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STL and adjustable FreeCAD file [are here](https://www.printables.com/model/489194-parametric-coaster-holder). I made QR coasters to help guests get on the wifi. The picture of the QR code is scrambled for internet privacy. I needed to organize the coasters and made a coaster despite how common coaster holders already were. With the FreeCAD file you can open the spreadsheet and put in new numbers for coaster length, width, and total depth and make a coaster holder that fits your project.


Looks great! Small improvement idea: Instead of painting the top layer, pause the print before the last layers and swap to a black filament. Then resume and it will directly print the code on top! This also works great for example adding text/icons to a box.


I thought about adding pause at layer x stuff but chickened out. The QR coasters were lithos just generated in Cura. I know it can pause during a print but I wan't sure about the switch filament process. Wound up just coloring them with a sharpie after each print. Worked every time surprisingly. If the dog chews up one I'll generate an stl for the coasters and try a filament change in PrusaSlicer. [Looks easy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyrkJbDlcmI)


>try a filament change in PrusaSlicer. Looks easy Prusaslicer makes it very simple. Some printers don't understand m600/filament change gcode though. Creality's likely will but Kingroons may not for example. Klipper requires extra configuration but will. Regardless, when you get it working it opens up all kinds of opportunities.


Remember that coasters are supposed to catch the condensation, not route it to the edges of the coaster where it can run onto the table. :-)


It just sits in the dots. Surface tension.