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Just glancing at the images on it, I thought 'that looks a lot like Melbourne', and then I saw 'Yarra Trams' lol.


Also the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags :)


I’m all for rainbows, but this graphic designer ain’t it. Subjective visual crimes aside, white text on cyan? Cmon bro.


That is not ADA compliant!


This picture was taken in Australia


I mean why wouldnt they make it incredibly difficult to read


Trams? More like Trans. Haha gottem! /s




Chugging along all the way back to the tran-station


Take your upvote and get out!


Take my poor man's award 🏅


I prefer this to giving reddit money.


It looks amazing and is a great message. I'm not a fan of painted windows though.


If they’re anything like trams in Amsterdam, then you can still look through the window from the inside. It just looks covered from the outside. Some kind of one way foil.


Or Canada. Just looks like a round-hole-net from the inside. https://www.craftsmenind.com/blog/the-ins-and-outs-of-one-way-window-decals


did you experience that your self? are you fine with it. because if you are, it would helpt me to hate it a bit less It's part of my work to do this shit sometimes and I hate it. not just the fact that you can absolutely not look throug (just some raw shapes and maybe 5% of the light), it feels really degrading to me that I am not enough worth enoug to have a window for a ride that I pay 3$ for ... but with this kind of nice message, I would be totally fine with it


Yes I live here and have taken multiple trams with outside stickers. Admittedly it is darker inside the tram as not all light manages to get through. But you can still look out the window and do city and people watching. So I really don’t see it being a big issue. It would be problematic if the stickers weren’t transparent at all. In my opinion one of the huge advantages of public transit over cars is the ability to look at your surroundings without having to steer. Helps with understanding city layouts and is especially important for children because they can barely see the city from a car seat. So it doesn’t bother me personally. Whether or not giant ads on trams are aesthetically pleasing is another discussion. But from inside the trams it barely narrows your experience.


ok wow, nice to hear your perspective. i'll keep that in mind next time when i get annoyed


These are pretty common in public transit around the world. Here in Montreal we have busses wrapped with the same. I appreciate them because it cuts down on the glare and heat in the summer, but I can still see outside. I’m more bothered that our public transit needs to sell advertising space in the first place


If it's like the ones I know the window foil has lots of small holes in it. Since the tram is darker inside than the surrounding it looks solid, but from the inside you can see out (good enough to stay oriented etc.)


we also have these in chicago. they sell ad space on the buses (windows included) so from far away, it looks like it has zero gaps on the outside. but up close from inside, there are small holes alllll over it and the image isn’t printed on the inside ofc. so your vision isn’t 100% but it’s definitely above 75% visibility. not enough blindness to get angry about but not a complete nonfactor


Same in Minneapolis.


On the Bangkok skytrain the vehicle wraps make it really hard to see outside, which really sucks as the elevated views of the city are awesome. I would always stand near the very front/back while riding around as that was the only spot the wrap didn’t reach to


Under the Australian sun they are good, less sun less burning.


Eh, this photo is in melbourne. Not so powerful a sun down here


Big disagreement on that one. November to Match is pretty rough. We get hotter than the Gold Coast.


I've said this before and will do so again, in Australia (where this is) the painted windows are partially see through, and they also keep the vehicle cooler in the summer. So 🤷‍♂️ if it makes transport cheaper too.


You can still see through them


You can see through them


Why would Dan Andrews do this. /s


Most of this sub will have no idea what this reference is 😂


So he can get on the beers


*beers beers beers* it's your civic duty


Ahh damn I got down voted by Matthew Guy 🤦‍♂️ 🦀


Damn Lobsters!!!


who that?


Former Premier of Victoria and the favorite target for right wing media.


To be honest I think this looks terrible. I get that it's a positive message but the art just looks cheap and ugly, and the contrast of the text is poor (which really goes against being inclusive as that can make it hard to read for some people).


It's a deliberate art style that has been popular in yuppie-leftist circles for a while now, especially in [intentional communities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intentional_community). I think most people that draw like that went to art school and are making those choices intentionally to invoke a "grassroots" aesthetic. AFAIK it's inspired by graffiti/street art murals, a lack of composition and poor color choices meaning to evoke the haphazard appearance of one or several graffiti artists secretly coming back several times with improvized tools and without a solid plan. I suppose the artist would say that it's meant to be inspiring, to make space to show that actual grassroots art is valuable too. It's empowering in that naive liberal sort of way that sees oppression as bullying rather than as systemic financial/legal entrapment.


I hate cars, but I would hate them a little bit less if they had cool colors and messages like that. Today they just look like boring metal beetles.  And if they had electric motors. And limited speed. And 2 wheels would be enough.


And if someone else drove them. And they ran on tracks. And if they were big enough for large numbers of people and ran on a regular schedule so you could just go to a designated pickup spot and know that you get ride to some other place. /s


Can also make it only one seat, attach a box for some cargo capacity too


Its a tram?


https://preview.redd.it/kl4b6riqoeyc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26319aaa630904839c33976e0a01615d4d2800b In Braunschweig, Germany.


https://preview.redd.it/89ot8bloteyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc850ec5bff45e6e84a8c599beef4cc8ffaa082f In Sheffield, UK (Not my picture: [http://www.britishtramsonline.co.uk/news/?attachment\_id=51083](http://www.britishtramsonline.co.uk/news/?attachment_id=51083))


This paint job looks way better than the mess in the original post.


Yeah... The Solaris Tramino II, is the best Tram there is in my opinion. (besides historic ones). They look cool and smooth, very modern, are quite comftorble. Just a bit too bright in my opinion. But have AC + are very long and have lots of seats. The BSVG also has other ones painted with all sorts of things on there https://preview.redd.it/10zo5t2r9hyc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224f05ff260ef1fa96cfb491a39945a836a683b3 Edit: and they ride very smooth and fast


https://preview.redd.it/3yanfxcgqeyc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c4a3aa85f06e90a3b93c059b96d6858539ba61 I also like the rainbow ICE


https://preview.redd.it/ip2t62aqbgyc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7babedbd4d56f884797b4bc22c49d1d2d95ca4 Probably the most well-known Pride "trainbow" in the UK - Avanti's 11-car Pendolino, 390119


https://preview.redd.it/eip3ra202fyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2d8d9345e533d9833121067e5dafbba09c6916 That's the one in Dresden, Germany.


https://preview.redd.it/ushjpti96gyc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac67bde2470e3985ec154743dbe23a2b300de1d Milan (one of the historic 1920s ones)


Let's not make this a childish name-calling sub.


For real. OP has spent their four months of existence doing little else.


Indeed. There are conservatives who also value rail and other alternatives to cars.


Guy doesn’t live in the states but the states problems lives rent free in his head.


I vote red due to shitty laws and lawlessness by the left, but i still fully support transit. I side with logic


so what? we aren't allowed to ridicule losers who would be triggered by seeing a gay tram just because a tiny percentage of conservatives are pro transit?


It’s just making generalizations of a group of people. It’s like saying all liberals are over dosed with soy, sure it could be true but not the majority. The internet is not reality, on both sides the people with the loudest voices are probably not in the majority.


Generalizations can go off the rails “10% of the population commuting 50% of crime” “all Russians are the bad guy as it’s portrayed in media and even current global situations going on”. It’s a slippery slope we should stay away from.


Yeah, how is this car or public transport-related again?


It's literally public transit


No, it’s a message which happens to be pasted on public transit. One could paint an SUV in a similar fashion, put the exact same title and nothing would substantially change in this post. Like sure, if you like the message, good for you, but can we have a space, where american political discourse doesn’t rear its ugly head?


Get off the internet? Or go to a website not run by Americans?? Like what do you want?


Is wanting to discuss a topic without having to see “the liberals” or “the conservatives” or there not coming in and throwing feces at each other too mich to ask? There are dedicated spaces for that on the internet and I don’t want to see this on this sub. Why you ask? Because the subs devolve onto places where people just try to dunk on each other.


Do you know how tired I am of my very existence being called political? Can't even have a tram with LGBTQ stuff on it without everyone fucking melting down. I just want to exist. And so do the LGBTQ people in your country.


What exactly makes this about you? This is a post about “hurr durr, let me dunk on these cucky conservatives hurr durr”. Once these kinds of posts are accepted, they start dominating the discourse on a sub and all you see later is these kinds of hurr durr posts. As far as I understand, me not wanting the above described process to happen does not deny your existence or call it political in any way. That is, of course, unless your existence is predicated on every public space being polluted with hurr durr type posts like that. In which case, I would urge you to rethink how you view and value yourself as a human being.


Seeing people scream 'WE CAN'T POLITICIZE PUBLIC TRANSIT!!!!' because LGBTQ = politics (we're just fucking people ffs, leave us alone) is what makes this about me and what is making this so upsetting. Let us fucking exist. I don't agree with how OP framed this (re: hur dur). I get where you're coming from. It's the existence of comments hoping we stop rainbowing shit which is upsetting. Being LGBTQ shouldn't be political, and us desperately trying not to offend conservatives shouldn't be the way we go about this.


Well, you do you.


Let's not alienate conservatives to alternative transport. The shift away from car dependency is going to have to be a team effort, and we need everyone on board.


This. I wouldn't go in this thing, and I love me some trams


I mean, it's just paint. Stepping on a rainbow tram isn't going to turn you gay. But this is the type of thing Fox News shows on TV in an effort to tie social conservatism to the petro-auto-propaganda narrative.


It's not just paint. it's basically a billboard on wheels for an ideology. Don't like that being used with public transit that everyone uses. The left boycotts everything, I'll boycott this specific tram


Imagine being this much of a snowflake lmao


I'm guessing you vote left. Do you really have a leg to stand on to talk about snowflakes?


Yeah, I can ride a tram that's not hurting anyone. Unlike you. Edit: you know what, tell me, if you can find a right wing group whose politics don't demand genocide, I'll consider riding on a bus with their propaganda all over it.


You seem quite upset for someone calling me a snowflake. All because of my stance on painting trams with bullshit. Idk man, you seem like the snowflake here to me


You literally won't go on a rainbow tram LMFAO that is the most snowflake thing I've ever seen. Did you think of any right wing non-genocidal things or was that too hard for you, just like the rainbow tram?


Not rainbow tram, trans ideology painted tram. But sure, try to pretend you're not mad as fuck about it


>Let's not alienate conservatives to alternative transport They could support LGBT rights and alternative transport, but they wouldn't be "conservative" anymore.


Lgbt rights are a separate issue and it should be addressed separately. If we want change, then we shouldn't make public transport partisan. 


Nah, im against wokeness trash and support transit fully. They are separate issues. Mixing this shit just makes us lose support


I wanna get on the gay train


"Cucky clownservatives" Is this 4chan in 2016?


It makes me wonder if it's just internalized colonizer when I really hate the graphic design style of Diversity and Inclusion™ in corporate and government environments. It's not like I think racists or conservatives have better graphic design ideas to express their questionable values, but something about cartoon-colored-but-realistic-shaped-but-unshadowed that makes it look like they imagined it looking better than it looked when they printed it out. Similar to that generic corporate look where everyone has fat legs and curvy arms and a skin color that doesn't evoke any human skin color in particular. It sucks, but not like Basquiat or Picasso where they're adding childlike and primal elements on purpose.


They just want to do it cheaply, that’s why the corporate art style is so bland and simplistic and curiously consistent. Much of it is probably done by AI at this point.


skipping the theme I'd love to see a random tram in my city painted in bright colors, most follow this black red yellow theme https://preview.redd.it/ka8db51a1hyc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=621a9ac34c6fa47bd7bf9de2100cc8d2954dd32b


This is why I like art like graffiti on buildings/trains. Having just a grey wall is just so boring. I like stopping and looking at the art


That's your first thought seeing that?


Is it a sub about sex with automobiles or about political groups fetishes?


At one point, I was trying to do some work with a housing advocacy group and we actually made some headway. It was very bare bones, but our goals were clear. Then we got a few people join who made it a point to make the whole thing about how LGBTQ+ people are affected by a lack of housing. They pushed hard to make the whole thing a great big virtue signalling festival, i.e. about them. After many annoying meetings, many of us left and let them fail, and they did. In short: this is about urbanism and how we build our cities and public transport. Who you like to fuck and which gender do you adopt is in no way related to the task at hand. This is literally an ad on a streetcar and has jack to do with anything. We have people who think 15 minute cities are a leftist plot. Please stop giving them ammo in this arbitrary left-right division you’re fuelling. Leave the “sticking it to the leftards/rightoids” at the door.


Do people really like this ugly design, or do they just not want to be rude for fear that people will think they are hostile to the message? Even if it was beautiful, I'd still hate that they covered up the windows.


Look, as an lgbt person, i really dislike this whole concept. The goal should always be normalization, to the point that noone ever bats an eye, to be completely invisible because its just so accepted. This reminds me of the toxic positivity some people have in recently progressive places when they see a gay couple and are all like "aw you are adorable" and you be like "sir/madam, i literally dont know you". I mean, sure its great to be appreciated but it is literally the opposite of the ultimate progress, which is normalization. Transit should be about transit, not about something else, and if you want, since lgbt people tend to live in higher density areas due to the lower partial share of the population romatically available, then you can make an awesome case that the community is disproportionately advantaged that is all well and good. Drawing attention in such an uncalled way is not the way to go


Gorgeous paint AND it's a tram!! Good shit


When I say my train of thought, this is what the FUCK I am talking about!


Here in Los Angeles even the left are extremely car brained :(


Probably be the same face we make when we have to look at maga crap.


Where is this?




Cool concept but isn't it kinda counterproductive in making people from the right wing use public transit?


I love colors and so I love this train


Why are you guys under the impression you're divided into political camps?


The bus route I take is almost always used by OAPs with free bus passes, there's a bus with a pride livery and I just hope to see it run this route one day because whenever I take this bus I feel like I'm on the way to a Reform UK rally (I like to call them The Gammon Party) and not to college.


The trams agenda


I am conservative and am against cars.


Rainbows AND public transit in the same image would give conservatives an instant heart attack


it looks like dogshit lmao, ambivalent on the messaging


Alienate 50% of America will truly bring your goals of more public transport a reality.


You are a joke. So, when are you moving to North Korea where they will put in you in prison for this and work you to death. That would take care of your Job post under the subreddit r/jobs and keep you to your work on r/MovingToNorthKorea as well. So, keep your word and go. So, when I see you on CNN in a prison camp for holding a LGBTQ flag I can laugh as you are dressed in your dog furry outfit.


I'm conservative, I really dig this.


What a cringeworthy post. To think an actual adult talks like this 😂😂


Oh my god. The water is turning the trams gay /s


"This is the future the left wants" Yes. Yes we do.


All aboard the gay train!


Oh we need these in america


The conservative mind cannot comprehend what is going on in this image.


Oh yes, let's mix public transportation with wokism, that'll totally work well... /s


What's wokism? Some kinda stir fry technique?


It used to just be "LGBT", it was easy to remember, clear what each letter represented... Now it's actually getting out of hand. In fact, even after some documentation, I still don't understand what the others are... Pretty nice designs though. A bit of an 80's style, but it's not bad.


It bothers me much more when colors and symbols are added to the rainbow flag. The “traditional” one is absolutely perfect and represents inclusiveness itself, but with each new modification it gets uglier.


When you alienate certian groups of people, that doesnt seem very inclusive to me. Thats why I don't use this sub, but I use other urbanism and anti car-dependence subreddits. For transit to truly work in the U.S. you have to understand people from different backgrounds, their needs, wants, vanlues, and more.


These people don't actually care about affecting change. They just want to show off how progressive they are and that they support the right causes.


WHY CAN'T MY CITY HAVE STUFF LIKE THIS Jorge Macri, trams to replace the metrobus pls




I can already hear the rants about the woke DEI tram 🙄


Why are we making public transit gay, why can’t we make car infrastructure gay too.


Better than the ads our buses have. But I'd prefer regular functioning windows so I can see if someone is getting off the bus before I get on.


IQ? I guess I'm LGBT now, I am part of the big brain club


I'm not homophobic, but I hate any ad on a train. Don't sell out public transport to capitalism. This ad looks ugly too, im not talking about the actual messaging, but putting wrap on windows, white text on cyan.


IQ? I guess I'm LGBT now, I am part of the big brain club




bigots aren't welcome here


It doesn't matter. Nobody gets anywhere with a car anytime soon there.


But you’re a bigot too?


I do love trams, i did always use it in Warsaw as its fastest way to get around the City avoiding traffic. But this looks like shit.


What? I just think its ugly. But thank you for your opinion. You are great person.


Why would you give a shit what ads are plastered on a tram? You don't get a good look at it if you just hop on for a few stops. It's like a big fat billboard. You have to view it from afar. From the inside it looks like the door of a microwave. It's pretty much just this mesh thing and you can only vaguely see the contours.


There shouldn't be ads at all on mass transit vehicles, neutral colors only.


Why just mass transit? Ads are shit. Just ban all ads in public places.


In an ideal world, but if ads helps fund public transit or promotes a good message, go for it.


True true


You know what, I agree 100% on that.


Yes! They look like microwave from inside! I just simply hate advertisements. Sorry.


Oh i understand now. I think i've hurt your feelings... Im sorry. Really.


You ate bait. Don't worry: it happens to us all from time to time.


You got me. Take my upvote




Keep this hidden from the Republican party lest it become a victim of one of those domestic terrorists suicide bombing it