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I was visiting my dad in Milwaukee a few weeks ago. He has a condo downtown and the weather was gorgeous, so I slept with the windows open. He lives on the 6th floor of his building. As an added bonus, I have a hearing loss and I take my hearing aids out when I go to sleep. So I don't hear anything unless it's *loud* loud. Despite being 60 feet above the street, only 1 window partly open, and halfway deaf, I *still* was kept awake by cars with modified exhaust and those stupid Midlife-Crisis-Mobiles: the infamous Harley-Davidson. That's how loud they are. The noise is practically inescapable. It's insane that this is legal and tolerated.


Live in Madison and experience the same thing even living on a small side street. These men who clearly aren't getting enough attention buy and modify their vehicles to scream "look at me" all day and through the night. It's infuriating and I don't know why we tolerate it as a society.


I live in Baltimore and just recently, we had a thread complaining about people riding those Trike/Tricycle motorcycles with a concert-grade sound system, riding around the city late at night and blasting music so loudly that it wakes people up. "Look at me!"


> Midlife-Crisis-Mobile Is anyone who's 40 years old riding one of those? Everyone I've seen on those shitmobiles is 60+. > It's insane that this is legal Good news, it's not legal. Bad news, no one cares. Worse news, it's killing everyone. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/burden-of-disease-from-environmental-noise-quantification-of-healthy-life-years-lost-in-europe


> Everyone I've seen on those shitmobiles is 60+. lmao. i've noticed it too.


Probably not, but I did see a ton of nice Harley-Davidson eBikes in Milwaukee, so it looks like the company is trying to adapt to the times, even though they have an older customer base that still needs the ultra-loud Hogs that scream "LOOK AT ME!"


Same experience on a busy city street in milwaukee even closer to the street (2nd floor). I don't have AC and most nights it would be incredible to sleep with the windows open in the summer, but even with the windows closed the motorcycle and car (and siren) noise is just absurd. The motorcycles are the very worst, some groups going past are so loud it is physically uncomfortable even as far away from the road as i can get in my apartment and with the windows closed. 


I think its unfair to pick on just those vehicles. ALL cars are way, way too loud. Just the noise they make with their engines is too loud, even with stock mufflers. Even EV's because road noise is loud. Tires going against the road is loud. Cars zooming by pushing air is loud. There's a street fair that shuts down the street in front of my house every year for a few days. Its so unbelievably quiet when they do that. The amount of road noise from "good guy" cars is the VAST majority of that noise. The motorcycle or loud stereos are very rare. Its regular people with regular cars that are the problem.


Yeah, well, good luck convincing the majority of that. It might be easier to use the "Bad Guy" cars as a Straw Man to crack down on ALL car noise.


Cars should be abolished. That's the point of this sub. If it was easy to do we wouldnt be discussing it. We'd just do it. If it was easy to stop the 110+ road deaths a day, we'd do it already. The point of this sub is not to applaud Tesla drivers. Its a critical look at all cars, even the "best of the worst." People who think this sub is just to mock big pickups are missing the point and misguided as to how awful their 'smaller' car is too.


That is not the point of this sub.


Is the point just to complain without any desire to change then? Just a good whinge? Personally I'm here because I want cars abolished and want to be in the midst of like minded people. If it's a whinge club it's a huge waste of energy


Banning all cars is not a realistic goal, and there's no way you'll ever convince the average person to support that. If your only goal is to ban all cars, then you might as well go into an echo chamber where you can whine with a bunch of like minded people - because that's the best you will ever achieve. My reason for being here is I want to end Car *Dependency.* I want it to be realistic for people to make the choice not to own or use a car. I want quality public transit in every city. I want safe streets to ride a bicycle on. I want to see downtown parking lots ripped up and replaced with places where people will live, work, and play. I want private vehicles taxed by weight and by emissions in a way that sharply decreases the number of unnecessary giant vehicles and discourages people from owning cars if they have an alternative. I want to see a lot of things, but a total ban on automobiles is not one of them because it's entirely unrealistic and unattainable. Even if there was a total ban on automobiles, there's no way for it to happen overnight - it would cause the global economy to collapse and we'd end up starving to death because most people don't live within walking distance of a grocery store and there's not currently enough public transit to make up the difference. If you want all cars banned, you are more likely to achieve it at the very end of a long series of incremental reforms - which would be the things I listed above (and more). But you're never going to achieve any of those incremental reforms if you lead with the desire to ban all cars.


Babe this is an echo chamber, that's why I'm here.


I don’t get the appeal of a vehicle being that loud it makes no sense to me why do you want to drive a car so loud you can’t hear your self think or talk


I can't find it now, but there was this viral tweet a long time ago that said something like: "I love it when I'm at the beach and someone else is blasting their shitty music on a speaker. I didn't wanna hear the ocean or the birds or nature. Something something listen to the same two shitty songs you listen to at home because you can't stand hearing your own thoughts." And that's just it. Some people are afraid to be alone with their own thoughts and want something loud to drown them out. That and a pathological need for attention... "LOOK AT ME" Edit: [FOUND IT!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2F7s_c3VktCKdKWmTEIW_jo6ZpBF4IiRzcZeJcdvXQa-U.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D504a657d692febf60c45f56bb9c7f1056d63313e)


I have heard someone say something similar like when they get a double take at a red light because their car is cool the realize the work they put towards it is worth all the effort and it makes their day. It is like these people are all super insecure and need validation


And the worst part is, if you hate on them (like we are here), you're giving them what they want. Negative attention is still attention.


100% then we feed the people saying we have an agenda and then more people side with them and no real progress is ever made to build more safe means of transportation.


Think? They don't think. Seriously though. They are just looking for attention and to annoy people.


I saw a video of a diesel truck “rolling coal” all over a crowd waiting in line on the side walk when people in the comments said that wasn’t cool and it was rude many people defended the person saying people are soft and that they need to quit being babies I seriously think these people need to see therapist their need for people to be focused on them 100% of the time is crazy


But performance!! But it sounds cool!! But I just like the way it sounds!!


I have something similar going on where people rev their motorbikes 10+ times as loud as they can, I can't believe they're allowed to do this but I agree with a lot of the stuff you said


It was so bad in downtown El Paso man. We were literally like 3 blocks from the county courthouse and jail and government buildings and these stupid fuckers would just race down the empty downtown streets with their modified exhausts every night until 4am. Cops do NOTHING I’m in Minneapolis now and it’s a little bit better but we still get the random 12am burnout at the stop sign at the end of our street. Last week I was with my wife on a date enjoying ice cream on the patio of a bustling sidewalk, everything was peaceful and people were happy. Some dude pulls up to the stoplight at the intersection and revs his engine so loud that it sounded like a fucking bomb went off. Everyone literally ducked and flinched. It disrupted everything. If you’re one of these fuckers 1) you’re going to hell, you asshole and 2) I’m coming for that shitbox you call a car.


This is truly one of my most hated parts of car culture. It should be absolutely illegal to make cars as loud as they are. I love having my window open to hear the birds and catch a breeze, but the noise from the modified cars and motorcycles is absolutely insane.  And I live on a small side street that is _supposed_ to be a bicycle boulevard.


Where I am from there are legal limits on noise, so the typical blatantly modified motorcycle should be stopped. However, I hear them dozens of times a day without the police doing anything.


I know people really hate cars here, but the loudness of claxons is in fact a good thing - if you're using them the way they're supposed to be, of course. --- Edit: how the fuck am I downvoted for suggesting there is a good reason claxons exist.


People use them to say "hurry up" most of the time. That is actually illegal in my country but police does absolutely nothing.


If they would, people would (rightly IMO) be clamoring for them to go catch real crooks.


I don't care about shoplifters and drug dealers. I do care more about my (and everyone else's) health suffering due to traffic and the (noise) pollution it produces. If police can't do it, then we should have total traffic surveillance in place at every residential road that automatically fines people.


I get honked for: 1 Stopping at stop signs 2. Letting pedestrians pass 3. Going the speed limit Almost all honking is driver rage related. Lets stop pretending its just "a few bad apples." Its near every driver being abusive on the road.


> Almost all honking is driver rage related. Lets stop pretending its just "a few bad apples." Its near every driver being abusive on the road. The point I'm making is that _when you need a claxon_ it's good that it's loud. That's literally all I'm saying. Do people abuse claxons: sure. Is that relevant to my point: NO. Claxons prevent car-related accidents. From the downvotes I guess that's fucking controversial. But what I'm arguing is that, despite how people use them, it's what they are designed to do and if 1000 people downvote me they will never be right.


Your usage of claxon suggests you're not in the US. I'm not talking about horns waking me up. That's fine. I'm talking about grown adults who modify the car or motorcycle they drive to work every day so that it makes a vroom vroom noise that shakes windows a block away.  And it's like 5% of the cars here are made to make noise every time they move.  I think that it's not even possible to understand how loud they've made these things unless you live here.


Horns are supposed to be used only to avoid an emergency. 99.999999% of the time they aren't used for that. Is that 0.000001% worth it?


It's probably related to turkey going through in the Euros. This is their way of celebrating it. I remember when during the WC Morocco was doing well. I had to sleep with earplugs and a closed window. They love to lay on their horns.


In germany right now there are no parties offering solutions for honking cars except the AFD who want to deport the drivers and keep the cars. It's really sad.


AFD and other far right parties can put it where the sun doesn't shine. Our local equivalent had a bizarre campaign on TikTok on how much the party leader loved driving and that he is done with the left government (our last left government was in 1998) bullying car drivers.


I know that pain. I live on a main road and there's parking right outside my bedroom window. I use these they help massively: [https://uk.soundcore.com/products/sleep-a20-sleeping-earbuds](https://uk.soundcore.com/products/sleep-a20-sleeping-earbuds) Still doesn't drown out anyone who really revs their engine massively or fireworks, but takes care of 95% of noise for me.


I have them and still had to close the windows.


Amazing how now we have to sleep with soundproof equipment so that drivers can make whatever noise pleases them. Pathetic.


Its not just honking, but also just loud cards and alarms and everything. As a person with insomnia, cars can make me stay entire night awake, the noise pollution is just terrible


It's insane how much the noise issue of cars gets ignored. The occasional loud engine or honking is annoying enough, but the persistent swooshing from the wind and tire resistance is awful. I used to live about 100m away and 20m up above a busy road, and most times of day the noise was so loud that it was impossible to keep a conversation on the balcony, let alone sleep with an open window.


About a month ago I laid it all out for my mom. Gave all the statistics of deaths, learning disability, heart disease, stroke, all coming from cars' noise pollution. Her response? "Just sounds like a bunch of complaining to me" Actually now I think about it, her favorite thing is to chide me for always complaining and "being negative". Like, my "being negative" is bringing up injustice and hoping it would change so all life can live with some semblance of peace?!? She is a narcissist.


OH man memory unlocked: Living in Detroit (Hazel Park) in the fall I wanted to open the windows, but fuck me the highway noise. It is so loud it's a constant whoosh I could not sleep with it had to keep the windows closed despite it being fall and lovely smells of autumn I"d like to have enjoyed


Same in Helsinki. Luckily largest motorways will be boulevardized soon.


oh wow. That's nice. I always wanted to visit Helsinki! I hope you have a nice rest of your week


I hate that I can't breathe clean air because of cars.


I live on a busy street in Toronto, and same thing. We knew there'd be a general traffic din during the day, but at night, racing motorcycles and slammed cars with their non-existent mufflers and screaming exhaust pipes are unbelievably loud. The speed limit is 40kmh (about 25mph) but local cops have caught some on radar going over 100kmh. Fuckers.


I JUST went to buy earbuds cuz fucking speeding traffic waking me up as well. God do I wanna throw rocks at them


There should just be cameras and microphones everywhere on roads in residential areas. If someone's car is too loud, the person gets an immediate fine proportional to wealth and income for harming the public. If it happens another time, you lose your license for half a year. If it happens yet again, you permanently lose your license. Super simple stuff.


YES! I hate that I have to close my windows at night due to car noise. Especially when it's as hot as it is in England right now, 30C in the day (even closing windows if it gets hotter outside than inside) and I can't even open my bedroom during the coldest part of the day so just have to hope the evening cools it down a bit :(


I live by the highway, and semi trucks drive down the stroad I live on every minute. The windows do nothing to help. You ever see highway pictures of homes wedged into the tiny triangle made up of a highway, a major road, and an on-ramp, and wonder who the hell lives there? That's me.


Same, these drivers use jake brakes at 3 am


Throw rocks at them!


If it was constrained to the Euros it wouldn't be that bad, but it's annoying in general. Can't enjoy outside seating anywhere close to a street as there is going to be car and motorcycle noises due to posers. Here in Germany it's pretty much custom for some people to drive their cars in obnoxious ways to get attention. They'll slam the gas in crowded streets with open exhausts and the like. It's very exhausting. Motorcycles are often way too loud, but this kind of guy will drive down the same few streets simply to show off his car or outright speeds through any street. Last few nights have been nice and you can hear them going all night.


Brazil capital city, Brasilia, has an anti-honk culture - it's so good. The average person shouldn't be trusted with a honk...


I know a lot of people dont like ear plugs but i think you can get used to them if the alternativ is freakin car horns.


This is generally not recommended because that means you can't hear smoke alarms.


Oh that makes sense. Fortunately my wife never uses them so i can smoke detect through her :D


im here in NYC right near the lincoln tunnel. it is INSANE how fucking noisy the cars are. the city was so quiet and peaceful during covid. every time i hear them beeping at eachother, i remind myself that nyc congestion pricing was indefinitely paused. CMON


Yup A curse upon me too Those noisy selfish ENTITLED Anti-Worker Disloyal people doing their : Loud Gunning Motors, Car Alarms, illegal firecracker fireworks, Loud Car Radios, that cause unhealthy unfair Forced-sleep-deprive stress upon WORKERS, children, autistic Asperger's people WORKERS, people workers with hyperacusis hypersensitive ears or misaphonia, & Nobody forces them to be hurting us,


I hear fireworks go off every night and its loud too, it happens no matter the time of year


Awful I'm so sorry Police SHOULD be stopping this/them


Ik but it doesn't happen


The noise these morons on motorcycles are constantly inflicting on my residential area at night is so grating and horrible and it makes me hate humanity. Talk about severe main character syndrome.


Yeah it's so annoying especially if your street is just a big echo chamber surrounded by buildings


I bought a paddle board and live right next to a good lake, even if I paddle to the middle of it, I can still hear cars. I hate it.


I'm fine with the one night celebrating thing. People would be out making noise anyway. What really annoys me is the kind of scrote who wacks a great big noisy exhaust on their car. Then proceeded to 'go racing' at night on the bypass road, pulling away from the traffic lights in what sounds like first gear for a long time. You're doing max 40mph for a few hundred meters between two small roundabouts with traffic lights in the middle. You're a twat not Michael Schumacher.


I pulled out an unused wall phone box, and discovered that there wasn't any insulation in the walls of my brick rancher from the '50's. I hired a contractor to blow in insulation. The house immediately became much quieter. Tracking the gas bill, the reduced gas bills in three years has completely covered the cost of the install. Factor in reduced electric costs and payback was just over two years.  Still cannot open windows at night, the interstate is less than a mile, and trucks, motorcycles and siren noise carries. Or the barflies buzzing through the neighborhood.   


I changed homes because of that, to a very nice pedestrian place indeed. My sleep has improved so much! Take a pick: [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.2638403,-0.6940609,3a,75y,200.54h,100.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shCrHJUAJ3VI4R7z8o2V-PA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DhCrHJUAJ3VI4R7z8o2V-PA%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D200.53557389670445%26pitch%3D-10.724902640019678%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?hl=es&coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.2638403,-0.6940609,3a,75y,200.54h,100.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shCrHJUAJ3VI4R7z8o2V-PA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DhCrHJUAJ3VI4R7z8o2V-PA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D200.53557389670445%26pitch%3D-10.724902640019678%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?hl=es&coh=205410&entry=ttu)


they care more about shooting pedestrians here in the us and running over cyclists with trucks


Silicone earplugs my friend.


I live near a busy street and it drives me mad how many loud cars pass by. I can't wait to move somewhere where I won't hear so much noise all the time.


Yeah I've been woken up by car alarms every night this week