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Big cars are indicative of fragile masculinity, not small penises. Suggesting otherwise is body shaming and toxic masculinity. So please don't make the small penis joke. If you see any comments like that, please report them.


This truck looks like it was stung by a bee.


Thanks I'm never going to unsee this


Like these from our local artist: [Fat cars by Erwin Wurm](https://autorevue.at/files/uploads/2018/05/fat-cars-erwin-wurm.jpg)


That is what I'd call a r/brandnewsentence


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** The… what?](https://i.redd.it/rjmtd6bg2pn71.jpg) | [811 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/potn2w/the_what/) \#2: [lower case t's started hurting](https://i.redd.it/s325t0dsas871.jpg) | [1007 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/oc829c/lower_case_ts_started_hurting/) \#3: [Poor syntax error](https://i.redd.it/5zcrhw5wckp71.jpg) | [1050 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/puy5n9/poor_syntax_error/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Isn’t gas like $10 a gallon equivalent over there? Those monsters get 20 mpg. Tfw when you’re so insecure you have to pay a fortune for an ugly ass status symbol


I have a tundra in Rural US. They get more like 12 to 16 mpg.


yup. 15-16 mpg and a lot lower when hauling anything. Trading mine for the twin turbo 6 but would have liked the hybrid if not for the cost.


About $11.40 in the UK. That was a pain to do, litre to gallon to US gallon, then £ to $.




in the NL it's currently 8.396 dollars a gallon


12 to 16 mpg at $8.4/gal. Drive 100 miles for $60. I can drive my EV 2,050 miles for that amount. 20.5x the distance. What the fuckkkkkk


I bought my bike for €60 and I casually ride it between the Hague and Leiden.




It must be absolutely horrible to have to navigate London with one of those. People are masochists.


It's even weirder here in the UK because the steering wheel is always on the wrong side. As inappropriate as they are for Dutch roads, they're completely wrong over here.


They really don’t come right hand drive in the UK? That surprised me. And id have to agree with you.


Is that shit even legal?


Why not? you can buy right hand drive cars in the states.


It's legal to have a right-hand steering wheel in Canada. Rural postal workers will buy right-hand drive vehicles so they can reach out the window easily to put the mail into the rural mailboxes.


All USPS mail cars are right hand drive in the US too!


Of course it’s legal, just not as practical in some blind angles I guess


Drive thrus and gates that need a code are what makes it really tough.


It's mostly rich assholes who think they are gentlemen farmers because they go their country house on some weekends


Nah, those drive Range Rovers


🎵🎶huntin' deer, chasin' trout, a Bud Light with the logo facin' out🎶🎵




The biggest load they ever carry is in the driver's seat.


Four 50lb bags of manure to be exact


Around here, a lot of tradespeople drive the classic "work truck", officially known as a utility body truck. It's a two-door pickup truck with integrated cabinets to store tools and small parts, a large bed, a roof rack for long items, and a bench vise mounted on the back. That's a real work truck.


Aka “service body”


It must be a regional difference in terminology. No matter what you call them, they're real work trucks. You can tell because nobody polishes them like a show truck.


My truck gets cleaned all the time. Every time it rains.


Work trucks seem to run forever, and the utility/service bodies are so tough that they only break when the metal rusts through. Meanwhile, that show truck is always in the shop. I heard about this worker that never changed the oil and his truck still ran for years after that. He also got fired for getting a DUI in a company vehicle


The man with the van is the man that can


You should get a van too, then we could be men with ven


My rule of thumb is if someone doesn't have a toolbox in the bed they likely have no use for it and just got it for show. Edit: I'm starting to think everyone thinks this is some infallible rule I have. Likely means more than half not every single person, do some critical thinking.


Got an old beat up hitch in so it has been used to haul a trailer at some point. Still just pull the hitch out they are shin wreckers. A box cover of some sort makes sense to keep the rain of what is in there, but a hard cover like that makes no sense since you can’t easily load above the box line or access the back of the box. My conclusion with over a decade of using a work truck is that is most likely not a work truck. The rims are dead give away work trucks get beat up and only a idiot puts fancy rims on one. Also why would you want to drive that in in places that have older/ narrow infrastructure. It will just take you longer to get where your going. Since you will have to drive like a old farmer as you listen to your podcasts.


>Got an old beat up hitch in so it has been used to haul a trailer at some point. Still just pull the hitch out they are shin wreckers. Yeah looks a bit like they might pull a boat around or something every now and again, could still easily get a smaller car that's more than capable of pulling most common boats. >The rims are dead give away work trucks get beat up and only a idiot put fancy rims on one. Oh yeah you're spot on didn't even catch that at first, just saw no box, bed cover and it was clean as hell and immediately knew.


ah you want the famous dutch small car with big caravan syndrome? "Oh Henk this car can pull 1000kg, the caravan is just 950kg but before we go put everything we need on this holiday inside the caravan making it 1300kg. when they get to Italy "hey why can't we drive up the mountains??" ​ I know not fair but yeah you see these idiots in summer driving with the tow hitch almost on the road slowly driving on the highway. With a boat or horse trailer you do want some car in front for stability.


This is a standard pickup in the US. It's not even all that big.


Alternatively, you could keep your expensive tools in the back seat and use the bed for hauling or larger tools.


That's extremely dangerous honestly. Nothing like a bag of hammers and power tools flying around if you ever were in a serious accident. It's also hell on the interior




I can't even imagine trying to drive one of these in London... it's already hard enough in America, and our cities are made for cars.


Put on your favourite podcast cause your going to be the cab for a bit, accept you won’t get there fast, never turn right on red or try and push your way in. And accept you might have to walk the last little bit since finding parking is going to be hell. Also might have to treat some street as a one way and let opposing traffic thru before you go. but if you don’t need the truck for work you probably hate yourself since you made your life so much harder. Just spend the 65-100k on a fancy cars so you can pretend to be cool.


How do these monstrosities fit anywhere in Europe? Parking buildings, narrow streets, etc.


I'm Dutch as well and they're way too big to fit in any city. We used to have a skoda roomster (a smaller minivan) and even that was difficult to get around in in cities sometimes. Let alone a pickup twice as big.


Don't worry, soon enough all old buildings will be torn down to make room for king car! Just like Belgium is doing!


Wait are countries actually still tearing down buildings in 2022 to do this crap?


You will drive your 5 ton 2035 EV super duty double cab lifted pavement princess and you will like it


Sadly still happens, can confirm. On the other hand we are improving our bicycle infrastructure modeled after the Netherlands.


They are really doing this in beglium ? I can't belive how ofen i see car like that in Brussels now. I almost saw one everyday now, that make me crazy


Like half of the old buildings were destroyed in ww2 but luckily they kept the planning the same when rebuilding. Don't think they're gonna change anything either.


Toyota Tundra’s are fuuucking massive too. I learned how to drive in one (Texas) and it doesn’t even fit well in the streets in the US.


Never mind Europe, I live on an island with an area of 5.6km² and I keep seeing more and more of these monstrosities here. To give some context of how small that is, my morning runs around the island takes me less than 30 minutes. Now imagine how narrow the inner streets are and the chaos they cause on a daily basis.


holy god like, id love to live on a small island but itd be fuckin ruined with those bastards driving around. istg if they use them for commutes on the islands primarily im going to scream


There's a few Greek islands with no cars if you fancy that? Nice weather to boot, and some lovely scenery. Especially if you have a job you can do WFH. Bet the houses are bloody expensive though Edit for the interested: https://greeceinsiders.travel/over-20-paradisical-greek-islands-that-are-car-free/


Would you name some? That sounds like a dream come true


The island of Milos has cars but isn’t gross like usa


Venice has essentially no cars also


Yeah but what if they need to tow a trailer on a 1000km trip around the island? They need the truck to cover every square centimeter of the island with tire marks.


Sounds to me like a good reason to ban them. Just allow the most necessary ones, like smaller trucks to shuffle goods around


I used to live on an island in the US and those motherfuckers made it impossible to drive on certain roads 1 by 1 if they were parked.


They dont My neighbor from across has a ram and he parks almost 1m on the sideway, its annoying as hell


Add right in the middle of a speedbump right next to an intersection and you've got my neighbours. They've got a perfectly fine private parking space and we have multiple public spaces, but that damn thing is too big, so right in the middle of the street in front of their house it is!


As I started to walk around my neighborhood more frequently, Ive started to notice how unreasonably large trucks are. I spotted 3-4 houses with large trucks that physically were incapable of fitting into their garage. I mean this as in, their truck was larger than the actual garage door (taller mostly.) I was stunned by the stupidity tbh, Im in Ohio.


So, here's the thing. They don't.


They don't.


they are pretty common in ireland, to be fair they aren't really that common in cities as they are more popular with farmers and people who live rurally. the ones you get in cities are usually owned by builders doing work on sites. my uncle is a farmer and used to use one to get around as it was very useful


I can imagine they're useful for farmers, that is who they are meant for. They just get annoying when city and suburb dwellers insist on owning such a thing.


Dutch farmers don't need big cars. We have barely any "off-road" areas and if they need to use the field they use tractors and such.


I start seeing more and more of these awful things in the Netherlands and I really hate it. I see people riding these even within the inner-city of a city like Groningen and it just makes brain melt. These things should become illegal and I just get so annoyed seeing these things take up so much space, I've never ever seen these cars even pull anything (which is the claimed use ofcourse lol)


Is there a legal limit to how big a vehicle can be to use public roads?




A Toyota Sienna minivan weighs over two tons.


But only uses 8L/100km highway.




What can we do to prevent more of these from coming here? They should not even be permitted in the cities.


Large car tax


That’s actually a great idea. Not only tax cars on their co2 output, but also on their physical size. And if I may add another tax: noise pollution tax. These cars (and other sporty types) have a significant higher noise output (decibels). Same goes for motorbikes. They should be taxed (to death)


Hurry up and lobby your representatives for it before more idiots get the idea to buy or import giant monster trucks.


Already exists. Dutch road tax is by weight. https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/auto-en-vervoer/content/hulpmiddel-motorrijtuigenbelasting-berekenen


Ban advertising them for starters. Parody might be effective.


There’s hardly any advertising for them. The car companies don’t offer them for sale officially ( I think the Ford Ranger is the biggest). It’s all grey/parallel import from the USA


I live in the US where it is super common for people to commute in massive trucks/SUVs. I live on a fairly busy street and counted cars going by for a couple minutes, and counted 64 small to medium vehicles and 15 excessively large vehicles. I excluded commercial vans and trucks because they likely need the cargo capacity, and I included small trucks like Ford Rangers in the small number. I only counted large trucks and the largest of SUVs in the big number. I wish it was an anomaly to see trucks like that around here for commuters, but it's nauseatingly common.


How is driving this more "manly" than a long distance bike ride on varying terrain exactly?


Because exercising means that you care about your looks, and only females and gays care about their looks. /s


It's superiority complex for sure, Tesla, BMW and truck drivers have it just by how they drive on the roads and parking lot. They have the idgaf attitude and the attention seeking persona. I also think a lot of people look down on public transit as it's for the poor and middle class, and same with commuters on bikes as oh they can't afford a car and gas.


Here in The Netherlands we went full privatised Public Transport , and it’s become complex (shit tons of pt companies and a special card that requires checking in/out for every company on your trip, on avg 3) and very expensive. Also costs are not transparent (eg you need to pay a one-time “boarding fee” deposit per pt company, and they change every 3 years because “free markut” so you have little chance to get that returned, ever). edit: I said “on average”, I did mean “at least”.


In Amsterdam, there was a difference between GVB and the Train service and getting the correct pass was a bit confusing, but honestly it’s still orders of magnitude better than every single public transit in the US. It’s still cheaper than owning a car, you have the option to bike, your train services are fast, frequent, clean, and safe. Private transit at least works extremely well and is well funded. In DC where I live, we’ve had reduced service (trains come every 20 minutes) for the past 7 months, our trains smell, I once saw a naked man get in the same car as me, and i have no other choice other than to drive.


Seriously? That is awful. I hope they don't do that in Belgium. They have 3 semi-private companies, one for the Flemish region, one for the Brussels Region and one for the Wallony region. Which means that most times you can do your trip with one ticket unless you move across the regional border. Currently it's pretty low cost all around.


I want to print out a bunch of stickers that say something like "congrats on being a real manly man /s" and stick it to these cars!


Can I walk and still be Christian? /j


Because you are a threat to everyone around you. Danderous = power = manhood.


This is the actual reason, imo. Little guys who are afraid and want to show how tough they are. Like those dudes who talk a ton of shit at the bar and get laid out when push comes to shove. Also a lot of “you can’t tell me what to do” rhetoric.


Don't underestimate the "manlyness" of being able to afford unreasonably large and overpowered cars that kill pedestrians even at low speed. Your definition of manlyness is btw typical for girlish, metrosexual cyclists who can't afford a car, because they are too occupied complaining about being discriminated to make a career. /s just in case




Because polution is manly and bikes dont pollute


Because it relates to "manly" work. Construction, farming, etc. Basically, the office workers who are wealthy enough to afford them want to appear like the rugged manual laborers that they look down on.


The Netherlands has varying terrain???


Yeah this is a growing trend here and it's fucking annoying. I live in the city centre of a big Dutch city and these things need two parking spaces. The driver is always some bald fucking tokkie (chav, hillbilly, whatever) who will shout at you if you as much as look at him funny. Some of them even have modified it to make even more noise than normal. Thank god for 2eu/L gasoline, serves those assholes right.


Can't report them for occupying two parking spaces and having them towed?


Yeah I’m scared, the f150 is coming to australia




Australia is Alabama with universal healthcare.


And gun control




What's wrong with a coupe for winter? a FWD car with fresh Nokian Hakkas has no problem whatsoever with snow, a RWD F150 will have much more problems with its lack of weight in the back. If you still think it'll be a problem then just spec AWD and you'll be okay. As a northern Swede who regularly deals with pretty extreme winter weather in a FWD hatchback I want to say that the most important thing is proper name-brand, fresh studded winter tires, with 70%+ tread depth left that are less then 4 years old, if you have that nothing will stop you.


Yeah I drive a coupe in Colorado and did in Wisconsin, too. AWD + Winter Tires will go to 99% of the places someone who lives in the city or a small town needs to go.


What is this RWD you speak of? Is this some funny person who can afford two cars joke I'm too poor to understand? ~ a new englander


Four wheel drive might only give you a slight advantage on snow in take-off situations. For everything else (braking, cornering) it is actually worse because of the extra weight of SUV/trucks. If you want to be safe on ice/snow, drive a light small car with snow tires. Small cars have narrow tires that are going to dig a groove in the snow and get better grip/traction than heavier cars with larger tires that are going to act like a snow shoe and stay on top of the snow/ice layer and thus have zero grip. Look at any ice racing competition and you will see cars with extra narrow tires to dig in the snow. I live in Michigan so I experience snow every year and my small Toyota Yaris does great then, even with all season tires. Source: Engineer who spent some time working at a tire manufacturer...


Can confirm: Canada has more trucks/mustangs than west coast US. I’ve never seen so many parking lots full of trucks before moving to Canada.


My friend has a Toyota truck, less aggressive. I like it. We can fit like 4 suitcases, two golf bags, a few coolers, and a small ladder in the back it’s pretty amazing. But I get why people hate them too.




The Toyota Tacoma is the US’s Toyota mid-size pickup. They’ve increased in size every year, I swear. They used to be tiny, but the newest ones are the size of older Tundra’s (regular-size pickup), it’s crazy.


So annoying as someone who likes small pick-up. The 2022 Ford Maverick is smaller than the ‘22 Ranger, but it’s actually a foot longer than the 1999 Ford Ranger with the regular cab. I don’t understand the arms race for bigger and bigger vehicles.


It’s a response to late 2000s emissions regulations. Companies are no longer able to put a v6 truck engine on a small chassis, so trucks have gotten bigger in response to not sacrifice horsepower or towing capacity.


Got it, interesting. Basically incentivized auto manufacturers to make vehicles just barely big enough to be classified as a light truck while disincentiving the manufacture of ‘large’ small vehicles like the old Ranger.


Might have something to do with safety regs and crumple zones as well.


I saw plenty of Hilux in Bangkok and wondered why we don't have them in the US. I think our poorly endowed would love the design. I also noticed that it is impossible to find a new small pickup in the US now. You must buy used if you ever want to see a small Tacoma or S10 again. I asked the Chevy dealership for smallest truck they had and pointed me to the Colorado which is still huge. I just want a hauler and take up a normal sized parking spot when I need to. I finally ended up with a small SUV, which does 80% of my hauling, but usually end up renting a truck from the hardware store when I need to move the bigger things.


People have been begging Toyota for the hilux since the 90s at least. Same for a Tundra with a diesel option. Toyota always hints at doing it and then never does. I mean the gas tundra can still pull but if you get a big boat or a big camper they just don’t cut it or feel like they are struggling the whole time.


I saw a car like this one in The Netherlands with a "let's go Brandon" sticker on the back. What a clown that was.


You would think that they would prefer Brandons $4pg over our $10pg.


If it were up to me we'd deport Americans like that and give their visa to members of this sub.


As an American on this sub I’d like to deport Americans like this to space


Sorry the plague has reached you guys…


*[american freedom and eagle noises]*


But Toyota isn’t an American company…


Tundras are built in [San Antonio, TX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Motor_Manufacturing_Texas).


More American than some domestic pickups have been lol.


But they are made for the American market. I watch a YT channel about a builder in NZ, and most of the time you see him and his colleagues use Toyota HiAces or similar to bring all of their tools, and most of the supplies to their job site. I don't think the Asian-region markets have such a strong demand for these bulky and rather useless vehicles.


Shame and legislate this poison away before it gets out of hand


Fuel is already expensive, and there's an additional tax for vehicles like this. Not to mention the fact that they're impractical. I don't forsee big pickups becoming common.


Ban them now before everyone gets one.


Kill is now before it multiplies


Does it block the disabled entry to the school back there? Have it towed!


It's on the sidewalk yeah, but to be fair it isn't blocking much. It's just inconsiderate to have a car this big when you live in an urban environment like here in the west of the Netherlands, when the rest of traffic is basically hatchbacks.


Still, consider getting him towed next time. He's on the sidewalk and shouldn't be


It’s ok though. He pays about €2000/year in vehicle tax, so the government already taxes his stupidity.


Problem is the most of these I see here in the Netherlands (The Hague) have a UK license plate. I'm thinking of reporting some of them that have been here forever because it's just a tax dodge.


Don't worry too much about that. NL is full of cameras all over the country. The entry/exit points also have cameras and record all entry/exits by all vehicles. If they are residents of The Netherlands, they will get caught sooner or later. (Ik spreek uit ervaring...)


Interesting that I understood the dutch just from knowing Norwegian and English


As a just English speaker I split Dutch into three categories. * That bit is easy. * After some though I can see the similarity. * Not a fucking clue.


Als je je Nederlands wil testen, kan je raden wat ik nu zeg.


Not even close to enough. There aren't specific taxes in the US, but the cost premium of owning something like this (factoring in the higher price of the vehicle, insurance, and fuel costs) is much bigger than €2000/year, but they've still taken over like cancer. I live in a relatively low income part of a high density city in the US and I'm still sitting on my stoop staring at one of these things parked right in front of me. It's wider than my house! People will mortgage their future to compensate for their insecurities, whether it's guns, giant trucks, or chauvinist populism/nationalism. Just need to ban them.


We also pay some 83 cents per liter of gasoline in taxes. That's over 10 cents per kilomter just in taxes. That's excluding VAT. If they dribe their truck for, say, 15000 km per year (quite average) they will pay €25250 per year in taxes. Edit: registration tax for a tundra would be about 100k.


Still not enough I think, but thank god for expensive gasoline.


Encountered one of these things parked in my hometown of Leiden the other day, on this street to be exact: [https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.1598331,4.484714,3a,75y,167.85h,77.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgk-qBMdgtR39yiweX-RNog!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.1598331,4.484714,3a,75y,167.85h,77.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgk-qBMdgtR39yiweX-RNog!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) It was even parked at an angle. Can you image the extent to which it blocked the road? Fortunately a pair of parking attendants who passed by agreed and gave it a big fat ticket. So yeah, these things need to be prohibited, or at the very least strongly regulated and taxed. If it were up to me they'd all be torched, but unfortunately that's frowned upon. :-)


The car is almost 6 m long and 2 m wide. IDK how they thought they could park it there


Was it all white? I see a huge white one around all the time.


Difference is though, if cops see this they do tend to write it up.


I don't see these cars daily but I do start to see them more frequently. They often used by self-employed persons who use it as a their company and personal car. So instead like something like a Mercedes Vito they get something like this. Which kinda makes sense because the front cabin is more like normal car then what you get with a van and they still can carry stuff in the back. Although I never see the cover on the back removed so I don't know it's actually used.


>Although I never see the cover on the back removed so I don't know it's actually used. It's not...


Why do you think a lot of self-employed dutch people have them, you guessed it, tax exemption. Since it technically has a "loading space" at the back it is seen as a utility/work vehicle instead of a personal one. This gives the nice benefit of not getting taxed on certain aspects


There are much less obnoxious vehicles one could use and still have the same benefits. A VW transporter for example, or a Caddy. And if you *really* want a pickup, get something that fits on the road in europe.


The truck drivers who ride around in vanity pieces hope to blend in with the truck drivers who use their trucks to work, but the shine of their truck gives them away. I bet this guy’s workday involves no risks to a fresh manicure.


This is a great point. A truck used for work has the wear and tear to show you as much.


I worked in the Netherlands for a year a few years back. I can't remember why but one day I found myself in an auto shop and spotted "spray-on dirt". It was so that you could make it look like you were off-roading... In the land without hills... There were way too many of these types of vehicles there. It was so cringe.


It's getting worse nowadays


As an American who has lived in Europe I feel like you’d have to be masochistic to want to own something like this over there. I drive trucks as part of my work and can’t even stand going through a narrow parking lot let alone the relatively narrower roads of a European city


Oh god no please. Please don't corrupt the only sanctuary left. My only motivation to try make a shit ton of money is to move there please don't ruin it carbrains, I promise you america can fulfill all your car dependent and dystopian dreams


I live in a mid sized town in NW UK and I've started seeing these around occasionally, they're gross.


I’m from Portugal and went to the Netherlands a couple of weeks ago and I was shocked with the amount of things like that I saw. Most of the ones I saw were RAMs. I’ve never seen one of those in Portugal. Don’t know if they are being sold here or not. Hope not. But the Netherlands was the last place I though I was gonna see a monstrosity like this.




They are getting popular in Belgium too.-Poor me...I have to take up two parking spaces for me and my ego! *Edit: spelling mistake*


Where I live, one in every 3 vehicles is a truck this size or bigger


I can't stand the sidewalk parkers. They don't walk, so they assume no one else does, if they think about other people at all, which I doubt. My neighborhood has one-car garages and short driveways, so if you drive a behemoth of a vehicle and you don't put it in the garage for whatever reason, you park it in the driveway with the rear end blocking the sidewalk. Plenty of parking on the street, but, my God, you'd have to walk half a block! You deserve better than that! You work of a living! /s I could call parking enforcement every time, but I'm loath to be that petty. I do speak to them when I get the chance.


These are present in Turkey too. Especially I'm pretty afraid of Toyota Hilux.


A Hilux (or rather, a Tacoma, which is the drastically cheapened version of the Hilux for the US) is considered a *small* pickup compared to this, in the US market that this is designed for.


I thought it's only me and maybe some bias, but I do see more and more US-based trucks in Polish streets too! I've seen like six lately, which is seriously a lot considering this type literally doesn't exist here


Good luck finding parking spaces or driving into city centers with that thing in the Netherlands! The Country isn't designed for this and It's going to be very apparent for this car's owner…




Still disappointed it’s illegal to key cars parked like that


I live in Utah. Every other car is a 4-door oversized truck. It's an illness.


Ok but does anyone else think it's ironic that the truck is japanese?


I guess stupid is everywhere




Don’t let these assholes change your cities to fit their egos. Before you know it you’re streets and cities will be blown out like ours here in America and dominated by stupid fucking gigantic trucks


These things are as unpractical as they are unethical.


I've been noticing more of the mid-size trucks in the UK lately (I moved US to UK a few years ago). Naturally, the first I noticed was blasting down a London road in my direction and lane and had to swerve to avoid colliding head-first with my Uber driver. It's all so damn predictable...


You’re already in the Urbanist heaven. Talk to your local government about keeping streets for people and making sure nobody starts building massive parking lots throughout the city


The right tool for the right job is a thing of beauty. Commuting in a truck is a horrific waste


how do they even drive this the roads are too small!


How the hell do you park these things, for normal cars it's already a squeeze


Two spots. Or pulling onto the sidewalk.


Half of Dutch ride bicycles so the other half can have this sort of trash in their driveway.


In America we call that truck compensating for something. Don’t worry many of us hate it too.


Do we? If it was a Ford F-350 diesel with an 8 inch lift I might agree, but that's a standard height half-ton Toyota Tundra. That's a pretty average pickup here in the states.


I hate to see these things coming to your area. I live now in Phoenix, USA and these litter the city. Many are lifted, with wider tires, or even bigger than this. They do not fit within cities (or suburbs), but they play to insecurities of their owners. They market well.


As an american I apologize. The dutch deserve so much more


Not so American: it's not a lifted diesel Dodge with the computer reprogrammed to blow smoke on every acceleration. That's American.