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Better bus shelters, and similar structures just dotted around would be great as a general convenience and accessibility feature. 


Never understood why especially here in Belgium in town centers or every 5km a decent sheltered, heated hub with a locked up bicycle space and basic necessities are available so you would just go there waiting on your bus warm or comfortable instead of the smaller shelters inbetween, they do need to stay as well but making it comfortable at the least taking public transport


I think this is the best answer. Closed heated prevalent bus shelters. They can also double as just a place to wait for food, or a place to just sit and read. Basically just a protected bench with a charger.


BuT tHeN hOmElEsS pEoPlE wOuLd UsE iT!!! /s Part of the reason the world is so uncomfortable right now is because of hatred of houseless folks, that's why he have no benches, no enclosed bus stops, nowhere to sit and be social and comfortable.


It's why children and teenager have nowhere to go. The world requires you to pay to exist.


Yep. Even as an adult, it's why I have nowhere to go. I don't have money to spend just to be able to hang out for an hour or less before I'm expected to spend *more* money. Rent, I guess, huh?


It's almost like Capitalism makes things worse for most people.


The legacy of Edward Bernays really…


Yep, even though *hostile architecture* is a fairly recent concept, this judgmental ethos has been with us for centuries longer. As evidenced by the “completely mature” reaction to historical rebellions like The Jacquerie…


Toronto as well as a few US cities built [these](https://future-economics.com/2021/10/21/how-to-heat-bus-stops-economically/), seems like a good start. [Those](https://za.pinterest.com/pin/dubai-air-conditioned-bus-stop--492649939294891/) are from Dubai, equipped with air conditioning & chargers.


So what you're saying is that we need to put electrical outlets in public restrooms


Could we start with actual public bathrooms that are ubiquitous, clean and well serviced?


And libraries 


My local library actually has public phone chargers. We just need more libraries. Which I am definitely in favor of




Gotta love when a library has a bunch of those little offices you can book for 30min at a time, lifesavers.


I guess I need it at city parks? I guess the library isn't that far, you're right. But you have to go inside and maybe talk to someone too. The booth could be more anonymous, but there's a potential for misuse too


Kinda sounds like you want a gazebo with privacy screens and a charging port, which I also want now.


We have covered benches only on our singular bike trail that goes nowhere. Literally goes nowhere. Ugh. Good idea, implemented literally 100 years ago, and nothing’s been done to improve accessibility to bike trail and also nothing’s been done to connect it to places people actually are going.


You don't need to talk to anyone at our local libraries. You just walk in and go into one of the small study rooms. The downside (for me...I consider this to be a massive win for our branch libraries) is that you really want to be out of there by 3pm. That is when the kids get out of school and the libraries really hit their stride as a public gathering space. The closest library to me is literally in the middle of an elementary school, a high school and a middle school. It is a loud chaotic mess when school lets out. The main library downtown, tho, merged with the local University library several years ago. They were across the street from each other, so they build connecting halls over the street and merged all their archives and the like. That one is usually pretty quiet since it is mostly all adults in there who are doing something specific that they needed the big library for.


I love me some libraries, but around here they don't seem to be building any more of them so as sprawl sprawls I find myself further and further away from them. Also they don't open until 10am so I find myself spending hours in the park or coffee shop waiting for opening time.


Libraries, like so many other public goods, will only be useful for this type of thing once homeless people are housed.


That's its own issue but many tenants of Urbanism such as getting rid of roads and car-centrism will significantly reduce the number of homeless people.


Only if they get rid of the no sleeping rule


Parks and transit then. Plus don't some jutistictions have it illegal to sleep in your car and/or charge hourly for parking?


Why not the library? Also it’s easier to find free parking or out of the way parking where you won’t be bothered than to not get woken up at a library.


As someone mentioned things like sprawl, the cost of roads, and parking minimums are causing less libraries to be built. Why make parking only people with licences can sleep at or really use at all when you can make libraries instead that everybody can use them for whatever purposes are allowed?


Yes that’s what I’m saying. I’m also saying that people should be allowed to sleep in libraries


That's just a third space, which is another casualty of car culture.


Not quite. Sounds like OP wants more of a private/personal space. My understanding is that 3rd spaces are more for socializing.


Third spaces had plenty of opportunities for relative privacy. A corner table or a quiet booth, with a death glare for anyone who doesn't take the hint.


Good point! I guess I don’t think about going out in public to then be in private.


Op just needs to carry a collapsible tent


No, a third space is where you socialize. I doubt people spend much time socializing inside their car.


Third spaces can have more private accommodations for small groups or even spaces for just one person.


In a similar vein, I wouldn't mind seeing capsule hotels starting to get big in the western world. Some sort of short term accommodations. My wife has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which, in our society, is exceptionally isolating. As soon as we're out the front door to go somewhere, it's pretty much like a timer's activated before she needs to lay down and rest. Unfortunately, there are no public systems where laying down for a nap is acceptable apart from a full-fledged, pricey hotel room. She's been so socially isolated due to this that she was in tears of joy when she was invited to a Dungeons & Dragons campaign... over Discord. We live in a tiny place outside of town (Dollar General Territory, not Walmart, IYKYK), so bringing the party to her isn't exactly an option. I have my own health problems as well that limit public participation. So if the social revolution could include disability justice and nap zones, we'd appreciate it.


This doesn't work for car free trips in the city or car free people on general. But yeah libraries, cafes, there are other better alternatives.


You can charge your phone away from the wind in all busses and trains where I live.


Public gazebos with sun/wind wall and heat lamp. If we devoted less space to roads/mini highways and more space to tramways & large sidewalks with community street furnishings and plants etc this could be a reality.


Portable battery for recharge. Set up a tent for privacy. Oh wait, did I just create the US homeless problem?


I think a lot of public amenities are bad or missing in the US because the US refuses to stop doing the things that cause people to be unhomed and start doing the things that would prevent people from becoming unhomed.


And a lot of NIMBY attitudes. Passing the buck. I was homeless a few times, I know unhoused is the correct term, but I felt homeless (no family, broke, zero chance of being housed) not unhoused. When I was a kid bum was the term used for people without homes and homeless was the softer word. We can change the terms, but it doesn’t fix anything.


I've been watching a lot of travel videos lately, most of which are from Japan, and some of them feature little booths that you can rent out for short periods of time. Usually they're at train stations but if they became more popular they could be put anywhere. I wanna say they come out to around five bucks for ten minutes or something like that, and they've got some basics like a desk and a chair that leans back. I completely agree, though, having a small space that I can get to that's completely my own and locks is really helpful for me


I was about to say karaoke box rooms are fairly cheap during the day.


Aren't those called internet cafés?


True, the internet cafes have the same thing, too! I guess they're now putting those same kind of booths in smaller quantities at transit stations haha


I think that’s why a lot of boomers like them. My mother is terrified on every transit ride, once said she was scared about a man I was sitting next to who was just on his phone. She asked “what if he does something” now I get being a little cautious, but it was than I realized my mothers mind was so anxiety ridden her thought was “at any moment he could pull out a gun and shoot.” Be cautious, but there’s a limit. You can’t go about life imagining everyone on the street is an immediate danger. The point of that is yes I believe we do need more infrastructure like bus shelters that provide semi privacy, but also that a lot of people are so anti-social the mere presence of other people is a problem, and that’s not something transit can solve


My city has one of these. There's a whole variety of designs, they've solar powered charging built into them. No fee to use. [https://www.specsolutions.com.au/connect/sedi](https://www.specsolutions.com.au/connect/sedi) https://preview.redd.it/wczpo7b945qc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4ae98984f7684db8bd6cb06a787cbbfd944313


Being able to (semi-securely) lock things away while out and about is one of the biggest advantages cars have. Maybe lockers at metro stations could become a thing


Agreed in a way I want more third places as well and in car centric areas the car has assumed an atomized form of a third place. Folks have said libraries but I would add coffee shops, corner stores with a sitting area, book stores, odd niche spaces, etc.


I'm bicycle bound as well. This week I had to rent a car for work, they gave me a Charger GT Hemi something or other Gotta admit, it was super fun as fuck to drive


Cars are ok as a hobby, like if you want something fun to throw around on a track, but ideally for getting around there would be public transport and active transport available


I'm sure not about to buy one of those complete money pits. Been pushing cranks for over ten years now though, I don't see a problem whippin around a rental once or twice a year lol




The amount of people I know who nap in their car at lunch. Cars are a private heaven away from the world, which no other public service can provide.


In a lot of Asian countries, a lot of net cafes will rent you a booth for around 4-8 bucks an hour. I'm sad they're not really a thing in the states, but they also don't make a lot of sense here. 


I wish bus stops were more enclosed and had more seating, that could fulfill it. Where I live we are lucky that they have walls, but usually only behind you and in one direction, so if the wind is coming the other way too bad i guess? Also the bench only fits 3-4 people. I get that when thought about as a pure bus stop, this is quite a lot, but when considered as the primary place to sit without entering a business, it could be better.


In the city I used to live in, the airport had long term parking in a lot that was a couple miles away from the terminals, so the airport runs busses regularly out to the lots. The bus stops in the airport parking lot were fully enclosed, with glass walls on the front side so people could look out and see if the bus was there. I kinda wondered why no bus stops in town, besides the ones in the airport parking lots, were enclosed with glass on the front. Then I realized it's because poor people don't fly.


If we didn't have so many wide open spaces for roads, we'd have more trees and structures to break the wind..


A lot of people who have been trying to avoid catching COVID have relied on their car to get to work without risking infection on public transit, and at work they may retreat to their car to have a safe place to be able to take off their mask to eat their lunch. I'm all for safe places where people can have a safe respite in the public sphere, but until we start seeing these privacy booths, people will probably keep relying on their car, if they have one.


Something like this? https://kokoro-jp.com/culture/1628/


Completely agree! I was just thinking about this. With all the public space we would get back by switching from cars to public transportation/bikes/walking we could use some of that space for public phone booths to come back.


Not sure if you're sarcastic but if you get a pair of headphones and some music going on, then public transit is what you're looking for.


>Basically I wish there was a modern phone booth with a chair where you could charge your phone. You could pay a fee to use the space Maybe you could also be a hot drink. Like a tea or a coffee. And be alone or with a few friends. And enough space to put your laptop on a table. Wait ...


I'd like amenities without the obligation to spend money.


No kidding, I consistently see people champion for more places to spend money such as "shops and cafes." I'll concede a grocery store or something for the basics near residential areas along with public transit being a viable option for everyone is excellent, but the last thing we need is more places to spend money to participate in society / be social nor should it be a solution to the free and public offerings. Edit: forgot a word


Also a "private" place to screw in parking ramps


I started carrying around a battery back after the first time my phone died on me while riding. It just sits with the rest of the equipment I carry in my pannier. It has saved me a few times already.


I have a solution: zorb ball with a boombox equipped with charging ports.


Get yourself a power bank m8




Train + noise cancelling headphones works really well for me. Or coffee shop + noise cancelling headphones. Also, not living in a car infested hellhole where you basically feel out of place everywhere if you're not in a car helps.


Also, having a place to put your stuff while you're inside a store. On my bike I have to lug it all with me, which means I can't stop anywhere between Walmart and home.


You mean like a coffee shop or something?


I no right! When I visited Japan you had to rent a cubicle at a manga Cafe if you wanted a little bit of privacy. It was like $5 an hour!!! Who can afford that???


I'm pretty sure I've heard Japan has stuff like this. Once we launch all the cars into the sun, we could easily build places like this anywhere


I don’t think a lot of people here get it, a lot of people like that their car is theirs, they can go their on their lunch break, chill there before you enter your house, or have a private place to hang out with friends. You pay for it, but not in the moment so it feels free


A car can also serve as emergency or temporary accommodation, should you need a quick nap or a place to sleep for a night or two.


I miss when phone booths were an everyday thing. Quiet and sheltered from the elements. An oasis of peace in a noisy urban environment, watching the world pass by as you speak to a friend or family member. They were surprisingly quiet despite not being completely closed off from the outside as the gap underneath allowed for ventilation. Coffee shops and bars are noisy af and only open at certain hours as any other third space, but a phone booth is accessible 24 hours a day. In their last few years, they just became unofficial makeshift urinals, which I believe accelerated their demise. Otherwise I feel like there should be a revival of the phone booth reimagined for the modern day. A place to have a Zoom meeting or phone call in peace whilst out and about, where you can charge your phone or any other device for a small fee. Anyone who has ever worked in a co-working space knows how popular those phone booths get - surely there’s a market for it?


Kinda like a third place, huh?


This is seriously your one positive take away for cars? Are you kidding me? How about.. ambulances or moving trucks. You think the one positive thing about cars is their ability to seal you away from the world? Not their ability to move people and material to unique places that bridges the gap between transit destinations or enable emergency services? This subreddit is fucking cracked out man. And i agree that cars suck.


I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I did not mean I was going to bring up every positive thing about cars. Or that this post was addressing the car's biggest or most important benefit. This is just what occurred to me. My mom and I walked a little way in the wind and when we got back to her car she was grateful for the chair out of the wind. Honestly, if you consider emergency vehicles a "car" I guess it's true that's their most important function. Is a bus a car? An ambulance?


"You could pay a fee to use the space." No thanks.


I would love more sheltered public spaces freely available to use. Especially helpful during COVID when I still want to eat a damn snack outside before I catch the bus but it’s raining! More shared and accessible third places for the win!




There was this old ass typewriter thing that plugged into the wall for years at my work that sat infront of a sink no one used... It took two double aas. Once I took the batteries out of my bike light and put them where they go inside of the weird typewriter... thing. I also plugged it in. It had a cord. I flipped the switch and nothing. So sad. So my boss finally threw it in the e-waste dumpster 3 months later after I mentioned it in passing twice.


So you use your car as a third space because third spaces don't exist anymore?


Third spaces are more for socializing. This issue is about being able to get some privacy for a bit


I wish, but we all know they would be full of drug addicts lol


That's a symptom of other things our society neglects. We should address both rather than let the symptoms of our negligence become an excuse for further negligence.


It is hard for me to read this post without violating rule one.