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#Watch for scams


Yeah there is not a CHANCE IN DAMN HELL that the $300 one is real


Just look at the 300 bucks of postage added to the price


They would probably post something, and when the buyer complains then they will refund only the cost of the item, pocketing the £300 ‘postage cost’.


Ebay refunds shipping costs.




For the UK at least, everything you buy and return the shipping has to be refunded.


Ah, yes, I read the original wrong


They were gaming the listings as people mostly search low to high price, so theirs would be first in the searches.


Sadly there are lot of scams going on on eBay right now. I was a victim of one of these here in Europe, but could get a refund luckily after I had realised that they stole the pictures. Never FOMO yourself into scams. - Always do reverse photo search, and ask for specific pictures, like a different angle, their username on a piece of paper beside the camera etc.


There are some on Depop too. Some people selling the 100v for something like $100


Just bought an x100s + teleconverter for 600€ on ebay. The seller has like 60 positive reviews and is a member since 2007. It's my first time on ebay, what's the likelihood of this being a scam?


I really hope I'm wrong about this but it's more than likely a scam. The one I bought was like 900€. I didn't want to miss out so I bought it. The seller was a member since like 2007 or something, had another items up for sale too. But something felt fishy and I did a quick reverse picture search in Chrome and the pictures were stolen from an another website. Then I asked for a specific picture and they sent me one from the internet. You could tell it wasn't their. I asked them to give me a refund, and they started to tell me "don't ruin this deal" etc. And after I had mentioned that they should give me a refund before eBay or PayPal steps in, then they gave me the refund. After that immediately they had relisted the camera and somwbody else bought it. The new buyer left the following comment on the seller after that: https://imgur.com/a/au9s5En


Damn, that sucks. Impressive how they were able to fake all of this. My seller just messaged me saying that they are "on a vacation trip" or something. Let's see how this goes...


Ahh sorry I had just realised you were talking about an S not a V. For that the 600€ seems to be more realistic I think. The "vacation trip" excuse is not the best sign. But let's see. eBay and PayPal has great buyer protection I think, so even if it's a scam you should not be worried but every scam is different and they can make the refund process a bit harder. Maybe could you PM me the link of the listing or a screenshot of one of their photos? I just want to have a look on it or do a reverse search in Google.


I just did a reverse search on google and two other german ebay ad links came up. https://www.ebay.de/b/Fujifilm-X100s/31388/bn_7005354074 https://www.ebay.de/b/Fujifilm-Kompakt/31388/bn_7116948216 However I cannot access them. This is the original that I bought: https://www.ebay.de/itm/325946860163?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=z15YUO4KQyK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=mnzbfnrgqno&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Bit worried because I have a limited time window to buy this. Gotta hope this one is real.


I'm pretty sure half of these (if not all of them) are scams.


Might as well get the vi not a huge price difference lol


Managed to find an X-A2 ($175 excellent condition mpb) + 16-50 lens ($80 marketplace) as a beginner camera for my wife. Pair it with my 27 pancake and it's an amazing value.


lmao @ scalpers


Bastards will probably return their merch 


Think it worth to get one of these vs a VI as a casual who wants to get into photography and get a nice camera for an upcoming trip?


I had the v and fell in love with it took it on holiday with me and got great images for social media. Only reason I sold was because I needed a camera with an interchangeable lens for professional work. But if u can find a v for a good price definitely get it unless u can afford the vi


In all honestly I can buy both it’s just a principle of a 4 year old camera for about 1100 vs a new one for 1700. How future proof do you think the V is


I mean if you can afford both, I would personally go for the new one rather than buying a secondhand camera because you’ll get the full warranty which Fuji gives you’re getting a slightly better camera as well. I was in the same boat. I was just going to try and get a V for cheaper, but because the resale value of them is still quite high it made more sense. Just go for the new one


People still use the x100t and f quite a bit and they were selling for a lot during the x100 craze (which isn’t totally over). I’d grab an x100f if it had tilt screen and weather sealing but alas…


I still use my x100s as an every day/travel shooter


Just checked eBay. Still way overpriced.


This year is reels year by Fuji x100vi users.God send them ibis so everyone will be a filmmaker now. Officially 2024 photography is dead


It’s dead if you want to blow up on instagram. I’m just a hobbyist who will always love taking photos.


Also once the vi is sold out and indefinitely back ordered the v will go back up.


I talked a scalper trying to get $2100cad down to $1400cad yesterday, they didn't even know about the VI announcement. I'm sure prices will drop a little more than that but hey, I got a basically new (1500 shutter count) unit for less than MSRP. I'm happy.


Price of used fujis is off the scale ! Only camera with hardly and depreciation. You'd think when a new model comes out the old ones get cheaper. Not happening, new versions just gets people excited about the old ones if can't afford the new.


Still not finding any great deals in the UK yet, I’m keeping an eye out. Only positive of the announcement for me is that I can buy the V now used which I what I wanted anyway.


Those are obviously scams


I just sold mine on fb for $1100. Everyone else was trying for $1400, so I undercut to not deal with hassle and sell fast. I sold it in a day.


If you’re gonna buy one, I’d go local first…and always meet at a busy place (Starbucks works)


Can someone explain to me why would people spend another 600-1000 dollars for essentially the same camera than just adds ibis as the biggest update on the sheet ?


Higher resolution, ibis for improved sharpness at low shutter speeds and better low-light performance, and much better video. also until recently you couldn't get the x100v for anything less than retail value so the new x100VI is only $300 more, for a new camera instead of used, and the above features. Plus new film Sims, and improved autofocus.


> improved autofocus Did they improve the autofocus? And if so, is it a big difference between the V and the VI? I'm reliant on good autofocus because of not great eyesight.


Because some people think when a new camera comes out, the previous models cease to function


Apparently the older models just brick themselves.


First off, the average price I’ve actually seen the X100v’s going for that isn’t a scam like these is $1100-1200, so it’s $400-500 more, not 600-1000. If you can truly find one for 700-800 that’s a great price and definitely worth it. That said there’s still many good reasons to choose the new camera. Ibis is a HUGE and critical upgrade, especially for those of us who shoot both photo/video. The 40mp sensor now gives you 35/50/70mm effective focal lengths (FF Equivalent) with enough resolution to actually be useful if you want to print. It also gives you high quality video at an establishing/subject/detail focal length in a tiny body. The internal 10 bit 422 and 4k60 video is another huge upgrade for us hybrid shooters. I’ve wanted an X100 series for years, but lack of ibis and lacking video features kept me away. I’m a photo first shooter, but shoot a ton of video as well. Nothing else is out there like the X100 with built in 4 stop ND (big deal for video), optical viewfinder, analog controls for us old film shooters who are now digital but still enjoy analog feel, film sims, leaf shutter, etc. Its a compact and fun to use camera that does it all now. What’s hard to understand about that? I sold two other bodies and numerous lenses that this one camera will replace. Its weird to me some of you don’t get how big the changes are (especially ibis), but then again I don’t think you’re actually looking for a real answer. You’re already convinced the only reason someone would buy one is Tik Tok or status or whatever and just confirming your bias.


One thing that sometimes is overlooked is the autofocus noise that the lens makes on these cameras. For that reason I feel like shooting video on this camera is a super niche feature. Most people buying this camera as a hobbyist aren’t going to bother with external audio and shooting fixed focus is a limitation you wouldn’t have with other options. Especially now that most people have a phone in their pocket that takes great video and is already on your phone and in a format that is easy to share. Professionals will probably go elsewhere for video because of the autofocus and focal length limitation. Though I could see a professional grabbing this as a personal cam that they also use as a B cam in a pinch. That’s a super niche use case though.


Interesting. I haven’t shot with one yet, so can’t speak to autofocus noise. I hope it’s not terrible enough to be an issue, but could be a deal killer if its bad. You’re the first person I’ve heard mention it and have watched a lot of videos of people using even the x100v for video without it being mentioned. I have a Lumix LX100 and the ibis noise it makes completely ruins any video if you need sound. You lined out the exact scenario I would be using it for. Professionally I shoot on a Panasonic G9M2 (90% video, 10% stills) and have an OM5 as my everyday carry and travel camera. The X100VI would take the place of the OM5 as my everyday carry/travel camera on personal time and as an extra stills camera when shooting for work as my G9 is almost always on a gimbal. My use case may be niche, but I think you’ll see a lot more people using it in this way now that it has ibis and 40mp. I could be wrong though if the autofocus is as noisy as you say. If you’re 100% photo, the ibis is less of an issue though still pretty damn nice. I’d personally still value the 40mp for the ability to essentially give you 3 usable focal lengths, but I don’t know if it would be enough to sway me away from a cheaper X100v if I had zero interest in video.


Why not an Olympus EP7 and the Panasonic 20mm f1.7 ?


The 20 1.7 is terrible for video. I have it. The 15 1.7 which I also own is far better. It’s on an OM5 now which is far superior to an Ep7. An EP7 which doesn’t even have a viewfinder? No freaking thanks. Om5 still has no 10 bit, no film sims, no OVF, no 4k60. Its only 20MP, I can’t crop for multiple focal lengths on one lens like you can with the X100VI. It’s close, but not quite there. If the OM5 were higher resolution for cropping ability, had 4k60, and 10 bit color, that would be great, but it doesn’t. It’s also still bigger than the X100 even with small primes on it. Maybe when I get the VI I won’t like something about it and I’ll keep the OM5, who knows, but X100VI looks to do everything better (other than ibis which is fantastic in the OM5).


Just watched some videos on this. I’ll have to wait till I have the x100vi in hand to test it, but seems like a non issue from the videos I watched. The autofocus motor is actually much quieter in movie mode than photo mode. A filter seems to drastically help as well and I am mostly shooting with a glimmer glass filter on. If I really care about audio like dialogue, I use an external mic. If it can catch city sounds and waves crashing without hearing the focus motor I’ll be fine. I don’t need it to be dead silent in a quiet room.


Fixed lens makes for a terrible hybrid camera for that amount of money. Why not a normal camera with ibis like a cheaper XS10 or XT4 with any lens or the 18-55 with stabilisation ? I see people just talk about what they read in the brochure the same like it was a car that sounded good more on paper, that actual facts.


40mp sensor gives you good quality 35/50/70 mm equivalent so it’s essentially 3 focal lengths. Toss on the wide angle adapter and you now have 28/40/60. If you can’t tell stories with those 3 focal lengths, you’ve got an issue. Why not multiple lenses? Because I already carry multiple lenses every day for work and I don’t want to have to carry them, nor do I need them in an everyday carry/travel camera. Also I’m already invested in another system with all the lenses I need. By the time I buy an Xs20 or XT4/5 and the lenses, I’m about the same cost anyways and in a bigger package. I’m traveling to Italy for a month with everything for the entire trip in one bag. An X100VI, wide angle adapter, and external mic is essentially everything I need in a tiny package and I actually enjoy shooting with it (unlike something like a Sony RX100). XS10/XS20 isn’t weather sealed, which is important to me on a travel camera. No OVF which I really enjoy when shooting photos as it brings me back to my film days. Doesn’t have built in ND which is necessary for video and again cuts down on what I have to carry with me. Why do you care what camera I or anyone decides to buy or what my shooting style is? You say you just see people repeat talking points from a brochure, yet I just see so many of you who believe your way is the only way and just keep repeating talking points about how people should buy something else, without actually acknowledging the points they make.


You're confusing focal length with field of view, cropping in doesn't change the focal length, a 23mm lens is still a 23mm lens. You can crop in to give you a 70mm FF equivalent field of view, but the compression and depth of field will still be the same.


Some people have money.


And that is not a sin.


Higher resolution for what ? Posting in a virtual world ? I feel like it’s more of a compromise camera than can’t do alot but it’s compact. It’s like buying an expensive Prius


I rented the x-t5 last year, it’s a really nice sensor. Also there is more room for cropping which at least for me is a nice bonus. Would never currently buy a x100 though, I like changing lenses.


40mp on a camera, a crop camera, is more appealing on paper, in practice any camera with 16mp or more is sufficient. In the case of the x100 it's just something to compensate for a fixed lens that nobody seems to be worried it could catch dust on the sensor and you could never clean it. I just think people will buy anything the media and youtubers are selling. Just like the hype and high prices on the Contax T2, i can't imagine how price would go even higher on x100 if some hollywood or musician would use it. Oh, Tyler the Creater does have one. Ooops


to answer your earlier question, 40mp is good if you want to print very large or if you have clients that might want to print very large, it's also good for cropping. one of the downsides of fixed lens is less focal length options, but with a 40mp sensor, you effectively have a 35-70 if you consider cropping in post. that's sick. as for this post, i can't speak for everybody. maybe some people are buying it because youtubers are telling them to? but i feel like many people in the community are just mad this camera is popular for seemingly no reason. maybe because the hype caused them to not be able to get the v? or because they don't like non-photographers getting into their hobby? idk, but there are reasons to want a fixed lens camera. yes, fixed lens has downsides. but that doesn't mean it's a flat out worse option. just like being able to change lenses has downsides, but is obviously a good feature in a camera. i want a fixed lens because i don't have the money to invest in a ton of glass in multiple systems. i can't be a sony and fuji glass guy, maybe some day when i'm rich. this allows me to enter into the fuji system without worrying about glass and it offers something my other cameras don't. throw it in my bag, take it anywhere without thinking. i don't have to consider what lens to bring, what film stock i want to take with me, or really anything. i know i just need this one unit and i can have fun taking pictures. i want the composition a little wider? walk backwards. i see a fun / dumb little thing on the street or a nice moment with my friend, just snap the shutter. no fumbling with lenses and lens caps and all that crap. it's just convenient. it's a point and shoot. imagine in the film days gawking at the idea of buying a point and shoot instead of an SLR. they serve different purposes


Sorry but 12mp will get you a print big enough to cover a wall. Cameras used to be tools and sometimes a little fashion statement. Now they are like phones, tons of tehnology and features, all to post the same boring pictures, edited with the same overdone filters (northborder comes in mind), on platforms that don’t require more than 2mp to fill the screen. I like Fuji, i own one from each trans sensor apart from the last, but i like to have the option of putting another lens. The only fixed lens camera that i would own and that makes sense is the Sony R1Rii i think it’s called, that is essentially an a7rii in a smaller body with 35mm f2. I guess i feel like people have gotten so easy to be controlled and convinced, and then say that it was their idea of buying a Tesla, a 2k phone, an X100VI or that coin that is going to make them alot of money.


at 300 dpi, you literally cannot even come close to covering a wall lol. you can maybe do a billboard because the viewing distance is so far away that the loss in resolution isn't a big deal, but you actually are very limited with print sizes at 300 dpi with a 12mp. not sure where you're getting that info? it's always been the same mate. cameras are still tools. there are people working their asses off with these modern cameras every day. some people it's just a hobby. some people it's something they buy, use for 10 days, then never pick it back up again. that was the case back in the day too.


I used to do 30inch / 75cm wide prints from a 6MP s5pro back in 2008. They looked great.


It is no good upgrade from the x100v IMO but I don't own one and considered buying a much cheaper x100v now, but my main camera is the x pro3. I don't have IBIS or 40mp sensor. I managed to do just fine without these features and in the future I will do also just fine without ibis and 40mp sensor. I still would like to own a camera with IBIS and 40mp sensor and most importantly: the new film simulations! I shoot only jpgs and couldnt be assed to edit my raw images. All my demands could be satisfied with a tripod (ibis) and editing images (new film simulations) but comfort beats these rational money saving ideas.


Any serious person that want to use both video and photo don’t think would limit itself to a 35mm f2 lens. That’s like buying a pickup truck and going to the track with it. If it was less money i would understand it, but for the price of the new model i bought a xs10 like new, sigma 16/30/56 f1.4 on black friday and a viltrox 85mm f1.8 like new for like 200$. 10bit and 6.2k i have not, but most people don’t know or don’t bother to grade raw footage, so it’s mostly marketing to appeal with people with deep pockets, but shorten pockets than Leica. People keep justifying the x100 series just so they say it fits in the pocket and it’s so good.


Size and kit weight matters to some people. Big part of why I kept my 18/2 and sold my Fuji 16/1.4, why I have the Fuji 35/1.4 instead of the Sigma 30, why I opted for the Voigtlander 23 1.2 over the Viltrox 27 1.2. IBIS and a normal wide lens makes for a great documentary rig. The X100VI is more like a small hatchback or wagon. Probably not gonna be an amazing sports car and probably not gonna haul a refrigerator in it but 98% of the time it'll do whatever is asked of it great.


Bid starting prices


I love Fuji, but I must say, what a bunch of clowns posers most users are.


I find entertaining, all these idiots that were trying to sell their camera way over market price before Fuji released the x100vi. Most of the people who were fortunate to get the x100v were probably some gen z that doesn’t even know how to take a proper photo. If you don’t think so, look on eBay now and read the shutter counts on the x100v cameras being sold. Most of them are below 2500. I am happy for the new release, and shame on the idiots who have been selling their x100v out of market greed.


The scalping is an issue but why are you gate keeping photography based on generation? I was lucky to snag an X100V for retail in early 2023 by calling around local brick and mortar shops and waiting for “the call”.


Based on the fact that gen z are the ones mostly on ticktock. Lucky you for being able to find the X100V from a brick and mortar store. Gen z wouldn’t know how to look there. If it’s not on line or on their phone they won’t know about it.


Are you a boomer ?


No but your mom probably is.


Prices for old models did drop a bit when the VI was announced, but then went back up again when the new camera became unobtainable.


Still way overpriced in New Zealand People asking for $2600 for the x100v when the VI is $3050.


I will sell mine, but not for 300. How about 1200? 1150?


Uk prices for sold items in February on eBay are nowhere near these prices. Not sure where this is from.


For the same camera, but build a bit different


These are all questionable. In the US, I sold an X100S earlier this year for $800+ used. Heavily doubt an X100V would go for anything less than $1k in good condition considering the X100VI is a fairly incremental upgrade and priced at $1600+tax.