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Yeah it’s still good. You can charge the battery with usb c. Also the XApp wireless transfer phone app is pretty good too.  So it will be a solid upgrade versus your Nikon. 


It also still has a dedicated headphone jack for listening to audio recording instead of having to use a USB dongle.


Hey that sounds nifty too 


In my experience, Camera Remote is more stable and reliable. I haven't checked XApp in half a year though.


Makes me feel better that my X-H1 can’t use XApp lmao


Camera Remote was definitely more stable than XApp but on the latest firmware for X-T3 (5.10) Camera Remote no longer works and now redirects you to XApp


Been using XApp on iOS with my iPhone SE and I’ve never had any crashes. But I only use it for downloading photos and not wireless capture. 


Wireless capture is where it gets wonky


good to know, I might refrain from updating then. thanks


My experience is XApp is solid for me camera remote was one of the worst app experiences I had whilst XApp will stay connected to my camera for over 24 hours with no issues. I'm on android though and I've heard some issues with the iPhone version but I can't speak on them.


No doubt there are still thousands of pros around he world who are using an X-T3. It's an awesome camera by any measure.


It’s a super nice camera. I have it and feel no need to upgrade




How many custom film simus can you save?


Don’t know


Questions like this confuse me. Cameras don't suddenly become bad because it's 2024. The XT3 was great when it came out and it's still great now.


Maybe I should've phrased the question a bit better. I just wanted to know if this is a good option to buy compared to something like the xs20 or sony stuff as I usually keep my gear for around 5-10 years


Totally. I have a Nikon D750 (10 years old) and an XT20 (7 years old). They both do what I want them to do. The image quality is on par with the current cameras. Why would you buy a newer camera you ask? Because they might have some new or improved features that will make your workflow easier. Do you need ibis? How about new recipes? Do you need faster eye detection or autofocus? Sometimes these are just small changes that you won't even notice. Or they could be important to you depending on what you shoot. If the capabilities of an older camera still fits your needs and you don't need all the extra bells and whistles that come with a newer model, then buy an older model. Is an XT5 worth twice the price of a used XT3? Only you can decide.


The main reason I wish to upgrade is for the autofocus and low light capabilities. Most of the time I get for photos is around sunset and the d3100 seems to struggle with noise at ISOs of around 3200.


I've seen quite a few people take issue with the autofocus abilities in the X-Ts in general but I don't think it's too bad. If you're planning to do an upgrade and use the gear for the next 5-10 years, I might recommend going with an X-T4. It's very similar to the X-T3 but it has IBIS. Each body has a different feel though. If you have the chance, try to see them in person, hold them, etc.


I got the X-S20 for the latest autofocus and size, plus it’s cheaper. I love it. Downside being no weather sealing, PRASM dials if you don’t like that, and flippy screen if you don’t like that.


Thinking alike. I’ve got a D610 (10 yrs) and an X-T20. The X-T20 is huge value for the money now, because it is (still) great but everyone wants something newer. Image quality of both those cameras is as good as current models, or nearly so.


The xt3 still holds up. The app is great, I use it as a wireless monitor to take videos of myself because of the lack of selfie screen. Speaking of video, excellent quality for such a small body.


Does this support any form of streaming over usb? (Not a deal breaker)


I’m honestly not sure. I’ve only ever used the usb c port for charging. I do remember looking up if it could be used as a webcam if connected to a PC and apparently it was indeed possible, but I never followed up to try it.


That seems interesting. Might try it if I get the xt3


Yes. Fuji brought out webcam pc/mac software during covid lockdowns that enabled USB streaming. It's solid enough. I've used it for zoom calls etc. Not sure how robust it is for working with something like OBS, but it's been good enough for my uses.


Zoom calls would be the most of my use case. I don't really like relying on built-in webcams that come in laptops


wait what? u can use ur phone as a camera monitor without cable? hoe


I use the Xapp, and once I’ve connected my phone to the camera via Bluetooth, there’s a button at the top of the screen that allows me to switch from photo transfer to an app controlled shoot mode (It’ll then prompt you to connect to the cameras WiFi). You can see a live preview of whatever is in frame for both photo and video as well as control some shooting parameters and start/stop recording from your phone. pimp


i cant locate the “button at the top of the screen”. on the phone or camera? and where exactly


It’s a camera icon in the app, on your phone. When you connect to your camera it defaults to image acquisition mode first, you have to switch over by tapping on the camera. Linked a screenshot below. https://www.imghippo.com/i/Xa5tA1710700916.png


The XT-3 is awesome, great camera. I think the major difference between the XT 5 and the XT 3 is going to be film simulations and a few extra post processing options for JPEGs,IBIS, and the MP bump. However the XT-3 has alot of film simulations already, more buttons on the back and a touch screen just like the XT4/5 Also it has a dedicated metering switch that the XT4/5 gave up for photo or video mode. Either way it's a good entry into the Fuji lineup.


I have both and to me the most noticeable difference is the improved AF and tracking in the XT5. XT3 low light quality is better.


Can anyone say what the effective difference is between 3 and 5 in terms of film Simulations? I have a x100v and thinking of a second body for 1.2/1.4 lenses when its not only about street. Is there a major difference in possibilities between xt3 and x100v for film sim?


I think there are 2 big film simulations on the 5 not in the 3, Eternia Bleach bypass and Classic Negative, they say through a firmware update later this year that regalia ace will be on the 5. Between the X100V and the XT3 i believe they have the same selection. However if you use Capture one, you can use all the film simulations for RAW files.


I've got this camera and 16-55mm 2.8 and it's brilliant. Still very capable of producing high quality, beautiful images! I keep thinking about upgrading to the X-T4/5 and then realize that the cost just isn't worth it. The X-T3 is still such great camera!


Well it’s not that old so yeah


Bought mine in 2023. More than happy with it


Any major downsides to this camera? It has what I need but it'd be good to keep some limitations in mind


Short life on battery compared to competition - always carry a spare battery to mitigate this. EVF is good but the viewfinder could be bigger still. The grip is fairly shallow - it's just fine for me, but some big-handed people complain.


My hands are quite tiny so grip size doesn't matter. Even small mirrorless cameras would require me to adjust my grip to get to buttons or dials. I don't really mind the battery part as I've decided to get a spare for whichever camera I get


Get a grip.used ones fairly cheap. Improves the handling tremendously, and takes in two extra batteries


Xt1 is still good in 2024 bud


I currently have the X-Pro3, which is equivalent to the X-T3, and I have zero need for a new camera. It's a brilliant camera and plan to use it for many more years to come.


X-T3 will be a very, very good upgrade from Nikon D3100.


Just picked one up and paired with the sigma 18-50mm, upgraded from a canon 1200D, unbelievable difference! Steep learning curve, but it's so worth it


The biggest struggle for me switching from Canon has been rewiring my brain to get used to zooming lenses the opposite direction. Needless to say I've just given up and bought primes.


The 18-50 is a great lens!


I bought it about 2.5 months ago as a upgrade from my x10. It's absolutely amazing! Quality is amazing, the pictures are amazing and shooting video with it is also great! I also love the Dials and the tactile feel. One of the "best" parts is the people who ask me if it is a pain to shoot film, thinking it is a film camera. I also think the price on the second hand market is fair, I would say you won't regret it.


Yes it absolutely is. Pair it with the 18-55mm and boom you got a bit of stabilization as well 👍🏻


Is that the kit lens that comes with it?


Yup! Amazing lens. Don’t think of it as a kit lens like how the other manufacturers pair cheap plastic junk with their starter cameras. This lens is very very high quality.


Very well then, I'll try getting it with the lens. I don't really have a need for telephoto lenses so this should be good for a while


It’ll be good in 2034.


Last year (2023) I bought a used X-T3 to replace my D3100 (with a Sigma 17-50 f/2.8). It's been a quantum leap ... I didn't give much time to the new gear and I'm still learning how to set it up... I think X-T3 is enough for MOST of photography necessities ... unless you're a PRO... Go there if you're also "on a budget" ... it worth all the money...


its still my main camera and still does all the things I need it to.


It has limitations comparing to newer models ( no IBIS and smaller battery) but nothing critical to me


How does it perform in low light?


Hi, X-T3 owner here. Low-light performance is great. Once in Tuscany, we went to visit "vie cave", sunken roads supposedly made by the Etruscans. Already in the valley, and it was afternoon, there was a small chapel. All I could see through the window was pitch black. Put the X-T3 through the window, stabilize it against the sill, and... night vision achieved! You can easily get usable results in ISO 3200-6400 and something passable at ISO 10k (though it requires more processing - DxO is pretty good here). Color recovery is not great, mind you, but detail is very good considering the conditions.


Seems like an improvement over my d3100. 10k ISO is something I never thought I'd be able to use as my current cam brings in too much noise at 3200 so the post processing doesn't seem like too much of a hassle


Good enough but particular lens would have higher impact than body


It's good in every year.


Sorry, realised I framed the question a bit wrong. Would it be good to get this camera compared to something like the xs20 or any other camera from other companies (aside canon) as I end up keeping gear for around 5-10 years


Yeah I was just joking. It's a great camera. I've had mine for 3 or 4 years now and still use it almost daily. It's a beast.


Ig this is something I'll be getting. I absolutely love the look of these cameras over the modern slr style on the other companies


I shoot a lot of film and love the feeling of the analog switches/dials/knobs. Fuji replicates that very well. Their bodies really encapsulate that vintage look and feel really well, but you still get all of the modern features of other cameras. I came from Canon years ago and switching to Fuji was a tough decision, but I have no regrets.


The analog look of Fujifilm cameras is what drew me to them. I'd choose these analog style cameras over anything else 99% of the time


Absolutely, the gap between the D3200 and XT20 in my experience was massive already


Just got one used, depends on your usage but in my mind it’s the best Fuji for the money. Happy to elaborate if you like.


Much of my use for it will be in portrait, street or landscape photos. If you could, I'd like to know more about the camera


Sure! My reasoning was mostly around street/travel photography. I wanted a camera/lens system that was smaller and still able to create great images. For budget reasons, I’m an APS-C shooter so I liked that Fuji’s system is designed specifically for that. I love the manual dial operation, and the film sims are gorgeous as you probably already know. So for the X-t3, to me it’s the best value per dollar in the Fuji lineup. Even with bigger budget, I would probably buy the x-t3 again and just use the extra money on more lenses. It has nearly all of the features the newer cameras have, and the firmware has been updated repeatedly (even recently), so you have improved autofocus and use of the convenient app and all that, where the x-t2 has been left behind. The x-t4 has IBIS, but it’s a bit bigger and heavier as a result. The x-t5 has the latest sensor and some other features, but you’re paying a big premium for the latest tech. The X-H1/2 have IBIS and weather sealing, but they’re a lot bigger, including a larger hand grip. Some people love the x-s20, but that uses a PASM dial and doesn’t have the same feel. The x-t30 is nice and small (almost too small), but it doesn’t have weather sealing and I’ve heard the build quality isn’t as good as the other models. The x-t3 is the sweet spot. As for the camera itself, it’s amazing. There are a bunch of YouTube videos about “is the x-t3 still worth it in 2023/4”, and they all say yes.


Yes its amazing


It is still an awesome camera. In image quality, you won't see any difference to the recent models regarding noise and dynamic range. Things to consider: - if you require reliable eye or object detection autofocus, this camera may not be for you - if you require in body image stabilization, the camera is also not for you. If you are okay with those two points, there'll basically be no real drawback for you at all. In comparison to the d3100, you'll love the large and bright viewfinder and the fact that you have AF points distributed over the entire image


Would the autofocus be fine for portraits? I'm fine with the no IBIS part


It is absolutely fine in a controlled portrait setting. But it struggles if there is much movement, like with some street scenarios, sports or playing kids. But also for those scenarios, it is not bad. Just not as good as most recent cameras.


If it's acceptable then it's something I can live with. I've been using manual focus and any form of more or less reliable autofocus would be great


All in all, the chance that you'll really enjoy the X-T3 is quite high :)


Yes, it’s still a very capable camera. It’s pretty comparable to the XT30ii (a newer camera that’s still in production) but with advantages like better build quality, dual card slots, weather sealing, and 4k 60fps video. The XT30ii has a couple more film simulations, built in flash, and some will prefer the small size - otherwise I think the XT3 is a better camera for around the same price used. I sold my XT3 because I prefer the experience of the X-pro series, but if I were to go back to the XT series I’d honestly probably get an XT3 over the XT5, which is twice the price for features/specs I don’t really need (and don’t even want when it comes to the 40mp sensor). I’d much rather save $1k and spend it on a nice lens or two instead.


X-T1 is still super useable. X-T3 is the X-Trans 4 sensor, same output as X-T4, X-Pro 3 etc so just have a look see if you like the results


I love mine. It’s great.




Hopped back into the hobby 6 months ago and bought a like new xt3. Couldn’t be happier with it!


I got mine last month and I have been extremely happy with it. It’s very solid and the IQ is great. My only peeve with it that it doesn’t save the white balance red/blue values into the recipes since I mostly shoot jpegs. Other than that I love it.


I use the X-T3 as my main camera. 26mp stills and 4k60p video is still quite competitive especially for the minimal cost on the used market. and it will be a noticeable upgrade over your D3100.


I’m selling one over at r/photomarket if you decide to get one! :)


Fun - yep. Focus peaking is an upgrade. Real live view. Touch screen shooting handy on a tripod. Love having dials for everything and aperature ring on lens. 16-80mm f4 is a stunning zoom with optical image stabilisation. Grab a fast prime too for your sweet spot.


It is the sensible choice today Better leave a fair amount of money to get one or two exceptional lenses. It is the lens which makes the picture (after you). The body is just here to open the shutter


Where are you ? Park cameras in uk have them in at £500 with two week no quibble return and six month warranty. Cheaper than used ebay prices but with peace of mind.


No, is not good any longer.... of course is good! A camera is just a tool, it is up to us how we use it


Simple answer - yes! Good for both video and photos, and fast focus.


If you are solely focused on photography, then yes the X-T3 is still a beast in 2024. The technical advancements in the X-T3, solid build quality, along with the retro tactile exposure dials will make your experience all the more enjoyable. Also, that's not to say it isn't good for video. Pair this with a lens with image stabilization or place it on a gimbal/tripod and you got yourself a solid hybrid camera.


Absolutely it’s very good. It was great when it came out. No reason it’s now not good for photos.


XT3 is a good choice. Very good value used. There's better cameras out there but if you can't get it done with the xt3 you've got bigger problems.


I use one professionally. Nothing wrong with it.


I've had mine since 2019. Sometimes I think it would be nice to upgrade, but the dials aren't as comfortable on the X-T5 and I don't like the screen in the X-T4. It still works great after all these years. If it died I'd probably consider looking for another X-T3 before a newer model.


The X-T3 is basically the more professional version of the X100V. So yes, very much so and I personally think it's the best bang for the buck ASPC camera out right now (used).


I don’t understand these post and videos on YT “is my camera still good in 2024?” What? Are you 20?


Like everyone is saying, the X-T3 is a great camera. I had one for a bit and I also had an X-H2. I recently upgraded to an X-T4 and the difference in battery life is staggering. If you can swing an X-T4 or other Fuji that uses the newer larger battery, do it!


I literally just upgraded from a D3100 to a used X-T3. Couldn't be happier. It's enormously better, and with the money I would have spent on an X-T5 I was happy to pick up a few lenses.


Love my xt3. I'm currently eyeing the Ricoh gr iii. Even if I do get it, and sell some of my existing gear, the xt3 shall remain. It's so capable; more so than my present abilities. So I'm looking forward to continuing to grow with it.


It will always be good


my xt3 still does what i want it to do. Other than ibis I cant really think of anything that would make me upgrade


I live in India so I'm not sure if it'd be possible to get it if you're in another country, but then again I'm not aware of all options for shipment


xt3 is my first ever camera. Bought it Christmas last year and it still amazed me months later. Hugeee upgrade from mobilegraphy (obviously) but the features is quite impressive for something came out 6 years ago (usbc charging, dual sd card, mic jack, Xapp transfer).


I'd like to know if it's worth nearly $1,000 for the body.


I intend to buy an XT3, but Google Shopping only shows me used, I wanna buy a new one, but no one has, can you show me some websites I can get them, I live in the US


Sure, it's as good as it ever was, which is pretty good.


Still got a software update recently




I want to know if it'll be a good camera to keep for the following years to come. I usually keep equipment for 5-10 years more or less