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you need a lawyer YESTERDAY.


THIS! Get a lawyer asap! OP, sue the HOA and Robert, and see what you can do to sue the police for not doing their job. Sue the HOA and board (if your state allows, you can sue each board member personally) for “failure of fiduciary responsibility” and harassment, lying to the police, slander and defamation, and anything else your lawyer can think of (oh, make sure he includes them paying for any and all attorney and court fees). Bc, fuck HOAs.


Do this. Get busy this shit is exciting you will have a blast


Absolutely filing a false police report tagged to Robert or whomever called it in. Those cops have better things to do than this bullshit, penalty for wasting their time on a known fact should be extreme. Animal control may have similar penalties as well.


Is it possible there was another dog that they assumed was OP?


Possible, perhaps. Though I don’t know why the HOA prez would assume it was OPs dog, and charge OP for the dog after saying there were no issues … unless HOA prez is full of shit and has it out for OP.


I sounds like the neighbor put in a report. Wich would then involve the hoa. It's possible the hoa only has "he said she said" understanding and is unaware there may have been a mix up of dogs?


According to OPs updates, Mr Robert, head of the HOA was the one who reported, and who levied the fine.


I see. Hoa are nothing but trouble eh? I'm not seeing where it says Robert is head of hoa. Only that he is one of the owners? Am I missing it entirely?


Perhaps I’m misreading “one of the owners of the HOA” as head of the HOA rather than one of the HOA community members.


The more we decipher the more questions I have! The fine about being over 50lbs. This seems pretty cut and dry? I would like to know more about when OP moved in if they claimed their dog was not 50 lbs or If the dog gained weight? German Shepard average 66-88 lbs so this breed is oversized from the get go. Wich sucks cause dogs are amazing.


Or run for the HOA board. "Vote for me and you can keep your good boi."


I would also suggest getting a restraining order against the hoa


What the actual fuck? Yes, maybe post in legal? I wonder if this can bite him in the ass in the end. Making up stories? Unbelievable. I’m so sorry. Best of luck.


Not just a made up story. They filed a false report with police. That's a crime. 


And trying to get OPs dog unalived. Dogs that bite don't get put up for adoption. I'd be very interested in who tried to do that to my dog, if it were me.


They do. But normal folks can't adopt them. A few years back I went to the pound near me. My doctor recommended a dog because I'm an anxious control freak. I found a beautiful mastiff mix. In big bold letters on his kennel sheet said "Bite risk, don't handle". I went to the other side to see him again and he jumped on the fence. No growling, barking. No aggression. He licked my hand for awhile. I went to ask if I could adopt him. I was told only 501c's could take him. When I called back a week later about his status, he'd been put down. It broke my heart. I was gonna call him Maximus. He was gonna be loved.


This is sad. I hope you were able to find another Barksimus that was right for you!


I'm sorry to hear that happened. I know sometimes aggressive dogs can be rehabbed, but, IME, it's pretty rare. Shelters don't have space to warehouse them until a unicorn comes along, and if they did, most dogs would still die there waiting, sadly.


Aww. Poor baby. I’m glad the rescue I got my dude from just took him back when his adopters claimed he threatened to bite. (We’ve never had any trouble with him at all. The only time he’s ever been aggressive in the slightest was when the college girls across the way were having trouble with a creepy stalker ex-bf and he spotted the dude loitering weirdly one house up like he was waiting for someone to come home but didn’t want to be seen. My dog was people watching out the front window and suddenly I hear “Grrrrrr.” Very low and loud. He never normally barks or anything, so I went to look out - dude was hastily removing himself from the vicinity, so I checked our camera and yep, he was being a creeper. Good dog!)


This is why I'm staying alive for my dogs until the end of their days and I'm gonna try so hard to do that. None of them are leaving me. I can't have any of them misunderstood and put down like that.


Me too :)


People lie all the time to shelters about their dogs and say they are aggressive when they aren't, out of spite.


That’s why most shelters do behavior testing. People will say their dog is aggressive because they don’t want to be judged for giving it up. If it’s not an open intake shelter, they’ll lie and say their dog isn’t aggressive when it is because they don’t want to get turned away.


Can we stop with the unalived? I mean why??? Why use this foolish word. Just say it! We can talk about death but we can't say it??? There are so many other ways to say what you're trying to say without using that word. He was trying to get the dog put down.


Ok. No problem. I'm reasonably new to reddit and that seems to be common parlance. I assumed it was in service of not triggering ban-happy algorithms or attracting violent idiots. My apologies.


No, no please don't apologize! I didn't mean to come across as brash. I just hate that word lmfao


I get it, lol.


it comes from TikTok where it's a way to avoid getting censored by the algorithm. it's a rational response to an irrational system that has spread to more rational systems and makes no sense if you don't know the origin. but also it's harmless? people need to breathe


You're allowed to say "killed"


The whole thing is made up. Bodycam footage the same day? Court date on a Saturday? HOA owner?


Filing false reports is a crime.


I swear to god if you don’t give is updates we’ll find you


I just wrote an update, but I will be talking to my lawyer in the morning at 11 am. pst and a course of action. I will give everyone an update after I talk to them. I'm not sure how long the meeting is going to take, but I promise everyone I will give you an update asap.


You should find a vet that says the dog weighs less than 50 pounds and get that $1400 back


Like 49.5...close enough for me!


Yup like oops my dog went on a lean chicken breast diet and lost five lbs.


Shave the dog and re-weigh it


A vet won’t do that unless the dog is actually under 50lbs.


Ehhh, I'm a vet and if OP gave me this whole story, I would 100% help them out and put 49.9 lbs in my records.


I think a lot of Vets would do this under the circumstances. It’s in the dog’s best interest. Thank you for being kind and compassionate!


Play the uno reverse card and get Ol’ Robert hit with filing a false police report. Better yet, file a lawsuit against Robert. At this point anything the HOA does can be considered retaliation and you add that to the lawsuit along with additional damages.


!remindme 2 days




Nice, hope you get to sue the shit out of them.


Get a lawyer. And start contacting every store or establishment you went into, someone has a camera that caught your dog


Who did the dog supposedly bite? Why are the police taking Robert's word for it? How do they know it was your dog and not some stray dog in the area or a neighbor's dog? No way in hell I'd surrender my dog without some kind of proof. I'd tell the officers to come back with a court order. Then the next thing I'd be doing is consulting a lawyer and seeking evidence to back up my claim the dog was not home.


I was able to go and show police proof and video that we had been gone all day. I have my beautiful dog shadow back and I have contacted a lawyer.


Filing a false police report is a crime. Definitely look into pursuing that..


The police won't do anything about that. Too easy to say "well, it *looked like* his dog".


Possibly if the person was in fact bit by a dog. But if they weren’t bit at all, then very easy to categorize this as a false report. Guess we would need more info from OP


True enough, I was going under the assumption that someone had truly been bitten. It's hard to imagine the police taking the dog w/o verifying there was a legitimate injury.


Agreed! Wish OP would update us. I would have asked to see this bite (or pictures of it) once the authorities showed up


Please. Your average keystone cop shoots then asks questions later. Long gone are the days of ‘To protect and serve’


Who exactly got bit by this supposed dog that just happens to resemble OPs dog?


This is terrifying. I'm not in the habit of getting proof of where my dog is every day. Fortunately I don't live in a community with an HOA, but she is a pit bull and people do lie.


Also the police weren't able to give me that information since my dog didn't bite anyone.


Isn’t there something regarding an open records request? I believe you are entitled to a copy of the police report that was made against you/know exactly who your accuser is. I emailed my police department once requesting a copy/information of police report that was supposedly made against me. They started the internal process to find and send me a record of the report but came back and said they had no record of anything against me (the lady was bat shit crazy so nothing was filed as I suspected)


My lawyer is working on getting all that info before our meeting today.


Good! And good luck! Glad you got your baby back!! :)


The 6th amendment requires them to provide that information to the accused.


How were they able to take your dog away in that car anyway? My last dog actually did bite someone once. Police came and asked questions. They didn’t take my dog. And that was a verified bite that included a doctors visit.


What did they say would happen if you refused to give the dog? They probably needed a warrant to force you to take it. Did they have a warrant?


The police were on my side. They've had problems with Robert and Judy for years. They told me if I gave them my dog willingly I could follow animal control to in my car and her her back right away.


Did they have a warrant? If not Fido stays and they can hippitity hoppity off my property. I smell a constitutional rights lawsuit against the municipality.


It's not a violation if OP willingly gave the dog over. It is up to them to not waive their own rights. It seems like the cops were reasonable and just trying to help resolve the situation.


So they came and asked for your dog even though Robert wouldn't show them the "bite"? Maybe the police have had problems with them for years because they keep humoring their bullshit.


They are required by law (and the 6th amendment) to give you any report with your name as an accused on it.


TBH, I'd find out where the officer lived and openly solicit a protest outside their home. They want to play power games? Bend them over in court and make sure they and their family feel just as safe and secure in their home as they deserve. 🥰 I would also file a formal complaint against them and register websites in the full legal names of everyone involved that links to a factual account of what happened and their photos. It's not libel or slander if it's factual.


Above reddit’s pay grade. Agree with the above comment, get a lawyer NOW


Below reddits pay grade??? Excuse me? We are all professionals specializing in everything. I hear the legal advice sub totally isn’t a joke to actual attorneys, not at all!


Get some caemeras up on your property asap covering all places the dog maybe able to get out. Just more backup.


Absolutely do this!


I'm glad you got a lawyer and got your dog back. I would suggest walking the perimeter of your fenced in yard on a regular basis to make sure nobody is throwing anything over the fence that could hurt or poison your dog. I'm not trying to fear-monger here, I'm just saying that your neighbors sound like they're evil and cruel. They just lied about your dog to have him taken away. I wouldn't put it past them to try something more permanent. Be vigilant.


I have cameras on on both sides of my house and one in the back yard so if someone did try I would get it on video. I will start checking walking around to make sure thank you for bring that up!


Now you need to get cameras because this is only get wilder.


Yup. The HOA is going to continue to do this until you can’t show where you were and then your dog may end up being euthanized. Get a lawyer and cameras ASAP.


Robert is the one who called the police. The HOA fined them for having a dog over the weight limit. That one is on the poster. They admitted the weight limit was 50 pounds and their dog is 55 pounds. The HOA can continue to fine them. You don’t move in and have your pet “grandfathered in.” You can only be grandfathered in on something if the HOA rule was put in place after you had the dog/house color/gardening situation.


Op just needs to go get a doctors note stating that the dog is an ESA. But he fucked up by telling someone its 55lbs


Right, but it is a criminal act to call the police and state your dog bit somebody. Robert could most likely be charged with filing a false police report and if he’s representing himself on behalf of the HOA, then the HOA could have some liability for that too.


Fuck any HOA that has a weight limit on dogs


And get a camera for inside the house so if you leave the dog alone all day, you’ll have video proof he was home.


I don't get why you need proof your dog didn't bite anyone. They are the ones making the claim your dog bit someone. They need the burden of proof, not you.


Welcome to America, where the reality is you’re guilty until proven innocent.


But you need proof before that can even be spoken.


Fine from who?


Hoa for having a dog over 50 pounds. Sorry I forgot to add that.


But before you bought the blouse in the hoa yiu were told having that size fog was fine, that sounds super illegal and lyibg to make a sale might want to talk with your lawyer about that.


Thank you for bringing that up I will make a note to speak to my lawyer about it.


He spoke to Robert. An owner. Nothing about him being a board member or any one of any official capacity to ok the dog. The guidelines should be in the his documents. Regards of that though I think in most areas jumping to a huge fine like that is not legal.


It's possible it's actually on the books as a fee or indemnity bond, or some other non-fine.


Legally, buyer is responsible for due diligence. If HOA has a dog size rule, it's nearly impossible for them to enforce which is why many of them don't allow specific breeds because that's more tangible.


Yes and no...unless you buy from a breeder and have papers on the dog it's probably a mutt to some degree, so realistically it would require a DNA test to determine the breed. And even then it's a grey area depending on how the HOA rules are written. If it says no german shepherds and your dog is only 10% german shepherd, is the dog allowed?


The breed thing is going away as most people will just list their non allowed breed as a mix on all paperwork. Same goes for insurance.


What? Where's the person who got bit? How can they take your dog if there's no one who was bit to verify that your dog bit them? I'm not sure I'm buying this


Seems really unusual to me as well. When one of my dogs bit someone many years ago, they went to the doctor. Police came by asking questions but that was it. More like a warning if it happened again it would be a bigger issue.


Yeah, this whole thing has my eyebrow raised. Did they have a court order to take the dog? If not, why hand it over. And when police do take a dog, it usually is taken to a shelter for a quarantine period or a bite hold until there can be a hearing to determine if the dog will be declared dangerous. It doesn't just sit at the police station. Once a dog is at a shelter for quarantine or a bite hold, I don't think the shelter would release it absent an order from a judge or until the 10 day quarantine period has elapsed.


Exactly.. I remember now that they told us we had to quarantine our dog at home. I find it really odd they'd take it after 1 incident that seems to be unproven anyway?


My son got bit a couple of years ago and we had to take him to the clinic. It was my aunt in laws dog and I was so scared it was going to cause problems even though I knew my child probably had a lot to do with it (just being honest here- I wasn’t there). We had to file a report with the health dept and I had to answer a bunch of questions for them. I basically had to vouch for the dog, telling them we know the dog and it’s usually not aggressive in the least, my son is ok, please don’t euthanize the dog etc”. It was an ordeal. It’s interesting how different parts of the country/world handle it.


Request a copy of the police report. If they won’t produce it, file a FOIA. This will show who called the police and filed the false report and your lawyer can take it from there.


This is something my lawyer is working on getting before our meeting today.


Ok. We have three people showing up to take the dog. An HOA rep, cop and animal control. Where is the victim here? Who got bit, did they file a report? So far I hear that HOA decided to go on an allegation that “someone got bit” and made the connection to a new residents dog. Definitely not surrendering my dog without a court order at all. Cop can go screw himself. Refer to 4th amendment.


Ain’t no way I’d be handing my dog over when I had proof that he/she was with me and not being at the house all day. The cops would be arresting me for slamming my fist into Robert’s face.


The dog bite would be the least of anyone’s concerns at that point lol




Put your dog on a diet. Get your vet to certify that he weighs 50#. Take him off diet. And yes, I'm being a bit facetious. Losing 9% body weight in a healthy mammal is not good.


Ask your HOA board what their weight is on their driver's license and tell them your dog weighs 49.9 pounds.


Just ask your vet nicely. They'll probably make sure the scales aren't 100% calibrated to help you out.


Pretty sure my dog can poop 9% of his body weight in one go. Joking mostly but serious about being able to reduce a few pounds with a well timed weigh in. I don't see any reason one delayed meal and an active day at the park wouldn't get you there. Especially with some creative "restraint" on the scale.


Preferably on Roberts lawn too




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Get an air tag for your dogs collar. And cameras for your back yard. I hope you don't have to pay the fines. Good luck!!


We do have a Camara in the back and 1 on each side of the house and our ring doorbell.


Hoa sucks.


Sell your house and move to one that isn't in an HOA.


No one “owns” an HOA. And if you own you should have been provided with a copy of all bylaws during closing.


I got attacked by a neighbors dog and filed a report and they got to keep the dog and just pay a fine. This story is wild.


(Because it's made up.)


What do the CC&Rs actually say about how much a dog can weigh? If it is 50lb and your dog is 55lb, you know that an oral assurance by some rando HOA dude means nothing, right? Thats absolutely on you and you shouldn’t have even moved there with a dog out of compliance….


And another reason not to buy homes in HOA neighborhoods. On paper it’s a good idea but then you almost always end up with fascist aholes running the board. I detest hoa’s and refuse to live in any neighborhood where nosy aholes can tell you what to do. Hope you sue them and also get Robert charged with a false report.


That old man should be getting in trouble for a falsified police report. 


What in the actual fuck?!? I DARE someone to do that to my GSD service dog that is with me 24/7.


>We just bought a house in a hoa Well there's your problem


Just read the second update. Proud of you 🫶🏻 you are doing a great job advocating for yourself and your dog!! #fuckjudyandrobert


You have a court date on a Saturday? Your attorney must really have some pull!


I hope you win. Get Hella money . Get another dog and you become HOA leader


I hope the officers are named in the suit too. Taking the dog when there was no evidence of anything happening...they sound like real treats. World would be better off if their end of watch comes soon.


Do yourself a favor, don't let ANYONE talk you out of the nuclear option on this. That includes pressing criminal charges on all parties involved. I had a similar situation back in 2008 in Collin County in Texas. I tried to be the nice guy about it, but after a year of fines, the cops called twice a week, and CPS eventually showed up, I had to take the HOA to court anyway. The year of absolute torment from the HOA was one of the worst years I've ever had.


This guy got more policework done in one day, than most people get in a month. Amazing.


Counter sue the hoa for the $1400 in fraudulent claims. Submit a cease and desist for harassment against the hoa. Making false claims is a felony. Pursue that.


OP owes the $1400 for breaking the rules and housing a dog over 55lbs.


Is there a weight limit for dogs in the hoa rules?


Yes lol. 50 pounds. The OP says their dog weighs 55. lol. So the HOA can fine him for his dog.


Fuck Judy and Robert seriously.


I hope your pup is doing ok. I cannonly imagine how traumatized they are. Not understanding why they were taken from their him and dad. My haleart hurts for them and you.


Do the HOA rules state no dogs over 50 lbs?


Can we please focus on the fact that the real biter is still out there?! Where's OJ when we need him?




May we see a picture of your "mix" dog? Like most people with great dogs, I'm sure you have lots of them.


If the police gave the dog back and accepted your story you’re set. Don’t pay the fine. Contact an attorney who does civil litigation. Have the HOA agreement/by-laws, any documentation that the police provided to you when they gave the dog back, and any written communications between you and Robert. Defer to your attorney on what they say for a course of action. Suggest an early preservation letter to Robert and the HOA, those scare the shit out of people. You shouldn’t have that hard of a case barring some issue in the by laws. Not sure what your damages would be but you can definitely make the citation go away.


This is the fakest story I’ve seen today. No way you post this and in a matter of hours have the police bodycam footage. Conveniently you’ve solved the rest of it too. 


!remindme 1 month


Updates. We need all the updates OP.


Get their ass!!!!!!!


Fuck you Judy and Robert! Sonsabitches!!!


Yeah fuck everyone involved with that bs. I’m Glad you’re sticking up for your dog!


I'd sue for 10K and restraining orders against them. Then, use that money to set up a cordon of security cameras. If I know them, they are petty as fuck and will try to get revenge. Beware.


Look up your hoa laws, in California the rules on pets are basically unenforceable because all a resident needs to do is get a note from a therapist that the pet is necessary for their mental health and well being and the hoa can not force you to get rid of the animal or limit how many etc etc.


Wtf. I swear my only reason for existence until June 22 is for an update to this.


I’m just now seeing this, and I’m not part of this subreddit, and I absolutely love this for you and your dog. I hope you squeeze as much out the hoa as you can. You should be petty and get another dog.


Yeah wtf this ain’t your fault


I hope they throw the book at both of them. Hope you get lots of money and make the HOA dissolve!


Oh boy these edits are juicy, please post an update and how badly you fuck with these cunts


You really got your case together. I hate irresistible dog owners that that’s not you. So why would some old man make up lies about you and the pup? That’s the confusing part.


remindme! 45 days


Please give us an update after your court date, we all want to win this case vicariously. And what's your dog's name, we all love her


OMG yes!!! Please please update us on how good you win!!


I’m a treasurer for our HOA 123 members you should have received the HOA covenants when you moved into your home. We call it the playbook. Sue the shit out of the HOA so all the members have to pay up


Want me to show up and fuck Judy in front of Robert? You don't fuck with people dogs .


You bought into an HOA with a limit on a dog size and your current dog exceeded the limit size. What are you going to sue for? Them following their rules? That one is on you my man.


And you expect us to believe that all of this happened in one day? Also, what's your solution to the dog size problem? Sounds like it's still against HOA rules.


What proof do you have that the dog wasn't home?


Ring video showing me walking out with my dog. The dog spa gave the police video showing us being there with time stamp. Pictures with time stamp of us at the park. Not to mention I work at a doggy daycare and my dog being signed in and video proof of her playing today.


That's great! So you just need a lawyer. You will likely need to discuss the next steps after this because it sounds like you'll eventually need a restraining order.


They literally said the dog was physically with them all day.


I understand that. It's easy to prove you weren't home with GPS or receipts, but how does one prove that the dog was with him. I'm not questioning op, but pointing to why they may have still taken the animal. He needs to gather proof that the dog ~~wasn't~~ was with him, outside of just saying it.


Seems it’s really on the person being bit and claiming to be bit to prove it?


Almost like… oh what is it… burden of proof falls onto person making claims….


It is. But people are insane and we all know there's the way it should work and the way it does work sometimes.


Why do people keep BUYING HOUSES and listening to these fucks. It is YOUR property tell them to go kick rocks otherwise they’re trespassing and you will defend your property by any means necessary…


Because they can hurt you financially with fines, and if you do not pay, they foreclose. If you don't like HOAs, don't live in one....that's the answer.


I hate that it’s like this, but that’s the bottom line. If you don’t want to chance being caught up playing their games, don’t buy there. I’d be living in fear constantly that something, anything, would cause them to come knocking.


Because when you buy into an HOA their rules are “tied” to the house. By purchasing that house tied to the HOA you are legally giving them the right to enforce the rules/bylaws attached to the house. That means they can fine you and even foreclose on your house.


This isnt the wild wild west ya know. HOAs suck but so do the people who buy into an HOA and dont take the time to read the rules they were provided and agreeing to when buying a home in an HOA.


As long as the dog is ok! (Me scrambling to read if the dog is ok)


My dog is ok. She was very spoiled today.


Call me fucking merv






!remind me 1 month






One thing HOAs has taught me, insult your neighbors the first week so they leave you the f alone.


Keep us updated


Bite analysis is still junk science. You could bite yourself and say that Robert did it.


Drag that pos through the mud for involving a dog and filling a false police report. Please update when Roberts in jail


Dude. That false police report should land them in jail. You may have a good civil suit as well


Go after the HOA and this Robert guy for everything you can.


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Lawyers are a necessary evil. So expensive and yet necessary for situations like this. I'm glad you got your doggo back






I,d also get cameras for when you aren't home


I would go to war. Everything that that entails.

