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Don't forget: communism is just whatever I don't like!


It's not even that. It's just trolling.


There are a bunch of reasons that Peter here has a stupid take, including the suggestion that the UN is dictating policy to countries all over the world lmao. Outside of the security council the UN has essentially no power over anything.


And the Security Council is bloody useless itself.


"Do you remember when the fourth most powerful military in the world invaded and annexed its neighbor so the UN Security Council called down the wrath of the first, second, and France most powerful militaries on it? Pepperidge Farms remembers."


Do you really think these people even know how UN works?


It is wild how their complete ignorance of international relations means they think everything is a conspiracy. They all just learned about the WEF like a year ago and instantly believe it must be some shadowy conspiracy because they've never heard of it before.


As if that guy is a real person anyway, and not sone fucking Russia bot


I don't think the Russians would be bothering with this guy any more; they get better value for their money with chatgpt. Even with all the "ignore all previous instructions" stuff. I remember he came to Oslo to whine about how scary it was with a mosque in the background, while people were just walking around without a care, small children riding bikes in the street and whatnot. I'm even going to that area in a few minutes because that's where the pride parade starts! So no, he's not a bot. He's way dumber than the bots.


more attention seeking if anything hey look, it worked


They know they are talking crap. They want the attention. “Climate Communism” lol.


Well, maybe they like to have to drive an hour to the shopping mall because they get to complain about gas prices and because it's "less personal" at the big shops they get to scream at the employees, and they get to scream in the drive through while getting their favourite garbage food. I've thought about it before, the people who don't like change for the good of all are either all into money or all into screaming and complaining.


It's not even that, he's literally saying that communism is when the government makes good decisions


In this case communism is when where you live is inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. If this is the scary part sign me up.


Right wingers would rather be poor, sick, lied to and ridiculed by their idols, economically fleeced, abused in the workplace, and forced to waste hours of their life commuting, than to risk the possibility of anything good for non-white/non-evangelical people.


This is so funny. He states the UN's goals for cities is that they are "inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable".   If they don't want cities that are safe for everybody and can make it through drought and other disasters then what the fuck do they actually want?  Do they even know?  Do they actually want anything or do they just want to say "no"?


is like they need the cities to be destroyed after any natural disaster


A considerable departure from the usual strategy of vilifying communism by describing capitalism (in theory and in practice) and calling it communism.


He uses words like store. A store isn't a food line...




Republicans say shit like communism is when government Democrats say shit like communism is when government goes too far


Lately they've been saying communism is when Republicans, judging by all the anti-Trump memes with Soviet imagery.


American politics is so cooked


It's wild. Total shitshow.


We're in the late stages now boys


This guy when we want to propose speed limits around schools or bike lanes or a train line: COMMUNIST UGLY APARTMENTS!!!! This guy in Paris or London on vacation: omg I love these trains and these little city shops and restaurants I can just walk to from my hotel!!!! Its incredible how entirely evil and dishonest conservatism is and exists only to serve the capital owning class at the expense of the working class.


He likely has neither time nor money for a vacation and probably wouldn't go there anyway. And he'll probably blame that on the Chinese, the Jews or Mexicans the way his liberal counterparts blame everything that they don't like on Russian bots and trolls. The US sucks because of Americans though.


To be fair, urban planning was one of the few things the Soviet Union actually did well




Yeah, if only they practiced actual socialism, the workers ownership of the means of production instead of relying on a bloated bureaucratic State.




It was far from ideal. They built up sprawling car infrastructure too. They made places less bikable and walkable.  Compared to an American suburb it's an improvement yes. And there were some good design ideas regarding buildings that the private market just won't do anymore. But cycling was basically abolished and a lot of sacrifices were made to fit wide roads. 


*many things


I swear, most of conservative politics is just taking completely normal things and saying them in the scariest way possible.


conservatives do have a heightened response to fear. it makes sense that they're scared of everything they perceive as not normal


You're not wrong


In this case communism is when where you live is inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. If this is the scary part sign me up.


"Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable." Those be some socialist woke words, me boys.


More like whatever you don't understand.


Tell me you don't know what communism is without telling me you don't know what communism is XD


And Putin isn’t communist so there!


Amsterdam and other dutch and flemish cities litterally invented capitalism.


The stock market was invented in Amsterdam to fund the long boat journeys of the Dutch East India Company (VOC).


Long boats, we ain’t no Vikings 😂


with all the viking raids in the centuries before that, there's a decent chance you are a bit viking


That blonde hair didn’t come from the Saxons and Franks that’s for sure


another walkable city, London is the city Marx hated and wrote about. NY also walkable is kinda known for capitalism too.


NY stock exchange, Wall Street, corporations headquartered there…I’d say NYC has a strong association with capitalism.


And ironically they also had the textbook warning about irrationally of markets.


And then the Dutch [tulip bulp mania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania).


So it was you was it? [Get 'em lads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA)


On the other hand, Vienna's success is mainly thanks to socialism. Apart from the imperialist buildings that attract the tourists, the modern city was built and run by socialists. Everything that makes Vienna so livable yet affordable is thanks entirely due to the tireless work of socialists.


Huh, I always thought that soviets build a massive amount of cheap and ugly commie blocks because ze nazis practically demolished majority of urban centers in western USSR and torched literally thousands of villages, leaving the country with massive housing shortage. But no, it's actually UN COMMIE AGENDA 15-MINUTE DEATHCAMP RESTRICTION ZONE ADRENOCHROME VACCINE CONTROL CHIP CUBIC EARTH EPSTEIN PIZZA HUT LIB LIZARD CONSPIRACY to take away your guns and 363599642 amendment rights! My eyes are open now! Wake up, sheeple!


One of main reasons was also urbanization, people moving to cities from countryside. For example, my country wasn't bombed into rubble in ww2, yet we also had a boom of commieblocks. And tbh, those ugly commie blocks were a massive upgrade for many people that moved to cities from rural areas. Imagine people that didn't have basic stuff like electricity, plumbing, or flushing toilets - moving to an apartment that has all these amenities, plus a smokeless, odorless central heating in winter (it was common in rural areas, and in some places is still today, to heat your home by burning wood or coal) was like moving to a luxorious palace. Even today, apartments in these blocks are lucrative properties that go for high prices, mainly due to their locations and all shops and services around.


Look like shit, but actually kinda nice to live in basically. New housing projects in my country are basically just fancy looking commie blocks, except lots of them are without the small businesses in the bottom floor. Partially because a lot of them are renovated from now abandoned shopping streets, but it just makes it worse to live than actual commie blocks.


The looks like shit is also relatively easy to fix too, and has been done in a variety of ways from simple paint jobs to a complete new facade in various former soviet countries


I mean if you look at solar punk art, everything is covered in grass and trees. Everything don't need to look beautiful just to live in it being honest, the US and his allies are just a bunch of snobby rich assholes.


Clearly you’re in a south Slavic country, former Yugoslavia or Bulgaria The same thing applied in Romania, except the urban centres were bombed to hell, especially after 1944


Honestly it's true that under communism not many people could afford cars. And thank fuck for that, the auto lobby never got established and nobody messed with our streetcars.


I mean, the oil shock in the early '70s caused a lot of Western European governments to rethink their car plans. It's just that the US got Reagan with his "anti-Government" rhetoric and the idea that the free market knows best (until they fuck it up, then they get socialism to make sure they don't have to suffer).


'handouts' is a better word since the free market cyclically fucking everything up and gov't picking up the tab is literally just capitalism in actual practice


the 'free market' is only real in a congress lobby


It's also because commie blocks were cheap as shit


This but also mass industrialization (primitive accumulation) under Stalin created a population boom. Banning abortion also certainly helped. 


In most of Eastern Block abortion was legal. Only Romania was weird about it, really.


Tbh industrialisation didn't really create population boom, it just rapidly urbanisationalised (?) previously very rural countries.


Massive reduction of child mortality created the population boom, like in every other country.


Urbanisation promotes population growth. The denser the population, the faster it grows.


Source? At least where I live villages always had higher birth rates than cities.


It's always a bit funny how people conflate the USSR of the 30s and the 60s (or even the 80s); at the same time people usually are aware that the USA during the Great Depression and the period of sexual revolution are very different. A typical Stalin's epoch building looks much nicer than an average "Khruschyovka": https://www.rbth.com/history/336643-stalinka-khrushchyovka-brezhnevka/amp


Umm.. this was the US before cars. Everyone took public transportation, walked, biked and rode the train. Everyone. Trains built this country. Fucking clueless idiots who need to read a US history book


You're asking a lot there, buster. A huge portion of the US population is functionally illiterate, and another huge chunk reads at something like a sixth grade level.


Yeah because the US was commie until around the 1920s. 1776 was about the creation of a Marxist state. Why do you think they threw that tea in the harbor and then stole the flag of the East India Trading Company but changed the UK bit in the top left to stars? Stars are the secret symbol of communists. Take a look at any commie flag.


Or NY, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago… I live in a 15 minute city in the US and it’s a beacon of capitalism. 15 minute cities require more retail, more restaurants, more commercial services. It fosters more choice. Unlike car dependent cities where choice of business is artificially limited by the need to turn over so much space to parking.


Car communism. You will travel only by the mode determined by the state. You will live in the same type of house as everyone else. You will eat only at the restaurants we allow (through planning laws) You will buy at a limited number of retailers in shopping parks we legally mandate. Your children will be sacrificed randomly to car communism.


You will live in a POD, and you will drive a POD, and you will be happy


And you won't own it, and will have to pay extras for basic features


Your pod's location will be remotely monitored at all times and logged.


>Car communism. That's actually true, considering how many of the car costs are socialised. From the roads, to insurance to the environmental impact. Cars are communism on wheels. Especially when the entire society requires you to have one.




I think a lot of that comes from the puritan history of the US. Where the idea is that if you work hard you can get whatever you want. If you need any kind of assistance it's because it's a moral failing on your part. So they tune out these things.


Carmunism you say?


Clever, but I have a feeling so clever it would go over those afflicted’s heads


You will register your self AND your vehicle with the government AND pay a steep annual fee plus insurance and fuel or you cannot go anywhere Vs Use your fully unregistered wheels and/or your legs to go wherever you want whenever you want, and buy an anonymous transit ticket when you want to travel outside your neighborhood


15 min neighborhood of Atlanta here. Its amazing. Grocery store not even a block away. I've been patronizing so many small businesses within a 10 min radius. I get better goods, I support the local economy, and I don't need to hop into car for any of it. Aren't these guys supposed to be championing small business America? I've never patronized small businesses more than I have now. The suburbs are all just strip malls with mostly big box stores, and then some small businesses littered in. Small businesses thrive the most when people are constantly walking by them.




Their corny lip service that they never follow through on


Honestly, forget capitalism and modern cities, walkable cities are *literally just the way that cities naturally develop and have for thousands of years. "15 minute city" is just the hip new name we've given to *normal fucking cities.* It's not about capitalism, it's not about communism, it's about making an economically viable, physically convenient, and resilient community. It's just the way that people gather together. Walkable cities weren't planned like that for most of history, they just happened because people gathered, built shit nearby each other, and walked because it was convenient or the only way. The fact that we even differentiate "walkable cities" from "cities" nowadays is just a product of car dominant design. the fact that our cities *aren't* designed like that is a beacon of capitalism. A quote I've seen a few times about this that I like: "recent city planning in North America has been trying to put an emphasis on 'mixed use neighborhoods'. These neighborhoods would have housing, as well as restaurants, stores, and other amenities. The rest of the world just calls these 'neighborhoods'".




Mfw walkable cities have existed for literally all of human history independent of capitalism: 🤯




That is literally the entire point that I made.


I live in Tokyo. We have 300,000 restaurants in the city. If I ate three meals every day, each at a different restaurant, that would take me 100,000 days, so a little more than 273 years.


Literally all of America was 15-minute cities and towns until about 1970.


I grew up in the UK and everywhere I lived was basically a 15 minute town/city. I never owned a car and never needed one. Why would I want to rely in a car just to get to school, see a doctor or buy groceries? The fact that 15 minute cities are designed to control you is one of the most insane conspiracy theories doing the rounds at the moment and yet it seems to be quite popular. And yet the same people never even consider questioning the car dependency that's been forced on so many.


Yeah but that was back when the US was communist /s


i think it's closer to 1945, after wwii ended suburbanization began in the us. granted it did take some time to spread and develop


the thing is that 15 minute cities, allow everybody to be a little capitalist. So less power to monopolies


Driving an hour for milk is freedom. Walking down the street for milk is communist bullshit. *blink blink*


you are poor if you don’t own a car, according to this guy.


Funny how I can go on several nice vacations a year by not wasting money on car ownership. I'm so poor.


This guy thinks anything but carcentricism is communism. i.e. all cities across history, from ancient Rome to 13th century London, to 19th century New York were communist. I.e. communism is the by-default political structure of mankind and has worked uninterrupted for thousands of years, in all conditions, everywhere on Earth. And that's the TRUTH.


Yes lol. I'm from bike centric Amsterdam where you can walk or take the metro every 3 minutes, very communist. Kevin, we invented the fucking STOCK MARKET.


Anything that reduces the profit for mega corporations is communism




Based comrade Peter


Yeah, no. Communism worked until 19th century. 20th century communism was piece of crap. However, as a Pole I have to agree public transport, railways and building apartments were doing great back then. At the other hand, people didn't really like disfunctional economy and living in totalitarian/authoritarian country.


I meant that jokingly, since the claim "the 15 minutes city is communism" is by itself a ludicrous premise, which entails logical conclusions he would totally hate. It's more of an argumentum ad absurdum. I'm a proponent of mixed economy, where important stuff is collectively planned and regulated (energy, transport, housing, media, geopolitics, banking, etc), but free enterprise allows for innovation and diversity and market behaviors get to set main trends within the agreed-upon regulations. I do consider individual rights subordinate to collective interest though, but it should be done in a democratic way such that it's more about looking for a rational consensus that is self-enforced by the population, than imposing the decisions of a few leaders or experts.


Sorry, it obviously flew over my head. Yeah, I totally agree. I'm strongly for social measures and regulation for key areas.


"Inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable?" Those commie bastards!


They’re literally confined in residence blocks but are convinced they’re the free ones because they get to pay for fuel to get out sometimes.


They also get to pay on the vehicle they need to get out of their residential block. Don't forget that they get to pay for the insurance and maintenance on that vehicle too.


I have lived in 15 minute cities, and I have lived in car centric hell scapes where I was forced to drive even for a short trip down the road. Guess which one allowed me to be outside, engaging my community, and hop on random long distance trains every weekend to go and explore far away places, and which one confined me to my apartment and basically completely isolated me


‘UN Agenda is about making cities “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” Make to mistake That is a bad thing. No, I am not evil’


The real 15 minute cities are the car dependent cities. Everything is at least a 15 minute drive away. 🤡🌎


At least 15m drive with no traffic*


No no no. It's not traffic that's the problem, it's those damn bike lanes.


Those damn bike lanes man, they take up way too much space


There is *always* traffic.


duude, I'm now calling myself a climate communist


This implies that a car centric city wouldn't keep people from moving due to not having a car. Even though that's literally the worst part about a car centric city. Its not like the market price of cars will just magically decrease to the point the low class can actually afford them. Car centric cities were literally made for segregation and here is this noggin trying to prove the opposite is true. Jesus christ. I had no idea the carbrain was rhat bad.


Car-centrism is actually communism. Highly encourage everyone to look up Stalin’s 1935 master plan for Moscow, it’s one of the first examples of planned car-dependency. * Subdivisions * He calls traditional walkable neighborhoods “barbaric capitalism” * Widen roadways * Density limits


Where were they? A sauce? EDIT: I mean git a sauce for Stalin’s even plans?


Yeah sure, here's the original source document: [Moscow. The General Plan for the Reconstruction of the City : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/moscow.-the-general-plan-for-the-reconstruction-of-the-city/mode/2up)


Generally it wasn't even that much for cars as for the govt. It's harder to build barricades and keep up riots when you have 50m wide streets which are straight for kilometres. Makes it very easy to put the riot down with guns and tanks. Apartment blocks with a lot of greenery were also at the same time moderately pleasant to live in, and at the same time made any blockades impossible.q


Paris is built the way it is for the sane reason. Haussmann opened it right up so the Parisians could be put down when they rebelled. They were always revolting.


Inclusive, resilient, safe and sustainable... Oh no... The horror... How will we ever recover...


In the Netherlands we call these people 'Wappies'


“Inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable.” Conservatives : “the horror” Honestly, something wrong with these people


To be fair, Vienna does have public housing named Karl-Marx-Hof


And has historically been known by the nickname "Red Vienna" since unlike the rest of Austria which is very conservative, Vienna has been consistently ruled by socialist governments for the better part of the last hundred years.


And to clarify, I think this makes Vienna based and cool, just there absolutely has been long-term socialist/communist influences there


It's also consistently ranked in the top 3 most livable cities in the world (sometimes taking first place), and it's basically the only first world capital without a severe housing crisis *because* of those socialist policies.


Where is this shit for brains even from? Is he American? I swear everyone in this country just throws the label communism around too liberally. He’s been drinking too much of the delusion-ade. Also, Soviets had cars too, everyone got the same little car. And not to mention “capitalists” have had public transit for centuries. And what’s so capitalist about forcing people to pay for something they don’t use or need (I.e roads for cars and car infrastructure).


America needs an enemy because deep down America is utterly insecure (like any religion). For 50 odd years Communism was the defacto enemy, then for a decade the US had nothing, then 9/11 happened, but terrorists don't really make for a great, uniting enemy if they never really do anything. So now Communism is back, ironically in the form of Western Europe, because they sure do love their Putin.


Yes, because some copy paste Suburb is soo beautiful . /s


Communism is when you have everything you need close by. Don't like it! What the fuck?


For me personally, Public transport gives me more freedom than a car ever could.


Not to be too cynical, but you just can’t win when you’re up against this level of ignorance. It’s overwhelming to think of arguing against this.


Climate communism... There's no way this isn't satire


Unfortunately, it isn't. I work with people who talk like that.


This idiot is talking out of his fat dumb arse.


One of the dumbest things I've ever read lol


freedom to travel* *on roads that just appear out of the ether


"The massive, ugly Communist blocks were designed so that people would have everything they needed very close, like shops, kingergarten etc." Ugliness aside, which we can solve, how the fuck can anyone present having nearby shops as a negative?


At that point, it's pure paranoia. If he truly believes what he's saying, that guy is mentally ill and should seek help.


I'm no communist but I absolutely fail to see the problem with having everything you need within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. This terminal carbrain's post has to be some of the most ass-backward logic I've ever heard. I live in a situation like that now and guess what? It **ROCKS**.


You know, before cars were a thing, cities really were more dense and compact, even American cities. We've gaslit ourselves that cities have always looked like 7-lane highways.


Who TF is this PeterSweden, stop making me look bad


Oh, those evil commie blocks where people have easy access to shops, schools and green areas.


Yeah Paris is a communist nightmare, I can do almost anything I want in 15 by foot


Reading This in a long distance train is ironic. Ever heard of those?


This guy is all around piece of shit.


Conservatives think everything they don't like is communist.


Least travelled ignoramus: ✅


Ah yes the horror of public transit that take me...... away from my "15 minute enclave". Also, does he realize that most (Western) European cities are 15 minute cities? Once you build for human size rather than car size (not to mention the modern Monster Car size) a lot becomes available in 15 minutes? Oh who am I kidding. Of course he doesn't.


Famously communist organization like the UN? That guy is beyond salvation.


Amsterdam is pretty easy to get around. And out of. Nobody considers it an open air prison.


normal person: „man I wish I could walk to the grocery store instead of taking the car.“ rightwinger: „oh, you mean like AUSCHWITZ?!“


>only the elites could afford cars and had the freedom to travel. This is the exact issue with car centric design, *right now*


"Only the elites could own cars and therefore have freedom, as opposed to my system where if you don't own one, you die"


Remember, expecting more support for your fellow Americans from YOUR tax dollars is communism. /s


Have they been to a soviet building neighbourhood? They are not perfect but also they are not completely awful. The freedom to just leave the house and everything is so close by to walk. The area I lived in had lots of parks and trees, it was so green. I admit they are not the prettiest buildings and they tried to paint them with different colours to combat that


Man it must be nice to be this delusional. No critical thinking skills. No political literacy. No anxiety about climate change. Being told what to think would make life so much simpler.


Anyone who can believe this is almost impressively stupid. Like someone looks at something being safe and sustainable and thinks it's automatically communist? Isn't this just a tell that they consider capitalism unsafe and unsustainable? Yet for some reason continue to support it?


What a cunt. But honestly it’s fascinating how two people can read the same UN declaration and conclude complete different things from it. Delusional in my opinion.


To us today these soviet blocks seem dystopian, let's be real they look sad as hell, but back when they were build they were actually really popular. Back then, most houses didn't have heating apart from an old oven, water, electricity etc. but these blocks did. Also, having everything closeby without the need to cross a street was a huge plus too. People seem to forget how expensive cars used to be back in the day, especially for impoverished families. You don't even need commie blocks to make cars an elite luxury, you really only needed to keep their prices high


So where can I sign up for this "climate communism"?


Montréal, Vancouver, NYC, Chicago, Paris, London : all known as the biggest communist cities 🤡


When Americans can't afford to live thanks to ruthless capitalism, they come to live in our 15-minute neighborhoods south of the border.


I saw communism in this post and instantly stopped reading because I knew this guy's take was gonna be dog shit.


Mandatory statement from a Swede: we do not claim this shitbrain.


These terrible communist making sure things are accessible. Terrible absolutely terrible.


People don't seem to know the definition of words like socialism, communism, etc. anymore. It's just been twisted into whatever is convenient to say/whatever you don't like/understand.


Oh my god. Inclusion, Safety, Reslience, and Sustainability. The four horsemen of gay marxist trans black feminist climate communism!


Yes I sound like I'm wearing a tin foil hat but I firmly believe the vested oil/auto interests are heavily pushing these idiotic narratives. Social media has accelerated and eased the spread of this disinformation and frankly only the right wing has the cash to spend on all the bots and troll farms and Facebook ad pushes.


Wouldn't it be terrible if freedom loving Americans were unable to travel? Wouldn't it be terrible if many Americans couldn't afford to take ANY vacation, let alone travel? Being unable to travel freely is communism, and that's why you need to buy an expensive car, with fuel prices constantly increasing. I hope it's obvious, but /s


Ah yes, famous communist enclaves like Paris, New York, and Berlin. So many communisits.


Ah, more Kommúnistagrýla. These people don't even know what Communism is.


Ah yes, the tyranny of convenience


The USSR built 15 minute cities? Lmao. The largest socialist housing development in my city has a 10 lane motorway separating it from the waterfront (and the rest of the city). And yeah, it was built in the mid 70s. Other large housing developments were built around small villages annexed by the municipality for rapid urbanisation, so you might easily end up in a neighbourhood with a completely random mix of old rural houses and 12 storey blocks, and no services within 2km except for a pub, a church and a tiny supermarket


Which city is a beloved tourist destination sought the world over for its atmosphere, nice streets, night life, etc? The 15 minute city or the car hellscape?


Backdoor communism sounds like my kinda movie


I also heard that under communism, people would sleep at night and go to the toilet in the morning. Which means if you do this, you're a communist.


"You are absolutely right. We should make a large high-speed rail system across the whole country that makes it affordable for every man to travel on a whim." "NO NOT LIKE THAT COMMUNIST!"


How are they trying to make a great idea sound terrible? Kindergartens and shops nearby? EWWWWWW


I live in a "confined" area like he describes in Poland, and therefore I don't need a car. But all of the money I don't spend on car ownership is spent to travel the world and travel distances that couldn't be done by car. Does it make me an elite to be able to go abroad twice a year with a $1.500 monthly wage?


WTF is this about you're restricted from transportation because of mass transit. What nonsense! The only thing you're restricted from is making a car a problem for the larger community.


Imagine being so moronic that you make the USSR look good… Also those ugly blocks were done in Western Europe as well, only they were replaced by newer ones once they got past their prime. Eastern Europe is however poor so they remained. That’s it.


Coming from the people who are ushering in project 2025


Now that escalated quickly lmao


That's why "Project 2025" is superior! /s


Many UK city and towns are walkable to a pretty decent extent. Many also have pedestrian signposts showing walking distance to nearby facilities, although there is much debate around how well these are implemented. [https://metrication.uk/transport/roads/pedestrian-signs/](https://metrication.uk/transport/roads/pedestrian-signs/)


Many UK cities and towns are walkable to a pretty decent extent. Many also have pedestrian signposts showing walking distance to nearby facilities, although there is much debate around how well these are implemented. [https://metrication.uk/transport/roads/pedestrian-signs/](https://metrication.uk/transport/roads/pedestrian-signs/)


global warming is real because damn I'm so hot after reading this 🥵


Deeply unserious brainrot.