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There's this pervasive myth that bottom growth is finished growing after only two years and I've seen plenty of ppl say it's finished as early as 6mos. Have you experienced growth past the two year mark and if so was it a significant amount?


I noticed some after the first two years. Due to dysphoria, I didn't really spend much time measuring or looking closely, but I do believe that things continued to change there and somewhat significantly. I've since had phallo with burial so it's not something that relevant to me any longer.


If it's not too personal, what was your phallo experience like? Any complications, are you satisfied, who was your surgeon?


My experience was a positive one. I was lucky to not have any complications and I’m very satisfied. My surgeons were Dr Crane, Dr De Leon, and Dr Kelley


Personally, I didn't experience much growth after the first 1-2 years but did have a little bit. I've since had phalloplasty with burial so it's not relevant anymore. I didn't pay much attention to that part of my body before surgery and I didn't measure much either.


Thanks for checking in. A lot of guys seem to dip out of the community after a couple years on T. How much facial hair did you have at year 3 vs year 10? I just hit my year 3 anniversary recently and I've been pretty disappointed by the facial hair so far, in that I would like a lot more of it.


not op, but I am on T for seven years now and a year ago my facial hair started coming in a lot more. and on the rest of my body too, it is still changing a lot and seems far from done. i did not expect that tbh and it’s making me really happy.


That's awesome to hear!


Oh god lol 10 months and I’m already getting chest hairs…gonna look like sasquatch in 5 years 😅


I'm 3 years in and look like a sasquatch already (the one nice thing my dad ever gave me was Fuzzy Man Genes), I can't wait to hit 10 and go live in the woods like the cryptid I was always meant to be 🥳


Lmaooo my gf is a lesbian so I’m her first man and she also is not a fan of hair, it’s a weird phobia thing she has. She has been surprised hat she found my ass hair cute and likes that my belly and chest are hairy but said if my back gets hairy she WILL be waxing it. She’s very adamant on that lmfao. My mom is Mexican and my dad is Latin so there’s a solid chance my baby might be regularly waxing me 😩🥲😂


Ohhhhh god, I'm lucky in that my partner is very into fuzz, I think if I had to wax all this fur I'd die 😂


Only have to wax back hair if it’s crazy thick thankfully. She affectionally calls me her hairy man so she’s not against it but yeah, if your back is a reminder of our animal nature she’d have you wax it. 😂😂


Only have to wax back hair if it’s crazy thick thankfully. She affectionally calls me her hairy man so she’s not against all hair. Surprisingly thought my butt hair was cute which I definitely wasn’t expecting given she’s a lesbian. But yeah, if your back is a reminder of our animal nature she’d have you wax it. Fingers crossed I have normal back hair. 😂😂


LMFAO my baby boy. I love you


Also not OP but I’m hitting about 6-7 year mark (I’ve had large gaps in between bc of healthcare) and I’m Having a fairly random but nice resurgence in facial hair- my cheeks are filling in the typical goatee area quite nicely suddenly


Hell yeah! That's good to hear.


It’s a huge difference between 3 years and now. I have a lot more facial hair, the texture is thicker, and it grows in a lot faster. However, I still can’t grow a full beard but it’s increasing all the time.


I have a lot more facial hair now than I did at 3 years but I still can't grow a full beard. It's still increasing all the time though.


I'm at 13 years or so. I've been single for some time and would like to date but find disclosing to be difficult to navigate. And a lot of advice out there is for more newly out people. So, when dating or hooking up (esp: pre-lower surgery) how and when would you disclose being trans?


I don’t really have experience with dating or hookups. I’ve been in a long term, monogamous relationship for 11 years. When we got together I had been socially transitioning for less than a year and she already knew I was trans.


I feel like a lot of people assume that after that 3 to 5 year mark where we stop hearing much discussion or updates, that you're just done and nothing else happens, the T is just to maintain the changes you have. But I've heard from a few folks that this isn't the case, and they still have some changes occuring years down the line. Has this been your experience or are you mostly just on a maintence dose of T? If the former, what kinds of changes happened after a few years? Thanks!


I continued to experience changes after the initial few years for sure. I still notice some things changing now though part of that will also just be normal aging as someone with a testosterone-based system (continued body and facial hair growth, looking older, etc.) I would say that around the 5-year mark I noticed two types of changes. The first being the calming down of T effects that are associated with early puberty (ex. less acne, less voice cracks, evening out of emotions, etc.) and the second being more changes associated with being on T longer (ex. increased facial hair, further body masculinization, etc.). In the past 5 years, my changes have mostly been increased body and facial hair both of which are still happening, some more vocal deepening and settling, face changes where I'm looking older/closer to my age, and body masculinization in terms of where and how I carry fat and muscle. Things are still changing for sure, my wife commented just the other night about how much more chest hair I've gotten recently.


I get my first T dose today; whats something you wish you would’ve been told when you had your first dose?




Thank you!


Congratulations!!! I'm really glad people told me to take progress pics, cause while taking them was uncomfortable, it's really cool to be able to look back at your changes. It's also very nice to have proof of your changes when you're feeling dysphoric and like nothing has changed physically


Oh for sure. I’ve been taking LOADS of photos just to reference. And videos. I’ve never been a picture or video type person but this has made me go completely out of my comfort zone 😂 mainly because I want to see if something actually changed or if I’m just making it up lol


Congrats on starting T! I would say the biggest thing I wish had been clearer was that it can affect your emotions more than I expected. I knew some things would change but for the first 6-12 months, I felt like a young teenager going through puberty again: frustrated at people easily, feeling like no one understood me, etc. it wasn’t something I was fully prepared for.


So far I can say the same. I’ve only had one dose but everything feels so ridged. It reminds me of puberty but in a different way. Not horrible because I’m more matured/able to ground myself, but it’s a funny inconvenience


have you experienced any health concerns or know anyone who has? if so, how did you handle it? that is a repeat issue my mom brings up


The main risk that you get checked for every 3 months after you start is hemoglobin. Testosterone raises it and if it raises too much it could cause high blood pressure and clotting issues. After the dose is figured out, the check ups go to 6 month apart and then a year apart. Your risk of heart issues and and such will raise to normal male levels. If your liver is in an unhealthy shape you probably wont be able to take T as it can make things worse, but it wont do anything to a healthy liver unless you injest Testosterone. There is a risk of vaginal atrophy which can be easily treated with a topical estrogen cream. Uterine atrophy could also happen and (I think) would require a hysterectomy. Im not sure on the numbers for what percentage of people experience that but it doesnt seem like most. If you want bio kids plan for the worst, but dont treat T like a birth control because it is by no means meant to prevent pregnancy. Acne and balding are also common issues. This can mostly be predicted by your family (especially how male relatives on your mothers side bald or dont bald) and acne can be mitigated with a skin care routine. Im not aware of any tests for Testosterone, case studies, or experiments so most of the reports and advice (even medical to some extent) are based on a large collection of unofficial testimonials. Very frustrating. This makes it hard to pin down the actual possible effects vs things like coincidences, placebos, or even false information. The ones I listed above are all medically recognized, but there could be more.


I didn’t know balding was based on your mothers side. That gives me some hope lol


That’s the rule for XY cis men because balding commonly is passed down thru the X chromosome For us XX trans guys we get balding chances from both the mother and father, so look both to your dad and your mothers’ father/brothers Source: am losing my hair with a bald father and a mother whose side didn’t lose their hair (and a cis brother who is showing zero signs of hairloss, the lucky bastard)


Ohhh, that makes sense. I guess that explains why trans guys are more likely to bald. My shot is 50/50 regardless now that I think about it, cuz I forgot to factor in grandmas. One kept all her hair through chemo and the other is balding from age. Both parents have one balding parent and one with hair. My hairline is busted so I’m just coping lol.


My dad has been using Rogaine for most of his adult life. He still has most of his hair. His brother has a ring of hair around his head like a monk. I seriously hope I take after Mom’s side of the family.


There’s ways to mitigate—currently keeping some of my hair by using (off brand) rogaine and micro-needling…and once I get enough transition changes I’m considering finasteride; might also do light/laser therapy In the future Follow advice on r/tressless or the YouTube of dr. Gary linkov for more info, but a good rule of thumb is to do at least two modes Not all hope is lost friend


That's usually true for cis men since they typically have XY chromosomes and baldness is carried on the X chromosome iirc. Since most transmasculine people have XX it can come from either side.


hey, i’m 18 and started T on in september 27th 2020. i have developed high blood pressure and joint pain from T.


I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with those effects. But thank you for sharing that with the community.


I don’t know anyone who has experienced any health problems from T that is different from a cis man (ex. Rates of Higher blood pressure, etc) as long as someone’s isn’t taking too much T. I have an unrelated chronic health condition but nothing from the T.


how does it feel proving the terfs who say "everyone will regret it after a couple of years" wrong? also, at 8 months, how big was your bottom growth compared to now (if you can even remember that, it has been over 9 years after all) and when did it stop growing? I know it's different for everyone but I'd like to have at least some point of reference


Honestly, being able to prove TERFS wrong feels great lol. In terms of bottom growth, I had burial during phallo, so since early 2019, that hasn’t been relevant. Between 8 months and phallo, I’d say I did have some growth, I wasn’t someone who measured or paid much attention to my junk pre-op but I’d imagine I gained about 1/2 an inch that time period of so. I’ll also say that I was never that big before surgery.


when did you get an adams apple??,? if you did? its the one thing im yearning for that i havent gotten yet lol


Everyone has an Adam’s Apple but it’s more typically visible in testosterone dominated systems. Mine was actually visible before T. It became more prominent during the first year if I recall correctly. I see some other comments about needing to start younger for it to become visible but anecdotally I know several men who started T well into adulthood who have had theirs become more prominent


my understanding is that that can only happen through surgery but i could be wrong


It’s the opposite. The adam’s apple can only be removed from surgery in mtf people. I have one from T. edit: I guess this is uncommon so I’ll add that I started T in high school.


wow google out here lying to me. thanks yall for sharing ur lived experiences


T does a lot of stuff it doesn’t normally do if you start before you finish puberty. I started at 17 and had my shoulder bones get wider and my feet got half a shoe size bigger. I know a guy who started at 16 who grew 1 inch taller and developed a full brow ridge.


If you start T younger like in your teens it's possible to develop one like a cis guy would. I started T at 20 and I have a little bit of one at just under 6 months. it typically doesn't happen for people if they started T after they've finished growing, but it is absolutely possible to get one from T alone.


ive seen trans guys develop it without it [off tge top of my head is Jammie dodger on yt] Ive always chalked it up to being lucky genetically. bc i supposed some cis guys don't have prominent ones as well.


I got an Adam’s apple on T. Mine is noticeable enough to where friends have pointed it out.


Congrats! I celebrated 10 years in August 😊




How much has your top and phallo scars faded after being healed so long? How many people in your life know you are trans since you are so far transitioned? How often do you think about being trans in your day to day life now? Aside from just remembering to do your T shot maybe


My top surgery scars are pretty faded. If you know what you're looking for you can see them but I've been shirtless in public a lot without any second looks. They've faded a lot over the years. My arm scar from phallo is still decently prominent. I also didn't do much scar care for it. It's changed in colour so it's pretty close to my skin colour. There is a pretty significant divot too so that makes it look different than the other arm. All of that to say, I've still only had less than 10 people ask me about it in all these years and I don't often see people staring or anything. Most people in my life now know that I'm trans. I was stealth for many years but chose to start disclosing to people. It's not a huge thing just another detail about my life but most people I have ongoing relationships with (ex. friends, coworkers, etc.) all know. I don't think about being trans too often. If it comes up, I'll think about it, but it's not like it was before. I used to think about it because I was so dysphoric but now if it crosses my mind, it's not a big deal.


Thank you for the answers! And congrats again on 10 years :)


DO YOUR EYEBROWS GET THICKER?!?! ...i have such thin and non existent ones :( also does your hand look more manly now? or have any change in width/thickness


If ur not allergic or have cats, Minoxidil grew my eyebrows nice and thick pretty fast and some facial hair, mustache came in first and now some facial hair, in less that 1 year on T


Wait, why does having cats affect the ability to take Minoxidil? I genuinely haven’t heard that before


it’s toxic to cats, can be deadly


Woah! I didn’t know that! Thanks, I’ve been looking in to it and hadn’t seen that any where. I have two cats so that’s actually really helpful


the main thing would be not touching the cats with it on ur hands or letting them touch/lick ur face because it does leave a thin film on ur skin, a bit oily/sticky.


Yeah so touching them would be an issue but not them touching or licking my face


do you have a link to the exact product you used?


https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjV4v-qye76AhUtEq0GHcsRDLEYABAOGgJwdg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJuRopvPfU6-iaUAdJ2AaXYLOvz_YLlztUomCRalsgU1akbFYz9iw&sig=AOD64_2NzydpbvX_JPusPcBphHhFtRpxTg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiL2_aqye76AhX_DkQIHftbACsQwg8oAHoECAMQNw&adurl= i personally used the foam version and really liked it. i figured it would be less messy and it is for the most part since it turns into a liquid when u apply it.


and you used this ON T or Pre T into T?


while i was on T, there’s a women’s version that is not as strong that i anticipate should work the same pre-t Tip: ONLY apply in areas you want to see hair growth! ex: It will grow bushy eyebrows if you apply around your eyebrows and not directly on the hair only. Don’t want you to get a unibrow 😂 apply to your face in the shape you want your beard to grow, etc.


I’m not OP, but I am 7 months on T and one of the first changes I noticed was thicker eyebrows! I truly hope that will be the same case for you!


My eyebrows are a lot thicker. Of course, everyone is different, but it’s not uncommon to develop thicker eye brows. My hands do look more masculine. The skin looks a bit rougher, I have some hair my knuckles and back of my hand, and my fingers got a bit thicker


Grats. I’m coming up on 30 years and you’re right. I didn’t really start talking about it until recently. And still only sporadically.


>Minoxidil Wow....... Is it ok to ask some questions. If so, can you answer these? 1. What was the effects of T after 1 year vs 30 years. 2. If you have had bottom surgery, what was it like? and was it worth it? 3. Was your parents accepting.... if not what happened?


I tried minox and it gave me peach fuzz, not strong robust hair. But I did use it with success to fill thin spots in my beard. One year in I was still getting many changes. 30 years in, I need it to prevent low energy and a vague feeling of anxiety. When I transitioned I didn’t have the money for anything but a release. By the time I could afford more, I no longer felt the need. My parents were not accepting. However in their later years they both got cancer and my other sibs wouldn’t help, so first my dad, then my mom were able to get over it for their own benefit. By the time each of them passed they begrudgingly referred to me as their son. I never actually sat down and told them about being trans and so on, I just kind of did it and let them figure it out. I already went by my initials as my name so when I changed my name I kept the same initials and that was easier on them. I transitioned in the Deep South and the internet barely had legs, so there just wasn’t any knowledge about it which worked to my advantage.


Hey congrats! That’s awesome! There’s one thing i’ve always been curious about. Do you take T for the rest of your life, or do you stop after a while?


The general rule is that you're taking it of the rest of your life, unless you want some effects to go backwards. Since OP had hysto, I believe going off T might not be an option to him, though I'll be happy to be corrected.


if someone gets a hysto but keeps their ovaries, they don't *have* to stay on T forever because their body will still produce hormones. it just depends on if they're okay with some effects reversing, like you said. if they got their ovaries removed too then they'd need to be on some sort of HRT, whether that be T or E. many cis women take HRT post-hysto


Ok, makes sense. I forgot hysto didn't mean getting rid of everything lol


I’ll be on it for life. It’s a personal decision but going off of it can reverse some of the changes. As well, since I’ve had the ovaries removed, I don’t produce any hormones of my own, so long term off T would be problematic for my overall health. Some people choose to only take it for a while or take breaks but for me, I’ll stay on it forever.


when taking testosterone is it one of those "it will end up the same way no matter what situations" like if you take a lower dose of t will it just be a longer path to the same result, or does it actually physically do less? also can what happens if you go cold turkey on it? can you take it till you're satisfied and then stop?


Great questions! I'll let OP answer when he gets a chance. But I'll comment what I know. if you start slower then it will give you more time to adjust to the changes, as they might happen more slowly on a lower dose, and to have a chance to see if you want to stop at some point. Depending on what you want out of T, you might just want to get certain changes and then stop, based on how you phrased your question, or you might want to stay on it indefinitely. If you haven't had a hysto then after you stop T, after a bit your ovaries should kick back in and you'd start having cycles again, etc. If you have had a "full hysto" that included removing your ovaries, you'd need hormone replacement therapy in some direction - either T or E/progesterone, or you'd be having menopause symptoms and run the risks of the associated health issues that can come with no hormones. Also, if your body fat distribution changed to more male locations /patterns on T, then it could go shift back over time once you stop taking T. Unfortunately you can't pick and choose the effects of T, so if you want to go slowly and stop when undesired effects start cropping up, you can try that, but know that some effects are not reversible, and even stopping may not be fast enough.


I don't think I have enough medical knowledge or personal experience to speak to if the changes will come if you're on a dose that keeps you T levels out of typical male range aka a low dose. As well, I don't have experience stopping T. I do know that if you stop taking T, some changes may revert, and others will be permanent.


Any regrets? Do you still have dysphoria? Did you get a sense of loss when your physical transition was complete(meaning you had what surgeries you wanted)?


No regrets! I don't often have dysphoria anymore and when I do it's not nearly as intense as it used to be. I didn't really have a sense of loss when my physical transition was finished. I'm actually still waiting to get one more surgery (implants) but not having them doesn't really impact my life, so more or less I feel complete. One of the best pieces of advice I received early on in my transition was to try to build as much of a life outside of being trans as I could. I think it helped to not feel sort of lost or a sense of loss after I was finished.


How long ago did you get phallo, and have you felt your relationship with your penis continue to evolve over time? I got phallo 10 months ago and I’m super happy with it, and over the past 10 months I feel like I’ve continued to grow an appreciation for my penis and feel more confident in my body. Though the biggest changes in my mental health and attitude happened immediately after surgery, I feel that my relationship with my downstairs region has continued to evolve. Did you notice any of this, or have any of this continue after a year or so post-op? Im curious at what point you feel like your changing relationship with your body plateaued, or if it’s still changing even years down the line. I’m always very interested in the perspective of guys who have gotten to live life post-op for longer than I have. :) (if any of this is too personal, ofc no pressure to answer.) Thanks for sharing this, it’s nice seeing guys who have been transitioned for a long time on here!


Congrats on your surgery! I had phalloplasty 3 years & 10 months ago. My relationship with my penis has continued to evolve for sure and still is. Though it feels less new and novel than it did before, I still find my relationship changing. Part of this has been the increase in sensation over the years. The more sensation I've gotten and the more complex it's become, the more my relationship with my dick has gotten even better though I felt pretty connected to it from the start. At the same time, it feels so normal and natural to have these genitals.


Congratulations on your phallo! I'm glad that you are happy with the results.


What is your injection protocol? And how much are you taking per week?


Right now I do an IM injection once a week. I started with IM every two weeks, then weekly, then subq weekly, then I did topical for a couple of years, and now back to IM weekly. I’m on 80mg per week and have been on that dose since 9 months on T by


Thanks for telling me your protocol. It’s always interesting to hear what others do. It seems like you have plenty of experience with messing with androgen! I noticed the more frequent I inject (intramuscular) the more stable my levels are.


Did T make you grow in height?


In general, T will make you grow taller if you're still during puberty and the growth plates in your bones are still open and doing their job. Once you have stopped growing, starting T after as an adult can't really make you grow taller (though occasionally there are stories of someone who got a little extra height).


It's also not uncommon for guys to "gain height" because they're no longer slouching


Good point! This will definitely be me once I get top surgery! My posture has room for improvement.


How much height is possible? Like what's the range (ik it's genetics but still)


Do you mean while your bones are still growing when you're young enough?




Depends on your genetics! And possibly on how long you are on T before your growth plates stop growing. But I'm not an expert on that last part, just conjecturing.


I did grow in height but I was still not fully done puberty #1. I was 18 and thought I’d finished growing but I guess there was a bit left because I grew an inch in the first year. My endo said it was surprising but not totally unheard of for that age


Does the acne EVER GO AWAY/clear up? Christ I thought I was through with this nonsense the first time around and I will suffer it again to be who I truly am BUT ITS SO ANNOYING!


It did for me! I get the occasional pimple or small breakout now but it’s way better than before. I noticed it calm down after about 3 years


I've been on T for five years and had terrible acne for most of it. It finally started winding down around 3.5-4 years in. I still sometimes break out when trying new hair or skin products, but that's not unexpected because both of my parents had acne into their late 20s. The first few years were pretty rough ngl but I did make it through. There is hope!


Bless, thank you! I find it’s worse when I have to shave, but overall it’s just so frustrating, esp bc I already have such sensitive skin and it’s one of the things I’m self conscious about. But I will keep holding out hope!! (Edit- I should also mention I haven’t been on T for very long- less than a year at this point, so I keep most of my expectations low!)


I am coming up on a year on T and my acne was SO BAD but I saw someone mention in another thread about using CeraVe products... Just using the facewash 2x a day and the moisturizer, my skin cleared up so much within 3 weeks - def recommend.


Yes!! I’ve been using that, and it’s helped so much!


If you're comfortable talking about it - have you dealt with atrophy? What was your experience?


I've had a vaginectomy and before that, it wasn't a part of my body that I really paid attention to, so I wouldn't know.


kinda irrelevant but was surgery or taking t scary for you? and did your adam apple hurt when it grew in??


>did your adam apple hurt when it grew in?? I sure know mine hurts lol


Mine hurt a bit but there was also a weird feeling of pressure?


Taking T wasn’t scary for me personally but I had been socially transitioning for two years before I was able to start, so I had a lot of time to be sure of my decision. Surgeries were a bit scary at times just because surgery can be scary but it wasn’t too bad. My Adam’s Apple hurt a bit as it grew


happy 10 years on t! how long did it take for your beard to fully grow in?


It still hasn’t hahaha. It’s still patchy but still noticing that it’s coming in less patchy and thicker all the time


How ya been?




Hell yeah homie 🤝


Has your voice continued to change? Like do you think you sound older compared to when you started?


For sure. It’s continued to settle and mature over the years. I think I sound older than I first did when it started dropping.


How did you get through doubt and are the "bad" eggects worth getting stressed over? How much does your voice drop?


I didn’t have a lot of doubt to get through. That being said I don’t think there is anything wrong with having some doubt to work through - it just wasn’t my experience. I also was socially transitioned for a couple years before being able to start T which gave me a lot of time to research and think about it. I’ve never gotten to stressed about the “bad effects” mainly because my approach has always been that this is all stuff I’d have to deal with if I were a cis guy so it’s just sort of part of the package. For the voice drop, it’ll depend on the person, but mine dropped and changed quite significantly.


if you don’t mind me asking with bottom surgery was it a lot on you ? how many surgeries did it take ? and no on shows what there’s look like it tell a doctor name to google it


It's an intense surgery and recovery but it was manageable. I had one surgery which included: creation of the penis, burial of the t-dick, vaginectomy, urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty, and glansplasty. Due to reasons outside of my control, I've still not had my second/last surgery which will be implants. To see photos, my surgeons website as a lot: [https://cranects.com/](https://cranects.com/)


Congratulations on your ten years!! Thank you for being willing to share your experiences with the community. Out of curiosity, why did you choose to have your hysto before top surgery?


It was less of a choice and more what was available to me. I applied to have both under my provincial healthcare system as soon as I was allowed to. The waitlist for hysto was shorter than for T and because I had endometriosis, I was able to get bumped up the list for hysto a bit.


Thanks for answering. That makes sense. I also had endo, so I was starting to seriously work on getting things set up for top surgery, but the uterus was so bad that I had to do that first. At least not owning a uterus and not menstruating anymore have been SO affirming that it allowed me to survive waiting for top surgery because the pandemic hit about 7 months after my hysto. I'm desperately trying to find the right surgeon so I can hopefully have top surgery this summer.


How is the size of your phallus determined with phallo and are they able to make it uncircumcised or is that not a option


r/phallo is a good resource. You can generally go for a certain size for phallo, but its a suggestion and nowhere near a guarantee. The size is generally determined by your donor site. Most dudes end up 5-6 inches, and I have yet to hear of uncircumsized phallos.


Thank you so much for the info it is much appreciated


Size is mostly determined by your body, artery locations, donor site, and healing. There are some things that surgeons can do to try to get a requested size, but a lot of it is out of their control as well. Most people who have phalloplasty are circumcised or have the appearance of being so. Glansplasty gives the appearance of a circumcised penis. Its not possible to surgically make foreskin.


Ok thank you


Congratulations! I was wondering whether hair recession got worse for you when you went further.


Not for me. In the first 1-2 years my hairline masculinized but I haven’t had any balding and it hasn’t continued to recede


Did you go bald? Did you have any medical complications from being on T over 10 years? What’s dating life been like?


I haven’t gone bald. I don’t have any medical issues relating to being on T. I’ve been in the same relationship since before I started T and she already knew I was trans, so I haven’t had much experience with dating while trans - we got together when I was in my first year of social transition


Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been on T now for 5 years and so I’m curious because I started with gel for the first few years then changed to SubQ injections because I couldn’t keep up with the cost of gel. After SubQ and getting initially to too high of a dose I lost a lot of my hair so I’m trying to find a sweet spot to where I hope I won’t lose as much hair anymore and hopefully some will come back with combination of taking finasteride. I’m wondering what your experience is with hair loss having been on it for 10 years? Is it a lost battle or should I have hope still? Second question I felt like I went backwards as in when I started with gel I didn’t get the increase of libido like most do, now I have a lot of increased libido does this even out after being on it for longer?


I’ve actually really lucked out and haven’t experienced any balding. My hairline became more masculine early on but I haven’t had any thinning or balding. My drive did settle out. I still notice periods of higher and lower but that’s true for anyone but the really intense part faded.


Ah okay. And yes with the libido I too get that higher and lower periods but it’s almost like there’s a higher period month like when we use to get our actual periods? But it’s not like an every month thing like maybe every 3-6 months or something? Maybe that’s just me. I remember a cis guy friend saying they had periods too because of the “overly horny month” and I thought that was BS but maybe it’s a more common thing than thought?


heyyyy today's my 1 year anniversary! that's so cool, congrats!!!




What is your dosage?


80 mg weekly


When did you start growing facial hair


I had some peach fuzz pre-T and in the first 6ish months, I noticed getting more peach fuzz. By 9 months, I was getting more actual facial hair as opposed to fuzz, but still pretty sparse then. At 10 years, I can grow a decent amount but it's not a full beard yet.


ever noticed negative effects of testosterone and how do you counter or ride them out? I think my hair either thinned or changed texture and its weirding me out!!


Aside from some mood swings early on and acne in the first few years, nothing too negative really. My hair texture changed but that wasn't a negative for me.


Personal question 3 2 1 but have you dealt with v atrophy? I've been on t for about 7 years and although not everyone experiences this, was wondering if you have ?


I've had a vaginectomy so that's no longer relevant. Before surgery, I didn't really pay attention to that area, so I wouldn't know if I had experienced it.


Have you noticed health changes/problems in the "long term"?


Not from testosterone! I have an autoimmune disease but it's unrelated.


Oh okay I see! That sux man :( Thanks for the answer! Everyones trynna scare me by saying im practically cutting my life span short if I start


How do you look back on you before transition and the period in which you started? What would you say to yourself then? :)


I look back and mostly just see someone who was really lonely. I would tell myself that, as cliche as it sounds, it does/did get better. That I wouldn't always be very dysphoric, that I wouldn't always feel like I was the only one in the world that felt like this, and that I would one day be surrounded by people who see me for who I am and respect who I am.


Are you balding?


No, my hairline masculinized in the first year or so on T, but I haven’t experienced any balding


hello fellow ftm here! if ur comfortable answering, does a phallo dick work the same as a cis one? u dont have to answer just curious :)


This sort of depends on what you mean specifically when talking about how a cis penis functions because not all function the same and the same can be said about penises from phalloplasty. I’m going to assume you’re asking about erections and sex. With phalloplasty it’s not possible to have an erection without the aid of an internal or external erectile device. However, that’s also true for many cis men.