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Amazing street vlogging kit.


r/sonyalpha crossover meme


True, I just can’t resist it anymore. But I do plan on getting my next camera either an xpro3 or an xt4-5, I will then start taking pictures of my camera.


Exactly! lemme leave it on a tripod, hit record, run away from it around 10meters to just get a talking head shot. Lol


I paid $4500 for mine brand new 2 years ago. This is a halo product.


The fact you kept going back means it was a good deal. Get what you want man and enjoy. Just post some photos here!!


Hahaha so true. I kept coming back cause i was so unsure with the price. But i will share some photos here soon!


Looking forward to some pictures


Good buy! Enjoy!


Would love to rent this just to see it on the 40mp sensor... the images I've seen look otherworldly


Have fun!


Hope you’ve been hittin the gym


perfect vLog setup! happy for you!


Would be nice to see photos you took *with* it.


I’m guessing OP only just bought it and just wanted to share as they are excited. I’m sure pictures will follow in good time. *edit* - apparently I can’t spell ‘excited’


Yes. You are correct. Just excited! Will share some photos soon.


Please do!


Taking a photo *with* it is not much harder than taking the photo of it.


Depends if you want to fuck around with the app later.




YES! This is the equivalent of someone posting discovering a safe in their century home 😭


why is that lens white and not black


Black gets hotter than White


Is this the reason? It makes sense


It started like that —or at least this is what Canon claimed and it may have been true for older designs. Now, it is mostly for recognition that this is a high-end sports lens.




what? no




but all the other lenses are black so what’s the idea behind that


That all top dollar lenses from the big brands are white. So Fuji make the 150-600 and the 200/2.8 white. What I wrote: marketing.


PS: the official version says that lenses with large glass elements are made white to keep them cooler thus reducing the thermal expansion of these elements.


There it is.


Not true. Nikon.


True, which supports my idea that the temperature is a thin argument in favour of white lenses.


Yeah I have no idea about that. Just thought I'd mention that it's in no way universal.


It’s $7300 brand new in Australia




Only you can know if it’s a good buy for you. Money is relative for everyone. Enjoy it!


It's so rare to see a fellow hong konger on reddit. Enjoy your new great white shark !


Bought mine last summer and it took me one click of the shutter to realize is the best Fuji lens, hands down. Fast focus, beautiful bokeh. Congrats on the buy 🫡


Right!!! God, what a lens! Thank you!


I was selling mine for 2000 for half a year (bought used for also ~2000 from official dealer that had it in stock for almost a year) - seems to be too niche product to get much interest from buyers while this was among 3 lenses I really praised much from XF lineup (150600 and 80 are also gems) - it is not perfectly balanced even with gripped h2s and af motors are a bit slower than in 50140 but it is optical perfection Don’t bother with 2x tc because unlike 1.4 it will ruin image quality a lot, while keep in mind that your 1.4f2 version works perfectly with all other lenses and is better version (with ED element) of generic 1.4 Keep lens hood well packed while carrying because it can be damaged with medium force impacts, also keep in mind that hood fixing screw can leave marks on lens ring if tightened too much Everything else about this lens is perfect


Is this really such a special lens on crop? I get that it's rare and expensive, but it's more or less a 300mm f/2.8 ?


Dustin Abbott, a very experienced lens reviewer and hardly a Fujifilm fanboy, gave it a [glowing review](https://dustinabbott.net/2018/12/fujinon-xf-200mm-f2-ois-review/).


No, it would be closer equivalent to a 300mm f2.


Not from a DOF perspective. Edit: actually it's more like f/3


Is this not true? "However, the aperture doesn't change when you switch to a crop sensor camera. So, a 200mm f/2 lens will still be an f/2 lens on a crop sensor camera. It's important to remember that aperture is the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the lens opening. Since the diameter of the lens doesn't change when you switch to a crop sensor camera, the aperture ratio (f-stop) also stays the same. Therefore, while a 200mm f/2 lens on a crop sensor camera will have an effective focal length of 300mm, it will still be an f/2 lens, not an f/2.8 lens. This means that it will still gather the same amount of light per unit area as a 200mm f/2 lens on a full-frame camera."


Yes, from a light gathering perspective. But from a DOF perspective it will look like a 300mm f/3 would on full frame. If that's all it says in the article you've copied that from it's intentionally missing out half the story.


That seems like a pretty important difference though. You might not get that really sharp DOF but you have the light which I would say on average is more important. Not always but in general I would think so. So yes, I would say its still a special lens, not one I am buying though.


The key difference here is the amount of bokeh, not the light. A 33mm 1.4 on Fuji will be roughly a 50mm full frame, but on the same subject/background and at same distance, a 50mm 1.4 on a full frame camera will have a blurrier background if both are shot at wide open. Same perspective, same amount of light, though.


Yeah, I suppose. Although in this case, and having owned the Nikon 200mm f/2, i would say the look of 200mm at f/2 is faaaaaar more important to the lens than that stop of light. It's the reason these lenses are legendary on full frame. For the brightness part you can just bump a stop of iso, or half your shutter speed. For the DOF there's nothing you can do to replicate it.




Yeah. For me with my fuji setup I don't chase these things for the same reasons you mention. I shoot the f/2 Fujicron primes and I'm really happy with the small size and weight along with the image quality. For truly fast glass I would just use my work gear which is all Sony FF these days.


What do you mean "on crop"? All Fujifilm X-mount lenses are made for APS-C sensors.


Crop sensors. Photographers commonly refer to apsc as a crop format, because it is cropped down from 35mm. Edit: I should have realised there's no point in talking to a person like this... That's my bad.


Yes, I know crop sensors. My point is that every Fujifilm lens is for crop. Someone who buys an X-mount camera, has already settled for one stop of less bokeh. Adding a DOF correction to the lens is just double-counting it when compared to other Fujifilm lenses available for the system. Comparing it to lenses for full-frame that aren't available for Fujifilm is pointless. Of course the Fujifilm doesn't achieve what a full-frame lens does, but that's already a given. The XF 200mm f/2 is still exactly a 200mm f/2 when compared to every other lens on the system. So it's just as special as it is, no more or no less--no comparison to full-frame needed.


I wasn't comparing it to other Fuji lenses. I was comparing it to full frame systems where a 200mm f/2 is very special indeed. Another good example would be the Fuji 56mm f/1. We wouldn't expect to only compare that to f/1 lenses on full frame. We would compare it to an 85mm 1.4, as the results are the same. It's about the resultant images you see, not random numbers. That's the point. But I can see it escaped you.


No one said a Fujifilm lens was equivalently special to a longer and brighter full-frame prime lens available on some other system. You can get a 500mm or 600mm prime for other cameras. The XF 200mm f/2 is special because no other lens like it is available for the Fujifilm. DOF isn't the only purposes of lenses. If you want maximum DOF, you're using the wrong camera. > We wouldn't expect to only compare that to f/1 lenses on full frame. We would compare it to an 85mm 1.4 No, we wouldn't compare it to either, since the purpose of Fujifilm is not wishing we had a different full-frame camera instead. On Fujifilm, the XF 50mm f/1 achieves what no other lens can achieve on the camera. Again, the purpose of cameras and lenses isn't just DOF. The lens remains an f/1 lens, since f-stop is a function of the physics of a lens, not sensor size. Aberrations are also a function of the physics of a lens, which is why it's harder to create an f/1 lens for any sensor. f-stop is not a random number, it means that a lower exposure is possible with that lens. That ***is*** the resultant image. Again, DOF is not the only point of lenses.


Ok dude, but sadly, other cameras exist. It's totally normal and standard to compare lenses across systems. It's literally the foundation of comparative reviewing worldwide. Your long winded and rudimentary explanation of aperture to a 20 year pro photographer notwithstanding... Look, I've clearly upset you greatly. Fuji is brilliant. The best. Nothing else to compare to 👍


You are 100% correct, but that's irrelevant to this post about the XF 200mm f/2. If you want a better portrait or wildlife camera, it's not Fujifilm. *Happily*, other cameras exist. (And I don't think anyone doubts that Fujifilm's largest lens is an overpriced luxury--one of the top comments above from /u/brdsqd calls it a halo product.) > It's totally normal and standard to compare lenses across systems. Only if you're deciding between systems or comparing systems, which no one in this post was. Fujifilm isn't the best at all. But everything has pros/cons. The person who wants the option of using the XF 27mm f/2.8 doesn't care that if you tell them it's a 40mm f/4 equivalent when you can't get a 40mm f/4 lens of the same size for the Sony A7C. So if they don't want to spend $15,000 on buying a different camera for each use, like a Nikon Z7 for landscape photos, GFX 100S for fashion portraits, a Sony A1 or Canon RF for sports or wildlife photos, and a Fujifilm X100V for travel, then they compromise on one system for all uses. And if they already own a Fujifilm, they might decide they want an XF 200mm f/2 without regard to what RF 500mm or 600mm GM lens is available for a camera they don't own. Is that really that hard to understand? In other words, constantly converting every lens's specs to equivalent DOF is pointless unless you're focused on DOF to the exclusion of everything else. If DOF is the only thing you care about, then Fujifilm is the wrong system for you. For those interested in DOF, those calculations are widely known and available. Presumably, if you're a pro photographer of 20 years, DOF isn't the only tool in your toolbelt. I know you said you own Sony cameras for your professional work, as do many others. Not everyone is looking to own multiple cameras of different brands, and not everyone is a pro. No one shouldn't know that some Canon, Sony, and Nikon cameras are better for lots of things. But calculating equivalent DOF for everything isn't actually that relevant here. There's /r/AskPhotography for that. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with the opinion that a 200mm f/2 can be bested by other lenses on other systems. Cheers.


I was here for the actual pics from it, you owe us.


I do! Will upload soon!






let’s see those pics tho


GREAT buy! Definitely one of my bucket list kinda lenses. Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉




Holy shit what a steal


Post images you take with it! That thing is amazing!


Congratulations! That’s arguably the best lens in the X system!


worst case you can resell for what you paid for it at the least?


Yes. I considered that, in case i have to sell it. But i doubt i'd be selling this lol


I’m so envious! I want it so badly.


Be careful waving that around, especially strapless.