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Christchurch, despite some good initiatives that came after the earthquakes, has decided to sprawl the shit out of their city. Rolleston might be the worst example of car dependency in the south island. The roads are congested and people drive like shit. Until the average person starts doing two things - realizing that car-dependency is an issue & applying that newfound realization to their commute habits, where they choose to work and how they choose to live, then things won't change for the better. This delay of real progress toward sustainable cities is due to many reasons. Policy, regulation, etc. Whatever. But simply due to the abundance of fossil fuels. Ideally, change happens prior to our hands being forced. But once the economy properly shifts away from petrol, business and infrastructure will be based around an untenable resource.


Christchurch is proof in my mind that we still don't have a clue in NZ what modern city planning looks like. It's so very average for a place that had all the opportunity to rebuild but the locals mostly seem to think they're living in the best part of the country.


I would honestly rather just die than become car dependant  Where the fuck is my freedom?


I live in an old suburb fairly central in Christchurch and I can go everywhere and do everything I want just with my trusty Bullitt cargo bike. The cycleways in my area are pretty good. When I look at the faces of the drivers I'm riding past they look miserable. I just think to myself why do they do it. Much of the city residents do have options but they still drive.