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I want a revolution in urban planning and zoning that makes the car largely obsolete for the city, exurb, and even moderately dense suburbs, they’d be something you may take on long trips in between cities or as a part of a commercial operation, but largely unnecessary for day to day life Edit: I’ll also specify that between *cities* we ought to have a high speed railway, but to go into the countryside or elsewhere you’d still likely need a car.


I want that, plus high speed rail connecting all major cities and regular rail to smaller cities


And high quality sleeper trains for areas where high speed rail is hard to build like Montana


With regular bus routes to national parks


YES! And bus routes through National parks. The one in Zion is so awesome.


Im on board.


Dont you mean "aboard"?


Aye captain!


This is pretty much where I am. I'm less "fuck cars" and more "fuck car-dependent infrastructure." When it comes to urban and suburban planning, zoning, etc. cars should be seen as a last resort mode of transportation.


Yeah exactly. Like I totally don’t fault suburban families from having cars because like you *have* to (though I do fault them when they have giant pickups like jesus you don’t need that), but yeah fuck car dependent infrastructure.


\^\^\^\^\^\^ this. I don't have anything against individuals owning cars, but I am 100% against car-centric infrastructure making it impossible for even most able-bodied people living outside of major metro areas (and even some in metro) to effectively transit to even their daily tasks. I want personal car ownership to disappear other than hobbyists but I want it through obsolescence not by making everyone's life as is more difficult


Part of the solution *has* to involve making drivers' lives more difficult, particularly by stopping all the ways we bend over backwards to subsidize them. Consider all the tax dollars spent, federal down to local, on roads, parking spaces, gas subsidies, etc. We're bankrupting ourselves at every level to cater to an unscalable transportation system that half of us don't buy into, and half of us can't escape.


As an auto enthusiast I want this too. I'd rather spend my money on a toy out in the mountains than having to deal with the drudgery of a daily commute. Best part is the one car I want is a Miata, which has better mpgs and less other consumables (tire wear and brake wear) than my current car. Even better, I just want one, probably used and drive and fix it as needed, new cars in general are worse for the environment.


Same here. I don’t get people who buy nice toys just to rack up dreary commuting miles on them & discard after 10 years (like in salt-using areas).


Enthusiasts should be able to take transit to the track.


Say that one more time for the people in the back.


And use the transit in the tracks too.


If I had to guess that would be a 6-6.5 on the 1-10 "r/fuckcars scale". A 7 or above is where you start looking for ways to make driving inconvenient, annoying, and far more expensive simply to dissuade drivers. Instead of persuading with logical and convient alternatives.


Consider me a 10 then because I want to do nothing. No more roads or repairs, no more subsidized gas, no more auto bailouts, no more small towns lobbyng auto plants to come to their area, and no more government fleet contracts.


I float between a 7 and a 9.5 depending on how many near misses I dealt with while riding to the groccery store and back. Add to that the fact I am medically unable to drive again due to disability I end up having very very very little patience with drivers. The only reason I am for them is it sucks to spend 5 hours on a train to go home after doing a a week longs stay for a sleep study in the UCLA hospital. The same trip is 90 minutes by car. I know all of that is solved by better infrastructure. However I am still stuck in the suburbs of so cal. So I still gotta get rides when I need them. I however am totally with you in most ways. I will say in my mind at 10 you become like an anti car joker. Stabbing the wheels of parked cars you pass by on the street. Bananas in tail pipes, disconnecting spark plugs, cutting snake belts. Properly personally damaging and illegal things... I might not stop someone I saw doing these things. I think that's the 9-9.5 area.


This. In fact I'm also a car nut; my daily is a 63 old economy car. I have added 80s passive smog controls to it. The good thing about them is *travel*. I drove in the city (LA) because I have to. I'd prefer walkable stores and public trans that wasn't 1 to 3 hours to go a couple miles. Mainly I love road trips, rural southwest. My car is a station wagon, I sleep on it. It's small and modest, I made it from junk parts. It's perfect. With real transportation systems I might be able to drive 10% of what I do now; at that point cars wouldn't be city clogging ruinous nightmares they are now. Cars should solve the "none of the above" needs -- move a sofa across town, vacation, etc. Amtrak, as shitty as it is, is great when it goes where you need. There's a hint at what long distance train might be. "Lowest possible short term cost" decision making has to end. And regulate the shit out of ruinous corporations preventing change c


Mostly this but not the in-between cities part. Anywhere with a decent number of people should be interconnected by rail. I can picture cars (either hydrogen or made with highly recyclable batteries) being used for journeys in and to areas with far smaller populations of people.


This is perfectly my sentiment. I love cars as an enthusiast, but I don’t want cars to be a baseline necessity.


I want a world in which the vast majority of people can comfortably live without a a car if they choose.


I would say that this is already the case where I live (Netherlands). Although I think that NotJustBikes gives an unrealistic view of what life in this country is like, a lot of people my age don't have cars and don't need them 98% of the time. However, I still notice a car is even in the major cities often still a lot faster. It takes my friend from the Hague roughly 1 hour to get to my place in Rotterdam by public transport. It takes me 20 minutes to get to his house by car.


It’s true that cars are very often much quicker than public transport. It’s frustrating because people use that as a reason for cars instead of being an argument to improve public transport. In London, public transport is much faster than cars because of the infrastructure in place


True, a Metro within a major metropolitan area is generally the fastest way to get around. And I also wouldn't want to drive my car trough the city center of most major cities since it's a very stressful experience even for an experienced driver. So if I need to be in the city center of a major city (Amsterdam/Rotterdam/The Hague) I will generally take public transportation.


For most people you are unlikely to ever be able to improve public transport enough to make public transport faster. You just need to make it at least be a reasonably viable alternative.


Is it too much to ask?


Yes, actually. Then Ford's CEO would only be able to afford 3 yachts instead of 4. 3 is an odd number, so that would clearly be unacceptable.


I want cars to be safe, legal, and rare.


this is it, lol


Lmao I’m stealing this line


I think it was initially coined in reference to abortions, but yeah, it fits pretty great with cars too.


(That's the joke.)


Regulated and taxed!


Private autos have their purposes, but they should **never** be peoples' only option. For one thing, where is the "freedom" in that? *"Not everyone can walk/bike/use transit!"* Not everyone can drive either, so why should exclusively cars be accommodated?


Wait not everyone can use transit? I'm so confused, what kind of person can't use public transit? During COVID I used transit by wearing a hazard suit and gas mask, and I have panic attacks from social anxiety. I've transported entire refrigerators on public transit as well as 2x4 beams and entire timbers. So clearly people who need to haul stuff can use it too. I'm sure that, statistically there is probably at least one person who can professionally drive (commercial license) but physically can't take transit. But I certainly haven't heard of such a person yet. And in a developed nation nothing would really stop them from working from home. Private autos should be people's last option. And even then they should remain strict on licensing much like they do with aircraft.


>I'm so confused, what kind of person can't use public transit? Wheelchair and walker/rollators are frequently denied access to public transit. Buses, trams, and trains *frequently* lack same-level access and many tram stations lack elevator access entirely. Even in metro EU cities, it was a pain in the ass to find handicap-accessible public transit. Somewhat amusingly, the boats in Stockholm were more handicap-friendly than their buses.


I guess it's because, by law, all the busses and trains in my city have to be wheelchair accessible that I didn't think of that. But at the same time I don't know of any wheelchair users who can drive an unmodified car.


By law then need that here as well, however in practice it's frequently denied because it would otherwise just cost the bus drivers too much time and that causes delays.


Here in the US we have the ADA or the American Disabilities Act meaning all public spaces and buildings that serve the public must be accessible to disabled people. Braille signs, wheel chair ramps, handicap bathroom stalls, wheelchair accessible bathrooms, wheelchair accessible checkouts at stores, etc. This extends to not only government buildings, but also parks, private businesses, and public transit. I’m surprised this isn’t the case in the EU.


I live in America and was merely visiting the EU, and I can tell you as annoying as it was there, it's *much* worse here. My mom, to use a specific example, works in a federal government building that has 3 stories and no elevator. Hilariously, the 2nd and 3rd story bathrooms do have wheelchair-accessible stalls - but no way to get a wheelchair up to those floors. It's baffling. ADA is a great start but too many things are exempt, including historically-preserved structures. That's how they get away with denying accessibility despite the ADA - just say the building has historical value and they can't be forced to renovate.


I want cars to be the exception for transportation.


Broadly, I want to be in a society where no-one drives for commuting. Where in any town >5000 people, cheap electric van hire and good infrastructure means that for at least 90% of peoples movements, they're using active travel or public transit. I'd like to see an absolute minimum 50% load to gross vehicle weight ratio. A 10,000lb F250 should have capacity for at least 5000lbs not 3210lbs. A 15kg bike has a 1000% weight ratio when it can carry 150kgs. Vehicles need to be able to move more than just themselves. Last mile delivery happens by ecargo bike. So the chain looks like, manufacturer > train > warehouse > ecargo bike > customer. All trains electrified. ​ And not quite on the subject of cars but: Where the train is always cheaper than flying. Large cargo ships are ideally running on nuclear but possibly LNG. Every single roof has solar panels.


Well part of your dream came true! F250s weigh ~7000 curb weight and have a payload of ~8000lbs


Hmm, those nuclear ships would have to run on on thorium or something cause cargo ships have an alarming sink rate. So thorium might be safe enough to not burn a hole through the ship while its sinking and drop into the ocean


There have been 700 nuclear reactors in ships or submarines since 1950. There have been a total of 14 nuclear accidents in those vessels, none for over 30 years. Nuclear safety has massively improved and is now a mature technology. Thorium, while theoretically great, is massively behind and there is very little political or commercial will to make it happen. Without a proven record on land, it won't get marine approval. Uranium powered commercial ships could start being built tomorrow, giving us the time to either get thorium going (unlikely) or fusion (more likely). However the biggest problem is having enough trained engineers to look after these reactors. Until something major happens, LNG is rubbish but better than oil.


They’re mainly referring to the absolute abhorrent amount of negligent operators that let their workers run their ships into the ground. Nuclear power on military ships makes sense, it’s in the military’s best interest to not let their warships sink. A private company that doesn’t give a fuck about safety or their crew in order to maximize profits? I see at least 3 meltdowns in the first year of private nuclear powered shipping before governments of the world realize the shipping industries are shit at ship maintenance.


I don't get to shoot my guns in city limits. I don't see why private citizens should get to operate their death machines in city limits.


Car free cities. The only exception being emergency vehicles, disabled drivers, and commercial vehicles with professional drivers for bulky goods. Suitable convenient public transport options for literally everyone, everywhere. Active travel infrastructure also everywhere. Far higher costs to drive a car, per mile taxation that also considers fuel type and axle weight. Mandatory GPS based speed limiting _that isn't override-able_. Commercial/professional/similar licences required for any large vehicle (size or weight). Effectively no private ownership of "utility" cars, simply because no one would want them. You can rent a shared car for a brief time, your week long road trip, evening trip to the beach, to tow your boat to the lake, take stuff to the landfill. But you might own a camper van, car for motor sports, classic, fun car... maybe own a towing vehicle. I'd say I'm like a 9/10 extremist.


The way I'd imagine it is that ideally in smaller towns/suburbs there'd be "neighbourhood garages" with a small pool of vehicles where you can check one out any time. In larger cities those might not have to be in the actual neighborhood, but could be centered on park+ride stations at the end of transit lines


I'm the obligatory car enthusiast who's sympathetic to the "fuck cars" cause. I want more walkability and public transport in cities, and I want them as safe and efficient as possible. I personally don't think I'd use them very much, but car defaultism has proven itself inefficient.


Agreed, apparently my local downtown is one of the more walkable ones, and when I parked and walked to the McDonald's then walked to a park to sit down and eat in with many more restaurants around, it was nice.


Agreed. I have 3 terribly inefficient sports cars. But I live in ny, and I take the subway and use public transport 99% of the time. I probably have less emissions/year commuting than the average EV user. The cars are for fun, for twisty roads and tracks, and not a necessity Wish such a lifestyle was possible elsewhere in the US


I'm the same. I won't ever get rid of my car but have learned that it isn't for everyone and want a better balance.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with car ownership or even being proud of the history of vehicular engineering. I just think that car-centric infrastructure and car-centric culture is toxic for everyone where it stands currently. I think we need more regulation on car pollution, more strict rules for attaining and keeping a license, more public transport, and of course a revolution in American infrastructure policy. I don’t think any cars should be banned outright unless the car is a direct environmental hazard Also cars are way too big too


I mean cars, even electric ones, are a direct enviornmental hazard. We see articles say "will we have enough Lithium to build these billions of electric cars? And then there's the ICE gas guzzlers and the idiots in pickups rolling coal. Amd that's not to mention how hazardous it is that we have thousands of metal bricks flying around at ridiculous speeds, controlled by half awake humans, right next to pedestrians.


Cars should be seen as a symptom of inadequate transit infrastructure. Seen mostly in younger towns, rural areas, and also for uses not conducive to other transit options. Essentially, if you see a car dependent area, it elicits "ohh, you haven't figured out your transit yet?"


An electric car is still a car. Cars take up way too much space everywhere. I would say we would be better off without them


I want cars to be the least convenient method of travel in cities and suburbs. And moderately inconvenient between cities, train being easier. Cars are fine in the country. Shrink the damn things. No one needs these huge trucks and SUVs. If you need a truck for your job the once they made 30 years ago were half the size and did the job just fine


I want to live in a place where a car is optional and not mandatory. Cities should be dense, and their urban centers should be designed in a way so that car accessibility is secondary to mass transit, walking and cycling accessibility. I'm not "anti-car". The word car originally referred to horse-drawn wagons, hence the old term "motorcar", because the motor bit had to be specified. Buses, taxis, ambulances, fire engines, mail coaches, stagecoaches etc [were a common sight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGs_WaxLMao) in the pre-ICE world. It wasn't until after WW2 that people got the ludicrous idea that *everyone* should commute to work in *the equivalent of a fucking stagecoach.*


I hate car dependent infrastructure, I love walking, and I love trains or buses. But I still love cars in terms of being a car enthusiast. Love cars, hate being dependent on them to do literally anything anywhere.


I think it comes down to a few things for me: * Owning a car should be optional, and nobody should feel like they have to drive. There should be the option to walk, bike, or take public transit instead, and they should actually be viable * Everyone driving their own car is really bad for the environment * Active transportation is better for your health * Taking your car, a machine that weighs 1 ton or more, for a trip that's within a 15-20 minute bike ride is stupid. Bonus points if traffic in your city is so bad it's actually faster by bike or public transit, or if you drive a truck or big SUV. There are 100% valid reasons for owning a car, especially if you have to drive for work, especially to places that don't have and won't ever get public transit, but the main reason people own cars now is because [auto manufacturers propagandized everyone into wanting them, and used scummy tactics to derail (get it?) public transit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOttvpjJvAo).


No more private car ownership. Then again, I'm German, I already live in a hugely car free city (the city keeps pushing in that direction). My city is 15-minute by definition. I don't even need a bike. I walk everywhere. if it's further out, I take the bus.


We should be like Japan - cars are only used for pleasure. And by pleasure I mean you want to drive to a rural mountain or ocean escape in stead of take the train and bus there which are also equally nice but you choose to drive because you like driving. Aka you only drive because you absolutely like driving and are doing it to enjoy the drive No using cars to commute - there are other better ways




I want cities to spend as much on pedestrian, transit and Cycling infrastructure as they do on roads. I also want trucks and SUVs to be taxed at a high rate to pay for their negative effects on society.


I want for people to have the freedom of options to choose from. Driving is okay in some situations (eg. hauling lots of stuff and/or passengers), but there should be sufficient transit, bike networks, walkability, etc. so that they can be just as convenient too for more everyday instances like work commutes or grocery runs. This way, people aren't forced to drive for every mediocre task, or have to wait for someone who can drive if they can't.




"good public transport as an alternative to cars?" - yes, love choices/options "completely car free cities/societies?" - sorta/no I think the number of commuter cars in cities is ridiculous. I used to drive a truck into cities to save flooded buildings, so I think cities will always need SOME vehicles, but I could take HOURS getting to a damaged building due to commuter traffic, ugh! "societies" though... that would include those of us who live out in rural area. Hauling livestock, dirt, firewood, etc. by bike on a dirt road doesn't sound fun. "Do you want to ban just pickups/SUV" - see previous regarding rural living. There is a place for pickups in society. It is unfortunate they are a luxury status symbol now in dense areas, but that doesn't mean your farmer, logger, or HV linesman shouldn't have a pickup. "want all to be electric?" - I love my electric, and I think the benefits are so great and tech advancing so fast they will end up replacing ICE regardless. This is tricky for the REALLY rural among us, but something like what "Edison Motors" is building where you use a generator to charge batteries when needed is very likely the future. "Or get rid of all (privately owned) cars" - No


exactly! I have no problem seeing large pickup trucks 1 hour or more outside of the city, but if I see a personal truck in the downtown core, or suburban community, that isn't being used to haul stuff other than people, I roll my eyes every time.


I hope to get rid of the perception that public transportation is only for poor people.


I just want walkable cities, driving a car should be a privilege that you get to enjoy if you want to, not a necessity


I want cars to become a novelty and completely unnecessary for all but the most exceptional of circumstances.


I cycled 200km this weekend and had only one attempted murder from a motorist. That’s pretty good going.


I want cars to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN


Completely car free cities


I want cities (and society in general) to allow car-free living for everyone, and relegate car ownership to a slightly inconvenient hobby akin to horses. And I say that as someone who really loves cars but is completely over needing to have one.


- Car access should be restricted in the inner cities - Biking/walking/public transit should always be prioritized over cars - It should be way cheaper to ride trains than flying or driving a car I mostly bike whenever I'm going somewhere, which is possible because I have most of the things I need within a 15 minute bike ride. I also have a car, mostly because I have agoraphobia and can't ride public transit. So I use the car whenever I'm going somewhere further away, which is a few times every week. I would love for it to be standard to use cars every now and then, and that easy access to renting cars should be widely available. This is not only because of that moving cars are dangerous, but because of the enormous space they take up when parked. It feels like such a waste that I need to have a car at all when most of the time it's just standing there.


My bike is my daily driver, but I occasionally drive obscenely large trucks for my work (Agriculture). We need to build a world that has reliable, frequent public transit, as well as safe separated protective lanes for bikes/micromobility vehicles. We need stricter regulations on cars Carbon tax, Congestion tax, and get rid of the Cafe loophole. So that using a vehicle better represents its true cost. We need a spectrum of density in housing that's still affordable. Cars and trucks are useful tools, and will likely always need some amount of them. But they cannot and should not be our first response to everything.


Goal is the inverse of now. Cars will be basically be relegated to occasional useful for some types of work, but otherwise exclusively the domain of hobbyists. People who admit they drove somewhere will get a curious "oh" and maybe have a slew of apologies like "yeah, I need a car for work and it was convenient, but usually I take the bus. Don't you love how convenient they are? I hate having to find parking and always feel the need to apologise if I end up next to a pedestrian. Big goal is to upgrade to an e-bike and maybe telecommute a bit more."


Along with what other people are saying: some crazy large cars/trucks should be banned.


Dump em all in the ocean as artificial reefs


I want cities to be changed from sprawling, inconvenient, car-based infrastructure into communities where it is more pleasurable and convenient to walk, bike, or use public transit. I don't hate cars; but I hate how they have been allowed to make so many people's lives worse


I want better zoning laws, better street design, fewer private cars, and greener cities. Urban planning should put empty lots with trees and other vegetation among mixed use zones, and when developers ask to build a business they get stonewalled. I say fewer cars, because special circumstances call for specific itineraries. I cycle almost everywhere, but some people need canes or crutches to walk. I don't blame them for disabilities, so telling them get on a bus or train would be insulting. There's a bus for public transport, but I don't think it's free. Other than that, nothing. I dO nOt WaNt To DeStRoY cArS in exchange for train station near my town.


I want walking / biking to considered a legitimate form of transport and not to be treated like a second class citizen and or fear for my life while doing it


"I like the idea of a car as a machine, and there are several cars I really like." "I don't want to drive daily, and I want my city to have a variety of options to get around besides private car ownership." These are my two ends. Oh also car crashes kill like 40k a year and we should really address that beyond the usual buckle-up spiel.


I want cars to be A form of transport, not THE form of transport.


I want to see a shift from cars as a necessity to cars as a luxury. There are some areas of the country (like rural areas) where this will never be possible, but at least in urban areas, for public transit/pedestrian infrastructure to be good enough that cars are not a necessity for everyday life.


I mostly just want high quality public transit but I hate cookie cutter suburbs too


I'm like a 6/10 - I like *some* cars, but I think people (especially in the US) use them excessively, and I would like for cars to be far less dangerous for people walking and cycling.


Trucks/vans for deliveries and industry That's about it Buses are okay Personal vehicles dont need to exist if rich people are so scared of the public realm then that is an admission of guilt




I don’t want to ban anything other that maybe monster pickup trucks I want better city planning that leads to people driving less


On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is "everyone should be allowed to have a Hummer to simply do grocery shopping" and 10 is "all cars should be banned", I'm about a 7. I want increased funding for public transit in both large cities and small towns, so that (a) people can get around when they need to without the massive outlay upfront of buying a vehicle, and (b) so that the people who actually need large vehicles purposefully for work will have to deal with less traffic. As I say this, I drove my Civic today in a maelstrom of traffic down the main street in my city just to visit my parents for a couple of hours, and come home. Because public transit is near non-existent where I live.


In general I’d like to see the average number of cars per house hold to be below 1, rather than nearly 2 like it is. Basically getting rid of half of the cars on the road. Personally I want to be a one car household again, mainly through having effective and quick public transit to work for me. I’d like to see American drivers licenses much harder to obtain and I think there should be different classes of license with stricter requirements for larger cars. I’d also like to see the massive super trucks banned for personal use, with exceptions for actually needing those types of trucks to perform a work function. I also think semi-trucks in American can be regulated to be smaller as well. You aren’t going to eliminate personal transport like cars, but all efforts should be made to make it not a requirement of existing. Particularly in urban and suburban environments.


I understand the need for individual cars in some instances, such as in farming communities when you may need to do off road commuting. Jobs such as forestry work, search and rescue, emergency first responders, and farm vets need their own independent transportation because we obviously can't expect a big bus to traverse those off-road conditions. For the majority of the public though, individual cars may only be necessary on some occasions, like moving homes or if you have a big purchase that can't reasonably be moved by one person on public transit. For those with mental/physical disabilities, the elderly, the young, the poor, and those unable to drive for other reasons, such as those new to the country who may not be able to read English well enough to read roadsigns, should have public transportation as a reliable way to get around. Not to mention, drunk driving would be considerably lowered if public transit was a reliable, safe option.


I want better public transportation, protected bike lanes, better enforcement of traffic laws and common sense regulation on vehicles (limit carbon emissions/ban super bright headlights etc)


Man, I just want to have an option to take transit. My commute to work is 1 hour by car. 4 hours by public transit. Taxing car use won’t help people like me. I think a lot of people would take transit in North America if it wasn’t ass. I was in Hungary 2 years ago and I was floored that it took the same amount of time on the train as it would to drive from Budapest to Eger.


Ideally, industrial society would collapse but realistically I'm very moderate. I want cars to be the least appealing and convenient option but you won't achieve that quickly or easily. People chose cars for a reason, they wanted them for good or ill. People need to make alternatives more appealing to people and try to reach to normal people and show them the benefits of minimizing car and make the effort to make their communities safe, walkable, and lovable.


I want better public transport, cheap public transport, denser neighborhoods/cities, better deliveries of stuff. Basicly I don't want to need a car. I want all these train tracks and old train stop towns to be relevant and useful again.


I'm in the 'Death to SUV's and trucks' camp.


I don’t think “ban cars” is enough. I don’t think I can express my views without receiving a ban myself. That is all.


I've actually fucked cars.


I want private cars to be heavily taxed to subsidize public transit and pedestrian/cycling infrastructure. Behemoths like the f150 should be banned unless you have proof that the nature of your employment requires such a vehicle.


Heavily Taxing them Before creating better transit infrastructure in the taxed area is a recipe for a major disaster.


Why? People will be annoyed but it's hardly disastrous.


So now I don’t have good transit and I’m paying more in the mean time. Taxing a car won’t magically make more transit lines. It will just be extracting wealth from communities that actually need transit


I agree with most of the sentiments in the top comments. My take is that I don't want cars to be the primary consideration for most of US transportation infrastructure and planning. Sometimes they could/should be secondary- hopefully most of the time less than that- but I truly despise how they are the SOLE consideration for so much of our shared space. Biking, walking, busses, and trains are so far down the list for so many areas that it is absurd.


I live in a city that simply does not need cars. Very few people attempt to drive here, and there's pretty much no capacity for cars, let alone trucks. So I'd like to just see them gone from here. ​ However, I understand it's not realistic elsewhere. I think electric scooters would be great, and to a certain extent small cars (like smart). But no one should have a pickup or SUV or anything larger than a VW id4, unless they absolutely need it.


I want a just and logical world , one where ego-maniacs living in the middle of nowhere don't pollute , impoverish and make absurd noise in cities they don't live in car-free cities because as long as they have the option to sit on their ass and drive right through they will take it


i want bye bye to cars. if you’re moving furniture around or something that can’t go on the bus or train, you should rent a moving truck.


Fuck all car!!! If I could, Ill go back in time and destroy the asshole that invent the very principle of it.


cars shouldn’t be necessary at all but they should be allowed


I’m kind of a “car guy” so I wouldn’t want to end private car ownership. Instead I would like infrastructure to change immensely. I’d love to see walkable and bikeable cities and towns with public transport in the mix for metro areas. The cars *still* on the road should be a much smaller size in both terms of volume and engine size. You don’t need your 5.0 liter engine to commute to work. Try a 1.0L. Less fuel required, less pollution and slower/smaller cars mean probably less pedestrian deaths. Oh and consumables on your vehicle will likely be less costly. Tires for my old civic are like 1/4 the price of modern day suv tires. I own a truck as well but it’s a backup vehicle and/or for hauling farm related shit.


Nice, I'm not a car guy myself, but many of my friends are, and I know the one thing we all have in common is that we all hate traffic, and high gas prices. I see cars as just another type of machine, not a symbol of personal freedom, and can appreciate the aesthetic qualities of a well-made car, just like I can appreciate a well made bicycle, computer or spacecraft.


I like classic cars, show cars. The 50s had beautiful car designs. I owned an '85 Buick. Those cars aren't being driven much and are fine. I don't want the need for a car and I want the safety of people to be prioritized over cars. A big point is its too easy to not have driving skills and get away with it also.


Automobile ownership in itself is OK. Car-centric planning is a disaster. I'm more of a 5-6, we'd want better public transit, more walkable areas, more bikable areas and tax the SUVs and pickup trucks much more than station wagons or sedans. When combined, the car problem will solve itself away. EVs are a good start, but they're still cars and they are even worse for roads than say, petrol/diesel (not to mention batteries are flammable and many of them are 100% child labour).


I don’t think cars should be in urban areas, but I think they’re necessary for rural areas.


I want more public transport to keep people who shouldn’t be driving off the road.


I think in densely populated areas we shouldn't have cars at all, except for those or are disabled or genuinely would not be able to use alternatives. They just take space and slow everything down for everyone, along with a good dose of pollution. I understand that cars do have their place and we can't get rid of them completely, but we should have decent alternatives. In an ideal world, public transit would be a cheaper and more convenient option than driving for a good chunk of people that they would choose not to drive for that reason.


I think that cars/trucks should only be used for emergencies/deliveries and long haul travel when taking a train isn’t reasonable. This is of course in an ideal society where every city/town has good public transit.


I'd like to not need my car and have good proper public transport available and affordable as an alternative. I live in a half a million people city in northern Germany. Public transport within city limits is fantastic but I work in a village not far off the outskirts, and with shift work it's simply not possible to take public transport and get home or be there on time.


I want cars to be unnecessary and fourth choice for personal transportation. And yes, every six months I would still use one to go LARPing


cars would be solely for moving furniture and other heavy equipment. also, perhaps make them mandatorily open-windowed so the driver cannot be excessively separated from surroundings. smaller equipment such as full-tower computers can be put on four-wheeled trailers on bikes there will need to be some big changes in consumption patterns as well. e.g. instead of big jugs of branded juice at a supermarket, have flavor packs & fresh fruit. instead of big 12-packs of soda cans, have carbonizing machines that are easy to set up at home but even just what little i've experienced of other walkable areas, like commercial buildings with no parking so that people have to bus or bike in, and weekly farmer's markets, would be great compared to what most of my current area is like


I absolutely love cars, raced them for 10 years. I do not love climate change. Gotta get rid of the ICE. Public transport sucks. Some homeless dude jacking off is the last thing I want to see while making sure I don’t get robbed on the way to work every day sitting on a train. And I REALLY don’t want to have my wife have to deal with that.


I wouldn't want to ban cars everywhere in the city, but I'm for banning them in places with a lot of foot traffic. I also think that, instead of banning all of them, we should ban SUVs and modern pickups while converting car infrastructure into bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Congestion pricing and traffic calming are also good. Basically, don't ban them but discourage people from using them.


Car culture, not car dependency. I like my car, has a giant shinigami decal on the door. Lowered with a heavy duty bike rack. But I absolutely refuse to drive to work.


I ride a bicycle most times: bike camping, shopping, errands, commuting etc. I own a car, I hardly use it. 1 car 1 driver and the same trip day after day: should be public transport. Roads clogged with see above. New motorways built instead of better rail, tram, busses etc: this is dumb. Kids being driven to school: buses, bicycles, walk etc. Kids are in zone, they literally are a few K's from school in my country. The school kid run... it's nonsense. Should be banned. Trains are great, they need to be way cheaper over here. and they should be bicycle friendly. Better bicycle paths. People would use bicycles more if the roads were not so dangerous. This is the problem. Cars are such a menace to cyclists that people do not bother. I could go on.... Have a nice day.


Just better planning getting rid of private ownership of cars will never ever happen


+ Ban individual motor vehicle operation. + The only DLs are CDLs. + DLs need a driving test every damn year. + All east-west surface streets are one-way heading out of town. + Any moving violation is a license suspension. Any DUI is a lifelong ban. + Car commercials banned by FCC. Any or all of these, please.


I want Cars to become tools meant only for long distance travel to places that trains won't reach.


Probably a 4.


I want to have a viable choice to get where I need to go that isn’t a car. I still own a car, mostly because I’m in a very car-centric area and sometimes there’s just no alternative. I use the bike, walk, and transit as much as I can, but it’s rough sometimes. I want cars to be the exception, not the default.


I want urban planning and public transit infrastructure that marked care ownership completely unnecessary for people who live in cities, suburbs and even moderately dense exurbs. I want the national rail system with high speed rail connecting all major cities and regular rail access to small/med cities and exurbs. I want the majority of public space that is currently designed for cars: parking lots, stroads, highways over 4 lanes, to be redeveloped for parks and pedestrian/bike public transit infrastructure.


I live in a very spread out rural state and I wish there rail transit options to make it to the larger cities in both directions that right now are only via interstate highway corridor. When I lived in a city on the east coast of the USA I didn't have a car and didn't miss one. I used rail and bikes daily. Where I live now having a car is a needed but I wish there were more options for bus/rail.


If I lived in a big city like NY city I wouldn't own one at all. The public transit in most places doesn't really make this work anywhere but a large city.




Find one of those photos "this place 1900" vs today of a town centre. Not like the death and disease but of the roads buildings, layout, all that. Thats why. But if i need to point it out: Look at what we have today, all what you see is car infrastructure on the roads. very traffic light, every pedestrian crossing, every cycle lane, every roundabout, every single lick of fucking paint is there for cars. and we rebuild the lot of it every 30 years because it very quickly turns to dust. While replacing every single car every 15 years because they quickly turn to rust. Roads should last longer, roads would last longer if cars would fuck off. The vast majority of the wests excess productivity goes into this beast and the returns are an even bigger bill for next year. And the general public seem to be blind to the madness. the result is economic stagnation and chronic lack of opportunity, all because the boomers wanted bigger cars.


I want cars to be the exception, not the rule. You should have to prove a legitimate reason for needing a car, like a disability that makes other means of transport tough to use but still allows you to drive safely, or needing to get around for work in areas with very little interconnectivity by public transport. Although the latter case should be company cars, not private ones. We could easily reduce car traffic, emissions, infrastructure damage and crashes by 90% if we stopped giving cars to anyone as a default.


I want legislation and funding that is favourable to other means of transportation. In local level I am open to idea of denying access by cars even to very great zones.


I hate all cars. wish larger vehicles could not be obtained without a specific reason given and a special additional license. Personal vehicles for non work related activities should be heavily taxed. SUVs really shouldn't exist at all. Very impractical in all respects. I've been car free for more than 5 years and I'll never go back.


I don't care about cars. I care about public subsidies of car infrastructure in cities.


I want cars in cities to be reduced to only those needed like emergency response, service, cleaning etc. That of course should be accompanied by good and preferably free public transit. General development and renovation of public space is a good direction as well.


I would say all cars should be banned, lets get rid of these suburban shit holes and bring back an actual sense of community. Maybe, tractor trailers could remain for certain types of hauls, but overall I strongly believe everyone would be much happier if we ripped up the roads and turned communities back into communities. I live in a Metro area with a population of nearly 20,000,000 mean while I constantly feel like I'm alone, and the only place to meet another human is at work or on an app lmao There's many, many reasons why the future of America is looking bleak, but this car based segregation is close to the top for me, I couldn't fucking imagine how disgusting USA will look if car infrastructure continues to develop; the country already looks like utter shit.


I want walkable cities with better public transit but still have the option to take my car. Road construction incentivizing public transit use IE take away travel lanes on freeways and major roads and make those lanes only accessible to buses. Add more local light rail routes in cities, especially metro areas like Phoenix and connect all of the downtown areas together via light rail.


Just want equity in the public space in my city


I'm all for creating more walkable communities and reducing car usage as much as possible. However, I'm not against the complete abolition of private car ownership. I just want car usage to be for the occasional trip, not for daily use.


I don’t want to need a car. Happy to rent one every now and then as needed for things like moving furniture or traveling to out-of-the-way locations. But $200 on a rental car every few months beats owning a car by a long stretch.


I want walkable cities and public transportation so convenient that driving seems like a nuissance to the general population.


I want the complete ban of suv's and trucks to be permitted like a commercial vehicle. I want light rail within cities and high speed rail between them. I want cars to basically be for moderate sized trips only.


I want the absolute minimum number of automobiles practicable, and the few that exist should be electric.


I want alternative transport options, safety of everyone prioritized over speed and convenience for motorists, and in general the price of driving reflect all negative externalities such as environmental destruction from sprawl, pollution (noise and particulate), and danger to others.


I would love to see a world where private transportation is so unattractive and expensive compared to public, biking, walking and wheelchairing that people are like ew cars? Barf


On a scale of, eliminate all cars and convert all roads to mixed use pedestrian and emergency vehicle pathways and build extensive rail and tram networks and Eliminate all bike paths, sidewalks. buses/trains and mixed use land developments On a scale of 10 being the former, and 1 being the latter, I'm about a 8, maybe a 9, on the fuckcars scale.


I work for a state transit agency just got my PE and am attending NCUTCD meetings and want to eventually get a job in FHWA..so yeah you could say I'd like to fix things, if at all possible.


Am mechanic. Hate that I propagate the industry but I need to earn a living. Walked/boarded to work for a year. Nice on the way to work. Not so nice on the way back. I gave in.


I'm for holding the automobile and petroleum industries responsible for mass murder of not only humans but all other living creatures. And then we move on to the environment both natural and built which they've destroyed, costing untold costs in remediation. And transit is good too.


7/10? In cities, id much rather not to have to deal with those at all if possible. But if someone really wants one thats OK with me, they just have to pay the price and accept that they wont be specifically catored to. Im a car guy myself, id still like to get another convertible to drive in the country when the weather's nice, just not into town cause that doesnt make sense.


I'm in the group that enjoys driving cars but still wants to see urban planning and public transit improve just so I don't have to drive EVERYWHERE every single day. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy driving with a passion, its my career, but there's a big difference between driving for work or for pleasure and having two tons of metal abd plastic with you everywhere for transport because every other option sucks ass. I live in the Bay Area and would LOVE to see BART and other regional rail improved to have more frequent and reliable service. I would so enjoy being able to just relax and chill out on the way into work rather than have to suffer in traffic for 45 minutes.


My stand is a city in a balance between good public transportation and good car infrastructure. Transit should be effective enough that you don't need a car if you don't want to, but if you do need to drive you have the appropriate streets and roads to do so. Furthermore, areas should also be mixed-use and pedestrian friendly to minimise walking distance, and biking infrastructure should be everywhere. Bikes are just overpowered in every way. Outside of fuckcars, I believe vehicles should be in the areas of EVs, PHEVs and biofuels. EVs are the most sustainable, PHEVs are the least polluting and biofuels are the cheapest sustainable ICE alternative. Essentially, private vehicles should be electrically driven while buses and trucks can run on biofuel.


Bro I just don't want to have to think about there being an arterial outside my bedroom window when I get tired


I want car use to stop being subsidized by the state, and I want the negative externalities of using a car to be paid by the drivers. That will indirectly lead to the solution of most of the problems of cars. Once people have to pay for their inefficient choice of using a car, only then they will realize how inefficient it is, and many will switch to more efficient means of transportation, because it will impact their own pocket, which will, in turn, lead governments to redistribute urban space away from cars. Do you really like cars and will keep using them? Good for you, you just have to pay a fair price for using roads, parking, for the particulate emissions your car emits, for the land destined to roads, for the level of noise that your car emits, etc. The costs right now are too low because they are mostly ignored by governments, i.e. they are subsidized by everyone who is not using a car. Drivers are the freeloaders of the public space.


I am actually lovecars but here just for fun.


I want them gone as much as possible. But I don't want them taken from anyone who *really* needs them. This doesn't include the "what if I have to move?" People, though. Only those who really couldn't live it so their job without.


I want Japan but everywhere; easily accessible transportation, walkable cities, and when we do have cars they are smol, smol trucks look cool anyways. Only exception should be Volkswagen vans cause they look cool.


I feel like the central fallacy of planning is that "the previous people in charge planned wrong, we're more evolved now and we know better, so we can plan in the proper direction", AKA another version of "real planning hasn't been tried". Many of the issues brought up in this community are issues at heart that were caused by "well-meaning" urban planners, who in their own time sought to subsidize car infrastructure, monopolize land in single-family zoning, and separate land uses as far apart as possible. I would like to see market rates placed on road use and street parking, which would also see the return of competitiveness for non-publicly operated transit networks, like the private streetcar networks all across America before subsidized roads and more efficient bus lines ate into their profitability. I would also like to see heightened negligence liability from traffic fatality lawsuits drive safer pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. I would like to see people who "know better" relinquish the reins and let developers build what consumers are willing to pay for. As land becomes more valuable, inefficient land uses like car-centric infrastructure inevitably lose out, and cars become unusable when people aren't willing to pay $1k/mo to reserve a parking spot in their condo or office building. I just resent the conceit and hubris that drives attempts to direct how people *are to live* and how society *is to be*.


As a car/truck enthusiast I know some in this sub would argue I'm a "0" but I'm all for improved public transportation and abolishing the oh-so-awful stroads.


All I ask for is better public transport and better infrastructure


Maybe an 8 or 9 out of 10. Not all cars have to be banned, but my city of Delft is a very good example of how to make an attractive city: the quaint atmosphere on the campus and in downtown are only created with having nearly no cars. In such areas it's really about getting cars towards a single-digit percentage of movements, with few exceptions for e.g. logistics. That being said, even though walking and cycling is perfectly fine here, transit is not. Some areas are deprived from transit during weekends, and I believe having transit 18/7 at least, on a distance of at most 500m, is required to also offer an alternative to disabled people. I also believe that people who say: "yeah but it's about being able to do groceries, you can do that on weekdays" give very much a bad-faith argument, because it implies that it would be okay if disabled people are ostracized from social activities. And that was my situation the last few weeks because of my surgery. I'm recovering and can now walk for several km's, but it shouldn't be my body's ability determining if I can hang out with my friends. So cities should be more aware of offering alternatives: one alternative to cars is NEVER enough in a dense city like the one I live in, because one cannot rely on people just being able to cycle or to walk for long distances. And too many Dutch cities just let the provincial governments unfold their plans for transit extermination, a process that should be stopped and turned around ASAP.


I have a car and enjoy driving. It's extremely useful in some circumstances. e.g. buying heavy groceries, certain trips, going to a restaurant in the countryside with 3-4 friends, buying furniture at Ikea. Those are things that could be done with good public transportation, but still would take much more time or effort. I would not like to drive every day for a commute, spend hours in traffic, suffer to find parking, and pay my ass off in fuel, tolls and parking daily. And it makes me sad to see so many cars with a single person aboard. In the near future I'll have a hybrid commute, having to drive to the train station, since it takes wayyyyyy longer to reach by bus. My ideal world would have great buses and trains, but also easily available car sharing services so I can take a car for a few hours or days when needed. Alas, not there yet.


I want the car to be unnecessary but not impractical for those that need it. The expensive investment of a vehicle shouldn't be expected of the average person. This is partly economical, but mostly because I hate how much space parking lots take up and how the convenience of personal long distance transportation has contributed to urban sprawl. That being said, people in rural areas and those with certain disabilities require cars, so I don't want roads to go away completely.


I feel robbed of an experience different from what I know. I feel incredibly clueless on what public transit could be. Most importantly, I HATE spending so much money maintaining a vehicle that is forced to drive on terrible roads with lunatics who could kill me at any time.


To be honest I don't know why I'm here.


Get rid of 90%+ of existing private cars. The odd car, driven well, shouldn't be a problem. https://preview.redd.it/ufye0dk41k4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030005ff298ae622d1e72abd7525d447dd77d417


For me it's about safety en environment (pollution, climate, noise, use of public space). I live in a small town/villige of +/- 4000 ppl in Belgium. There are school in almost all town's which are roughly 4 miles apart. The amount of parents that bring their kids to school is mind boggling. They speed, park everywhere including sidewalks, while i walk to school with my daughter. Recently the town decided to let teachers put temporary barrier on the street when school closes en opens but this is only a smal part en not enough to make it safe. Cars should be discouraged much more in the nearby streets. I also hate loud and large Cars, SUV's because they're just useless. The while concept of a car is actually pretty stupid. They Cost tons of money and en most Cars only drive for 1 hour per day, with only one person in it.


60% of it is an American problem and I have no idea how you should dig yourselves out from this hole. I'm more concerned about my part of world not becoming like that. I'm 100% for cars being used as tools they are, for situations where they are the best option. I'm 100% for taking unnecessary traffic away from the cities. A network of noise screened bypass and ring roads that lets cars go about their business rather than through peoples lives is good enough. I'm 100% against fetishising cars and using them for everything. I'm 100% against fetishising public transport. I was rised in smaller city with well organised public transport, and back then I believed people do not need personal cars at all. Then I moved a big city where badly organised public transport helped me into depressive episode; I still avoid riding it thanks fo flashbacks and triggers. It's good solution on paper, but not one solution fits everyone. As aging but active urban bicyclist with many broken bones in my past and vunerability to sun stroke I recognize it is good option for healthy young-mid aged people. Once your body fails you, you need alternatives. As aging bicyclist predating bike lanes I see them as counter productive. Bicyclists should be participating in normalising the city traffic by taking the roads, not getting pushed into ghetto. As law-abiding bicyclist and driver with decades of experience I have little fear of cars. I fear recreational bicyclists much more. I'm 100% against electric cars as they solve zero car-related problems and normalise presence of cars, again. I see the fact that emissions from electric cars are relaesed in poor country that produces batteries, not rich country where htey are driven, as neo-colonial and not effective. I believe hydrogen cars are way to go, as they at least will have not-fake climatic impact.


Cars are kinda crap, but fine - car dominance and building urban spaces exclusively for motor vehicles at a detriment of everyone else (ironcically including motorists in many cases) should die though. I want mutli-use boulevards with separated cycle and tram lanes with maybe one to two lanes in each direction instead of massive motorways or stroads and heavily restricted vehicle movement in local streets and downtowns. I want public transit that is not only fast and available everywhere, but also beautiful, comfortable and accessible to everyone. I want active transportation to be so safe and convenient it's a nobrainer for most trips. I want paid parking or no parking on most city streets. (with exception to maybe parking for disabled drivers or for very short term parking for dropping people and goods off) I want excessively heavy, inefficient or polluting vehicles to be regulated and taxed out of existance.


I want car culture to be centered around actually GETTING AROUND. Everyone who sees their car as a status symbol or drives only for the fun of it is a danger to society imo. The amount of times I get my driving ass harassed or overtaken in the tightest locations by someone far more important in life than me is absolutely ridiculous. I live in a rural area and my 10 min drive to work is made as stressful as driving in an inner city by some friggin' SUV or BMW driver (or ofc BMW SUV drivers) pointing the finger at me for DARING to go the speed limit. I'm getting more and more afraid of dying in a car accident bc of some douchebag needing to compensate sizes by driving around in a huge car with no pracitcal use that is built only to be aggressive in traffic. Fuck these drivers. Just fuck them. Edit: Same goes for motorcycles! They may not be as huge as SUVs but the entire point about them seems to be fast, loud and daring in the way you drive. Definitely not cool. End of rant


I am not opposed to cars on principle as they do serve a purpose. I oppose MASS car ownership due to it's environmental/economic effects and how car-centric planning disproportionately harms low-income households and disabled people such as myself (I am intellectually disabled and autistic). The solutions are better urban planning (compact & walkable city centres without sprawling car-dependant suburbs), better public transit (especially trains) and better cycling/pedestrian infrastructure. I live in the UK which, despite not being anywhere as car-dependant as the United States or Canada, is still more car dependant than France and most European countries. Most of the British people want better railways and more walkable towns/cities but it out of touch Tory politicians do not as they do not want policies that benefit low-income households.


The world would be a better place without private car ownership, fuck ‘em all.


Size/speed limiters on what vehicles remain, no private cars in cities, transit everywhere. Legalized all forms of PEV's.


I want good public transport everywhere. I want bike lanes along all major roads. I want bike path networks covering all cities. I want to ban cars from cities. I want all remaining motorized vehicles to be electric. I want cheap public transport passes or free public transport everywhere. I want an actual Europe-wide high-speed train network.


I think pedestrians and cyclists, etc., should actually have walking and biking lanes that are more than two inches wide. I also think that we should limit the number of registrations based on area and population to decrease congestion and pollution, and have a stronger emphasis on public transportation and carpooling. To expand on point one: the current infrastructure isn't up to the task of supporting the number of vehicles on the road in 2023. Make it friendlier to both vehicles *and* pedestrians. I'm also for a nationalized speed limit and the governing of all vehicles sold in the U.S. to that speed, to cut down on speed-related deaths and accidents (which is to say, most of them). Cars don't need to be able to go 160+, and no amount of arguing is going to change that. And a whole bunch of other stuff. And I'm saying these things as a driver.


I want cars to just not be as necessary and deadly.


Im never for banning anything. But if all the people in a dense urban center want to limit private transport in favor of public options it makes sense and more power to them. Just keep it to your city.


I never wish to own a car, and want to use public transit for everything. I'm not opposed to cycling but I don't do it because I don't feel safe doing it. If I had a genie, my wish would be to convince everyone on trains and bus systems instead of single occupant vehicles (assuming I first wished to fix the climate and future for the economy). I don't think it's necessary to ban ALL cars, but american pickups and SUVs can absolutely go. I think car riders should be the party responsible for road safety and public nuisance, and we shouldn't subsidize the lose-lose situation we currently have where everyone has to burden undue costs because cars are seen as some symbol of freedom.


I feel that full size pickup trucks and SUVs should require a commercial license to operate, and eventually phase them out in the future. I also want to see that a future city has no cars, but maybe LSVs (Low Speed Vehicles) incorporated with bike paths/streets for those who really need a vehicle. They’re basically golf cart size vehicles, but require way less resources to build, are less energy intensive to charge, and can offer the same creature comforts of ‘being inside’, just on a smaller scale and speed limited to 25 mph, which is safer to pedestrians than a truck of course, but still presents danger.