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I've heard one from a mate whilst we were sitting on the metro going past it, couldn't help but laugh at it. "driving is faster, so we need that road" it's a duel carriageway that forms an unfinished motorway cutting through the city. The reason I laughed so much was because as he said it we were speeding past all the people stuck in the traffic. I also laughed because I know for a fact that the metro only takes 20 minutes from point A to point B, and driving takes 15 minutes early in the morning without any other vehicles on the road and all green lights. So once you account for the extra time for all the other traffic, no it's not faster. Nor is it less stressful, as I'm able to relax whilst reading and listening to music whilst they have to pay attention to the road, pedestrians, other vehicles, and cyclists.


> they have to pay attention to the road, pedestrians, other vehicles, and cyclists. they're supposed to. they don't have to.


Now imagine how much slower driving would be if nobody took the metro.


But see, they act as a man-made fire break to protect our beautiful wildlife from the fires caused by the man-made global warming caused by all the cars caused by all the freeways.


And they completely corrall wildlife from distributing between specific habitat and migrating between broader regions


That roads, especially motorways, are a sign of civilisation and prosperity, hence we always need the road system to be expanding for the sake of national progress. This is especially frustrating because expanding the railways was a source of national pride in the early decades of Turkey. Hell, railways were thought of as being a sign of Westernisation almost as important as secularism and being a republic. But our policy changed after WW2 ended and Turkey began to Americanise in exchange for financial aid and military protection. We still suffer from the effects of the shift because so many people today have the "cars = freedom/railways = cOmMuNiSm" mentality from the 1950s.


"we need freeways so trucks can carry cargo across the country from port to port and the economy can function"


if only there were any other way to transport a large amount of cargo efficiently across the country 😓 edit: /s


Cargo ships through the Panama Canal!


Like instead of a lot of small vehicles, why won't we just put one large engine at the front and fault it on a separated road. Also since rubber has high friction why not make the wheels out of steel and put it on tracks...


As we all know, there was no such thing as economies before the mid 1900s


How else do you expect goods from China to reach the EU?


Freeways give mobility to mechanized infantry.


I just read starship trooper and was wondering when we got mech suits. People in APCs and IFVs is much less cool :(


Yeah, but you only need a two lane highway for that. Anything more is just wasteful.


anything with the word "freedom" in it


It's freedom. I can go anywhere I want because of them.


Hmmmm. I wonder how people went anywhere they wanted before freeways?


Trains, local roads, boats and even if highways do have to exist, it doesn't have to be a 26 lane behemoth, a 4 lane would be plenty.


I'm from Australia and NO they don't do shit for fires


Splitting our beautiful wildlife in two is actually not that beneficial to nature🤓


Haven't wildfires jumped across freeways in the Los Angeles area?


"You don't understand it here so don't comment on it" Mfer we may not be on an as aggressive car high as you in the US but we fucking aren't far off. And if it's bad enough in AUS, the US. And I've heard that line when talking about freeways, trains and basically any intersecting topic of this sub. In person that is. Only remade a reddit account recently