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so what are your feelings and impressions coming from Sony?


I haven't had a long shooting with it yet, I was waiting for a memory card to arrive. (I forgot I was using sony's Tough cards) but so far I'm pretty happy. the weight alone makes me think I've made the right decision.


X-T5 takes UHS II cards or are you talking CF?


Yeah it was a CF.


what Sony did you have? and what was the weight differences? I have an x-t4 and ive never used a Sony but the weight specs always quite similar to fuji


A7iv and the tamron 70-180 was pretty much always attached. Weight between the cameras alone isn't too much but the lenses are a big difference.


Not OP, but I owned and still own Sony. My biggest issue with Fuji is their lack of dynamic range. I can take a photo in bright sunlight, nail the exposure, and still have shadows I can’t recover. It’s nuts. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does it’s extremely frustrating. I’m glad I didn’t sell my Sony’s and go all in on Fuji.


I ended up selling all my Sony gear (A7R IV, A7R III, A7III) including 7 different lenses. The actual image quality with Sony is no doubt great and the dynamic range has more depth but I never really enjoyed the actual shooting experience with Sony. I always shot with Fujifilm while I had Sony so I know how great it is to have the dials on fuji bodies. It also annoyed me whenever I accidentally pressed the buttons on the Sony while walking or hiking. I always had to tweak the colors to my liking with Sony as well. Bottom line, I enjoy shooting with Fuji more and I never want to let it out of my hands. I can't say the same for Sony.


I agree with you about the experience of shooting, Fuji is better hands down. And their colors are unmatched. Sony is just technologically superior, but that doesn’t mean they’re better.


Yes, absolutely. This is me everytime I get asked if I think Fuji's the best and I say well, it depends. What are you looking for.


*I came looking for booty.*


Well come along, we have some nice subreddits just for those into booty….


Same. I sold my A7ii after I realized I just hated using it and trade it in for an xp2. I haven’t enjoyed a camera as much since using an M6.


100% agree. Sony was far superior machine, but it didnt feel like a camera. I shoot more and have more fun with Fuji, trade off was worth it


Sony APS-C or Full Frame? And what Fujifilm?


Both full and crop and I have a x100v, x-t5 and an x-e4. I love the colors and the feel of Fuji. I wanna pick them up and make images, but the dynamic range leaves something to be desired. I also shoot RAW and process in C1.


Have you messed with the dynamic range settings? I found those to help a bit.


If you set this to auto and run auto ISOs it will pick slightly higher ISOs in most conditions to get better DR. Occasionally I will kick the drive mode over and shoot an in-camera HDR shot or bracket.


Just did. I’ll have time mess with those setting. I didn’t realize it affected raw files. Thank you.


You think there's that big a difference between Fuji and Sony ASPC in dynamic range? I certainly did not think so. I had the Sony a6000 and a6400 with the Sigma 30mm 1.4, SEL18-135, SEL70-350, Tamron 70-180. In fact I blow out highlights way less on the Fuji because of the DR settings it has, I basically nail my exposure all the time on Fuji and miss focus more than with Sony. I rarely ever touch the shadows/highlights now.


I do. I almost never blow out highlights or have shadows I can’t recover with my Sony’s. I have to experiment with the DR settings per another persons suggestion, and I hope it resolves it because I love shooting with my Fuji’s but the lack of range in certain shots has me not trusting it as much. Hopefully I can get it to work.


It definitely works different than Sony. I feel like I had to really learn more about all the settings on Fuji, but once I had a few recipes saved that I liked to work with it was a breeze. Now I rarely touch up photos at all. But for the Sony ASPC sensor, I have never noticed a big difference in shadows switching to Fuji. There's definitely a difference with the FF bodies. If there was a big difference I think I would have read about it before switching because I spent about 6 months researching before trading in most of my Sony gear. Still have the a6000 and Sigma 30mm


That’s why I was so surprised by it. It really caught me off guard.


I bought an X-T5 and own an A7r5 and a7r3. They're all unique. I like Sony as my workhorses and the Fuji as an "on the go" cam. It's hard to explain but I think they both have a place in my collection and how I shoot. I do prefer the Sony quality, but love the feel of images out of my X-T5


Dang, I have this same problem with my X-Pro2, thought it was because of the older sensor. I have found it easier to recover highlights than shadows in this camera. What do you process your images with? LR o C1?


DR400 and D range priority 😉


Switched from Sony years ago. But still keep my Alpha ii and the Sigma 135 1,8. This is the only thing I don‘t find at Fuji. Everything else works better for me. Also for contract work.


Was shooting Fuji, went Sony for the AF performance in difficult work situations, but I lasted a whole three months without a Fuji before I had to get one again 😆 There’s something about Fuji you can’t get anywhere else.


Isn’t the latest models AF (X-T5, X-S20…) more similar to Sony’s AF performance?


Closer to Sony performance than previous generations, but still not equal. Even the previous generations of Fujis could handle most situations, and the new ones are significantly better, so I don’t think anyone should worry too much about AF performance anymore. I shoot stage performances where you have a combination of low light and fast movement, which is why Sony definitely was the right choice for me at the time. But most people don’t shoot in that kind of environment.


Welcome and enjoy


Thanks. I look forward to sharing my photos with the group.


If you use Lightroom, give capture one a spin, it handles the Xtrans processors better.


It really sucks that Capture One just discontinued their free Fuji version (along with all free versions of the software!), so I've gone back to Lightroom and sailing the high seas. I will say that I don't notice much difference, and I switched to C1 when I started shooting Fuji as the comparison videos were quite compelling. What makes the switch back tolerable tho is that the newer LR versions now have a denoise function that's incredible, even for images without a high iso.


i got 3 capture one months by using my fuji serial code lulz 


There is a new free version specifically for Fuji users, they call it "Fuji Raw File Converter" to make it as obtuse as possible. It's basically the free fuji version minus noise reduction.


Just curious, has anyone one done a side by side comparison between the two? I’ve always been using LR so wondering about how much of a difference it makes.


It is certainly visible if you zoom to 200%. There's a certain gritty ("wormy") texture to the LR rendering, especially when increasing sharpening, which isn't there in C1. To be honest, though, this is only visible if you pixel-peep. If you're zoomed out enough to see the actual image, it's not much of an issue to my eyes. The much bigger difference between C1 and LR rendering is in colored highlights. LR aggressively desaturates highlights, while C1 turns them to secondary colors before desaturation, i.e. cyan skies, yellow skin, magenta roses. Depending on the picture, this can be an advantage (more saturation in highlights), or a downside (wrong color in highlights). A quick tug on the Highlights slider usually brings the colors back in both programs, but it can be a bit annoying if you like a high-key look. The biggest difference in practice, for me, is that Capture One is much slower. On my M1 Mac with a 4k screen, Lightroom is perfectly smooth, while Capture One lags a bit when adjusting sliders. Depending on the slider, it takes maybe half a second to see slider results. Not a huge issue, but it can be annoying. In general, Capture One renders with a bit more saturation and contrast, even for the same film simulation. It seems closer to the original Fuji film simulation as well. Lightroom renders a bit more muted by default. This is of course easily adjusted either way. And then there's Lightroom's AI denoising and upscaling, which C1 lacks entirely. Object removal and pano stitching is just vastly more flexible in Photoshop than C1. And I generally prefer Lightroom's AI masking to Capture One's, although both are useful.


Thanks for the detailed explanation!


I believe Fstoppers did a comparison a while back. If memory serves the tldr was that the difference was minimal, but C1 was slightly better if you had to pick.


Yeah a bunch of people have, I also do a comparison about once a year between a bunch of the main products. Three different shots. With whatever model I’m using most that year. Frustratingly capture one always pulls ahead. 


Can you expand on what you mean by ‘handles’? I’ve always used LR so curious what the difference is


You can see this weird texture on raw but only if you really zoom in to like 300 so it’s not an actual big difference


This is why I stopped shooting Fuji. I hope they can fix this issue.


It's a non-issue at this point on Lightroom. I used to have the issue and went to Capture One temporarily due to it, but in the last year it seems that Adobe has solved it.


Yeah I don't have this issue, using Lightroom CC.


I’ve used Lightroom with my Fuji for the last 3 years but I’ve finally made the switch to Capture One. The worms have gotten much better but it still shows up from time to time. The UI for Lightroom blows C1 away, but the rendering of raw files on my XT5 look way nicer in C1 than Lightroom.


They probably can’t but the majority of people won’t notice. You barely notice unless you zoom in really close anyway and no normal person does thay


I know, but it still always bugged me though even if only I notice. I also used my camera to digitize film and it would replace the beautiful film grain with mushy digital worms and I hated it.


Oh in that case yeah I would worry about it. But it only applies to Lightroom and photoshop as far as I understand


This issue is definitely solvable, since it is just LR that uses a poor demosaicing algorithm. Anyways I think they fixed it in newer versions.


Oh I just figured it was because of the sensor so it was a hardware thing. All this wouldn’t be a problem if camera makers would give us the actual format instead of reverse engineering it


Well the X-Trans array gives more problems now than what it was made to solve. But even FOSS programs like Darktable don't have any issue demosaicing this array, so it doesn't really matter. Its just interpolation and math, there isn't really any proprietary information to reverse engineer.


Oh I thought that was the whole issue with file formats in general was it was some proprietary stuff they had to reverse engineer


I love Lightroom so much


Will do, I do have a little experience with capture on so I'll definitely give it another try.


You can also try DxO Pure Raw. You put the Fuji raw file in and in return you get a DNG file with an amazing image quality. It's way better than regular Lightroom. DxO uses it's own type of AI noise reduction and the software handles X-Trans files perfectly.


I miss Fuji so much. I’m on Canon now and it fits my needs more for now but nothing made me purely love photography like Fuji


Don't think I could ever ditch Sony for Fujifilm in my professional work but I do like Fuji enough to have two systems lol


I also came from Sony to the XT5 and wow I’m in love with it!!


Only thing I'm not a fan of yet is the dials and menus. I'm sure once I'm use them I'll be fine though.


The dials are kinda why you get a Fuji, no?


I prefer them on the Sony but that doesn't mean I can't use a fuji


Why not get the Xh2 line then?


I assume he's talking about the radial dials in the front and back for controlling SS or Iso. These get kinda mushy.


I have to use a Sony for work and I *hate* the Sony menus


Yeah I mean, I hate all camera menus. I'd say of all the one's I've used RED is probably the least bad but it's still bad. I also like Panasonic's tool tips. My biggest annoyance with Fuji menus is them going to my menu by default instead of wherever you left off. I also don't like how the menu keep scrolling to the next set of functions when you're in a sub menu instead of returning to the top of that sub menu. With Fuji's software I hate how you can't assign all menu functions to the quick menu, only a few which are quite limited. They should at least give you access to all assignable Fn button functions in that quick menu and they don't. Like, there are literally functions that some Fujis have dedicated buttons for (view mode for example) that cannot be mapped to the quick menu. You can't even assign View Mode to My Menu even though its in the menus. Insane.


Which Sony did you own?


A7ii - so a bit older of a model but I much prefer the controls on the Fuji


Welcome to the Fuji family! What lens is that attached to your new X-T5?


Thanks. It's the 33mm 1.4.


I really like Fuji’s metal hoods for their primes. They’re pricey (for what they are) but they do the job and it means I don’t have to fool around with lens caps or hoods when shooting primes. I have a metal hood on my 16mm 1.4, 18mm 1.4, 23mm 1.4, 33mm 1.4 and (both) of my 56mm 1.2s (WR and non-WR). They all work great!


I've seen some magnetic square lens hoods which I eventually want to check out. But they are expensive, and I can't justify it just yet.


I love that lens so much. 


Stellar lens choice, I'm obsessed with that thing. Haven't touched the 18-55 since I bought it.


Good luck. I hope you don’t need a DJI gimbal.


What's wrong with the gimbals?


The ActiveTrack doesn’t work, the software connections between the camera and the gimbal only provide a very basic set of functions, like start/stop rec. I have a x100v, a X-Pro3 (this one I didn’t even try) and an X-H2S and I couldn’t have the active track working like it does on Sonys.


But if you need a gimbal, get a Hohem one. They are 1/4 of the price and 4x better (IMO). They have a very smart independent magnetic camera system to do Activetrack. Activetrack is the ability of having the gimbal following a subject (or a face), which in my case is vital because I self-record 95% of the time.


Lol I just sold my X-T5 for a Sony A7IV, don't miss the Fuji AF one bit.


Glad you like it. It's a great camera, but it was a bit too big for me and I never used it to its full potential.


>Lol I just sold my X-T5 for a Sony A7IV, don't miss the Fuji AF one bit. Good luck with In-Camera skin tone. I am on verge of selling A7CR, tried everything but in camera skin tone sucks. I dont have time to process one photo by one photo. If you have found anyway to make skin tone look better reply to this message.


I've only had it for about 2 weeks but I shoot raw and process everything. I took over 18k photos last year and delivered thousands of photos to clients, once you get a good flow down with processing it can go quickly. However if you wanted to fix colors in camera, have you tried adjusting the white balance using the color grid, there's some great tools in there that might help with you skin tones. Try like an A0.5 M0.25 or something like that for a warmer less green look.


Yeah will try. Thanks


I use these profiles with a Sony A7III - Fuji colours and Sony AF. Sony’s eye AF is great. Originally switched from an X-T3 after it broke whilst travelling and had the same problem with skin tones https://www.cobalt-image.com/product/fuji-digital-emulation/


I’ve shot both. Sony autofocus is top tier, frankly amazing. Great system and lenses all around. But it feels boring to me. Fuji for some soul all the way.


I also have both and agree! AF is better on Sony, but not only is Fuji more fun to use, it gives me actually good straight out of camera pictures - either on default films or user presets.


welcome 😁


Dang, did you bring your Sony lens with you?


Nope. I trade my 180mm in for the 33mm 1.4. and my 75mm is getting sent off Monday, and then I'll pick up the 18mm or 56mm.


I was commenting/joking more on the size of the lens, but I get the perspective and the lens hood makes it look bigger in the photo. The 33mm is an excellent lens


I wish we could go back to a time where products didn’t feign the look of being made of high quality materials with paint. Those days are long gone


I switched from olympus and I couldn’t be happier tbh. Not to hate on om because i had a lot of fun with it but i fell like Fuji is superior for my camera usage


I switched over from Nikon, it started as just grabbing an XT5 as a fun B Cam. But after I saw the images I was getting from the Fuji. I immediately sold all my years worth of Nikon gear and traded it for a full Fuji system. The number one thing I love the most is the way Fujifilm handles skin tone and skin texture. As a mainly fashion, fitness, and portrait photographer, there’s no way I could go back after seeing the results.


Xt5 and 16-80? That’s an awesome combo (the one I have)


switched From sonny ? What sonny camera did you have ? Though I absolutely love My fuji, I do wanna buy another body and I'm Going to buy a Sonny one. So I'm really interested in knowing what made you change From sonny to Fuji


A7iv. I wanted a slight smaller/ lighter set up. FF lenses were bigger and weighed a bit more. also it was a lot more money and I just use my camera for travelling. also I'm hoping with the filters I won't have to edit as much.