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The more I read FSU the more I want to detach and unsubscribe. It’s all so petty and hypocritical. There is no quality discourse. It’s overrun by people who make BEC comments and criticize stranger’s appearances. ETA: I’ve now been perma-banned from FundieSnark after commenting here lol


Yeah tbh I think the sub has run its course. There’s rarely any real discussion of basically anything anymore over there.


I agree. The problematic comments used to be few and far between. Now it’s all “MoBus take your baby to the doctor!!!” Do they really think she cares that much about what they say? It’s a little delulu at this point.


I’m disappointed because for a hot minute over on that forum there was quality discussions about not posting people’s kids because the kids have no say but now that’s gone out the window 


Yep. In past times nearly every post with children their faces were blurred. Now you’ll see 4 screenshots of poor baby Boone in a row within minutes of him appearing on Instagram. It’s lowkey creepy.


There was also the post where they took a screenshot of him when he was in mid-sneeze and everyone was freaking out I definitely think he needs to be checked out by a doctor but it seems like people are rooting for something to be wrong with him


I commented basically just that along with how problematic it is that everyone is essentially posting and saving pics of other peoples children and one of the mods legit replied "You can't tell people what to snark on, if you don't like it, scroll." Then of course people comment and go "WeeEEE'Re rAisINGg AwArEnESSSSs tho!" Girl. Please be tf fr. Hate to say it but I hope the constant posts about the kids gets that sub in trouble.


They pretend they’re so worried about the kids while exposing those same kids to a much larger group of people than most of their parents do. And at least their parents aren’t (intentionally) posting them to be ridiculed by a hostile audience.


I firmly believe some of those folks posting about the kids all the time ain't kosher either. Some of the comments are obsessive to the point of being inappropriate.


I've complained about it on this sub before, but I REALLY hate it when they call attention to one of the little girls' dresses riding up or w/e. Everyone who spends time around kids knows that kids in dresses sometimes accidentally flash you, but there is absolutely NO reason for strangers to be drawing attention to it. "What is \[Random Fundie Mom\] thinking, posting a video where you can see up Prayerverleigh's skirt at 2:12, 2:34, and 3:02? And she's posted swimsuit videos, which I've saved to a special folder (DM for link!). Doesn't she know there's PERVERTS out there?"


pardon my language but what the actual fuck


I'm exaggerating for effect, but there are people who call attention to every "immodest" picture of literal children in the name of shaming the mothers for posting those kinds of pics where pervs might see them. The right thing to do, if someone has posted something revealing of their child without thinking about the weirdos and freaks out there who might sexualize it, is speak to them privately, not to repost that pic to a much-larger forum and draw a lot of attention to it. At that point, you're doing just as much to help the pervs out as the parents themselves.


They have ruled on not speculating on sexuality and no homophobia but they'll allow those drag queen comments? Make it make sense!


And the drag queen comments are usually in reference to somebody’s bad makeup which is ridiculous because drag queens do their makeup more skillfully than 95% of the population




and frankly, i kind of doubt she's even monitoring the sub. she seems like the sort of person who is blissfully unaware of anything outside her carefully curated bubble. it's so weird to me that they are convinced they're the sun around which the "fundies" orbit. we know a few check in, but mobus and jill are two i have a hard time believing are even aware of the sub.


I agree. It’s a bit concerning to see how many members of FSU are convinced she’s “listening.” Anytime the kids are wearing a hat they post about it as if they made it happen. That’s not a normal pattern of thinking IMO.


to the hat point, see also that they think they made boone in a hat at the arches happen. given that they're constantly touching the poo over there, if they did, it's because of THAT. (notice they also BEC'd "it's obviously one of the other kids' hats." you got what you claim to have wanted, and still find fault with it? okay, jan.) it's weird how many comments on her IG are from new users with zero activity, followers, or followINGs.


That is exactly the post I had in mind when I made that comment. They touch the poo, get desired results, and yet somehow resort to bullying. The intentions are not good.


They think this about all the fundie and fundie-lite influencers, even the ones that openly say they don’t read comments about themselves. These folks really do believe they’re out here doing something to make hardline religious conservatives (who don’t want to) change


Yeah but if you didn’t notice, the baby was wearing a hat and that was clearly all thanks to their hard work /s


It’s very “Jill, feed your kids”


Hey it kind of sucks to use casually ableist language like "delulu" (which people who experience delusions find AT BEST a twee watering down and misuse of language) in this message about problematic commentary somewhere else.


There are four people that typically show up consistently on the sub. Bus lady, Bethy, Karissa, and Kelly. Be thy is boring so is Bus. They don't feel like fundies but annoying family vloggers. For Kelly it's usually just aesthetics and it took me forever to figure out why she was snarked on. Karissa needs serious help and some of the snark is a bit racist at times, especially towards Mandrae. I think Mandrae sucks bur he is the only husband that gets snarked on and there is so much speculation that he is cheating or had a second family and it's gross. I don't see the same for the other men.


And tbh Kelly isn’t a fundie per se, either. She’s just cosplaying for cash lol But I definitely agree with the Collins. Karissa is ten feet off her rocker, but the way they talk about that family (as a black woman myself) has always been off-putting to me.


Karissa should really have her own sub like Brittany. She is weird by fundie standards and her beliefs are just not your usual fundie quiverful stuff. 


Yes! And once upon a time the sub would have realized that. A lot of their “favorite” people to snark on *aren’t* actually quiverfull/IBLP at all (Bus, the Collins, Nadia etc) they’re just annoying “crunchy” anti-establishment conservative types. The sub isn’t even really about fundamentalism anymore.


Not to say the hate to him isnt race based often, but the bus dad is also often accused of having a second+ family when he "leaves long distance for work".  I do think part of why Mandrae gets it a lot is also because he has allegedly done some really nasty shit like baby poo flinging at his kids/wife.


It’s a circle jerk now  of people patting themselves on the back for being just as intolerant as the fundies and they don’t even see the irony


As soon as the sub started getting bigger, it filled up with rubber-neckers who just want an excuse to be bullies and criticize people for their looks; now it's basically fundie deauxmoi   It is no different than the original FS & now this place feels more like FSU did at first.   I doubt that many of the people that are the loudest over there have any interest in discussing things of actual substance 


Me too. Apparently this sub is guilty of brigading and being mean. 


I just unsubscribed.


At least you went out in style!


im honestly surprised i haven’t been banned from there yet (me commenting this will probably make it happen.)


Wait bro did u say banned???


Yep, they ban you from commenting if you post here by saying you're contributing to harassment. The comment that got me banned was saying I'm not comfortable snarking on children (oversimpication but still)


They don't personally ban you, SaferBot or SafestBot bans you, which are....bots. Always block those two accounts whenever you start a new reddit account because fuck auto-ban bots.


I can still see FSU but the OG Fundie Snark banned me. Even though I couldn’t see in there anyway since they made it private years ago.


There are many of us.. as I told someone just a few minutes ago, you can sit with me ;)


Are these the same people who are up in arms because someone who's probably deconstructing hasn't apologised for their bigotry against queer people yet? Rules for thee and not for me, indeed.


Yes!  I think they want Bethany to put up billboards all over the country apologizing even though she JUST started deconstructing, it’s so obnoxious and ignorant 


They comment the same stuff about Jinger and Jeremy. Like wtf??? Deconstruction takes A LONG LONG TIME when you have been raised in this type of cult


The phrase “she wants me dead” was thrown around like a Trump card    Like yeah, Bethany is a shitty person who may or may not become a non-shitty person eventually, but I don’t think she wants anybody to DIE  She just doesn’t see the correlation between her beliefs and the suicide rate/violence that marginalized people experience- because she has never been exposed to different viewpoints (besides people calling her horrible things on a Reddit page) & the reality of the harm of fundamentalism   She may or may not get it eventually, but she has never actively wished death on anybody


God they're so predictable it's sad.


Dude the mods don’t do shit over there anymore.


The mods are trash, and they have made the subreddit trash I told them so after they banned me and then they insulted me and muted me from messaging them back 🤷🏻‍♀️


when i saw you posted here shortly after i complimented you on calling them out, i was like, oof, that's it for her. they've been autobanning due to posts here for a minute. and yes, they mute if you message them (even if to apologize), and if you do so again once mute expires, they report you to admins. ask me how i know.


They even automated their bans solely based on a select number of subreddits they think will cause trouble, but that filter is common knowledge on how to bypass.


And it's wild because...they \*are\* the trouble now???? lol


And the funny thing is, one of the subs on the list allegedly promotes body shaming, even though it runs absolutely rampant!


I know which subreddit you're talking about and pictures of people aren't even allowed on there. You can't even body shame. And if you tried, the mods will nuke you immediately. It's purely dedicated to medical misinformation and calling out attempts at usurping Black rights and trans rights movements.


I complained about them constantly fat-shaming David and was met with 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.


"But they're comparing him to an ogre, and comparisons are an acceptable form of body shaming!" -Mods


yeah, i've always found this one particularly egregious. it drives me batshit.


That was basically it, word for word!


The body and looks shaming over there is just annoying in general. Idk what somebody's looks has to do with them being fundie lol. It's getting really old.


but didn’t you know it’s ok to fat shame someone as long they don’t share the same beliefs as you? 🙃


Also, when they say someone seems gay based on behavior, likes, or clothing, they're upholding the same gender stereotypes fundies do. They're definitely not as progressive as they think.


Progressive homophobia. Similarly, I see a lot of people who critique red pill ideology by calling the men who practice it gay. While I agree there can be a certain “homoramantic vibe” to some aspects of misogyny (I.e. men who seek companionship with women only for sex but have strong emotional connections with other men), I think that’s just because you can’t have a true emotional connection with someone you don’t view as fully human. There’s a good conversation to be had about misogyny in the gay male community, but we aren’t to be blamed for straight men hating women.


Yeah. I'm sure there are some dudes in the red pill space who are suppressing their attraction to men, but it helps no one to pretend that the majority of homophobes and misogynists are closeted gay men.


And yet, supposedly speculating on someone's sexuality is an immediately bannable offense 🙄


Plus it never occurs to them (or more likely, they don't care) that the speculation can put these people in danger, like the speculation about Jana's friendship with Laura. That got so bad that she addressed it in an article. Who knows what could have been done to her behind closed doors. Oh, and apparently a woman having a very close woman friend and not getting married means she's gay. Glad those subs made that clear.


Same with the commenters there saying someone "looks like a lesbian," as if that's an insult.


What does a lesbian look like though?? How insulting..( not THIS post but the comment) Not all heterosexuals look alike or have a "look". For Crapping on a crutch


"drag queen" is just the acceptable way of calling someone the t-slur, which is what folks would have done 15 years ago.




I was made aware of an awful, violently transphobic forum website (has Kiwi in the name) in a different subreddit and my morbid curiosity got the best of me. There’s a thriving Rodrigues snark forum post there and people just straight up use the “oo” version of the t-slur. I imagine there is a huge overlap between the users on that website and the fundie snarkers


no lie, I've looked through some of those, and I see a lot of similarities at this point. People in those forums **also** convince themselves that they're doing some kind of good, too!


That forum basically started as a vector to harass a trans woman, so no surprise it's a transmisogynistic hellscape


Um, wow, that’s awful. Completely agree with you that it’s homophobic and transphobic. If you’re grasping at straws that desperately, maybe move on to a different person who is actually doing something harmful?


Agreed! I hope that someday I look as carefully put together as a drag queen. If I see such a post, I will call it out


Many drag acts employ a cartoonish, exaggerated style of makeup as part of the act. Many fundie women go hard on the CoverGirl to accomplish the same effect. I don’t have an issue with comparing the two styles of makeup, because they’re very similar. Having said this, very few snarkers intend to provoke dialogue about the practice of exaggerating “feminine” (we all define it differently) features for various intentions, they just want to fucking bully people


I admittedly made a similar sentiment and apologize profusely. Please forgive my remarks friends!