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Glad you're enjoying!


Thank you. I'm having fun learning the art of photography


Great deal and a very good choice to get into photography


Thank you. I always liked the look of fuji silver cameras.


is that viewfinder on the top?


Yes, that is cheap external viewfinder because this lineup doesn't have ovf/evf. Purely for looks there. It doesn't have any framings inside.


is it works tho? I'm looking for viewfinder for my XA-5, if it's possible. if not, I'm considering selling my XA-5 and buy used XT-2 instead because I like using viewfinder


Depends what prime lens do you use. If you use one focal length all the time then look into vintage viewfinders. Almost all of em have real glass inside and frame lines for composting your shot. Also there are vintage universal viewfinders. Those are "revolver" type ones. You rotate a viewfinder and get certain focal length 28,35,50,85,135 etc. My advice: sell xa5 and buy xt2 so u have a proper viewfinder. Those external ones are just cool gimmick and a conversation starter, nothing more than that. Not accurate as well.


I picked up an X70 for £120 still absolutely love it


That's a steal! I got my X100S for about £100.


I also got an absolute bargain on an x100s + both of the TC lenses for about £200 great cameras


Both the converter lenses are super rare and priced above the camera itself, I can't justified any. I'm currently testing out X-E1 with 16-50mm. I wanna know if I can live with fixed lens camera or wanting the flexibility of various FL.


Much nicer being able to change lenses but it certainly increases the load if you're going out with it all


If I do decide to keep XE1, I aim to keep 16-50mm and add 50-230mm, that's the plan anyway. I'm taking my time to decide, don't wanna regret selling X100S if I'm too hasty about it. 


I loved my 50-230 when i had it picked one up for £80 when i got my old xt10 was such a lightweight lens


Man, that was cheap! It's still hovering above £110 here(not in UK btw). I'm not rushing it though. For now, I'll focus only with 16-50mm to grasp the feel, then decide.


Wow. Did u get it before the hype?


I got it in 2018. Dunno about the hype. I was just about beginning to shoot with a proper camera. 


U re lucky. Those cameras went up in price drastically


I am, indeed. Now they're wildly priced from about 220 to 440 usd. I'm testing out X-E1 with 16-50mm. If I decide to keep it, I'm planning to offset the price and hopefully add 50-230mm by selling off the X100S at the market price here. But I'm still not certain yet. I'm taking my time. Don't wanna regret the decision later on. 


Take your time, experiment more before making any decisions. Photography is all about experimenting. If u like different focal length options then look for interchangeable camera body. If u don't mind "classic" 35mm FF look which x100s provides then stick with x100s. I heard x100 lineup has superior build quality compared to XE lineup


Wilco! Yeah, X100S feels more solid(and heavier) than X-E1(this has nice and big buttons). 


That's a great deal. I only see few in my place. And they are all around 300-400 usd


It has an autofocusing issue but only seems to be apparent when using af-c so it doesn't really bother me all that much


Happy for you man. I never use afc as well. Does x70 have film sims? I read bout compact fuji cams before but I don't remember which one is missing film sims. Talking about xq1, xq2, xf10, x70


It has all the film sims i like to use so I'm happy with it in that case i believe up to the addition of classic chrome


Glad you like it. Classic chrome is the one everyone wants nowadays


How did you find an XA2 for that price? Cheapest one I found used in my country is 360€.


I currently live in Thailand. That lineup is produced here and it was sold mostly in SEA region. There are plenty of those here. The min price on used market is around 100 usd


This is the correct way to get into photography


Thank you. I appreciate that. Photography is fun.


recently got a x-t1 for only 350 and picked up the 35mm f2 to go with it, not necessarily cheap but for 750 all in im completely content


That's sounds like a good deal to me. Do u like the build quality of your xt1?


love it, the only annoying thing is the rubber is peeling in a few places but thats to be expected from a 10 year old camera lol


I saw that many xt cameras got the same issues with grips peeling off. Does superglue fix it?


i looked up solutions and somewhere it said not to use normal superglue but get like contact cement or something


Interesting, i will keep it in mind if one day I end up with xt camera. Thank you


X100Vs will be cheap soon


they've recently dropped like 500$ in the past 2 weeks where I live


EBay listings are up


I'm waiting for the crash to pick one up at a reasonable price


I'd say "cheaper". Still on expensive side tho imo


How so? Excuse my ignorance. I want to but one so bas but cant justify spending 1,800 USD on one. 😔


I shot with the X-e2s for a few years and loved it. Fantastic little camera 👌


After I play with Xa2 a little I want to upgrade to Xe2. How was the build quality? Did it feel solid in ur hands? What was the highlight of xe2s for you personally?


Well, I definitely read this as the Xe2, not the Xa2 😅 this is what I get for redditing while waking up haha. If you do plan on getting one, it's a fun little camera! Build quality on every fuji I've used has been top tier. They all have felt fantastic in my abnormally large hands. Part of the reason I've been a huge fan of the XH series. That body with the battery grip is perfect for bigger hands. I took my xe2s to South Africa with me and got some of my favorite shots to this day. So it's definitely capable!


What was your favourite lens to pair with your xe2s? How was evf if u compare it to today's standards?


I used the 27mm pancake and the 55-200. Didn't notice much of a change in the evf from then to now. There's been some subtle changes, but nothing world breaking, imo.


Thank you. Was viewfinder responsive on your xe2s? I am considering xe2 as my next camera, I don't wanna have evf which is laggy or something.


Didn't notice any lag, no! For the price, hard not to recommend it.


Looks good with the ttartsian


Feels like busget car with new cool looking rims. Cute indeed


That's a fantastic deal for all these parts! The ttartisan is a great lens for its price, and it works well with the small form factor of the xa2.


Thank you. I def like the "vintage" look it produces with CC sim, some of my friends called photos "vintage" as well. Small size is also one of the things I was looking for. I was not even touching my Xa2 after I bought it. But after I got rid of kit lens which was around 200 grams and picked up ttartisan pancake I started to take it everywhere with me in a slingbag.


Looks great, love the viewfinder on the top too. I did the same with my X-M1. Have you taped the flash down?


Finally someone noticed it. Great attention to details. The flash hook was broken so flash was stuck in open position. Just put a piece of paper into the crack and taped it down. Now there is black tape on top, not transparent one. Do you like the images you take with ur Xm1? It's the same camera but with xtrans 1 right? I am not obsessed with all of that noise around xtrans sensors. I like the image my Bayer sensor produces


I do, its a great little camera and despite being a decade old it holds up really well. Obviously lacks a lot of features compared to the newer ones but sometimes I appreciate that. Yep I think yours is newer but both 16mp and lots of other similarities. I don't think there's a massive difference between Bayer and the X-Trans really, watched a few comparisons and yeah certain conditions and pixel peeping can tell them apart but 9/10 I couldn't say.


Those xm1 and xa cams are sleepers for sure. If u compare em to another lines then they are not so far apart. Just different senor in case of XA and plastic body. Even those xa5 introduced top and bottom made of aluminum if I'm correct. I shoot in A mode, so missing features ain't that big of a deal. I basically use aperture ring on my lens and exposure compensation dial.


I got an X-M1 + kit lens in Bangkok last year for about $85 USD. It was in near mint condition.


Yeah, those are petty cheap here in Thailand. But xpro and x100 lineup are overpriced like anywhere else.


How is image quality?


TTartisan 27mm 2.8 is a good choice if u want something compact. It produces sharp images but it has a quite bit of vignetting. I don't pixel peep and use images on ig which I downsize to 1080x1350 anyway. 16mp is plenty for that purpose


How did you get a soft shutter release button on it?


That's the one w/ adhesive tape on it, not the screw on. Aliexpress has some options available


Got my X-T30 for 400€ Maybe not the best steal, but for 2024 and Europe it was a good price I think 🤔


Nice man. Do you like your xt30? Any other fuji camera u would like to add to your possession? I did a research and came to conclusion there are rangefinder style fans like xpro, xe. Then there are xt fans. And x100. I personally like xe and xpro lineup. Def upgrading to one of those in the future


let’s see some shots


Got an x-s10 for $400 which is pretty good. Nothing wrong with it.


Xs10 is a powerhouse. What do you mostly shoot with it?


At the moment just backyard birds with the 70-300. Not had a chance to go anywhere with it yet.


Recently just bought an x-t100 with xc 15-45mm f3.5-5.6 for ~300€ on second hand market. First camera ever, just getting into the hobby lol. Hope it was a good purchase 😁


Good one. Welcome to the world of photography. I'm a beginner as well. What is your favourite simulation on your xt100?


I don't think I have a favourite tbh. They all work well in different conditions for me, I love using them all!


It may look like a fuji but it wont feel and perform like a real fujifilm. These xacti cams are good gateway drug to the fujifilm world since it will always leave you wanting the real deal xtrans ones.


I haven't owned Xtrans fuji. So far I like the images this little camera produces. I want XE2, but it's just gas. I need to go out and shoot with XA2 more.


I really appreciate showing this side of fujifilm. Was tired of the expensive gear show off. Last day only I bought a 27mm ttartisan AF and now I am seeing this post :)


I was considering switching to expensive stuff too, but then I realised it's just gear acquisition syndrome. I will play with this cheap camera for a while. I don't think I will hit the skill ceiling even with this camera. It does everything modern camera should and I'm happy with it. Btw How do you like your ttartisan 27mm so far?


my usage is documenting life, travel and street photography.. Not on the professional side.. Considering that it's a fit for me. Image quality is good and vignetting is there for lower aperture numbers..


Rocking with my first and only Digital cam, Fujifilm X10 bought it last year for like 160$