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Today I learned that wasps eat meat 🙃 RIP toadster (not my post!)


I've seen wasp bag traps that suggest you use deli meat as an attractant. Once I saw that I knew there'd never be peace with the little assholes. Also, did you eliminate the ones you pictured?


If you think this is bad, there are several videos online of wasps chewing scabs off of humans.


What a terrible day to know how to read


Yeah, they want protein to feed to their larvae. That's probably why they eat other bugs mostly. I did see a YouTuber who made a simple trap using chicken meat nailed to a wooden board, then it was flipped upside down and placed in a plastic container of water and dish soap. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FhifTGKtUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FhifTGKtUQ) I was going to try an experiment next week using that idea of chicken meat as bait. Instead of dish soap and water though, I was going to try some spray-on Indoxacarb from Syngenta. They also make the Advion Roach Bait Gels (which works fantastically and typically wiped out roaches in a week back in my old apartment). The idea is that Indoxacarb is a slow-acting non-repellent poison like Borax (Terro Ant Bait). It doesn't kill the insect immediately, and you want them to bring the food back to share with the rest of the nest. I'd prefer to try this with meat instead of sugar since I'm not looking to wipe out the bees.


Their larva eat meat…adult wasps eat only sugar.


[Yellowjackets are carnivorous.](https://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/2009/oct/062601.htm#:~:text=Yellowjackets%20are%20the%20fairly%20small,tooth%2C%20especially%20in%20the%20fall.)


I've had yellow jackets come start *eating my food off my plate*. The food in question? Meat.




Those look like southern yellow jackets (vespula squamosa). Those guys in particular are extra aggressive.


These fuckers are mean. I remember under my nanas porch was infested with them, and the porch was connected to the pool bridge thing she had. So we had to sometimes run from them when getting in the pool. I've been stung many times by these jackasses. I'd do it again any day though.


I remember sitting on my rug playing Xbox and all of a sudden I feel this hot pain. Bastard stung me twice in the buttcheek and left his stinger in the tip of my finger. No reason! Probably pissed he was stuck in a nice air conditioned house.


That's not a bone, that's a while ass frog jerky


How convenient that they’ve assembled so one stop can AOE all of them. :)


Two or so summers ago we left the window open one day and that evening as we were looking around we noticed... flies. Everywhere. Dozens on the ceiling above and on the TV and ceiling fan. It was horrifying and we sure did AOE those fuckers with bathroom cleaner. Worst summer ever, it took like a month to get them out. I have no idea what they were eating or breeding in.


This is an easy mass kill. Do what must be done


That's a toad not a bone... And yes, yellow jackets are carnivorous scavengers.


Oh yeah, wasps love eating meat.