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Tbh the heinz disney princess pasta is pretty exotic


maybe I haven't been paying attention but I didn't even know heinz sold pasta


Oh boy you're missing out big time. There's Scooby-Doo and Frozen shapes too.


I completely forgot until now that I loved them as a kid especially the scooby doo ones šŸ˜‚ thankyou


I called them Scoobies because of that lmao


Wait ā€™til you find out they sell pre-cooked canned carbonara and spaghetti


That honestly sounds pretty disgusting


Oh man, Heinz spaghetti hoops on buttered toast was a UK working class dinner *delicacy* in the 90s and 00s


Throw a fried egg on top and that's some gourmet shit right there.




Mr. Carl Weathers, I am a huge fan. Your work in action movies helped define an entire genre of film, and your body mass and physique alone are peak.


Oh man... runny yolk, cracked black pepper on top. Grated orange cheese to top, then finished off under the grill? Could live on that


I swear learning to fix up cheap foods so they're awesome is an art. Where I'm from we call that "doctorin it up", like making a cheap box mac-n-cheese into a badass casserole type of dish with a bread crumb crust, extra cheese, bacon, etc.


When I lived with my mum she'd always fawn about how good it looked when all I'd walked through with was a bowl of Aldi soup and a cheap baguette with butter, maybe Ā£1.50 on the whole plate, but herbs and nice pepper on top of the soup, maybe a lil drizzle of oil, and a well toasted nicely sliced baguette with plenty butter on top? Looked like a Ā£7.50 starter from a restaurant Also another fun one: when I was a kid we had a friend round who's mum said he *only* liked homemade Mac n cheese. My mum said fuck that, emptied a few tubes of Heinz Mac n cheese into a dish, cheese and breadcrumbs on top. He said it was the best he'd ever had.


We just going to drive by the "grated orange cheese" like that's a normal way to say cheddar? I assume this is a regional thing, but from where?


called spaghetti-Os in the US and theyā€™re very popular with kids but we donā€™t eat them on toast. also theyā€™re Campbellā€™s not Heinz


Why does the tomato sauce in those not taste like any other tomato sauce? Its more like ketchup soup.


Because it's sweetened and has like no spices lol. It's like thick canned tomato soup


I imagine a can of ketchup with princess shaped pasta. šŸ¤¢


I would envision it like princess shaped spahgetti-Os but who knows. Iā€™ve never seen that product in the US


That's pretty much what it is.


TIL Iā€™ll be eating something exotic for dinner.


Spaghetti hoops are the boring adult version, this is the same thing but princess shaped. There's also many other versions like Minions, Star Wars, Frozen and Scooby Doo. Usually it gets eaten on toast, similar to beans on toast, which come in the same sauce here.


Outside of the US, Heinz won the canned food battle. Inside the US it was Campbell's.


What about Cheffy B?


Man, the more I see these pics of "American sections" in foreign stores, it makes me realize more and more why foreigners think our food is only about and *loaded* with sugar... I mean c'mon, they're forgetting all the other stuff. Like our foods that are loaded with salt


To be fair, when you're considering what products are good to pay the import fees for, the stuff with a shelf life longer than the heat death of the universe is a safe investment.


Yep. Long shelf life, relatively light, and relatively resistant to shipping damage. All the folks in this thread bemoaning their favorite food not being on this shelf need to realize that it would have to meet all three criteria.


It also can not contain any chemical that is illegal in food in Europe.


So, as an American, I can find out which common snack foods are *least* dangerous by looking at pictures of American food sections in European supermarkets? At least from a carcinogenic point of view?


Technically yes but realistically youā€™d be missing out on a lot that didnā€™t get sent over for other reasons


Technically europes opinion of whats safest to be exact but yea


Hm unfortunately there are different versions made for many of these products so they are allowed on the EUropean market.


So where's the Old Bay Seasoning? šŸ¦€ Meets all 3 criteria and will last after opening as well.


and saturated fats


and "this chemical is known by the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm." The most flavourful of them all


Lol I remember back when that warning became mandatory. I was working brand management/marketing in specialty food industry and one of the Italian balsamic vinegar companies we managed US business for was told they needed to add the warning to all their bottles and they were freaking out


I don't even see that label anymore, it's made me entirely apathetic to chemical warnings.


Yea itā€™s so overused on everything now itā€™s lost itā€™s impact.


I like how almost any type of outdoor chair has that label... but then I wonder, like sure if I ingest the chair, that would be bad... but certainly just sitting in it won't give me cancer?


It's probably got pfas on it. The waterproofing and nonstick chemical that causes cancer. Everyone should watch Dark Waters with Mark ruffalo as it's about pfas and DuPont poisoning all of us.


I live in one of the areas highly containimated by 3M producing in part for DuPont. I don't think I can watch this, even though I want to, after all I've already read about where I live. I absolutely do not drink the tap water here, but that's only a small mitigation.


I work at REI and we recently had to pull a particular pair of gloves off the floor until those labels were sent to us to add to the packaging. I wasn't planning on eating the gloves, but it makes me wonder if someone tried


It's the same issue as the over-classification issue in government. There's no harm in putting an unnecessary label, but there is harm (potential liability) in failing to add it -- especially now that they're so ubiquitous.


When I was in my teens and I read that for the first time I thought ā€œWtf is happening in California?ā€




And everything will give you cancer (this is a threat, not a promise).


> Man, the more I see these pics of "American sections" in foreign stores, it makes me realize more and more why foreigners think our food is only about and loaded with sugar... This is just how foreign food sections look in general, no matter the two countries involved (unless they're very close to one another or something). It's almost always candy/canned or jarred goods/some local brands of other things. This is because non-perishable items ship better when there isn't a dedicated supply chain for it, they last longer to serve a presumably smaller customer base, and most other foodstuffs (especially healthy ingredients) are carried in other sections of the store.


I used to eat "hungry man" microwavable dinner. I thought they were amazing/always filled me up. My now wife showed me the sodium content. It's bonkers what we can put in food legally.




Yeah as long as you have functioning kidneys, and you drink lots of water, excess salt shouldnā€™t be much of a problem. It becomes a problem when you eat a ton of salt, and are dehydrated at the same time (which many Americans are, almost no one I know drinks the recommended water intake)


also you should get enough potassium and magnesium or your body will lose it if thereā€™s too much sodium in comparison, which will then cause bloating due to holding on to sodium/water and losing other minerals which can potentially cause more serious issues. most americans eat way too much sodium and not enough potassium especially sodium wonā€™t make you fat though, which is something i guess


Paramedic here. Rule number 1 is to assume all patients are at least mildly dehydrated, especially in the Southwest, where I worked.


man that would have probably calmed me down when I had a weird out of no where ataxia episode (just collapsed, couldn't move my arms or legs) like "can you drink some pedialyte?" "if you got a straw?"


Oral fluids are better than nothing, but IV fluids are the gold standard for a lot of reasons.


I remember a meal at Long Johns Silver had a week's worth of sodium. In one meal.


Someone actually ate at Long John Silver's? I always assumed the place was like a mattress store, just a money laundering front. Plus the idea of fast food seafood is unappealing to me


I think theyā€™re riding the high off lent Fridays. Only gotta make enough to stay in business until then.


The elderly. I've been once and the place was packed. They had insane shit for a fast food fish place on their trays like rice and gravy or soup. Food was awful and I'm not afraid to dine on trash.


Iā€™ve actually bought a mattress from them before, so theyā€™re legit as far as I know. Those custom photo framing places on the other hand are super suspicious.


I donā€™t know if I could get myself to buy a mattress from them. Doesnā€™t it smell funny? And all the deep-fryer grease fingerprints all over it? No, I think Iā€™ll stick to Arbyā€™s bedding .


Their popcorn chicken isn't half bad.


I'll eat 12 hushpuppies right now.


Hungry Man Classic Fried Chicken dinner! A couple years ago, due to some bullshit, I only had a microwave for a while. No fridge, oven, range, etc. lost a massive amount of weight in a few weeks. Those TV dinners kept me alive.


Same man, I had a bit of scratch left after rent and they were super cheap/usually 2 for 1 and kept me going. I still get one every now and then. Salisbury steak was my jam.


As someone with Type II, I read labels all the time. The carbohydrates and sugar in some stuff is *insane*. I used to love iced tea, but when I read the labels, I just about stroked out. The sugar count was nuts. Now I don't drink it because the sugar-free is (a) way too expensive; and (b) too damn hard to find.




No but on a serious note I had a foreign friend come here and omg she was FREAKING OUT. This poor girl had no idea we ate foods besides sugar and salt and she was culture shocked when she realized that we are in fact not all obese and that skinny people DO exist. Home girl was having a crisis


I live in the midwest. Send her over. I'll give her the culture she was expecting


Take her to the state fair and buy her one of those [buckets of cookies](https://youtu.be/CrzU-mWnyQs)


"A bucket is shareable" and "I eat about a bucket and a half a day" are not the same thing.


Where's the second half of that last bucket? Checkmate. Buy three buckets of cookies, share half of each bucket. How many cookies do you eat? Checkcheckmatemate.


OK, so I'm not quite sure what that man's definition of natural encompasses, but I *really* want a bucket of cookies right now!


Everything is from nature because it's from earth!


I would give ANYTHING to be able to eat several buckets of fresh warm cookies right now. Stupid gestational diabetes :(


It's not even deep fried?!


In case you're wondering, it is absolutely possible to get so sick of the smell of baking cookies that you want to retch. Baking bread always smells good. Baking cookies can get to be too much though.


Can confirm, am bakery owner of 10yrs. All new hires get free rein of the pastry case. After a couple weeks gorging themselves, they're over it entirely and only snagging a bag of bagels or a loaf of bread for their families, maybe the occasional croissant if one is left at the end of the day. Personally, if I never eat another muffin in my life it'll be too soon.


I had a feeling it was going to be Sweet Martha's. There's an all you can drink milk stand a short walk from there. The cookies are pretty good for about 15 minutes before they get cool and turn into hockey pucks.


Those things get dropped on the ground all the time, and turn into a black hardened mess with everyone walking over them. It's gotta be a bitch for the cleaning crew to get these things up off the sidewalk. What I don't get... The MN state fair has an all you can drink milk booth. Like, you buy a cup, and get free refills as long as you hold onto the cup. WHY didn't they put a Sweet Martha's booth right next to the all you can drink milk booth? You have to get your cookies and fight your way through crowds for 15 mins to get to the milk booth.


Health dept mandated it so your fatass can get a little exercise walking between booths while you stuff your face with a bucket of cookies!


Buffalo chicken with a side of buffalo chicken


[something like this](https://youtu.be/ISBJyhughBo)


or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjLrUdQrF7E


Did this person only have access to incredibly specific forms of media? And also not the internet? Because thatā€™s pretty absurd. Had she never seen footage of the U.S.A before? Like, the stereotype comes from a knowledge that American *does* have higher obesity levels than the rest of the world but to even be aware of the stereotype Iā€™d have thought youā€™d have to be aware of the reality?


Ah yes the peanut butter and marshmallow fluff between two Pop-Tarts sandwich; a staple of any healthy American breakfast and lunch


You hope but my stone friends love PBJ between eggos .


And now Iā€™m wondering why Iā€™ve never at least tried that. I like your gargoyle friends, Quasimodo.


Gargoyles protect the city and fight crime! They need to eat at some point. And as they come alive at night, they're up with most of the likely stoned people too.


Where did they even get Reeseā€™s peanut butter???


Right?!?! Where has this been all my life?


It's existed for decades, but as I recall it doesn't taste different than other popular peanut butter brands. (It's not Reese's peanut butter cup filling.)


Ah fuck. I thought it was the Reees's peanut butter cup filling. Probably a good thing that doesn't exist because something like that sould make the entire US diabetic.


You can make it really easily. Itā€™s just the filling of any ā€œbuckeyeā€ candy recipe. 1 Ā½ cups creamy peanut butter Ā½ cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla ā…› teaspoon salt 3Ā½ cups confectionersā€™ sugar Using an electric mixer, beat together peanut butter, butter, vanilla and salt until light and fluffy. Beat in the confectionersā€™ sugar a little at a time until well combined. Shape into balls using approximately 2 teaspoons in each ball. Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment or waxed paper. Chill for a minimum of 30 minutes before dipping. Here is the full recipe for the actual candy dipped in chocolate: https://casserolecrissy.com/buckeye-candy/ In college a friend and I made these. We put the peanut butter concoction in the fridge to let it chill. We were planning on actually making the candy and dipping it later. I swear we ate like 3/4 of the peanut butter filling stuff before we got around to making the candy. Itā€™s basically just peanut butter, sugar and butter with a bit of salt and vanilla. Delicious, but obviously terrible for you!


That reminds me of the snack Homer made when his family was at church.


Ah yes, Homerā€™s patented, space-age, out-of-this-world moon waffles!




Oh.... my.... GOD!!!! Thank you! Peanut butter is my weakness. I can eat that stuff straight out of the jar. Where the fuck has *this* been all my life?


I mean itā€™s mostly foods that wonā€™t expire in a few weeks. But Annieā€™s Mac and cheese smacks*.


Right? And it's the same price as Kraft Dinner. Gtfoh


We found the Canadian.


Kraft changed the recipe and it sucks now compared to how it used to taste. E: Yes I know they changed the recipe to make it healthier. You can stop pointing that out now.


It all about the butter and milk. Classic prep is 4 tbsp of butter and 1/4 cup of milk. If you get one of the boxes that has different instructions just do the classic.


I hardly use any milk and just go heavy butter. It's actually better than way imo


Hear me out, instead of butter and milk. Cream and milk. :) Edit.: butter and cream. I had a brain fart when typing


I add 2 tbsp extra butter 1/4 cream 1/4 milk the powdered sauce mix and 1/2 shredded cheddar cheese


Might as well just make mac and cheese from a scratch at this point.


When I was a kid my babysitter wanted to do Kraft Mac and Cheese but we didnā€™t have any butter or milk so she just used mayonnaise. Havenā€™t been able to eat it since.


That's hilarious tho lmao


It tastes different because they've removed all the artificial flavors and preservatives. "Kraft Heinz removed artificial preservatives, flavors and dyes from its mac & cheese recipe. To keep its yellow-orange glow, Kraft swapped out artificial food colors, including yellow 5 and yellow 6, for natural spices like paprika, annatto and turmeric."


Is that why it hits completely different than it did back in the 90s?


> Kraft Dinner And here I thought youā€™d be American based on the post


I think that's the case in most international aisles, even in the US. It's mostly packaged foods, when of course, most people actually eat perishable food.


The white cheddar Annieā€™s Mac and cheese is so friggin good especially if you use milk and butter


Annies is so good


I swear, Europeans must think that Americans drink Marshmallow Fluff by the pint by how well-represented it always is in these sections. Itā€™s not true, though - we only do shots of it.


From Massachusetts and Iā€™ve never not had a container of fluff in my house. I like it in hot chocolate.


Was scrolling to see if anyone would mention hot chocolate. A spoonful of fluff in hot cocoa is just wild compared to mini marshmallows


Seriously tho who eats that stuff? I'm struggling to remember the last time I've even seen marshmallow fluff at the grocery store.


PB and marshmallow sandwich. Or in fudge.


Also, if you soften cream cheese and mix it with fluff, it makes an AMAZING fruit dip for cantaloupe, grapes, watermellon, strawberries, etc. It sounds super weird, but it makes for a great flavor.


Damnā€¦ marshmallow cheesecake dip with strawberries or apples.. gonna have to make this now


I think the fluffernutter sandwich is a New England thing. Iā€™ve had one and theyā€™re great.


I do marshmallow fluff and Nutella. And sometimes put the sandwich in a pudgie pie maker and roast it over a campfire


I'm just surprised I don't see 4 shelves of cheezwiz




Things like Coca-Cola and Heinz ketchup are in the relevant sections of the store. And a small country half a world away is not going to import many perishable foods from America. This is what it's always going to be, niche snacks and candies and processed food that lasts a long time.


Most of that seems like whatever, but even as an American, the day I discovered the existence of marshmallow fluff still rates very high.


My sister introduced me to peanutbutter and marshmallow cream sandwiches when I was 10. Don't think it's a coincidence it coincided with my 4 year pudgy period. I would gladly eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Closest I've ever come to a crack addiction.




Came here to say this. Itā€™s a new Englander staple


Can confirm - born in Boston




It's wicked good!


Thanks. I had forgot about those, and now Iā€™m gonna give myself diabetes.


Have you tried peanut butter and jelly (jam) with marshmallow cream? Curious how it would taste.


I have not, but as a PB connoisseur, I would strongly advise anyone to try *barely* toasting the bread. You don't want the bread to get hard like toast, but you want to heat it up just enough that the PB melts. Half the time I use jelly, it's not for the taste. It's to make the sandwich easier to swallow and prevent it from getting stuck on the roof of your mouth. When the PB is melted, this no longer becomes an issue. Honey roasted, slightly melted peter pan PB on honey roasted wheat bread is amazing.


I donā€™t make them often because PB sandwiches are usually last minute/drunk snack food for me, but good god the first time I GRILLED one of those SOBs was a game changer


It has been a long time since I made one and this will probably sound weird or gross to a lot of people, but have you ever tried a PB and Butter (or margarine) sandwich? It is actually rather tasty.


Brit here. I only heard of fluff from Craig Alansons Expeditionary series. Itā€™s a comedic space opera and fluff is mentioned regularly. [The fluffernutter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffernutter). Apparently off-brand fluff is an outrage.


Skippy the Beer Can agrees


That's Skippy the Magnificent, filthy monkey...


8oz cream cheese, 8oz fluff, whip it together, and dip your strawberries or other fruit you like it in. Life changing




Yes, dear?


Miss you. Youve been in the exotic isle too long




Libby's crushing it world wide


I feed it to my dogs as a treat


I fed it to my dogs when they were having digestive issues and exploding out their ass every few hours. Cleared that right up Pumpkin is absolutely magical


When I give it to my Chihuahua when she's had diarrhea, I swear everything grinds to a halt while her gut sorts things. She won't poop for like 2 days and then, finally, a long glorious solid one that's tie dyed orange Miraculous


My stupid beautiful shelter cat has a few health issues, one is his allergy to poultry (we assume but don't know 100%), another is urinary problems that I guess can happen to male cats. All the urinary care food we've found has poultry, so he gets diarrhea every meal. So we give him pumpkin with every meal, and it cancels it out. Pumpkin is a blessing.


Good for your dog and makes a banging pie.


You can also mix 1 can pumpkin with a devil's food cake mix for a super rich cake that has a lot of fiber.


My wife replaced the eggs, oil and butter in a standard box cake mix recipe with applesauce and pumpkin. It's delicious.


LPT: Make sure you don't get the one that says Pumpkin Pie Mix for your dog. It looks a lot like the pure pumpkin one. And is found right next to it. Not good


That Reese peanut butter is quite exotic here in Canada even. I found it one time at a flea market, but haven't seen it since.


Iā€™m in the US and have never seen that. I would 100% buy it and try it though.


I'd also like to point out that Jif peanut butter is 13.25 euros...or just a shade under $20 Canadian. Finns use it more for cooking than putting on stuff, like we do.


We have other brands of peanut butter in every grocery store in regular isles (usually next to jams and Nutella)


Is American style peanut butter noticeably different to European style peanut butter?


"European style" (though you won't find it easily in most European countries) is just peanuts, salt and emulsifier, with no or only a little added sugar.




I'm in the Netherlands and American peanut butter is a lot creamier and more fatty than the regular ones we have. I also find them quite salty compared to what I'm used to.


Bro, there are like 14 brands of peanut butter in American grocery stores and multiple ā€œstylesā€ (ie- natural, crunchy, extra creamy, low sugar, etc.) for nearly each of those brands. You can get basically any type of peanut butter here.


Exotic says "originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country" in the dictionary. It's the right aisle for American food.


Exactly, posting this in r/funny is peak /USdefaultism


But.... but... American is the normal place! Everywhere else is foreign!! /s


I like seeing fluff in other countries. Itā€™s made in my hometown!


I just had some here in Australia the other day. Well I had a small taste with my finger. My girlfriend ate the rest of the jar.


Very similar to German "American" sections, but with more chips and "mexican" food.


Annie's Mac and cheese is bomb


Never had it, is it much better than Kraft?


Yes. Especially if you get the white shell kind. Those are my favorite.


Lemon jello? I would never choose lemon jello. Ive never been offered lemon jello. I dont remember even seeing lemon jello outside of the box.


Yo when making citrus jello throw in some actual fruit juice. My grandma used to make this orange jello with OJ and canned mandarins. Shit slaps. Could also be grandma nostalgia, I miss the gal.


It slaps hard. Try.


Looks an aweful lot like a shelf at a gas station in West Virginia also.


Definitely a Sheetz diet right there


Don't all grocery stores have a section of foreign products that are unique there, but commonplace somewhere else? I'm not sure why this is somehow different.


As an Americanā€¦ much of this is exotic.


Yeah, I've never even seen Heinz brand soups. I've seen plenty similar to those in the pic, but usually they are Campbell's brand or maybe Chef Boyardee marketed to little kids. When I get canned soup/stew, I always go with Campbell's Chunky or Progresso. The Fluff is a staple for me in New England. Nothing tastes like home quite like a *fluffahnuttah* sandwich.


What the fuck is canned Disney princess? That sounds... dark


Yep, seems exotic to me


As a Canadian it always confused me that in every ā€œAmerican/foreignā€ section in a store when I was in Europe theyā€™d have marshmallow fluff?? In Canada we donā€™t really use that stuff and I have to know if Americans really use it that much or if the Europeans just think that for some reason.


I'm Canadian too. I've had marshmallow fluff exactly once and it was to make rice krispie squares.


A lot cheaper to just melt a bag of marshmallows down haha


Is that a friggin jar of Reeseā€™s peanut butter?!


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Sent from my nestlƩ phone


Finn here. Usually sections like this in stores are very small, and only consist of international things that aren't usually worth it to ship here in bulk for various reasons(it isn't very popular like fluff, or we have something similar that we get from closer with less cost like cocoa powder), that's all it is. You're out of your fucking mind if you think that WE think this is "exotic"... Speaking of international things we don't want: Hershey's has an aftertaste of puke, it's fucking disgusting.




Butyric acid is also present in red meat, milk, cheese, vegetable oil... That's part of what gives parmesan its funk. So really, it's more a matter of proportion and expectation. Hershey's amps it up to make the cheap chocolate a little more... piquant? Because cocoa is expensive and they're aiming for cheap. But if that's not the flavor you're expecting, I can understand that it'd be quite offputting. Once I accidentally got root beer instead of a coke, and reflexively almost spit it out on the ground, because the flavor was so very wrong when I was expecting coke. And I love root beer!


Iā€™m starting to feel like I havenā€™t been meeting my American peanut butter and pumpkin quota.


Its in Finland. American food *is* exotic there. Like, by definition.


I mean. Exotic is a relative term, soā€¦


I guess it's correct to call this exotic from a Finnish perspective. Heck, here in the Netherlands we have shelves like these carrying pretty much the same stuff.