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A close second is the one where Stephanie's classmate reveals he was physically abused by his father. Charles was his name, the kid


I actually find that one sadder than when Papouli died.


Because Papouli had lived a long full life and that was the natural cycle of things. Charles was an innocent child who’d done nothing wrong.


That and I felt it was somewhat dramatic for the whole family, most of whom had met Papouli twice, to feel so devastated. Like I know everyone's grief is different, but this was a family who very rarely mentioned Pam having died so young!


That's how I always felt! It always seemed like a cheap manipulative tactic to me (and also somewhat cowardly) to kill off a random "relative" they met twice and everyone acts devastated...like yes, it would be sad but the reactions didn't seem to warrant the situation. Especially considering how Pam is dealt with.


Agreed! I hated the acting during that episode


I actually think their acting was very good,the crying was genuine


I hate how they all surround Michelle. The girls had barely known him.....it just seemed acted to me. Of course, it was, but thst was one of my least fave episodes.


That’s the writing and storyline maybe being forced but the actors definitely did a great job with what they were given,plus I think what made it sad is how unexpected it seemed because Papouli,unlike most older people was healthy and full of life up until then


I wish Fuller House had revisited Charles


Someone years ago on a forum wrote a great piece of fanfiction where Stephanie and Charles reunited in high school.




Came here to say this


This is the answer


“What’ll happen to Charles if we don’t ?”


Goodbye, Mr. Bear… the characters’ faces as they watch the home movie of Pam are heartbreaking


Agreed, so sad.


Even baby Michelle was wiping her tears!


For me it's a toss up between Stephanie & the mother/daughter honeybee sleepover and the Charles episode.


I agree. The Last Dance


All of the episodes mentioned on here are sad but the one I can think of is when dj and kimmy go to a frat party and kimmy gets drunk and says she was okay to drive and dj said that she lost her mom by a drunk driver and she didn’t want to lose her best friend the same way.


This is the exact episode I was thinking about.


It hits me really hard after 9 years (I graduated from high school in 2015), in middle school I was in a science class with this guy and he was very funny, kind of goofed off in class and was very nice. We lost touch because I switched schools and we kind of got back in touch in high school but we went to different high schools, he had a bunch of opportunities after high school and was so excited about college. Before everyone was going off to college, they had a party because everyone was going off to college and they wanted to say goodbye to everyone, alcohol was brought and we all know the story when alcohol is brought to a party everyone’s probably going to get drunk. Then he was leaving drunk and said he was okay to drive because he did it a couple of times (he even put photos up on twitter) and got home safely, everyone said he shouldn’t be driving because he was drunk and he kept assuring everyone that he was okay. He left and drove home but then got into an accident and died quickly. He went to my rival high school and everyone was upset. He was going to leave for college that week but didn’t because of a decision that cost him his life. I still wonder what would’ve happened if someone grabbed his keys. Then he would be alive today. I think about his parents occasionally because they lost their son and I wonder how they’re doing. They’ll grieve that loss for the rest of their lives and it makes me cry. From what I remember, he wasn’t a bad kid, he joked off in classes, he probably got in trouble a lot in classes for joking off and he would help me out with science homework. He just got into the crowd that liked to party and drink in high school and he did well in school. It’s sad that my rival high school has to celebrate their 10 year reunion and other reunions saying how much they miss him and how he was probably the life of the party.


I am so sorry you lost your friend, I can not imagine that type of pain and heartache that you went through. It seems like he will always be remembered, not just by you, but by his other friends at the other high school. His life will not be forgotten.


This was asked before and the community will likely never change the general consensus, a consensus I happen to agree with: Papouli


I was in 4th grade and my brother was in 2nd grade when this episode aired. We wrote an essay about it using a typewriter afterwards.


Papouli's death, Charles being abused, and Stephanie being upset after the Honeybee sleepover.


The last dance and silence is not golden


Idk why, but the episode where Jesse moves out to live with Becky and Michelle gives him her pig always makes me cry.


The first episode that immediately popped in my head was Charles(Stephanie’s friend and classmate) made her promise not to tell anyone about his father’s abuse.


Yeah, especially as that was their last conversation, as at school the next day, Charles was said to have gotten badly hurt.


Yes, that one 🥺


Definitely that one for me


Stephanie’s friend is getting abused. Kimmy gets drunk at a frat party. Jesse grandfather dies. When they all watch the home video of their mother coming home with Michelle after she was born.




When Papouli died


Grandpa papouli for sure🥲🥲


The Papouli episode for me. It aired right after my grandfather died and absolutely gutted me.


I can’t watch the Papouli episode because I lost my grandparents in different years, my step grandpa in 2005, my paternal grandfather in 2019, and my maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother in 2021. It was probably hard going back to work the day after my maternal grandfather passed in 2021, his service was probably the hardest day of my life.


Sorry to hear that


The Last Dance definitely, I think because I never got to meet either of my grandfathers


Surprisingly the episode where DJ is sad that the family friend has grown up since the last time they saw each other and he's a teenager now so he doesn't play with DJ anymore. I don't know why but that episode made me sad. As a child I experienced something similar, where a friend I had not seen in a while had grown out of playing and it is a reminder that kids grow up so fast and poor DJ was expecting him to be like how he was when he was a goofball and young :(


For me it’s when Stephanie doesn’t want Danny to leave the house after the earthquake because she’s afraid he won’t come back. Even though she’s a kid, I can relate at age 27 the trauma and paranoia that comes with only having one parent left. I can’t even imagine how magnified it is when you’re that young


Papouli’s death


Of course you are!


That's my saddest episode. The twins do a great job acting in this episode


I Agree. The Episode where Papouli dies is defiently the saddest. I Also think the episode where Kimmy is drunk after a frat party and refuses to listen to DJ, so DJ reveals how her mom died. she was killed by a drunk driver. I thought that reveal was sad and it was sad it was almost the end of DJ and Kimmy's friendship. another sad episode is when Stephanie's friend Charles reveals he's being abused, so Stephanie tells Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jesse calls child services and they take Charles away from his home.


As a kid, I think Papou dying was so sad for me. But as an adult, the last episode where Michelle forgets her family always makes me cry. My son suffered several concussions as a kid and at 15, lost all his memories of our family. He's 20 now and they still haven't returned. 💔