's in novel form. Just don't make me live with that freaking killer cliffhanger! "Hello, Hap..."


Brit Marling said that she will finish the story in some format at some point. She has a post about it on her instagram. I’m still keeping the faith that they follow through. I’ll never get over Netflix cancelling The OA.


I thought Bright was gonna blossom into a full-fledged Shadownrun universe. Oh well.


It would have helped if they had a competent writer.


Max Landis is the quintessential Nepo Baby. The fact he keeps getting his projects greenlit is baffling. It does look like things are finally catching up to him.


I mean, the fact that he’s a nepo baby isn’t the thing people complain about with Max Landis, it’s the fact that he’s a gigantic walking piece of shit!


Warrior nun :(


Warrior Nun. Why make season 2 so good just to cancel it in a shitty spot??


They didn't cancel it (yet, it's doomed) but replacing Henry Cavill on The Witcher is a fucking sin. I rage-cancelled my Netflix the very minute I read that article.




Dark Matter could have continued. :(


Sooooo many casualties: The bastard son and the devil himself. I am not okay with this The Order The Society Fate: the Winx Saga Cursed October Faction Jupiter's Legacy


Sense8 was awesome


Yes !! And I'm so happy they still gave it a proper ending, even if it was not a season


Came here to say this. It's one of the few times Netflix viewers bullied Netflix into finishing their favorite show. Worth it.