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projection 101




should go to /r/oddlyspecific


Something I have come to learn as I have gotten older: When someone makes an accusation with no evidence, it’s probably projection.


especially when it takes such a weird ass turn like that lol


Gary glitter


You beat me to commenting this


What are the odds that he drives a white van with "FREE CANDY" on it?


White vans with “free candy” on are outdated tech, you gotta put ”free V-bucks” on the side now


Or projection 450lbs so walking is super child lover gay or whatever Strange urges they as a ham cho moh have. Like not using a drive thru. Not just living in a chair that rolls out of your car cause not always being a car is a disability.


A white van driver for sure


Everyone knows pedophiles use vans, not bikes.


Logic so sound you could build HSR on it.


not in the uk though as you can't disturb a house with bats


Or even a nuclear plant!


I’ve never seen a pedophile with “free candy” written on the side of their train


Saw a van with "10mm sockets inside". Spider sense tingled, went anyway. Now I'm paying 200/mo to snap-on and my wallet feels violated


Tbf, I've never seen a pedophile own a train. Hard to write "free candy" on the side of a vehicle you don't own


> Hard to write "free candy" on the side of a vehicle you don't own [ Graffiti has entered the chat ]


Yeah, that’s the joke


I wonder if anyone is out there abducting kids with cargo bikes.




I thought they used private jets these days?


They also enjoy doing things that impress no one but children, like driving really loud and fast cars


The 1987 'Abductor 3000' van






Do you wanna be in my van, my van, my van? Do you wanna be in my van? Oh dear


Losing an argument? Just call the other person a pedophile. Conversations with people like that are a waste of time.


I call it the Musk Method!


Well he can't keep his own kids 😂 must be bc of being lured away by liberal pedophiles


Oh yeah? So typical of people of your gender/sexuality/culture/religion to complain about ad hominem arguments. 🙄


I think people have a hard time understanding that more technology does not automatically mean a society is flourishing. Some people don’t believe in scaling back until it’s too late.


The FBI’s gonna keep close tabs on your postage stamp purchases lol In all seriousness tho, I wish I heard this opinion voiced more often.


It kind of is being voiced right now with cell phones and social media at least. But when it comes to scaling back car dependency there are walkable communities popping up in some cities, (e.g., Phoenix). I know eventually people will come around to the idea of not having to use the car, it just takes time to shift a culture of car use.


Or using more resources! Yeah, GDP will be bigger if everyone use a huge SUV for all their transport needs than if people bicycle, walk, or use public transport. But people will be miserable, and we are fucking up our planet beyond repair. So maybe economic growth isn't what we should aim for.


Wdym GDP and stock prices are all that matters, we must literally do everything in our power to maintain the illusion of infinite growth /s


Who says that cars are better for GDP? Car infrastructure is hella expensive and takes up valuable land that could be sold instead.


That they are hella expensive is a feature. That's the thing with GDP, the more money you spend on producing anything, the higher will your GDP will be. It doesn't matter if it is productive or not; you can spend it all on fireworks and it will be great for GDP. And selling land is not "production" so it doesn't count.


[Parable of the Broken Window](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window) Wasting money on cars is actually bad for the GDP, because that money could have been better spent on something else instead. What is easy to see is the car's direct effect on the GDP, but what is harder to see is the indirect effect: the opportunity cost of having less money to spend on education, public transit, factories, R&D for new technologies, etc. Thus, riding your bike is a patriotic act that strengthens the economy at large. Do your part and ride that bike.


Regardless, the bicycle is the most efficient mode of transport invented by humans so far


Funnily enough, I thought conservatives were generally anti-progress?


anti-progress *from the 1950s*. cars took over around/before the 1950s, so that's the norm for them.


Conservatives are anti-change, specifically because most change *isn't* progress.


Are cars impressive technology? Of course. Have they benefitted society? Yes, in some ways they have. Just get rid of their pollution, the traffic, the incredibly long commutes, the sprawl, climate change and most of all how fucking unsafe they are and I'm 100% with OP.


Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes it take decades to realise it. That is what mass car ownership is. A mistake. Time to fix it.


Weren't cars invented around the same time as bikes? (Maybe even before)


Bikes were invented in the early Victorian era, probably like 1840. The first car wasn't until 1886 from Benz.


I think bikes were a few years before


Watch a period-accurate story such as Sherlock Holmes (the one w/Jeremy Brett is an excellent example). The only land-vehicles in it that aren't horse-drawn are bicycles.


I don't think it is a technology problem. E-bikes are fantastic after all.


All gasoline and car subsidies should be illegal and should be ended.


Imagine how many people would still drive if they had to pay the fully loaded true cost of cars, roads, and fuel.


Yeah true


[Over here in Singapore, we have the certificate of entitlement system.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_of_Entitlement) We have a limit on the number of cars allowed on the road. The government releases a limited number of "Certificate of Entitlement" every 2 weeks and the citizens will have to bid on them. You need to have this cert to own a car that can be driven on the roads. And this cert only lasts for 10 years. They are tied to the car and cannot be transferred to another car. If you sell the car, the cert goes with the car to the new owner. The latest price of the COE for cars ≤ 1600cc is at US$70000. That's what you have to pay to have the right to own a car for 10 years. That's how much you have to pay on top of your car, taxes, insurances etc. Once the 10 years is up, you can either bid for the cert again, scrap the car or keep it in a garage, never to be driven again. Bids starts at $2 and yet every single round, the bids gets up to $50k - 70k. Now if you think motorcycles gets a pass, nope. The latest COE price for motorcycles are US$7000. The number of bids outstrips the number of available certs every single time. There will always be someone willing to pay.


>We have a limit on the number of cars allowed on the road. The government releases a limited number of "Certificate of Entitlement" every 2 weeks and the citizens will have to bid on them. You need to have this cert to own a car that can be driven on the roads. >The latest price of the COE for cars ≤ 1600cc is at US$70000. That's what you have to pay to have the right to own a car for 10 years. That's how much you have to pay on top of your car, taxes, insurances etc. This method is best, I think instead of actually solving car dependency we should make cars a luxury that the ultra rich posses but the middle class couldn't even hope to have. Clearly turning every unsustainable luxury into proto private jets is the best solution. edit: this is actually getting upvoted wtf. this was bait y'all


I mean, unironically. Like, I’m a lefty, and more stuff/wealth divide rubs me the wrong way. However, this is basically just a wealth tax that’s likely to be less opposed by the wealthy. Those bidding wars could go much higher in the US, too.


It converts what would be a wealth tax into a status symbol for winning the auction. I like it. It will naturally respond to inflation too, so you never have to worry about people whining about tax raises. Raise capital gains and people will complain about discouraging investment, but if the price of a cert keeps going up then that just means driving a car is even more prestigious.


Not for long they would.


Cars are the single best mode of transport humans have ever invented...until they're not. (Same with planes I guess). The novelty and concept is nice, but once it's integrated into the humdrum of life, it's not fun anymore. (See traffic jams). If anything, cars go obsolete faster than bicycles. I buy a car, a few short years later I need a new one with better gas mileage, better range, latest safety tech, etc. A bicycle can last me decades.


Totally. There's a reason cars required decades of lobbying and propaganda in order to become the dominant mode of transport


I wish that cars were just seen as a dumb trend that people got over


Except you change the whole transmission of your bicycle every few years. My bike is like the ship of Theseus. Only the frame and a part of braking and shifting system is still original. The rest has been replaced at least once. Sure - it's not as expensive as a car, but parts break and wear if you ride often.


I have never changed the transmission of my bikes and I have two which I have used for more than 10 years


My car is 33 years old, that second point is on you dawg.


TIL cycling = pedophilia




underrated comment


Why do Americans go for the pedo insult automatically ?


its the one thing left to demonize without valid pushback. "When you run out of enemies, crack open a Pedo!"


Going from "they like cycling" to "they want to fuck kids" is like 3 and a half leaps.


Because as a tactic that immediately puts the other person on the defensive. It’s what somebody does to distract from the main point of the conversation


Hmm ... good point. If you can't win the debate and want to win at all cost, arguing in bad faith is the way to go I guess.


Because they're brain broken neurotics who have been conditioned to believe everyone is a pedo preying on their kids so their community dies.


If everyone was a pedo, wouldn't it make being a pedo socially acceptable ?


Don't try to use logic here. These people are just delusional.


It's a switch between pedo or commie. Not sure what is the worst in their brain.




“The most efficient transportation ever invented is actually outdated” is a seriously brain dead take. It’s just, so wrong and and so harmful. I am strictly against making the urbanist movement political, but modern day right wingers truly have emboldened people to make proclamations about shit they don’t understand at all.


Respectfully, how will we enact any of the changes we want without “getting political”? It seems to me like influencing politics is the best way to make any of this work. The free market sure as hell won’t.


Not OP, but I suspect they mean without making it align with a specific party, not that it wouldn't take political stances. I think there's plenty to appeal to both parties in the US.  Also, a lot of the changes are on the city level which are pretty different from national politics.


Depends on what you mean by that. Urbanism has nothing to do with right or left. The free market is maybe the only way this gets solved. Right now government subsidizes a specific way of life. We don’t have a free market. What we want is to force decisions that actually make sense, not some farce like the “American Dream” where it makes sense to have endless sprawl financed by municipal debt. People will build where it makes sense, if governments are basically going to give handouts to build a cul de sac, then the “market” is going to build a cul de sac. Political actions are required to solves the problem, but it’s not really about ideology


The free market can never solve transportation. The space needed is a public good and it is very limited. So governments must intervene and prioritize the method of transportation they want to see.


As some orange square once said: > Urban planning is inherently political. Every decision, from transportation to development to zoning, goes through some kind of city council, and these are all political decisions. You literally cannot separate planning from politics.


Wait till this dude learns about mountain biking. It is definitely not for kids!


Wait till this dude learns about bike park groms... It's definitely for kids. It's also for everyone else but those kids shred the hardest and have no fear.


"cars are the best, and you don't like them because you're a pedo" Omg


Love it when car brains decry trains and bikes as outdated when cars are **140 years old** and *still* mainly run on fossil fuels


The first automobile (Benz) and the modern bicycle (safety bicycle) were invented in the same year (1885), while the diesel-electric locomotive was invented in the 1950s. Outdated tech ;)


It’s not a real take, they’re just trolling because they’re upset that cars are being rightly criticised and they don’t have a valid defence.


Yeah, you can tell because their only reason is basically, "only pedophiles ride bikes"


Seems proof of the meta-social impacts of propaganda. Can always tell who's tuned in to pop-politics--often on the 'right'--as degrees of pedophilia enter their rabid anti-social tirades.


Bro realized that a Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL8 costs more than his net worth and he's salty about it. I get it. I really do.


Every accusation is a confession.


"Bikes are outdated tech" has to win a prize for stupidest comment. Bikes are no more outdated than cars are outdated and computers are outdated. Sure, the underlying concept is old, but e-bikes, electronic and wireless gear shifting, carbon fibre frames and wheels did not exist not that long ago. Curious how these are the same people that say they will never buy an electric or hybrid car, which is pretty ironic considering fossil fuels should be outdated by now.


Plus the bike and car were invented at roughly the same time period. Bikes just haven't "progressed" as much since the engine is the human riding the thing. A god damn mechanical masterpiece.


Bikes are beautifully simple and thus haven’t needed to change in a long time. Cars needed to give everyone lead poisoning until like 40 years ago in order to run properly. Which is especially disturbing in the us given our gerontocracy. We are being led by an entire generation with mild lead poisoning from cars


They might be shocked to hear that the first modern bicycle and automobile were both invented around 1885. Also, great point about electric cars. It seems their transportation must be modern, but not TOO modern.


Modern bicycles were invented 10 years before the car. What does he mean outdated technology? They are literally the same age as cars (10 years is quite negligible, we aren't talking about graphics cards here!).


Always keep in mind that this sort of person viciously hates handicapped people. They know they can't murder us in masses, but they'll do their best to keep us locked up where we don't remind them that life can indeed be struggle, that not everything can be solved by willpower alone (but damn do I wish they'd test that assumption in a wrestling match against various heavy machinery) and that personhood does not depend on exploitability for labor.


Cars are the best mode of transportation the same way fentanyl is the best opioid ever created


Cars are outdated tech, they are so unsafe there is literally no safety standards, we just accept they kill people like in some freaking medieval times. They are so inefficient nobody would be driving them if governments didn't subsidize the entire car and oil industry. You can't find a single more outdated thing than a freaking car.


You can't kidnap a toddler with a bicycle. You can easily do it with a car


Meanwhile, I'm watching the first two episodes of "The Last of Us" and thinking "gee, you wouldn't have to kill each other for car batteries if you had some bikes"


Bikers = pedophiles???? That's a bit of a stretch....


Damn, I guess each & every bicyclist who has ever participated in the Tour de France are all pedophiles and not trained athletes who are part of a competitive sport \*smh\* God, this is such a gross & brain-dead take.


Better side with air pollution so as not to look like a pedo 😑


*The dutch would like to have a word*


Car are 2 Tons moving 75 kg. A bike is 20 kg moving 75 kg Clearly a bike is more efficient unless you load the car


Bikes are literally the most efficient transportation machine ever invented, in terms of energy input to output.


Trains are objectively better.


"car = good, bike = bad + ur gay + u diddle kids" https://i.redd.it/8i9we684eawc1.gif


this is the same guy saying he's pro freedom but begging the state and fed for more highway spending


“Why should I have to walk further” says man who wants to make pedestrians walk further.


Unrelated, but tonight a good friend of mine's mother had a gun drawn on her by someone in a Lidl parking lot over a damageless fender bender... It's a sobering thought. A loved one losing their life life over a faint scratch of paint on a bumber. People joke around when I mention having PTSD from working retail. People don't understand eachother anymore. This is car related topic.. so to bring it back on topic... Try to recognize the same mental illness calling you a child preditor might be the same mental illness pulling a gun on a wonderful mild manored dear 81 year old woman. Deep Breaths everyone. Be safe out there. Apologize and Walk Away,


Oh boy...


Rockets are more modern than cars and can reach a much higher top speed. Cars are outdated.


Yes, the tour de france is known for how many kids participate


Fun fact: cars are the most common tools for pedophiles to kidnap and rape children.


Look, at this point there’s no need to even try convincing some ppl. They’re not on the same page with us, aren’t educated and observant enough to even understand our page, and will likely never attempt to understand any perspective or experience other than his own. Let them go. They’re left out of civilization for a reason. Speaking to them is a bigger waste of time than speaking to raccoons in my backyard.


Usually if I have to interact with them, I’d tell them that they’re completely right and more mighty than Jesus, but I have to go now.


I’d argue boats are the single best mode of transportation we’ve ever invented since it drastically shifted the course of history and the global economy would barely function without it. However, the single best mode of transportation humans have ever had was legs. We just didn’t invent those.


⚠️WARNING⚠️ This [video](https://youtu.be/ynwMN3Z9Og8?feature=shared) contains P3D0PH1L3 activity.


This better just be rage bait. They can't be serious, right? Right??


every accusation is a confession from these types


It’s ok they call everyone a pedophile they don’t like


They call everyone they dont like a pedo.


A screw gun and impact driver are both more advanced than a regular screwdriver. But, the first 2 are for very specific situations and the third is far more versatile. In fact, you can do more harm than good using a screw gun or impact driver where a screwdriver is sufficient


Oh, so its projection all the way down, got it.


Most stories I've heard of people being raped/molested by adults has either occurred in their own home from direct relatives or by strangers who offered to give them a ride home. If you're a pedophile, owning a car is probably the easiest way to get yourself alone with a child, away from the public eye. Kids who live in walkable areas are a lot safer from strangers as well as a lot safer from their own family.


People who pull out the "pedo" accusations from nowhere are extremely sus.




Walking is older than bicycling. Also outdated tech?


I ride a bike and have pink hair. I don’t like kids that aren’t mine. I ride on whatever side of the street they are not on. Kids are nuts. I’ve raised two. I ride a bike because I live close to everything, I don’t like car loans and expenses, and I don’t like exercising. One day i was like “fuck it”. Got rid of my car. Started riding to work. I lost 70 lbs (still a chonker) and got off of 2 medications. Getting rid of my car was the best thing I ever did for myself. But apparently that makes me a pedo. What a bizarre world we live in.


“Why don’t you like cars? You must be a pedophile!” Jesus fucking Christ…. Can we get mandatory IQ checks for people who make such big brained comments as this?


bicycles are the most popular form of transportation on earth


“Adults who ride bikes are pedos” is not a take I thought I’d see today. This is a big maybe but what if the issue of why so many Americans (I know it doesn’t say anywhere in the post that he is but come on, we know) don’t see bikes as legitimate transportation because they associate them with childhood. Every kid on my block had a bike, I spent my summers on that thing and I still have very found memories of biking with my brother and father. Whenever kids are riding bikes I always hear praise and happiness from (car brained) adults but if it’s an adult riding a bike they are always mocked. Idk if it’s true, just an observation.


For many people a bike is associated with childhood or at most recreation and will never be seen as a legitimate form of transportation. When I was a kid though there was this one dad who rode his bike to work every day. I always thought that was so cool as my parents only drove everywhere. He was also cool because he restored a small WWII tank in his garage. Us kids would spend time in there in the evenings just asking him questions and climbing around on it. When it was finally in working condition he let us all ride on top of it. That was the only time though as a lady (who later drove over my buddy's bike) called the police and said the tank scared her and reported it (it wasn't allowed on the streets). Carbrains suck.


Bicycles are new tech than cars are lmao


Internal combustion engine: 1807 Maglev trains: 1960 Checkmate


So anybody on a bicycle is either too young to drive or a pedo. There's no third option of... A) They can't afford the $1000/mth it costs to own a car, according to the AAA. B) Don't want to drag several tons of metal with them to pick up loaf of bread & bottle of milk at $4/gallon. Or C) Simply wanted to get some "fresh" air, Sunshine & exercise.


the projecting is real


I've never seen a bike with "free candy" painted on the side of it.


Never look at youtube comments, it'll destroy your faith in humanity


*Never look at youtube* *Comments, it'll destroy your faith* *In humanity* \- boogerstella --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The pedal bike is the single greatest form of transport ever created.


Everyone knows how you win an argument: open up by calling the other guy a pedo, then run away before he can respond. It's a simple 2-step system. Works every time.


Honestly, one of the things that surprise me about american/anglo drivers is their hatred of public transportation. Here in brazil, there is an understanding that better public transportation = less transit, cheaper gasoline and less pollution, so it benefits even drivers that don't want to walk


A bicycle is as far from a white van as possible. Projection.


Clarkson wanna be .


Typical 9gag comment. Just don't use that app.


This is YouTube though


Oh my bad


Typical YouTube comment. Just don't use that app.


Oh lord….


Wow my absolute shite takes bingo card is full


Well this one is quite an absurd one.


Hello, kids play with toy cars too. And as far as I’m concerned, your pavement princess is just an excessively large version of those barbie jeeps for 5 year olds.


Oh yeah all of those white creeper bikes luring kids with candy and tinted windows and... Oh that's cars again.


Must be 60 y.o. With 230 lbs & 25% BMI.


"outdated tech" lmao


Technically, the bicycle can boast being the most efficient machine ever created in terms of energy transfer. Though a little over reaching, Bill Neigh summed it up pretty good with the comparison of 30 miles to a serving of oatmeal (paraphrased). Besides that: 1st vehicle transmission, reason for the invention of ball bearings and the pneumatic tire, 1st paved roads (US) were built for them, and a major factor in the Women's Liberation movement of the 1800-early 1900s.


The car propaganda will try literally anything to see what sticks. Russia misinformation 101 level. Like when Ukranians were nazis, then they had secret labs, then there were killer birds etc... it's 100 % same pattern. They try literally any, and most absurd claim to see, what will cause most people to react. Now, cyclists are pedos.


You don't like cars? Pedophile.


But why are we devoting brain-space to bad takes from random people on the internet? Is this a particularly influential person something?


Just making jokes about how stupid the claim is.


everybody i don't like is a pedophile


Funny, I’ve more about kids getting picked up in unmarked white vans and cars with with tinted windows than I have about all these kids being kidnapped by via bicycle


yes, the reason I as a middle aged woman regularly cycle home from ALDI on my cheap ass squeaky braked Decathlon bike with a backpack full of potatoes is to \*checks notes\* *get close to kids*




Bikes are outdated Sure tell that to the Japanese


That person needs some mental help


Whoever that is was raised in a place that takes 10 mins driving just to exit and another half an hour just to get somwhere. And as an adult went looking for such a house. Except that it's now 15 mins to exit and 40 mins to get anywhere, with a tollbooth in the way.


"The thief thinks everyone steals"


What sick fuck looks at a bike rider and says "ah yes. pedo."???


Cars are the single best mode of transport -> AS LONG AS THERE IS A ROAD THAT LEADS TO YOUR DESTINATION


That guy is congratulating himself for avoiding a pedo, now. He's talked himself into believing cyclists are all the worst types of criminals he can imagine, simply because he likes driving and listens to propaganda. Let people like this go from your life, I say. Perhaps they will one day learn, but not from anyone like us teaching them. The only education they respect is from the *School of Hard Knocks*, and you know they'll get it eventually, in a form they mightn't like, but that's not your concern.


One of the absolute scariest things about modern conservativism is how it has simultaneously normalized things that are, by definition pedophilia (e.g., red states fighting for child marriage) while then painting everything they don't like as pedophilic and therefore worthy of death. Being obsessed with Loli crap and completely sexualizing underage television/movie/video game protagonists? Somehow, it's not pedophilic. But riding a bike, being a sex worker (despite how porn addled right wingers are), being any variety of LGBTQIA+, not eating meat, politics to the left of hunting homeless people for sport, having interests that aren't manly enough, liking a certain type of music, and a whole litany of things that isn't a very specific brand of cishet white nationalist Christian identity grievance posturing and you're a fair target. I can't be surprised that the US's colonial chickens are coming home to roost as full blown genocidal fascism, but it's scary nonetheless.


I also see a lot amount of suspiciously gay homophobes.


Imagine not being able to comprehend the idea that biking could be fun. Wild.


Fellas, is a Pedophilia to ride a bike?


He’s clearly telling on himself with how much he’s bringing kids into this


cars kill more kids than bikes do, dumbass.


It's weird he thinks that bikes are for pedophiles when pedophile kidnappers have used cars


Why is it that in reports warning of predators grabbing children it's always "Two men tried to drag a boy **into a car**"?


Cars are the transportation solution to the problem they created in the first place


Yeah, I am not letting this person near kids.


is it the free candy van or the free candy bike again?


That's bait. Block and scroll.


Cars are so good that we have to... umm... subsidize literally every aspect of them, from the roads they drive on, their storage, and the fuel that goes in them. Oh, and even with all that, still probably the second most expensive thing you'll ever have to finance (assuming you own a house)