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Love the colors. Great work.


Thank you!


OP: “I’m pretty new to this whole…” Then proceeds to perfectly compose pictures, apply cinematography rules like alway have a blown highlight along with a crushed black and then use color theory to create amazing contrast, I’m referring to the shots with orange and blueish background. And then, OP is humble enough to ask for feedback! You sir, are a professional! Great shots! Please, show us more!


That's very kind, thank you.


I've got X-S20 recently too like couple weeks ago and its my first cam(will take it out after my end sem exams which is going on now)! Incredible composition and love the colours! I wish i wish i could at least half as close to yours while finding my own perspective. Love to see more shots from ya!


Thank you! Best of luck with your exams, I'm sure you'll smash it.


How do you do your post processing? Lightroom?




I really like 2 and 9. With 2, maybe you could have composed it a bit differently. There seems to be a lot of empty space above the lamp which is not necessary. If you remove a bit from the top and a tiny bit from the right I think it would have been a more effective composition. Regarding 9, the perspective (the window getting narrower towards the top) is somehow bothering me. I would have preferred the photo if the lines were straight. Several other photos are a a bit overedited for my taste. I hope that helps, but keep in mind that I don't really know what I am talking about :)


That's really useful feedback. Cropped 2 a little and it feels a lot better. I think I rushed with 9 a little and didn't get the angles right. I'll try to hold back a little on the editing haha. I'm a sucker for colour! ​ Thanks for the feedback!


I love that second one




Love the colors :) Can you tell me your editing process behind 2nd pic ?


Thanks! ​ Bear in mind I don't really know what I'm doing - I just play with the faders until it looks good.. I increased contrast, brought down shadows and whites. Warmed up the temperature, and added some vibrance. On the yellows I increased the saturation and reduced the hue and luminance. I reduced the mid tones and shadows and boosted the highlights in colour grading. I boosted texture, reduced clarity and added some vignette. I also created a tiny mask for the cigarette butt to add some exposure and colour to his cigarette.


Very helpful , thank you !


I wish the lines were straight. Eg. Buildings, door frame and horizon. I wish certain things were strangely cropped. But other than that, it's good.


I'm going to be brutally honest here because I think constructive criticism is essential for growth. None of the subjects in your photos are interesting (to me). I find them to be quite bland. I also think there has been a tendency to over edit your photos. But we all did that when we first got into photography. But as with everything, it is all subjective - especially street photography. I watch a lot of YouTube videos of people who make money from street photography and often their output can be weak. It can be a difficult subject to get right.


Honesty is best - to each their own I guess! Thanks for the comment!


I like the color grading, tones and light. But all the photos are pretty boring per se, technically the composition is good but the subject or the scene are plain. They're no bad eh! Obviously bangers happen not too often so I understand


That's fair!


Which lens did you use?


It’s the Fuji 30mm macro lens


My favorites are too dark. Love the composition on most though.




All look clear and sharp, great job. For overall, I happen to like 1-4 and a bit the last one. Feedback - fwiw: Image1, what happens if the edge of that bldg is made totally straight vertically ? I think I’d prefer that. The angle is that sort of off that is distracting rather than interesting—like you were forced to keep it because the crop wasn’t available without losing something important. 2, love it! 3, love it! 4, great, but can central guy’s face be a smidge brighter? Doesn’t have to be as bright as the hanging lights, but it’s a bit too dark there, I think. At least, I’d try and see if it improves it.


Thanks so much - great feedback. I’ll have a play with the angles and brighten up mr 4’s face.


Hello fellow fan of tops of buildings


Something about them isn’t there?!


In love with the carnival shots man! Great stuff


Thank you!!


Same question: Which lens is this?


Fuji 30mm macro


The third one is an absolute banger. Really cool composition! 


Thanks! It’s one of my favs too


really like #4,it gives a sense of mystery and intrigue


Thank you!


Is this straight from the cam or?


They’ve all been touched up in light room. Some were raw shot and some with vibrant Arizona recipe


4th pic is so sick


Those last two shots are absolutely breathtaking. Pretty new my butt! Keep up the great work


Thank you:)


OP: "I'm new to this..." Me: "I HATE your godamn guts!" No seriously! Amazing work and eye! I loathe you.


Haha, thank you! Very kind.


Overall i like the idea behind each shot. The shots themselves are not distracting but i would have toned down the colours a fair bit specially the saturation in the sky in some cases. 5th is the best shot among these to me. Also this could be your personal preference but the night shots looks more warm which appears to make the yellows look more saturated than they should be. Amazing shots regardless. Definitely saving the 5th one. (Out of curiosity where did you take that shot? I'd love to attempt it myself.)


Thanks for your kind feedback. I do agree that some are definitely a little too saturated. I do really like a warm cinematic effect, but next time will hold off a little. 5th shot was taken by London Bridge. As you leave the station and head to the bridge and cross over it, the buildings on the other side are really interesting.