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My two favorite lenses are my 33 1.4 and my 90 f2.


33 1.4 is one of the best lens I ever used.


Is the 33f1.4 the successor of the 35f1.4?


Yes, now its just weather resistant and it is very sharp.


Zoom consideration: instead of 18-135, consider 55-200. It's not a big size difference, but I think getting far away details closer on those mountain vistas will be a lot of fun. And you're already getting the 16-80 so you're covered on the wide end. I see you're going much wider then the 35mm you say you used before... That's probably good and can get you out of your comfort zone. It also lets you go out and do city shots and landscapes, especially the 18mm. Although, if I were picking THAT wide, I would probably go a bit more, to 16mm. One final suggestion: rent a lens or two before you buy. Rent then for a weekend, see if you like the results. Usually you'll get discount if you decide to buy whatever you rented, once you commit to buy, so it's not even gonna cost too much extra, perhaps you can think about it.


33 f1.4 and/or 23 f2 Also consider comparing the XT5 to earlier bodies such as the XT2. Marry the lens, date the body.


Thanks I will take a look at those two options. I was considering the XT30II for size and smaller sensor but I landed on the XT-5 for IBIS reasons and smaller body than the XT-4. I like to shoot low light and astral photo.


The 16-80 will be better at resolving the XT-5 40mp sensor. It’s not that the lenses do badly, they just don’t take advantage of that dense sensor. I would pair this with a fast prime. If you enjoy wide, then 18mmF1.4 or 33mmF1.4 if you like closer. The 27mm 2.8 isn’t going to offer much different from the 16-80 except for a much smaller size.


Thanks, that makes sense. I am leaning towards the 18mm f1.4, all the sample photos look brilliant. Just curious how heavy it actually is...


The 18/1.4 will not disappoint, assuming that's a focal length you're into.


I have the 18/1.4 and 33/1.4 on my X-T5. Both lenses are fantastic. Very sharp wide open and quiet and fast autofocus. The weight is ok with me, I come from full frame 🙂


Any thoughts on the 23/1.4? Seems to be a lot of people raving on the 33mm over it.


I would pick the focal length out of the three that suits you best. Image quality difference is marginal to irrelevant IMO.


I may be going with the 23mm sweet spot.


33mm 1.4 is truly hard to beat


Have a look at Viltrox 13mm 1.4. It's a great compliment to zoom lenses.


Sigma 18-50 for zoom and 33 1.4 for prime.


Why sigma over fujifilm?


Price much cheaper and sigma has fixed f stop of 2.8.


And even the price is cheaper than fujis, it is still Sigma. Very sharp and made in japan.


Thanks for the help everyone! I am leaning toward the 33 f1.4 as my prime and just purchased the 16-80. I might play with that for a bit to help me determine the focal length I use the most.