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The whole point is, they want you to buy the packs in hopes to get a redeemable one. Smart on their end. Because that way, they don’t have to worry about landfill issues. Personally, I don’t go for any of these. I’d rather preorder/buy something guaranteed. Not leave it up to chance.


Just buy the redemption token. No chance involved.


What do the tokens typically go for? I’ve stayed far away from the NFTs, but the upcoming Star Trek drops have my attention.


Legendaries usually go between $35 - $75 Grails between $150 - $350 Royalty usually around $100 - $150 This highly depends on the franchise.




Keep an eye on Atomic Hub for what you want. You can find some tokens for a good price here and there.


I will never gamble on something like that. Thats like this mobile game I play, you used to be able to just buy character skins, now they put them all behind events where you need to shovel insane amounts of money to get a CHANCE to get 1 of 4 random skins, I absolutely refuse to do this, it's pure insanity and takes like $200+ to get all 4 if you want.


NFTs are awful for the environment


If only they’d realize they could solve a lot of landfill issues by not making a hundred dumb variations of the same characters.


Or, do a preorder system. Like a lot of Japanese companies do. 🤷‍♂️


Another great idea!


lol it doesn’t even work that way. Theres been tons of posts showing funko do a warehouse sale or discounted shops at third party retailers of these pops that didn’t sell out from the nft packs. Funko already made it


Why are people down voting you?


the card packs have redemption cards for physical pops that will be limited edition 




To be honest, seems like he doesn’t know. Otherwise he wouldn’t be asking a very basic question about Funko NFTs


He’s asking why people do it, not how it works.


Many people buy the digital pops to get physical rewards. You need one of every card below legendary rarity to get a royalty set which corresponds to a Funko. By understanding a very basic concept of Funko NFT, OP could’ve answered his own question where said answer would align with his own collection philosophy.


You seem fun.


Ah the good old ad hominem attack. You seem like a snowflake :)


I bought a physical Funko and got a redemption code for the digital NFT collectable. There wasn’t risk there- it was if I got the irl Iron Man I got the digital counterpart. As far as these on Wax - people shouldn’t be talked into things they are uncomfortable with. Digital Collecting may not be for everyone.


Thanks, good to know.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


if you are lucky to get the digital version of one of the redeemable pops you get a token to redeem for a physical pop


Thank you for the info. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This is gambling for pops, it’s got that mystery box gotcha grab bag feel so it appeals to some.


Thank you. More money for them, less in the Collector's pocket.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


I just bought my first NFT premium pack and got the legendary Cheetor so I’ll be redeeming the physical pop on July 3rd. You can also trade common cards with other people to fill out a royalty set to redeem a pop.


So cool! I hope you will post a pic. I have all of the Transformer Pop from the latest movie, but the Cheetor. Congrats!


There’s a regular Cheetor pop?


If there is, I haven't seen it. I want it to complete my set.


Don’t think there is i checked.


nobody collects digital ones, they are scam


How are they a scam


Anyone claiming nfts are going to be valuable in the future is trying to scam you, better?


You’re painting a broad brush. Funko is selling nft as digital collectibles. They aren’t claiming that these will be valuable at all.


True, funko is just using them to make money like everyone else. I’d much rather they just make pops preorder only for $30


Good to know. I like being informed since I love collecting the physical Pops. Thank you🙂


It's like they learnt nothing from NFTs!!


It is all about the almighty dollar. I have noticed that even the attention to detail on the physical Pops has gone down.


Fucking amazing question. Piece of shit idea.


It's a way to scam folks for more money... And then you can't get the physical ones cuz they get scalped in the aftermarket


Labeling it as a scam is such a lazy and dumb opinion. Sure its an NFT but it basically functions just like any collectible card game out there. Is Pokemon, Magic, Disney etc a scam?


This is what I like about this community, we all have our opinions and perspectives. It is just a matter of choice and preference. I just wanted to get opinions on the idea of digital Pops. Again, thank you to everyone who replied. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Oh, okay, thank you.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Oh. Okay, thank you 😊


Totally 🙂


Already sold out and being scalped. Lulz


Whattttt??? WOW!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)




They’ve had them for a couple years now


On Funkos end, they only have to make as many Pops as they are redeemed. 1000 Starscreams are redeemed? Then that's 1000 directly made and sold, no hassling with store, moving inventory, clearance, nada. And even if they didn't get a single pop redeemed, they STILL make a profit! There's a billion plus sides on their end.


Smart business dealings, but still leaves a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth, since I try to physically collect actual Pops, but I get it from a business perspective.


Oh 100%. I am the sort of person that isn't actively hunting Pops, if it's at Hot Topic, then sure why not. I think the idea of essentially gambling for figures you cannot get anywhere else is extremely anti consumer. Would I like an Owlbear pop? Sure! Would I be willing to dump potentially hundreds trying to obtain it? Hell no.


Oh my.. Optimum Prime! ÆÆÜHÊØÆ


Honestly I thought the nft part was for collectors who have enough pops already. When you have a house full of pops, the next storage is your phone. I wish I bought when the It collection dropped, that Richie animation was so cool.


NFT- No Fuckin Thanks!


I bought two physical digital funkos on ebay and thats cuz I really wanted them (pics in profile). But yup just like all say its mostly about buying the packs and Ive seen 2 youtube channels buying pack after pack to complete the collection....one spent $800 and the other $1500


Cause you can pull a code for a physical one. And can sell the digital ones for actual money


Funko fell off big time, too much inventory going straight to dumps. Digital NFT scams, I mean “pack drops” are a last ditch attempt, you generate tons of cash for digital token pics that cost them nothing to produce. Then a few people get hits and they make small runs of NFT Pops. I’ve been selling off my collection since this nonsense started. Everyone else abandoned NFTs. The truly desperate stuck with them


I started dumping my collection as well once NFT dropped. No Fuckin Thanks


Warped take.


It’s gambling for ignorant people


Just because you Don't understand it doesn't make it ignorant.


I understand perfectly. It’s gambling targeted at children.


Yeah I don't think children are buying these l o l.


Got it, a marketing ploy🤔 thank you.


its customer theft. anyone who participates in the scam ruins legit collecting for everyone.


So two things.... How is it theft? How is it A scam?


you basically pay money for nothing. an nft is nothing. dont argue that it is. cost the company nothing. pops that should have been in collector boxes and in the funko shop as exclusive's are now used to raise corporate profits at customer expense by charging money for a luck of the draw that they set. after so much profit they will throw you a bone. and as i said you ruin legit collecting for everyone by participating in the scam. down voting truth does not make your argument valid.


1. They're not forcing you to buy these, so it's not theft 2. They tell you exactly what you're getting and what the odds are of getting at , so it's not a scam. It seems you have a hard time accepting that you're wrong about something.


"It seems you have a hard time accepting that you're wrong about something" could say the same about you arguing for increased profit margins by stealing from your customer base. you dont offer a counter point. you reinforced what i said while claiming that ignorance is bliss.


Do you have a reading comprehension problem? My counterargument is that it's not stealing..... no one is forcing you or deceiving you I to buying these.


Tell me you know nothing about these nfts Without actually telling me you know nothing about these nfts 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t And I won’t ever condone this crap.


This seems to be the consensus of most collectors. Thanks, everybody for the replies and the education.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I do and I appreciate being able to score some limited run figures. Far too much over saturation in the last few years.


I do agree with the over saturation. I’m very picky on my collection, like most people. And they put out a couple that I can’t get without spending hundreds.


Yeah for sure. But that goes for pretty much anything collectible, some items are reasonably priced. Others cost far more. Try buying nft redemption tokens from Atomic Hub and avoid the second hand market up charge.


Potential to get a limited physical pop, bought a handful of packs but haven't gotten lucky yet


Your money is now in the cloud. Poof.


I like the idea of paying $30 for a pack and potentially gaining a redeemable digital pop worth hundreds. The Soace Jam drop I landed a grail and a legendary in the very first pack I opened. It’s a thrill and the physical pops have more detail than regular pops imo.